Ronda Palazzari’s Jump Start


Ronda Palazzari is a wonderful artist and she is an amazing friend. Each year we get together with some other friends at CHA and have the best and most supportive talks. It is fascinating how close you can be with a person even though you only see each other the most twice a year.

Ronda Palazzari current headshot

Hello Jump starters.  I am thrilled to be back with Nathalie on this creative adventure.  Last year was incredible.  I had just as much fun creating my video as well as learning from the other designer.  Nat does a fabulous job of organizing all of this for you and I am super blessed to be included.  Here’s a little bit more about me:

I am an author, mixed media artist, scrapbook designer, and an instructor living in the burbs of Denver. My first book Art of Layers with North Light Publishing/F&W Media was released in March 2012. I am a designer with Maya Road, Sizzix, and My Mind’s Eye.  I also licensed designer with The Crafter’s Workshop, releasing my first stencils with them at CHA Winter Tradeshow 2013.  I have been published in several magazines and idea books including Artful Blogging, Creating Keepsakes, Memory Makers, Scrapbook Trends, and Somerset Magazines. I continue to teach worldwide as well as providing inspiration and telling my dorky stories on my blog HelpMeRonda.


IF YOU CANNOT SEE THE VIDEO NO MATTER WHAT: please be patient- we need to wait till Ronda get’s up- something all of sudden doesn’t work anymore. We are on it- but with the time difference, things are sometimes are slower 😉

Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

Ronda Palazzari Honeycomb Laughter

Ronda Palazzari Yellow Heart Art Journal

But wait – there is more- Ronda also has a giveaway for you!!!


In addition to my video introduction to the world of water-soluble crayons, I am offering up a giveaway of an autograph copy of my book Art of Layers to one lucky winner.

Ronda Palazzari Art of Layers

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

If you could spend a dinner conversation with any artist (dead or alive) who would that be and why?

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.

You can find more about Ronda here:

blog: HelpMeRonda.

You can also follow me on FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube, & Pinterest.

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. This was wonderful Ronda!
    Thank you

  2. S Mellows says:

    That was really interesting. (I finally got my computer to work again.) I never thought of using watercolor crayons with stencils. Thank you.

  3. Yvonne Westover says:

    I’m going to start saving my pennies for the big set!!! I would love to have dinner with Tom Thompson from the Group of Seven. He painted the landscapes around our cottage and I always imagine him sitting and painting somewhere when I’m out for a walk! I’d be happy to sit and paint beside him, skip the meal!

  4. Oh my goodness! Love your stencils and your work. I am excited because I have neocolors, stencils, gesso and a few art jounal books—-so I am all set to go play! I want to make a mini-canvas for some Valentine’s. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Right here and now I’d love to have dinner with you LOL!!! Having just watched your tutorial I’d love to go a ‘child friendly’ restaurant here in Melbourne where they put plain white paper on the tables and provide pencils and CRAYONS for the children to draw! Add to that our complimentary water, BYO brush (or just use fingers), and heh forget the dinner LOL!!!!!! 🙂

  6. Wow! there are so many – can I make it a dinner party? Nathalie and all the Creative JumpStarters would be there!

  7. Tracy Banks of Mercy Tiara. She is a youtuber and has a blog. I just love her style and have a ton of questions for her every time I watch one of her videos.

  8. The watercolor crayons are awesome! I have some but did t really know what to do with them. Thanks for the inspiration. Monet or Donna Downey for newer. Both inspirational.

  9. Angela Bolton says:

    Great video, never tried watercolour crayons. They are now on my bucket list. The question is just too hard to answer. So many to chose from with questions for all of them. Why did you…. how did you ….who gave you inspiration……. Anyone who loves lucious colours and delicious creative projects is always welcome at my dinner table

  10. I think this was my favorite video – I use caren d’ache watercolors for a lot of my work. but I had never thought of blending them with fingers like in pastels. will have to try this out asap.
    I would have dinner with Salvadore Dali. I would like to ask him what he was thinking when he created his paintings. I am just fascinated with his thought process.

  11. Nathalie! I think she is fabulous for putting this all together!

  12. I love the ideas with the water colour crayons. If I could have dinner with an artist I think I would choose a mondern day artist and that would be Donna Downey. I’d love to hear about her creative path and how she developed her unique style and her business. I always admire women entrepreneurs.

  13. Jenny McGee says:

    Monet is one of my favorites, so I guess I would choose him. Thanks.

  14. Trish Wildsmith says:

    I would choose Monet. Not gonna get to see him in the flesh or watch any videos of him. Great video…going to spend an afternoon experimenting with my neocolor II now

  15. I’m new to the art world, so I don’t know who I would spend it with. I must say though, I’m learning quite a bit from all the videos…and loving it! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  16. I would have loved to have met Leonardo Da Vinci. So much to learn from him!

  17. Teri Buczkowski says:

    wow thats hard.right now I think I would have to choose julie balzer,not only do I admire her work but I think she is a wonderful person and it would be fun to meet her. In fact I often wonder if I ever make it to NYC would I see her near times square or the moma…wouldnt that be wonderful.

  18. OHMYGOSH! Your book looks so cool! My fingers are crossed that I win! I guess I’d pick Georgia O’Keefe since I love her work and the way she makes the ordinary extraordinary.

  19. For me “artist” means so many things!
    Music: John Lennon, Paiting: Monet, Mixed Media/Business owner: Karen Ellis (I love seeing/talking to Karen), Writer: Shakespeare.

  20. Thanks for sharing these great techniques! I love watercolor crayons!
    I would love to share dinner with Gaudí and talk to him about his thinking to create the awesome shapes and marvellous color-combination of his artworks.

  21. Marc Chagall. I love his floating images and the magnificent windows on the opera house in New York.

  22. Wow Ronda! I love the techniques – I even watched the video multiple times to not miss all your tips! 😉 Thank you! I think a dinner with Mary Cassatt or John Singer Sargent would be fascinating; I love their approach to portraits and would find it fascinating to watch them work – I guess it would have to be a “working” dinner!

  23. Will you look at those colors!! I’ve gotta get me some of that crayons Good thing my birthday is coming up in march. I’d love to have a dinner chat with Tim Holtz, but I’d probably be struck dumb when it would come true 😉

  24. jacquerose says:

    I would love to meet and talk with Frida Kahlo…her use of color, her honesty in her paintings, the dream-like quality of her imagination has inspired me for years. The fact that she was in so much pain and that she still was able to create is another subject that fascinates me.
    I enjoyed your video…I have neocolor crayons and I have not used them with stencils. Your stencils are wonderful and your book would be a wonderful addition to my library of inspiration! Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  25. Great ideas with watercolor crayons!! I can’t wait to play with some. I would love to have dinner with any watercolorist who paints the wonderful California Landscapes…. Watercolor takes my breath away!

  26. Is it cheating to say Ronda Palazzari!? Why? Well because I love your work and have been a subscriber to your blog and just absolutely love your style. I would love to learn more from you 🙂

  27. Julie Balzer i think would be fun to have dinner with …mind you it would have to be in New york too …so wanna go there too
    both of these are on my bucket list, meet Julie and go to NY
    thanks for the chance to win your book

  28. What a tough question. I’d probably choose Monet, but there are so many current artists that I LOVE that I’d adore spending time with.

  29. Fabulous stuff, thanks Ronda. I have some of those crayons too but never knew just how versatile they were. As for famous artist, I would have to say John Piper, an english artist whose work I first saw on the wall in my dentist’s waiting room when I was a little girl! He was a master at architectural textural paintings and I love it!

  30. Ronda, loved this tutorial. I have a fine line stencil that I wasn’t too sure how to use. The second technique gives me a great starting point.

    As to the question of which artist would I have a dinner conversation with – that is so difficult to choose. Do I go with an old master like Da Vinci, one of the impressionists or a 20th century or current painter? I think I would have to go with a French Impressionist – I love that they broke the “rules” of the art of the day and changed art forever. Because Monet was one of the leaders of the movement, loved & painted light & colour, and stood up to the establishment he would make a most wonderful dinner companion.

  31. Why, YOU of course Ronda! All the other great artists would be great, but you could talk mixed media and crafty ways with stencils…..what more could a girl ask for?!

  32. Oooh loved the video and your awesome creations! I tend to not step out of my comfort zone and said this year I would start an art journel to just have a play with mixed media and get creative and messy so I would love to have dinner with you Ronda and chat, you sound and look like such a natural artist on the video 🙂 Off to peek at your blog………….

  33. I’d love to have a chat with the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi…I’d love to find out where all his great ideas came from. Thanks so much for the chance to win your fabulous book, & thank you for the great ideas with the soluble crayons : )

  34. I would love to have dinner with Salvatore Dali…. His work has always fascinated me ever since i was a teenager.

  35. Stacy Caddy says:

    Thanks for the awesome video Ronda, again I love watching your process. I would love to have dinner and conversation with Julie Fei-Fan Balzar, I just love her personality and her confidence… Nat and Julie are what got me started in art journaling….

  36. I would ask Jackson Pollock what his favorite texture is, What would he most often want to touch?

  37. Since I am “extremely” new to mixed media and painting I think the last thing a famous dead artist would want to do is have dinner with me! But, I know I would have a blast!!!! having dinner with you Ronda, Nat and Julie Fei Fan Balzer! Thank you for the chance to win your book!

  38. NancyGrace says:

    Gotta be Cannolletto (sp?), the old Italian with the incredible detail all throughout his large scenic painting. No smudges to represent people, he painted the details!

  39. cooperandmax says:

    I’m not sure if my previous comment posted because I was having issues. I’d love to have dinner with Ansel Adams, his photography is absolutely amazing and I would love to learn some of his techniques. Thank you for this giveaway!

  40. It’s a toss up between Monet and O’Keefe. Looking forward to playing with the crayons!! Thanks for the Jump Start!

  41. Johanne L. says:

    I love those. Great tutorial. It’s a difficult question. Maybe I would have a diner conversation with Leonard de Vinci and I would ask him why he painted the Mona Lisa, what was is inspiration. Thanks for the chance,

  42. Shelly Berg says:

    Thanks Ronda – can’t wait to get my hands on your stencils. I’d pick Monet – but you would probably be way more fun and relevant!

  43. Monica Baker says:

    Since my background is in photography I would pick Ansel Adams. I would just like to sit and listen to his stories behind his work. And then I would like to hear his views on digital photography (considering he had to lug his large format cameras and film cannisters around the wilderness). Love the tutorial – watercolor has always seemed WAY to scary of medium for me to try – but I think I might want to play around with your method. Thanks!

  44. I would love to have dinner with current-day California artists Lat Soukabe (artist from Senegal) and his wife Lisa. But, equally enjoyable would be to dine with Nat and the other jumpstart artists. I believe I would have a great time with this talented group.
    Ronda, thank you for your excellent video. A copy of your book would be a welcome addition to my art library.

  45. Definitely a toss up for me, between Monet and Van Gogh. My two favourites!

  46. Thanks so much for the chance to win your book! I’ve purchased watercolor crayons..and had no idea how to use them until now!!! I got into mixed media and had to have everything.. now thanks to Creative Jumpstart I can put them to use!! I would love to have dinner with any of you fabulous ladies.. I would even cook!!!

  47. I would love to have dinner with Mo Manning because her work makes my heart smile!

  48. My artist of choice would be Claude Monet … I have admired his work for as long as I can remember. I would love to have dinner with him and discuss some of his famous paintings an what inspired him.
    Thanks for sharing great water colour techniques. I need to purchase some of these watercolour crayons.

  49. This was such a fun video Rhonda! You make it look so easy! I don’t know who I would chose to have dinner with… There are so many amazing artists out there today! I can’t honesly choose just one…

  50. I would love to have dinner with Mondrian or John William Waterhouse (I know, they are nowhere near each other in the art world!) I love the colors and black lines of Mondrian, and I adore how Waterhouse incorporated poetry into his paintings.

  51. I agree about the dinner with a grandmother. Both my grandmothers were artistic souls and I’d give anything to see them again!
    Traditional artist? Monet for sure!

  52. I would love to have dinner with Donna Downey…I admire her art and enjoy watching her online videos. She is so talented and demonstrates a truly down-to-earth approach to being creative.

  53. I would like to have dinner with Georgia O’Keeefe. I like the bright colors she used in her paintings.

  54. Judi Howard says:

    Van Gogh is my first choice…even though there are many others like Picasso……..
    Some years ago we had an exhibition in Sydney, Australia of Van Gogh’s work.
    I was walking down the stairs to enter the gallery with his exhibition.
    Outside the door was his painting “Irises” I just loudly went “Oooohhhhaaa” with such excitement.
    His colours were absolutely gorgeous in real life.
    Unfortunately… that’s the same for all work of course.
    The books try hard to capture the colours, but alas not.
    However when I look at books of his work I remember to add that experience to my vision.
    A picnic in a park by a lake watching his eyes searching out the forms and colours of our surroundings would be magic.
    Love from Australia.

  55. I think that I would like to dine and chat with Leonardo da Vinci. So much to talk about and I would like to meet his muse for the statue of David. I want to know if he is all that in person. I think I would have to ask Leonardo what medium he most liked using and ask for his life lessons.

  56. cindy craig says:

    I would love to share dinner with Picasso. I love the bright colors and ‘simplicity’ of his paintings which really have a lot to say.

  57. I would like to meet Rembrandt. One: because he’s Dutch, just like me. Two: to discuss colour and light with him. Three: to let him now that one day his paintings became famous and he got all the credit he deserved after all.

  58. I was super inspired by Thomas Kincade as I’m sure he was inspired by others. His ability to get “light” into his art was always amazing to me. I was inspired to purchase some of his art – and I’m not a huge collector of art. I’m also loving Christy Thomlinson and I’m enjoying watching her grown as an artist on her blog. It’s so wonderful that there are so many artists able to share their craft through online forums and expanding their network of followers! 🙂 I’m definitely going to start following several that I’ve found through creative jumpstart!

  59. Thanks for the awesome vid!! I can think of so many I’d like to have dinner with, but to pick one…hmm, I guess it would be Michelangelo. He was my first understanding that art didn’t have to come from a dark place (that was many, many years ago, when I thought I was a “tortured artist’s soul, lol).

  60. Wow another new medium for me. Thank you. I’m thinking choosing an artist is hard, but Van Gogh popped into my mind first so I will go with him. His colors are amazing.

  61. momzart101 says:

    i’d share a salad with Salvador Dali. I love the watercolor pencils. Thanks for sharingvideo.

  62. Liz Thayne says:

    Thanks for sharing these great techniques. I would love to share dinner with Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Not only did he produce some wonderful art works but I love his architecture and furniture designs too.

  63. I’ve always been fascinated by Monet and would definitely love to ‘meet’ him. His life was also quite inspirational so that would be my first choice 🙂

  64. Jean McBride says:

    Thank you for your water color tutorial I feel far more inclined now to try and do my own backrounds when I don’t have a paper that meets my need. If I could spend some time talking to an artist it would have to be Ann Dabrowka …I have been so inspired by her work. No other artist has ever fired my imagination as much as Ann’s. I know that she is alive and if I had the money I might even be able to see and hear her when she visits New Zealand later this year. What an amazing wish that would be?

  65. At this point in time, I think Monet, as that’s the type of work I am drawn to.

  66. My grandmothers, they both were artists with a needle. One in crochet and the other in garment making.

  67. I’d love to have a chat with Lucian Freud – so many layers in his paintings! Just learning how to use colour, so useful tutorial, thank you. Would love to learn layers too 🙂

  68. Julia Molewyk says:

    Wow! That is a hard question to anwer. But after reading others comments, I have to go with a sentimental answer. I have not seen my grandma in 2 years, because she lives a days travel or more away from me, and she is a painter. I would choose her. Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Awesome video Ronda!! I really need to get me some water colors!! 😀 And I actually love to get to have dinner with you!! 😀

  70. I would choose Carl Larsson. I love his paintings of interiors & his farm, & would like to know more about his family life at Lilla Hyttnas.

  71. I definitely would like to have dinner with Leonardo da Vinci!! Beautiful work Ronda 🙂

  72. I’d love to dine with Fred Cuming RA. I have always been blown away by the lost and found effects of his oil paintings, and I would love to ask him how on earth he gets similar complex effects in his screenprint landscapes. I have heard it said that you can tell a good picture by how long you want to look at it. I can look at Sir Fred’s pictures for hours!

  73. LaurieJay says:

    It would be Lynne Perrella or Michelle Ward. Both of those ladies are masters of layers upon layers in their art, something I aspire to. Their rubber stamp lines are wonderful, too. I would love to have a conversation about how I could take my art journals in the direction of more and more layers. So the chance to win this book is exciting, since it is about layers!

  74. I’d like to have a dinner date with Picasso! It would be amazing to hear from him, how he wanted to shake off the classical training and create something totally different.

  75. Excellent video, Ronda. Thanks for sharing. I don’t own any of the water soluble crayons, but after seeing all the different looks possible with them, I just might have to add some to my arsenol! Thanks so much for the chance to win your book. I can just imagine all the goodness inside! I don’t have a particularly favoured artist I’d love to have dinner with, but I can tell you it would be an awesome evening if all the presenters for CJS were together in one room! Now THAT would be an amazing dinner I’d love to be a part of 🙂 Just imagine soaking up all that inspiration!!

  76. I’d like to have diner with Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
    THANK you Ronda for your Inspiration!

  77. thanks for sharing!! dinner? im new to this whole art scene and started with suzi blu classes so i would choose suzi 🙂

  78. Would live to have dinner with Tim Holtz. He is genius.

  79. Ronda, your video was so inspiring that I hopped right up and tried it! I have a tiny set of Neocolor II and a bunch or random loose crayons I bought on clearance at an art supply. What a great idea to have dinner with the JumpStarters! If I had to pick just one artist though, I think it might be Norman Rockwell, such a slice of Americana!

    • rondapalazzari says:

      Cindi those are sweet words to my ears. I am happy you “JUMPED” right in. I hope you have a blast with them!

  80. That would be Antoni Gaudi because I am so impressed by his works. I would ask him where he got his inspiration from.

  81. I would like to drink absinthe with Vincent Van Gogh. I would like to ask him about the cypresses, his technique and see if he really cut off his ear 🙂

  82. hmm i really love julies styles 😀

  83. Theresa. H says:

    Wow! An autographed book by Ronda. To have one of those would be totally awesome. She is super talented 🙂 I would have dinner with Renew Magritte. At art college I did my research on the surrealist movement. Up until that point I had been taught that photo realistic art was The only art. Falling in love with Magritte’s art & his unique way of looking at the world opened my eyes to the modern art movement & to my love if colour & texture.

  84. Ooh. What a complex question. So many great ones to choose from. But i have always loved van gogh’s work. A dinner date with him would be lovely.

  85. scrappysharon says:

    Wow thanks for the tute it was just fab and now think that I’ll be heading out to get some of those crayons. Hmmm dinner with any artist ??? Would love to have dinner with any of the CJS gals what a great wealth of knowledge they have shared.

  86. Claude Monet. no doubt. hoping he would invite me to have dinner in his studio. surrounded by his canvases……

  87. Wow, Ronda, I’d love to be the lucky winner here. I’d love to have dinner with Leonards Da Vinci, I am in love with everything that he drew and painted, he was, in my opinion, the most amazing of the artists in history.

  88. you ROCK !!! thanks for sharing

  89. I would love to have dinner with my Granny, she wasn’t properly an artist, but a talented sticher and all her memories and stories inspired me in my memory keeping – she passed away in 2002 and I was only 14…I would love to show her how I’ve become and what I’ve done with what she taught to me!

    • rondapalazzari says:

      that is the sweetest sentiment. I would love the same thing for my granny passed away when i was 16. She was incredible at crocheting & knitting. Would love some lessons from her now.

  90. I’m thinking dinner with Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci and the CJS tutors too. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. TFS your tutorial & your generous prize.

  91. Lynne Vowles says:

    I’d like to dine with Cezanne.
    Thanks for some fabulous ideas, I’m off to get my crayons out.
    Looking forward to when I can get my hands on your new templates. x

  92. I would love to have dined with Picasso

  93. Picasso, just to see how his mind works!

  94. I think I would choose Robert Burridge or Jeanne Bessette. I love their style of painting.

  95. conlin664 says:

    I would love to hang out with Dyan Revley, Tim Holtz and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. I love all their styles and think they would be great company!!

  96. janbarlow says:

    Wow! What a great question – for a GREAT giveaway! I’d love to win Ronda’s book! So, the question…I’m gonna totally cheat and say I’d LOVE to have a dinner conversation with all the Creative Jumpstart artists! Yeah. All at once. How FUN would that be? I think it would need to be a looooong dinner! 🙂 The reason is that you/they have all been SO inspiring and they are all my contemporaries doing the kind of work I so admire. I’d just love to spend time with them all, picking their brains about inspiration and technique and design, etc., etc. Thanks for another great video and a chance to win the book!

  97. Louise Nevelson’s assemblages are AMAZING! She took scraps of wood and created pieces with so much dimension and shadow and intrigue.I want to know if she saw her work as transcendental journeys or if she had in mind a particular impression as she created. I would also like to discuss her ideas on color.

  98. i would love to meet Christy Campbell Tomlinson–she is so creative and so down to earth!

  99. antonio gaudi – still inspired from seeing sand church last month. every building he did was a piece of art.

  100. Amy Malla says:

    I think I would like to meet with Dyan Reevley, she is so funny and creative I could pick her brain for hours.

  101. Monet. I would love to ask him how he drew those beautiful paintings, how to create the no-sharp effect… Thanks for the giveaway!

  102. Tracy Strahle says:

    I love the crayons! If I were to choose just one I would pick Donna Downey for my dinner companion.

  103. I have two Renoir that my mother in law painted for me, i have a monet too, but i prefer Renoir. I have a replica of Danse à la ville and Danse à la Campagne. I love those canvas. Maybe i am gonna have the third one, one day!

    Great video by the way! Thank you

  104. dianna clark says:

    Really liked the idea of getting in touch with my inner child and getting to color (only with way cooler crayons)!!! The artist I would like to meet besides you Ronda is Leonardo da Vinci. I love his drawings!

  105. Picasso would be my choice. Not only would I enjoy the art but the history too.

  106. Paper Art Scene says:

    Frida Kahlo. She had such passion and her art is amazing. She also had a wonderful and unique fashion style.

  107. Nurse Ratchet says:

    I love Monet’s lilies!!!

  108. There are very much people but if it is possible than I choose Kelly Rae Roberts. I love her works and products. She give me a lot of inspiration.

  109. I don’t speak French, but Monet. I just love his paintings. He does so much more than capture the image – truly I feel as though I am in that garden!!

  110. Gustave Baumann! His woodblocks are beautiful. Loved the video and I need some of those crayons:-)

  111. Yvonne Williams says:

    Don’t know who I would pick, so many choices and so many more I don’t know about. LOL Great video and I am adding water coloring crayons to my wish list! Oh my they look so fun. I love to get paint, chacl, ink, etc on my hands

  112. I wish I could talk to Vincent Van Gogh on his works that I admire for their brightness and color

  113. Lisa Campion says:

    Would love to meet Emily Carr — she was a pioneer in so many ways, for women, Canadian artists, and in bringing attention to Native art & life.
    Gotta go dig out my crayons now!

  114. Denise Werkheiser says:

    If I could have a dinner conversation with any artist, it would be with Samantha Kira Harding. Why? Because I think her work is beautiful and fresh and she has a good outlook on life. It would be fun to chat with her and it would also be inspirational to me. 🙂

  115. Your video was soooo inspiring, Ronda!! Thank you so much!! I definitely NEED those colors and also the stencils were very beautiful!! Your art journal is very inspiring. I would like to meet Leonardo da Vinci, because I love his work and his drawings. Last year I attended a very beautiful exhibition!! I twas so amazing!

  116. deborahl591 says:

    Wonderful techniques. I have my crayons ready to go forth and paint. I believe I would love to have dinner with Mary Cassest, one of america’s Impressionist artists and only woman from American that was an impressionist artist. I would love not only to know about her styling and inspiration from the children she painted, but what it was like to be a woman in that time period and an artist in field of a new ideology in art being born. It would be incredible.

  117. Myran Vonk says:

    I would love to have lunch with Revlie Schuit & Karin Mijsen, both birdies inspire me a lot and the lovely Revlie introduced me to your fantastic blog…. Why lunch with impossible creatures as my dear friends are so nearby :). Thank you Ronda for inspiring me….

  118. I think it would have to be Vincent Van Gogh. I would drive him crazy with a million questions about color. Thanks for your awesome video, you gave us so many fantastic tips and techniques and I LOVE your drawing through the stencil lines to make an easy watercolor drawing.

  119. Well at first I was thinking Picasso, Van Gogh, Gaudi, Turner and then it came to me Gustav Klimt, I absolutely love his work, from the Beech Wood to The Kiss, I could look at them for hours , so inspirational so would just love to know how he came up with the ideas.

  120. Wow, just wow! I’ve seen your pages so many times and it never occurred to me that you used neocolors II’s to do that!
    As for the artist… I would love to have a dinner conversation with you, Ronda! I’m not sure what I would ask a Picasso or Van Gogh or any other world famous artist… But you could tell me all about your favorite mediums and products and I just think that would be much more fun!

  121. Candy Brintnall says:

    Christy Tomlinson! She’s so funny and I love her art style. I could watch her paint all day!

  122. Sharon van Beek says:

    That’s a tough question! I think that would be Beryl Taylor, I really admire her work! But others that come to mind: Mary Ann Moss, Traci Bautista, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer…

  123. Great question and I have thought of this before. There are two artists that I would love to spend time with. Robert Bateman and Carl Brenders. I have been fortunate enough to meet them both and they are fabulous artists.

  124. Hello gorgeous, loved your video, i wanna play with you Oenie 😉
    Dont get me in the drawing, just wanted to comment to you sweetes mwahhh!!

  125. Oh! What a great question. There are so many. I am going to say Georgia O’Keeffe.

  126. Dinner with Picasso and Dali would be great !!! Both were very special in their works.

  127. donna joy says:

    What a tough question but i think i would have liked to meet/dine with Dan Eldon. His photography, journals and sense of adventure for one so young i found very intriguing.

  128. mieke caspers says:

    With Vincent van Gogh. But i don’t no if I can say anything to him, to shy.

  129. I don’t know who I’d have lunch with but I would love to watch Heidi Swapp scrap!

  130. Leonardo da Vinci, and I would like to talk with him about is ideas on our future. He was always way ahead of his time and I guess I would be amazed on his idea on what is to come and how he would translate these into art.

  131. I have loved the art of Georgia O’Keefe since I was a child, and her flowers have given me much inspiration of the years, so without a doubt she is my number one choice. Though Frida Kahlo would be a close second. Whipping out my few neo colors now!

  132. Mondriaan; I love how he went from traditional figurative to abstract art.
    But I would be to shy to say anything….and look like an idiot. (Don’t ask..)

  133. My bestie Sarah Parrott! Okay she is a design or for Chico’s but I would love to have dinner with her!

    I think it’s funny you all would want to have dinner with a dead artist! Lol

  134. Frank Lloyd Wright, I am amazed at everything he accomplished in his lifetime and love that he not only designed houses but the furniture, linens and everything else he thought should be in them.

  135. I would choose Salvator Dali to have a little talk about the crazyness of his art.

  136. Picasso, I went to the Picasso museum in Barcelona 2yrs ago, and really fell in love with his work. I am amazed how he changes one of his paintings to such a piece of abstract art, and I can then use this as a base idea for a quilt. Fabulous!

  137. Oh my goodness, I had no idea how wonderful watercolour crayons can be. I will be pulling mine out now. I would like to have dinner with mixed media artists, like you, Natalie, Julie and Dyan Reavely. It will be an artist roundtable and in my mind I am having a blast!

  138. I love watercolor- and looking at art….. I would have a hard time picking an artist- I love to sit and try to color while my Mother paints (she teaches china painting)- as she is my greatest inspiration! I love to try different things, so a little of this and a little of that- would pick Mary Cassatt and Mo love you play on color!net for starters……. Funny- I found you on Pinterest and started following your blog a short while ago- love your play on color.

  139. What a difficult question. I think I want to have a dinner with Vincent van Gogh.
    I would ask him if I can see him at work.

  140. I’d love to talk with the Israeli artist – Reuven Rubin, whose drawings depict the landscapes of Israel, and outstanding colors and present a romantic atmosphere, typical of the pioneering spirit that prevailed in the country in the 20s and 30s of the last century.

  141. Marilyn Lamoreux says:

    Van Gogh – because of his passion for color!

  142. I have several in mind!…one that expresses life with nature!…i love your todays demo. Wonderful!

  143. Your layouts are amazing! The cover of your book is inspirational all on its own. the crayons look so fun, easy & versatile. Thanks for sharing!!!

  144. First of all I’d rather have a lesson than dinner! And I would pick a contemporary collage artist so I could actually have a chance of doing the things I was taught!

  145. I would love to meet an Irish artist known as AE just to ask him about those lovely moody paintings that he did, the places in them and the inspiration for them.

  146. I’d say Picasso. Would enjoy the book.

  147. Nici de Saint Phalle would be my favourite artist to talk to! I really like her work and she´s such an interesting person!

  148. I have these crayons in my stash but kind of never used it becaused I didn’t know the trics. Now I learned a couple of tricks I am certainly going to use these crayons more often. Thank you for the inspiration.

  149. Love the effects of watercolor crayons!! Beautiful projects Ronda.Would love to win your book! What a difficult ? There are artists living and gone I’d LOVE to have dinner with, but for now in choosing only one I’d like to meet Jane Davies…and her chickens of course 🙂

  150. Wow – I NEED those crayons!!
    I would spend time with Lowry, a Manchester born artist because his style is so different to anyone elses

  151. Good question. I think I’d like to have dinner with Julie Fan Fei Balzer, she’s fun and creative, and when I start watching something and think, there is no way she can make that look awesome she makes it look better than awesome. Laughing, eating and maybe some time getting inky 😀

  152. I would love to have dinner with Frieda Kalho! I have a book of her art journals, they are so awesome!

  153. Loved the water soluble crayon techniques! Thank you Ronda!
    Super giveaway! So any artist…hmm hard…so many, but I fell in love with Dali’s work early in high school and have several prints of his work in my home. But now I am into mixed media, I would love to meet all of you lovely ladies in one big around the table sit down for sure!! Lt’s to learn and chat about 🙂
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  154. I would love to have dinner with Celio Braga. He is a living artist, so who knows! 🙂 His style has undergone many changes over the years. I was introduced to him by a friend of my dad’s and I recently caught up with him again on Facebook. I’d love to have a good catch-up with him!

  155. I would love to chat with Monet. I can get lost in the colors of his paintings. Thanks for the video on the watercolor crayons. I never relized their potential and will try to use them more often.

  156. I would like to have the dinner with Da Vinci, he seems so amazing!

  157. missmelissaw says:

    I would love to have dinner with Van Gogh just to know what happened in his last days. He was creative crazy so his thought process is so interesting to me.

  158. Lai Sie Murphy says:

    Picasso – would love to know what goes through his mind as he does each painting

  159. This is such a great question and a fantastic video Ronda! I would like to speak to Jane Austen about writing with an authentic voice and I’d like to speak or Jean-Michel Basqiat about working through “no mojo” moments and developing a personal visual language. I’d love to talk to Frida Kahlo about life and politics. I have a list 200 people long of artists and scrappers I’d love to have lunch with. Like I said- great question. 🙂

  160. Oh – there are so many it’s hard to choose just one. But on top of the list would have to be Salvador Dali. His imaginative “surreal” paintings pushed the envelope, and his technique followed those of the old masters.

  161. it is so hard to pick, I would love to meet Carla sonheim, pam carriker, and mary engelbreit, they are all contemporary artists and all seem like incredible people with huge hearts. xoxo

  162. Great video, and a fun question for this giveaway! I’m good at seeing what doesn’t go well together; yet, struggle to see what DOES. How do people “see” what to put on an empty page or the final portion of the page? How do you “see” which colors to blend together to create interest, dimension or shadowing? I would love to have dinner with any artist who could explain this to me in such a way that I finally achieve an ‘ah ha!’ moment. ;))

  163. Matisse because of the dreamy light quality

  164. mlcain0202 says:

    Your work is beautiful. I love the city scape background. I would choose to have a conversation Karen Michel.

  165. Love your tutorial, have to get me some crayons, and I would love your book. I have always loved Vincent Van Gogh’s art. Not sure if he would have been much of a conversationalist though

  166. caroldeezigns says:

    This video was so inspiring! Great job! I guess I’d want to have dinner with my Mom! She was an awesome sketch artist and I have many of her “practice” pieces framed on my walls. I miss talking to her!

  167. I would love to talk about how scrapbooking has changed in the years. I started scrapbooking in 1980 & wow its has changed from just adding scraps of paper to now works of Art.

  168. Leonardo da Vinci ❤ I love his beautiful drawings an like to use them in my art journaling or when Im scrapping in steam punk 🙂
    I would LOVE to win this beautiful book ❤ Hugs Anneli, Norway

  169. Thanks for a great jumpstart Ronda. It’s one my favourites – I will go and rediscover my Neocolors now! I would choose Marc Chagall to have dinner with and we could talk about painting and stained glass.

  170. if I have to name just one, it would be Frida Kahlo – I would love to learn more about her life and art directly from her

  171. I would talk to Jessica Zoob, a local artist. I just love the way she comes alive when she talks about her art and how passionate she is about life in general.

  172. Your book….so exciting!
    I would like to have a dinner conversation with Wassily Kandinsky. The art movement at that time was changing so fast and he was in the thick of it. Modern abstract art.
    Thank you, Ronda, for your great demos…and thank you Nathalie.

  173. Have to try these-they look like so much fun. And 30 minutes later I’m still trying which artist I would like to meet.Any of the old or more contemporary masters I would be so awestruck I wouldn’t be able to talk.So I’m going with Claudine Hellmuth because she brings so much joy into my life.

  174. So many to choose from, but Judy Chicago was the first one I thought of. She’s so innovative and a woman ahead of her time, fusing political statement, feminism and exploration of her jewish heritage into a huge range or artistic traditions and unusual formats like pyrotechnics. I think talking with her would go on and on and on through dinner and breakfast, lunch and dinner: repeat!

  175. Leonardo da Vince, Bach and Julie F. Balzer, it would be a nice evening being all together for dinner

  176. If I had the choice I would like to take all the artist of the Jumpstart to say thank you for all the nice inspiration! I have learn so much…thanks a lot!

  177. I would love to meet up with Nat Kalbach to be inspired and learn more about her creative process and where she gets her inspiration and energy. It’s not that far to Germany from Sweden so it’s not impossible … 😉

  178. Excellent question! 😀 For me the answer will be different almost every day of the week, but today I’m incredibly fascinated by Anna Dabrowska aka Finnabair, so I would love to pick her brains for a little while. 😀

  179. Judy Morgan says:

    I’m going for “alive,” and that someone would be Vivian Sung Soon Keh, a wonderful, talented artist and lover of life that I recently discovered and have been following. Her outlook on life expressed through her art, is so inspirational, that I know we would have tons to talk about over dinner!

  180. I have to say Picasso, he had mastered so many different style and art forms, and his sense of play was just amazing. Love to be able to meet and inspired by him.

  181. Nina nilsen says:

    Hmm, tough question… I would love to meet Pablo Picasso, but also Nikko Widerberg and his father (Norwegian artists). Picasso and Widerberg Sr had an amasing touch with colours, and I love the simplicity and complex paintings. Nikko makes sculptures in stone, and would love to learn more about forming this medium :0)

  182. I would choose Leonardo da Vinci. The way his mind worked was fascinating, so to be able to talk with him, and learn more about him and how he came up with his ideas would be great! Thanks so much for your video and this giveaway! I’d love to win a copy of your book 🙂

  183. Georgia O’Keefe, I was introduced to her paintings of Hawaii during a special show at the Honolulu Art Academy and fell hopelessly in love with the brilliant flowers and scenery she painted during her time there. I have had a large print of hers in my office for years! It would be interesting to learn from and about her!

    Your book looks fabulous… I am a layerer!!!! CANT’ HELP IT!

  184. seriously to choose just one-I guess Suzi Blu…she’s my ultimate fave, but there are so many others that I would loooooooooooove to meet.

  185. Brenda Ryan says:

    Having lunch with any or all of the artists from this jump start event would be a hoot. My head has been swirling with ideas since day one. I also enjoy the the cartoon works of Mr. Kliban (all of those funny cat drawings) and Mr. Gary Larson of the Far side ( love the cow drawings especially). Thanks for all of your fun ideas.

  186. Cynthia Ellis says:

    Frida Kahlo would be my choice. I find her and her work fascinating.

  187. morningdove says:

    i would love to have dinner with Michelangelo. i love my neos

  188. would be so interesting to have dinner with all kind of artist ..dead or alive …
    thank you so much.. you inspired me to take again the neocolre and pla pla pla with them! I adore their richness of pigment.
    For todays dinner I think would be cool to meet Frida Kahlo, will you come and have dinner with me an Frida too? She would be fascinated from the Neocolore II too- I think!

  189. Georgia O’Keefe. She was an amazing trailblazer!!!!!!.

  190. Anita Tillman says:

    what a great tutorial!! I just ordered some of these crayons for my birthday and I CAN’T wait to have them in my hot little hands!!!!
    If I could have dinner with one artist it would def be Julie Fei Fan Balzer… I just love her style and think she is so fun and vibrant!

  191. As someone said previously, dinner with the artists involved in the CJS 2013 would be an awesome time. To hear these women – and Joe – get together and listen to discussions on personal media preferences and how-tos would be awesome!!!

  192. cindi3021 says:

    My conversation would be with Geogia OKeefe. Her paintings of up close flowers move me and I would love to glean anything I could from her and also talk about her full and interesting life in the days of woman artists not being generally accepted.

  193. Patricia VanCurler says:

    the people that did the walls downtown Spokane. they are great, changing, and expressive

  194. I loooove the portraits of Stephanie Ledoux!!! They have so much character, interest and amazing eyes!

  195. ScrappingCorner says:

    Hmmm dinner conversation – I’m very inspired by Tim Holtz, but there are a few Copic artists that I would love to meet. But I think if anyone, I would love to meet and chat with Damien Hirst.

  196. Any of the Group of 7…inspirational artists. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  197. I cannot choose! I would be slap-happy to have dinner with any of CJS teachers. I enjoyed your video and love your style! Now I have your book on my amazon wish list!

  198. Gayle Kush says:

    I would love to spend some time with Georges Seurat. I really liked his paintings.

  199. I have been using these crayons to colour in images with a water brush. Now I can use them for more! As far as this question, my interests in art are so eclectic, think I’d be happy having dinner with any of the CJC artists and just chat about what inspires you, what you love the most. I like learning about people and what makes them tick. The more down to earth, the better, because what you see is what you get with me! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your books! Hugs!

  200. I would want to have dinner with Aubrey Beardsley. His black and white Art Nouveau images are phenomenal. It would interesting to see how he got so much detail in his work.

  201. Thanks for a great video Ronda. It’s because of you and Julie Balzer that I got the courage to begin an art journal, so thank you and how ’bout meeting Julie in NYC so the three of us can go to dinner??? I couldn’t think of 2 artists I’d rather dine with!!!

  202. Immediately da Vinci and Picasso comes to my mind, but then I keep thinking of more artists past and present, I agree with Marjanne, we should have a dinner party for every one!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  203. Albert Namatjira for the entree, Pro Hart for the main & Tim Holtz for dessert & for coffee & chocolates . . . ummm, Leonardo da Vinci. A mixed bag I know 🙂

  204. I would love to talk with Monet. Love his art.

  205. “Grandma”, Elizabeth Layton (1909-1993) began contour drawing at age 68 and worked through it to end her own depression. Through her educated and assuming ways she became the mother of Art Therapy. Many of her life experiences validate my own in a way that I felt mentored by her. I long to sit and tell her thank you.

  206. I would choose a conversation with Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. The diversity of his talents was remarkable. I would be most interested in the thought processes behind his anatomical and engineering drawings. The Vitruvian Man drawing is among the most famous drawings of all time. And his studies on flight are so interesting. Would love to see how his brain worked.

  207. Van Gogh — his vision was wonderful!

  208. Thanks for great tutorial and generous giveaway. I would love to spend a day walking in the desert with Georgia O’Keefe. Her paintings are truly breathtaking.

  209. Loved the video…my fingers are itching to get started. Thank you for sharing. I think I would like to have dinner with SARK. She was one of the first writes/artists to inspire me on my creative journey.

  210. My first thought was Grandma Moses then Thomas Kinkaide. Both are awesome. Maybe we could have a threesome for lunch and then if you could join that would be even better. Thank you for sharing your smarts with us.

  211. Merci pour la vidéo; géniale. Je vais me faire des fonds de pages avec les stencils et les crayons aquarellables!! J’aimerais bien rencontrer Nathalie Kalbach, Dina Wakley et Roben-Marie Smith parce que j’aimerais voir comment elles “travaillent” et qu’elles semblent bien sympathiques!! 🙂

  212. Matisse because “Creativity takes courage.”

  213. I am really into Tracy verdugos work right now and would love to have an conversation with her, dinner would be nice too.

  214. I adore Monet I would love to have a dinner whith him

  215. I’d have to say Chihuly, because I just saw one of his exhibits, and I was awe inspired.
    Fondly, Tami

  216. Jenny Palmer says:

    Pro Hart an Australian artist his work is amazing and Ken Done another Australian and Jenny Kee yes also Australian incredible use of color but Nat and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer insipire me so very much and Nats classes are just brillant

  217. I think Picasso would be so interesting to have dinner with, thanks for a great video!

  218. Laurie Hunt says:

    Thanks Ronda for your video — love your new stencils by the way! I think I would want to talk to Picasso to find out what he was really thinking! Thanks for the opportunity.

  219. Monet…hands down. His use of color to show light is astounding. I’ve seen his works in person and I was mesmerized. There is a you tube video of him painting that I watched some time ago. What I would give to see him paint in person! Wow!

  220. Rhonda Zamora says:

    Thanks for a chance to win. I would like to have dinner with Janelle Jacobsen as well as any of the CJS artists.

  221. So fun! I forgot I had water colour crayons and how much fun they are to use! Dug them out of their hiding place and they are now on my crafting desk! Tried the first 2 examples – awesome! Will try the gesso when I have more time. Thanks so much – I would love to win your book… much to learn and create!

  222. Pam Palmarini says:

    Frida Kahlo… She was brave, dynamic, and uber talented… I adore her,and would be speechless in her presence… : )

  223. Your book looks great and speaking of books could I read a biography as I’d be tongue tied to have dinner with a for real artist.

  224. lisa glowatski says:

    Love the technique and as for an answer that is tough!! I would say Tim Holtz just to learn about distressing a bit more and of course would love to meet both you and Nat as I love the way you just let loose Think out side the box. Something I find so hard to do! Thank you for everything this creative jump start Love it all!!!

  225. This is most difficult..I’m going to choose a modern day talent; Julie FF Balzer. I just love her and her work. Just like Wanda posted above, her art journaling, via online video, was the first one that I saw and I was hooked from there. I would have to invite Nathalie to join us. They both inspire me so much. Ronda, thank you for the awesome jumpstart video w/ the neocolors. I would love to read your book and learn so much more from you.

  226. Melinda Peckham says:

    The artist that I would like to have a dinner conversation with would be Norman Rockwell. I have had a fascination with his work since I was a teenager.

  227. Debby Podgorski says:

    I would love to meet Nick Bantock and learn about how he created his books and art. It would be fun to see how he creates.

  228. Van Gogh. I love his raw and bold style….way ahead of his time. I really enjoyed my visit to the museum in Amsterdam.

  229. The Australian Aboriginal water colourist from Hermannsburg Australia. Just to get to know this man would have been amazing!

  230. Toni Hinchcliffe says:

    Wow, that is a difficult question because I love art, and I traveled all over Europe doing art history tours. I would have to choose a woman artist because I’d be very interested in discussing what she thinks of what women artists are doing today with our art journals and scrapbooking and mixed media art. So I think I would choose Mary Cassatt.

  231. Dara Lynn says:

    I could have a list a mile long of famous artists…but I try to live in the here and now. With that said, I would love one on one time with Ronda or Dina. Each of these ladies create to their own beat, have developed their own unique style…and love color. Since I already have Ronda’s Art of Layers ( please redraw)….it is a wonderful book you will treasure as I do mine!

  232. petrii1998 says:

    Wow that is a wonderful question. I guess for me, I’d love to sit down with down with Ashli Oliver or Heidi Swapp and pick their very creative scrapbook minds 🙂

  233. Tough question… I think I will chose Tim Holtz from the present. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  234. brilliant video!
    I would choose a card designer like Kristina Werner or Jennifer McGuire because in addiiton be being amazing cardmakers (my main craft) they also seem like fun, engaging people.

  235. It would be with Georgia O’Keeffe. I think her artwork is just so powerfully feminine… I would love to hear about how she got the idea for her painting, how she felt being a woman painter in her time… I admire her so!

  236. Tonya Davidson says:

    Beautiful techniques!! I don;t have that brand of crayons but I want to go try them with my stencils now! LOVE your stencil designs too – on my wish list!! Thanks for the offer to win your book!

    • Tonya Davidson says:

      OOPS! got so excited I forgot the question!! Mine would be Georgia O’Keefe or Andy Warhol because I like both styles and both artists would have much to share and their eccentricities intrigue me! 🙂

  237. Minerva Teichert – She painted some wonderful paintings and studied with the best. I would love to know what kept her painting.

  238. This is a really tough question but I think I will chose someone who is alive and that is Carl Brenders. His paintings of wildlife fascinate me with all the intricate brush strokes which make his images come alive. He is amazing.

  239. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    Anita Luvera Mayer–I just got her video and this almost-80-year-old fiber artist is just amazing. Also, would love to have an artist’s date with Jane LaFazio. Thanks Ronda–I’m loving your other technique videos as well.

  240. I would love to have dinner with Ansel Adams the photographer because he is such an artist of light.

  241. Christina says:

    i would love to have dinner with any of the featured artists. I have lots of favorites.

  242. I just loved the depth/shade of color , feel want to try them out right now!! Dinner with yourself and any of the other jumpstarter’s . Have been overwelmed with inspiration from you all many thanks!

  243. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    What a fantastic video!!! I have some crayons but have not used them yet…………motivation!
    I would love to meet Tim Holtz………….I am into distressing and would love a hands on experience with Tim!

  244. Lisa crofts says:

    I am drawing a long bow here but i would choose my grandfather he used to draw the sweetest little birds all the time. I wish I had kept them. even better he used to draw on the newspaper or envelopes whatever was around. Otherwise I would choose Finnabair love her style. I am looking forward to meeting her in march

  245. hmmm…tough question..Van Gogh, Dali, Joan Miro, so many.. Today…there are so many..Online artists…Julie Balzer (she cracks me up and she just always make sense to me :), YOU lol..I have met u briefly at CHA..Dina W….Nat., she is awesome..Inspiration is everywhere!

  246. This is a hard question to answer. (Can’t we just have a dinner party through time and place?). Well, one name would be Carla Sonheim. Love her drawings and she seems such a nice person.

  247. Tim Holtz

  248. Kim Houston says:

    Loved your tutorial. I received these for Christmas and have yet to open them. I’m inspired!

  249. Janet Kearney says:

    Edvard munch …. I’d love to fully immerse in conversation about ‘The Scream’

  250. Susan King says:

    Picasso – his creativity and breadth are just amazing!

  251. I think my dinner companion of choice would be either Tim Holtz or Finnabair (Ania Dabrowska)I met them both briefly at CHA last year and thought they were wonderful, down-to-earth people and I am totally in awe of their creativity and talent….my idols!!

  252. so many to choose from… definitely Dali from the past, and Tim Holtz from the present, both tremendously talented artists!
    ~Nancy (

  253. I would love to spend time with Monet talking gardening and his use of colour. As that is unlikely, talking colour with Ronda would be wonderful. I love her use of those crayons and would love to read her book. Thank you Ronda for participating in CJS and for the opportunity to perhps win a copy of your book as the next best thing to talking to you.

  254. diane morris says:

    I would love to have dinner with any of the artists we have heard from on creative jumpstart!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  255. oh my freaking awesome video ronda! i have that same set, and you showed me some new stuff. i’m intrigued by your use of thread too. 🙂 i want to have a conversation with jesse reno. he’s current, successful, i adore his art, and everyone gushes about him, so he must be a pretty cool guy.

  256. If I could spend an evening with an artist it would be Frida Khalo. There was so much pain and suffering in her life, but her zeal for it made her paintings as if she wanted to eradicate that feeling through her artwork. She really intrigues me, I would like to know what attracted her to Diego – must have been soul mates. Thanks so much for sharing your techniques with the neo colors. I have a small set and glad to know can use them in different ways. Thanks for the chance to win your book!

    Carmen L

  257. Thanks for your inspiring video.
    I would like to meet Emil Nolde or Pablo Picasso.

  258. Oh goodness. I think I would love to talk to Georgia O’Keefe or Dali. They both must just ooze creativity. (maybe some would ooze on over my way, lol.) Loved your tutorial. I think Water Crayons are my most very favorite medium. Thank you.

  259. Yes some of the old masters would intriguing, however, I think a more modern day artist would be more interesting to me and offer a better learning opportunity. I would love to have a conversation with Seth Apter.

  260. Just one artist? It would have to be Salvador Dali or Joan Miro as I find the surrealists very inspirational. Thanks for the giveaway!

  261. I would love to meet Charlie Chaplin or any of the great composer such as Mozart, Verdi, Vivaldi, Bach, etc
    I have my eyes on the neocolor II for a while now, they look so much fun. Thanks for sharing.

  262. I never took Art History in college, so my extent of art is from high school. I just love all the art that I have seen in mixed media journals. I would love to have dinner with Ronda. She is so down to earth, lively and creative. Also, I would love to have dinner with Cathy Bluteau, too. Her work is beautiful and creative, too. Well, I could name so many other artist to have dinner with. Thanks.

  263. The classic artists are amazing and it is hard to choose just one, so I won’t even try! I love Christy Tomlinson and dinner with her would be a lot of fun. Thank you so much for the video, Ronda, I enjoyed it and will get some watercolour pastels to play with.

  264. I would have to go with Georgia o’Keefe – she is what actually drew me to become interested in learning about art. Love her bold, direct & colorful paintings.

  265. Annette Edmonds says:

    I would love to have dinner with Monet, I adore his work, the use of colour bliss and for an aussie feel Pro Hart

  266. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    Grandma Moses! I love her simple folky style…just like me!! And so inspiring is how long she was able to paint her artworks!!

  267. Hi, i thougt i had posted, but it is gone… I want to have dinner with Julie FF Balzer, because she was the first i saw an artjournal from and i immediately fell in love with artjournaling!
    And i would love to have dinner with gaudi, i love his colors and his architecture!
    Ronda thanks for this video, i work with this material a lot andi love it, and you gave me more techniques and more inspiration.

  268. karen charley walker says:

    Hmm so many but atm it would be Annemieke Mein. I would love to speak to her about her creative process and how she decides on composition and which fabrics to use.

  269. If i had to choose just one it would be Georgia O’Keeffe, her work speaks to me.

  270. Joanne seguin says:

    Leonarda da Vinci for sure as I was in awe when my husband and 5 other family members visited Rome especially the Sistine Chapel and learning that other great painters also helped on the paintings around the room. Amazing Artists.

  271. JMW Turner. His command of light and colour takes my breath away. Of contemporary artists, I would love to meet Canadian artist Helen Gregory.

  272. Valerie Bullock says:

    Thanks for sharing, Ronda. Loved the techniques. If I could have dinner with an artist it would be Renoir. His works have a great calming effect on me.

  273. I would choose Christy Tomlinson…she is funny and witty and inspiring. I think Da Vinci would be great but maybe a bit intimidating!

  274. If I could carry on a coherent conversation with Warhol I think it would be awesome to talk about his creative process. I love how dramatic his art is.

  275. Frida Kahlo would be a person I would love to break bread with. She is an amazing artist.

  276. Hi, I would love to have dinner with Thomas Kinkade and talk about his love of nature and all his beautiful paintings. His love of colour… the Artist of Light!!!

  277. Joanne Sharpe would be so fun to spend time with. Thanks

  278. Great tutorial. I’m thinking dinner with Norman Rockwell would be too fun. Such an everyday, down-to-earth guy has got to be a hoot. Not to mention he was a great artist.

  279. carolemac1 says:

    I would LOVE to meet with a master like VanGogh or someone but truthfully they all seem alil crazy in the weird sense, so I think I will go with Donna Downey because she is a riot and crazy in her own fabulous way and dinner would be a blast

  280. Picasso, just to try to understannd the man and the mystery

  281. A Swedish one called Carl Larsson. I visited his home a few months ago. It is made into a museum. Learned a lot about him. Would be interesting to hear him talk about the amazing paintings he has done at my workplace.

  282. I´d like to have a conversation with Joaquin Sorolla, i´d like also take a master class about the use of the light in pinting. Lovely use of that in his famous traditional Spanish scenes.

  283. Michaelango and ask how he did those magniificient ceilings

  284. I think that I would chose.. da Vinci. It would be so interesting.

    Thanks for the inspiration Ronda! I’m looking forward to get my hands on your pie chart stencil from CD.

  285. I’ll be a bit boring and say Lasse Åberg …
    I like his way of thinking and who can say no to a mickey mouse made ​​out of vegetables?
    But I know I should say, Leonardo da Vinci … 😉

  286. I enjoyed this episode. The ‘water crayons’ are a great tool and again I have ideas whirling around in my head. I love the photo with the layers of brown paper underneath and I especially want to try the little canvases with the various methods. I am picturing them in a scrapbook.

  287. Omg! Though question! Leonardo da Vinci for sure, just to get a glimpse in his brillant mind. As for a more realistic opportunity, I would say Donna Downey! She just seem so funny and friendly!

  288. Lori Fell says:

    Suzi Blu! Her energy is infectious over the internet,I can only imagine how much fun and how inspiring she must be in person! She is also the person who introducted me to getting creative and letting go. A true inspiration!

  289. Van Gogh….I’d LOVE to know why he cut off his ear & above all, his use of colour & technique are sooo inspiring:):):)

  290. I think I want to have a talk with Vincent van Gogh. I would love to know what his favorite media was to work with. I loved your tutorial a lot. I bought myself the neocollor crayons 2 weeks ago and just love them. And with all the extra tips you teached I will love them even more Ü hope to win your book.
    Liefs, Melanie

  291. Leonardo da Vinci as his drawings and paintings are soo amazing! And look at all the beautiful drawings of ideas in his notebooks! I think he would have liked art journaling 🙂

  292. Nancy Sapp says:

    i WOULD LOVE to eat, chat & learn from Julie Fei Fan Balzer! Her enthusiasm & ideas are amazing. I’d also LOVE to meet Lori V from Elvie Studios! Ronda – I have a few of the NeoColor Crayons & had never thought of using stencils with them. Thanks for the great tips.

  293. Marie Butler says:

    Leonardo DaVinci, amazing work. I’m excited to get going with some watercolor crayons. Thanks, Ronda

  294. I love all the cottages and scenes that Thomas Kincade did (aka the Painter of Light). I was sorry to hear he died recently.

  295. hard questions to answer……as I like Matisse and so many others the conversation would have to be about the hows, whys and where they got/get their inspiration

  296. Wow, I am new to this so I don’t really know who I would pick and on the other hand I love love love the water color crayons!!!

  297. I am adoring your cityscape! WOW And the tips on making our work get the feel of a watercolour – fabulous! Emily Carr – I am as interested in how she managed as a woman in her time as I am in her artwork.

  298. I much rather have a evening of scrapbooking toghether than a meal and in that case i would meet donna downey.

  299. It would be with the dancer and choreographer Isadora Duncan to listen to tell his love for dance…

  300. Hmmm. For me it’s a toss up between the elegance and softness of Monet, or the craziness of Dali! Or the pure genius that is Gaudi.

  301. Hi Ronda…thanks for the giveaway…it would be awesome!!! I had never seen your art before and I can’t wait to get on your blog and get to know you a little better. My person for dinner would have to be Heidi Swapp. I fell in love with her work when I first started and I still think she is super creative. She’s also very energetic and positive. Would love to chat and maybe get some of that exuberant energy she has.

  302. I would love to meet Heather Jacob frpm Australia; love her scrapbook style.
    Also Irene Tan aka Scrapperlicious from Malaysia, she is such a great artist! She is using stamps in so many different ways.

  303. Have to run out and find these stencils; just loved your video!!! So inspired right now!!

  304. Kim H20skier says:

    Definitely Leonardo Da Vinci, Monet, Some Russian Artist, any of the scrapbooking stars .

  305. Thanks for the techniques. Love crayons. I would love to meet anyone from CJS. You all are the best. I learn soooo much with you. As for dead artists I would like to meet Renoir. Love his colors and details.

  306. Hard choice, but I’ll pick DaVinci -what a genius! Alisa Burke would be a current choice.

  307. My first love was Monet. My mom had a coffee table book with his paintings and I fell in love with his use of colors and the softness in his paintings. There is a dreamy quality in his paintings which I can get lost in for hours. For modern day it would have to be Nat. to thank her personally for this wonderful program. As well as I love her adventurous spirit.

    Thanks Ronda for your video. I have water soluble crayons on my wishlist and seeing how you used them I am inspired to go out and buy some.

  308. Gayle Richmond says:

    I see many others have chosen Tim Holtz and even though I love being unique, I would have to choose him too. I’m relatively new to all this and Tim is the artist that inspired me to go for it. Now I have to admit that I have moved on to others but it was Tim’s easy going manner, easy products to use and easy techniques that gave me the desire and confidence to jump in and play.

  309. Jinny Bell says:

    I love Monet”s choice of colours in his paintings, so he would be my choice.

  310. super j’adore ces crayons!! la vidéo est géniale!!

  311. Francesca says:

    With Paul Klee. Thank you for the video. Super !!!

  312. Jennifer U. says:

    I would love to share a dinner conversation with children’s book writer and collage artist, Eric Carle. He has been such an innovator in his field and has a wonderful museum in Massachusetts (which I have visited). In addition, he seems to be such a warm, joyful person in every interview I have ever seen — the perfect gentleman dinner companion!

  313. Wonderful and inspiring to a non artist such as myself. I’m going to give this a go.
    In terms of a famous artist, my choice of dinner companion would be an Australian artist, Arthur Streeton. His use of colour is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it replicated anywhere.

  314. Elizabeth Zimmerman! Some may not consider her an artist but she has done more for going outside the box for creating patterns and techniques for knitting. She was a knitting genius! Her projects are timeless.

  315. Renoir, because a few of his less popular paintings move me so very much. I could stay in front of a couple of them in the Chicago Art Institute for hours.

  316. Vincent van Gogh…I love his use of color and his work is so powerful!

  317. Meinrad Craighead for the fierce and fearless way she embodies spirituality in her art.

  318. Denise Trottier says:

    So many I could choose, but Dyan Reaveley, Tim Holtz and those that are gone:Monet and Thomas Kincade, the painter of light…I also loved all of the techniques that I have learned in this creative jumpstart series, thank you so much for sharing them with us…

  319. Love your techniques, Ronda! Bright, fun and artistic, and I really think after watching your vids that I can actually do this!!!
    Vincent van Gogh: I would love to know what was in his mind! I love his paintings!

  320. Thank you Ronda for your great video. Did work with water soluble wax pastels after your video. And did post it on my blog.

    Then the question with who i would like to go for dinner, an artist. Phew. I think there would be just one answer for my. Mister Bruce Springsteen.

  321. O many to choose from but I think my first art influence Monet. I love the Caran D’Ache – I’m inspired to pull mine out and get going!

  322. Any of the CJS artists…just to be able to pick up some of their creative energy!

  323. The most fun dinner would be with someone who art journals…my first and continued art journaling inspiration is Julie Fei-Fen Balzer…she seems so approachable and real.

  324. This isn’t a tough one for me at all because I’d choose Van Gogh. I’d love to ask him about his use of color and the meaning behind some of his pieces.

  325. I would have to say Nat, for letting us in on all these great ideas and products. Thank you for making me think “outside the box” and providing all the inspriration.

  326. Have to say Renoir. Love his paintings.

  327. I think I’d choose a modern day mixed media wonder like Ronda, or Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, or Karen Ellis, Rita Barakhat, or Denise Morrison – could we all just sit together and I’ll just be a sponge and try to soak in the ideas and experience they’d be kind enough to share.

  328. I would love to meet “Friedensreich Hundertwasser”. I Love his artwork. Thank you for the great giveaway!!

  329. Barbara Tobey says:

    Georgia O’Keefe, as I enjoy her work. Loved the idea of Tim Holtz. He and Mario are charming, fun guys.

  330. OMG there are so many artist but I guess if I had to choose one I think I would have to say Tim Holtz, he was one of the first artist I ever discovered when I first started sscrapbooking.

  331. I would love to have dinner with Van Gogh! I love his work!

  332. I would love to meet Cathy Zielske, I love her sense of humor,and the clean & simple scraplayouts she makes!

  333. I’d love to sit down & chat with Christy Tomlinson & then maybe get our hands dirty 🙂

  334. Just one…I can think of several creative jump start teachers I would love to dine with. On a less likely to happen scale, I would have to say Da Vinci. His creativity has always amazed me.

  335. There are so many! I would love to meet Dyan Reavley, Chaz Bojórquez, Julie Balzar, Tim Holtz, and Kathy Cano Murillo, Dale Chihuly, …. Those who are no longer with us? Leonardo DiVinci, VanGogh on a good day, Georgia O’Keefe, Orozco, Riveria….. So many amazing artists!!! So little time.

  336. That’s hard to say, but I think it would be Picasso or Davinci. Maybe it would be Monet or Van Gogh or…. it’s hard to decide.

  337. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    This is a hard one….i would choose Anna Dabrowska because she is so much fun

  338. Right now I’m into Michael Lang. He’s an amazing acrylic artist that shadows and blends with mediums. After dinner, he would give me a tour of his workshop and show me how he paints. For a past artists, I’d love to meet with Modigliani. I would love to study the faces he drew. Not perfect, but perfect to me.

  339. That is tough one but I think it would be Tim Holtz…what a fun evening it would be:) I would like to spend time with Vincent Van Gogh too learning how to paint as he did. Thanks for the chance to win.

  340. I think it would be Tóth Árpád, a genuis Hungarian poet. His poems were so inspiring, he played with the words that you could feel the colours, the feelings, the thoughts. Anyway it would be nice to have a dinner with some scrapbook-artists, maybe Anna-Maria Wolniak – and soon I’ll meet her in her workshop!

  341. If I had tot choose one person… I would love to have dinner with Julie Fei Fen Balzer ! But maybeall the other teachers in this Jumpstart series would like tot join us for desserts ???

    PS: Love what you do with the Neocolors, I had bought some a while ago but didn’t get the hang of them. Now i’m getting them out of the drawers again !

  342. I would love to have dinner with Tim Holtz – I love his mixed media style

  343. Pat Pilkington says:

    I would love to have a dinner conversation with any one of you wonderful people who are giving us such good ideas!!

  344. Wow this is a toughie! I think I would have to say Nat as she is offering this jumpstart and I am taking a course with her so I have a number of questions for her

  345. I think I would like to have a dinner with Picasso. Otherwise with Dina Wackley.

  346. Thank you Ronda for the great video. I’d love to have a dinner conversation with Donna Downey.

  347. Thank you for this great technique,and the chance for winning your book
    There are so many persons that I admire that it is impossible to say one name.

  348. That’s a really hard question. I would like to sit down with any one of the artists on Creative JumpStart. Outside of that list would probably be Donna Downey or Tim Holtz.

  349. Julie balzer,heidi swapp, donna downey, ali edwards…love them all …and now ronda!

  350. Monet would be my choice! Thanks for the wonderful demo!

  351. Too hard to pick… Think all these sweet ladies that share their talents with us every day!

  352. Jo-Ann Clarke says:

    I would have to say Sarah Gagnon, an amazing artist who I took a class with in Western Canada. She’s an awesome person, great teacher and mentor!

  353. What a hard choice to make! I hope to meet Wendy Vecchi soon.

  354. lacyquilter says:

    These are wonderful ways to use watercolor crayons. I must try them. And I would love to sit down with Ronda – Love her style and she seems very down to earth and personable.

  355. Thank you Ronda, love the video. About the dinner: too many, a picnic would be fine with all of the teachers here.

  356. Your book looks really beautiful, and I have your blog bookmarked to explore because you have so many wonderful projects there. I would love to have a chance to talk with Joseph Cornell. I am fascinated by his assemblage art, and I would love some first hand insight into his astounding mind!

  357. AmyMarie Riley says:

    I have always admired daVinci – artistic, very knowledgeable of many subjects and quite inventive & creative. Too many current artists to pick only one from that group.

  358. Annie Day says:

    Janet Bolton, Kurt Schwitters, Lynne Perrella, Rebecca Sower, Pam Garrison, to name a few.

  359. Nancy Riggs says:

    Nathalie and Louise Nelson.

  360. I would love to have dinner with Kelly Ray Roberts because she inspired me to start with MM and because I think she’s a sweet soul.

  361. Frida Kahlo for sure, I think she is so inspirational

  362. I would choose Julie Fei Fan Balzer because she is such an inspiring person !

  363. There are so many that come to mind; i guess my first choice would be Norman Rockwell. To paint a slice of life onto canvas and give us all something we can relate to whether it’s love, patriotism, old fashioned values… that’s someone truly spectacular in my book ! Thanks to all who have shared with us on this CJS !

  364. Stephanie says:

    Heidi Swapp hands down. Inlove to “make pretty stuff”!

  365. I would love to spend an evening with Frida Kahlo or Georgia O’Keefe! For current artists, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer or Nathalie!

  366. I would choose Jane Davenport. I just love her style and she seems like such a fun and warm person! The video isn’t available right now, but I look forward to watching it soon!

  367. Georgia O’Keeffe . What an incredible life story she had. To be in the presence of someone so sure of herself would be an honor!

  368. Heather P. says:

    There are so many artists whose brains I’d love to pick. It’s hard to choose just one. I would love to talk to Christy Tomlinson, Vicki Boutin, Dyan Reaveley, Michelle Ward, and all the artists who have participated in CJS. Thanks for the chance to win your book. I borrowed it from the library a few weeks ago and I LOVED it, but it would be great to have my own copy. Great tutorial. Watercolor crayons are a blast. And your new stencils rock! I especially love the honeycomb and the cityscape.

  369. I’d go with the Finnish painter Helene Schjerfbeck – love her style.

  370. Judith Noble says:

    Georgia O’Keeffe! I would like to talk to her about the period early on where she forswore color and what she learned from that!

  371. Donna Downey. Wow! Would I love to have some of her happy stuff on my walls. That woman can create! And fun too!

  372. I’d like to chat with Gustav Klimt. I would love to see him at work and learn his technique with his spatters and his choices. Mostly I hope to see Rhonda’s vid and explore her book. Vimeo being sticky.

  373. Pam in New Jersey says:

    Frida Kahlo because I love how colorfully she dressed and her use of color in her artwork.

  374. William Morris. He revived the use of art in the home and made beauty a practical endeavor.

  375. Bea Arreola says:

    Dead: Matisse and Frida Kahlo and alive: Julie Fei Fen Balzar and Christy Tomlinson. All the them have something within their art that I love..Frida baring her soul and the others seem to have this free spirited style that I love!
    I love your techniques, too!!

  376. I would like to have dinner with Carl and Karin Larsson. Together, a great team, they created art by combining textiles and paint in their home to reflect their endearing family life, which is something I strive for. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book by Ronda! Great Teacher!!!!

  377. with Leonardo Da Vinci. The inventions and of course the mona lisa. So much creativity and thinking out of the box, yet so much mystery and unknown elements as of today.

  378. Well for me that is a “NO BRAINER” … It would HAVE to be Emily Carr from Canada… Her art thrills me and She was definitely a woman who was way ahead of her time, throwing convention to the wind and just creating what was in her soul… I so want to be just like her when I “grow up” – Monkey and all!!

  379. Karen Little says:

    Live artist would be Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and dead artist would be Leonardo Da Vinci (since it is a dream, he would speak fluent English so we could understand each other, of course). I do like Ronda’s work and thank you for bringing her to my attention. I will be following her blog too, now.

  380. Jean Michel Basquiat, I think. I love his art so much. I can’t decide if I would want to meet him for dinner as the man he was, or as his Spirit today with a broader view of Life, Art, and Wisdom. Would that either could be had, I imagine the conversation would be incredible.

  381. Joyce Muckinhoupt says:

    Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe, Monet…. or any of the artists showcased on CJS.

  382. I would want to talk with Hundertwasser. I love his complex images and clear viewpoint. Also Robert Rauschenberg, who must have been a pioneer when he included ephemera in his paintings in the 50’s.

  383. With F. Iturrino, my great grandfather , an impressionist spanish painter. It would be a nice chat about painting and family.

  384. A famous artist would be Georgia O’Keefe. Tim Holtz, Heidi Swapp and Nathalie
    for current mixed media artists.

  385. I loved this techinque I love that you can do the drips with them thanks for sharing

  386. that’s a tough one….especially after having met so many wonderful artists here. But I would love to have dinner (and an art session) with marjie kemper. She knocks my socks off!

  387. Jeane Walker Sliney says:

    Vincent Van Gogh without a doubt. Would love to hear what he says about color. Would love to receive your book to learn about layers!

  388. Frida Khalo for sure. Thanks for the chance; would love to use your book!

  389. andrenesmith says:

    Easy question to answer but hard to only give one name. I would start my list with Tim Holtz, Anna Dabrowska, Donna Downey (she is a hoot!!), Kathy Files (check her out at Paper Phenomenon-amazing what her mind comes up with), all of the artists of JumpStart 2013 and without a doubt Nathalie. I would give Nathalie carte blanche to add her list of artists to invite b/c she would pick some really talented and funny people. Now you didn’t specify what type of artist so I would also add film artists Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts b/c I can only imagine what a barrel of laughs they would be. I am dying to order Art of Layers online but will wait (even though I NEVER win anything!!)

  390. I can’t even come up with one..there are soooo many. But, I was seated at a table one time with Dali. My mom made me get and move before I could open my mouth. She thought he was a creepy old man! Your book looks wonderful. My fingers are crossed 🙂

  391. Right now I’m enamored with Dylusions because of the fantastic vibrancy of its color. For that reason and because of her art journaling style, not to mention her quirky personality, I’d love to have dinner with the very current Dyan Reaveley.

  392. I think I would enjoy dinner with Nat as I love all her inspirational videos and perhaps I could get her to help me with my German homework to , hehe

  393. Kristina Perez says:

    I think it would be Maxfield Parrish. I have always found his use of golden light magical. I would ask him how he achieved that look.

    • Kristina Perez says:

      I’m glad the glitches with viewing your videos was worked out. I’ve never used my crayons with stencils and didn’t know they could be blended with fingers. I love finding new techniques with what I already have.

  394. Love this technique!! I love how she used these color crayons. Just amazing that there is so much that you can do with these!! Thanks so much for sharing your technique!!!

  395. wow such a loaded question…. dead artist: would have to be Van Gogh… such colour, and yet such torment behind each piece. Alive artist: where do I start!!!! Dinner with Julie Fei-Fan Balzar would be a hoot!!!!… BUT it would have to be a dinner PARTY… Along with Julie would be guests Donna Downey, Suzi Blu, Karen Ellis, Diana Reavely, Milliande, Jennibellie, Finnabair, Louise Nelson, Jane Davenport, Nathalie Kalbach, Effy Wild, Birgit Koopsen, Tim Holtz, Gentleman Jim Hanson, Wyanne Thompson, Rachelle Panagarry, Christy Tomlinson, Paulette Insall, Diane Duda, so so so many more… dont want to take up the whole thread!!! LOL I love art so much, I’m like a sponge, soaking up all I can get!!! Thanks Nat x

  396. Oh! Good question! My first thought was Matisse because I studied him one year in school and then I thought of art journal artists and I think my answer would be Christy Tomlinson. 😀

  397. I would love to talk to Vincent van Gogh and watch him work! Thanks for the great video on water soluble crayons.

  398. Anne Ancher. I would ask her how she decided to be an artist even though people did not belive that woman could be artists in her time.

  399. This is a hard question… Da Vinci was the first name that came to my mind so I’m going to go with that one…

  400. I would probably choose Georges Suerat…and the, I make him give me a lesson on stippling…:)

  401. No doubt! I would use queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. Besides she rocks as a queen, she’s a great artist too!
    Thanks for a chance to win.
    This is my absolute favourite video! (Gonna cost me some money though, because now I just HAVE to go out and buy watercolour crayons lol)

  402. Michaelangelo – anyone with the kind of patience to paint an entire ceiling, would have enough patience to eat with me and my kids!!

  403. Evelyn R. says:

    I would have a hard time deciding any one artist to spend a dinner conversation with. I’d love to talk to Tim Holtz. He’s one of my favorites because of his ingenuity and inventiveness and talent. Looking for a favorite artist would be like trying to choose only one piece from a box of candy.

  404. I would love to ask Dale Chihuly about his glass art. How did he get started, what are his inspirations, what has he learned from his failures, has he had artistic block and what did he do to get past it, where does he think his art will take him in the future, how does he think he’ll be remembered in 100 or 200 years?

  405. Uh I’d have to say BOB ROSS…LOLOLOLOL Enough said.

  406. As to dead artists It would be with either Frida Kahlo or Camille Claudel, a French sculptor, because they marked their time as women. For living artists it would be all the people thanks to whom I have learnt art journaling and mixed media through their blogs, books, tutorials, tips and so on So, you, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Dina Wakley, Nathalie Kalbach, Roben-Marie, Kate Crane, Alisa Burke, Dona Downey, Finnabair and I might forget one or two.
    I love the drawing-through-the-stencil technique with the crayons and hope to be able to buy your stencils soon, here in France.

  407. For the dead i would eat with Antoni Gaudi, i love love love his works, all the colors and de beautiful fairytail like shapes!
    As for the living i would eat with Julie F F Balzer, i think you are getting busi Julie, with all you dinnerguests! I choose her because her work and videos made me discover and fall in love with mixed media and art journaling.
    And i would like to eat with you Nathalie just to say thanks for this great jumpstart!

  408. kathcrafter says:

    Your book looks great! Congratulations on publishing it. I would love to meet the incredible man, Leonardo da Vinci.

  409. Georgia Metaxas says:

    I would have to say Louise Nelson, she is inspirational to me with her simplicity yet has a dynamic effect to her end products, oh and the dinner venue would have to be a reflection of Louise!

  410. Dale Rose says:

    I think I would like to talk to Van Gogh. I especially love is paintings of flowers. I would like to talk to him about the Iris painting in particular. I wonder if he saw himself as the lone white iris. I love his delight in the beauty of nature and the most common things–bedrooms, etc.

  411. It would br Frida Kalho. She put her soul into her art. I was always so moved by her amazing story she told in paint.

  412. carol1581 says:

    Dead would be Thoreau (interpreting the arts broadly) and alive would be maya angelou

  413. I love Ronda’s style, so much! I borrowed her book from the library soon after it came out but would love to own it. I would have dinner with Julie Fan Fei Balzer and Matisse and/or Kandinski. I’d rather have enough to fill my long dinner table – so let’s add Nathalie, Georgia O’Keefe and Mark Rothko. : ) We’ll eat lobster.

  414. I think Leonardo da Vinci, He was so very talented and innovative, I mean come on, anyone with the talent to painted The Mona Lisa and The Vitruvian Man has to be worth a dinner invite!

  415. I would certainly choose to Picaso, I would give that out by asking how was the creative process of his most famous painting, EL GUERNICA .

  416. Melanie G says:

    Tim Holtz or Donna Downy. I think they are both great teachers and a wealth of information for a beginner artist like myself. They would push the boundries of my comfort zone in the art world.

  417. dzfollies says:

    I think it could be my late mother. she was an artist. She left me too soon. I would have liked to know her better

  418. There are so many artists in so many mediums I’d like to meet that it’s hard to choose just one, but the first to come to mind is Vincent van Gogh as i love oils, and to learn from such a master would be fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your book, Ronda.

  419. Thanks Ronda. Great video and i love your cityscape stencil. Going to try the outline water color effect later today. This is a really hard question for me-Im not a decision maker!!!! I want to meet with Heidi Swapp, but I want it to be a working dinner, where she brings all her stuff, and we make 3 projects, and we laugh a lot!!! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  420. dead – Tom Thomson for the intensity of colour in all of his works – his Canadian landscapes sing to me. alive – Louise Nelson for the detail she uses and how the finished work ‘seems’ simple and clean – her work inspires me!!

  421. Cindy from Holland says:

    That would be great with Jennibellie from the UK. She is amazing with crafting and re-using, which I love. She can also act a little crazy and funny, a great combination.

  422. Tim Holtz and Anna Dabrowska are some of them I want to have for dinner as i get lots of insp.from both!

  423. If thinking of an artist from the past I would love to have a chat with Da Vinci….it would be wonderful to get a glimpse into that wonderful mind of his! As for a current artist, I’d have to say Ronda….I miss you!!

  424. Steve Hanks…..absolutely love his watercolors. Of course all the amazing artists of cjs would be pretty darn cool too!

  425. OH MY!! I’d like to have dinner with Rembrandt, Monet, VanGogh, Julie F-F Balzer, Dina Wakley, Donna Downey, Dyan Reaveley, Rhonda Palazzari, Roben-Marie Smith, Tim Holtz…shall I go on? I think each and everyone of them has something special about their art and something…well…LOTS of somethings to be learned from each one. Wouldn’t it be glorious to have them all in the same room?!?!

    Please do not pick my name for Ronda’s book…I won one from her already…GOOD book, by the way. Thanks Ronda!!

  426. wild question, but it would be very cool to have Pablo Picasso over for dinner.

  427. Mary Werner says:

    I’m going outside the box but I would love to sit and talk with Walt Whitman, I think the conversation would be fun hearing his views on everyday life. I have used the Caran D’Ache crayons but never so intensely and can’t wait to try this different approach.

  428. Dianne King says:

    I’d like to meet Joanne Sharpe or Dyan Reaveley. Love both of their styles and I love lots of bright colours. Great video and I’ll be playing with my Neocolor II crayons a lot more now that I’ve watched the video.

  429. Sharyn Illman says:

    Would have to be any of the jumpstart artists with Nat of course! I would pick their brains and find out more about how they came into their talents. Thanks for the chance.

  430. Monet. I have always loved his work but after being to Giverny I feel like we are kindred spirits.

  431. Tamara Laporte; I find her style healing of the soul.

  432. There are so much interested people i want dinner with!!
    But i choose; Pam carriker!

  433. Love the video! Homer and Renoir are among favorites

  434. Gosh, there are so many! I’ll go with who I’d like to meet most at this moment which is Christy Tomlinson. I love the way she creates her art and she seems like such a great person. I’d love to talk with her and learn from her in person. I’d also like to meet Junelle Jacobsen. I could also add Georgia O’Keeffe and of course So many others!

  435. I’d like to spend time with my fav female artist Georgia O’Keefe.

  436. I would have a conversation with Gaudi, love his mozaieks and the use of the colors.Thats also waht i would talk about with him.

  437. OH MY GOSH! Thank you for my chance to win this amazing giveaway!! I would LOVE to own this book! …

    The artist, I would most want to meet is Chris Achilléos – A Fantasy artist… because I am a huge fan of his breath taking work, and he inspires me. I would love to hear about his process and everything…. he would be willing to share with me. 😉

  438. I would love to have dinner with Ansel Adams .What he captures is simply beautiful.I wold talk about composition.

  439. I would say Tim Holtz or Julie Van Oosten as I would just love to pick their brains on their creative process.

  440. Nathalie. I have the same first name, although I am called by my middle name. I would love to talk to her about creating this jumpstart and her journey as an artist!

  441. plop. so complicated! maybe VanGog. love his work. But in scrap art Tim Holtz.

  442. Laurel Burch….. I love her colors and her philosophy on life.

  443. Wow… that is hard question for me, as I am new to all of it! But if I could have dinner with an artist it would be Dyan Reaveley and Nat! The reasons behind these two are the variety of mediums that they use and they are both have a huge amount of knowledge. I would love to try to just let their creativity soak in!

  444. Such beautiful work! I’d have lunch with the girls from acharmingplace, miss them and designing with them.

  445. Judy Meeker says:

    I would have to say Julie Fei Fan Balzer of Balzer Studio. I love her talents, her mixture of mediums and she seems to accessible.

  446. Wow, what a loaded question. I think it would have to be either Tim Holtz or Micheal DeMeng……………

  447. Your video is really very interesting, very clear and detailed ! thank you for it !
    and for a chance to win this book I am sure is very interesting too, I would love to meet Milliande.
    thank you !

  448. Georgia O’Keeffe. Not only do I love her paintings but I’d love to hear what life in the Southwest was like during her lifetime.

  449. I just watched your video and i loved what i have seen. I love those crayons. Have them myself. 🙂 If i could talk and have diner with an artist, it would be Vincent van Gogh. We are a bit simmular according to life and i love the way he paintes the world around him. I’m not a good artist like him, but watching his work is awesome.

  450. Gerrie Johnnic says:

    It would have to be Dali….he takes me to the most fabulous thoughts on art.

  451. anna drabrowska, her style has caught my attention.

  452. scrappinvt says:

    I would love to meet & talk with Monet. I have also loved all the tutorials I have seen @ CJS.

  453. Wow! Lovely ❤

  454. Very difficult to choose but I think Michael Angelo – Love the sculptures and all he did in terms of frescoes.

  455. Too many to choose just one…I would love to have a big party & invite all my fav creative people. Cant you just imagine the conversation.

  456. I would love to have dinner with Guy Buffet. His work and colors continue to inspire me, and his French pieces and Chefs give me happiness daily!!

  457. I’d say Renée Magritte – I love his surrealistic art and I’d love to pick his brain about how he came up with the ideas for his artwork. 🙂

  458. I would love to have a conversation with van Gogh. I would want to encourage him that his life was not a waste, that his heart was beautiful & his art expressive. I would want to make him smile.

  459. Goodness – hard to choose – I’ve had meals with a few of my contemporary favs – so going back I think Seurat or Monet

  460. I would have to say Joanne Sharpe or Jenniebellie for the artist. I’d love to get your book and love the cityscape stencil. I have a tiny box of 12 pastel crayons, so I’ll give them a try while I save up for a larger set.

  461. Melissa Wright says:

    I enjoy Heidi Swapp and Tim Holtz and many many more!

  462. Leonardo da Vinci – he was extremely innovative and versatile, a true genius!

  463. Hmmm… I’m torn… for a ‘nowadays’ artist probably Alisa Burke because she’s just so sweet all the time or Julie Fei Fan Balzer because she’s so eccentric! For a ‘master’ I’d go for Mucha because I’m completely in love with his whimsical women!

  464. I’d say Donna Downey because from the inspiration of her art I’ve really released my creativity last year.

  465. Ann-Karin says:

    It would be Tim Holtz:)

  466. I would like to talk to Anna Dabrowski. Love her artwork.

  467. I would love a chance to ask Monet how he could paint, at arm’s length, something that looks completely transformed at 20 feet away. That has always amazed me.

  468. I find Leonardo Da Vinci to be fascinating and brilliant, it would be an amazing conversation. Present day….Christy Tomlinson, she has taught me SO much these last couple of years.

  469. luluvision says:

    Michelangelo! Once I saw his statue of David in person, I was in awe! Would love to know what goes on in his mind. Really enjoyed your video Ronda! I just got these neocolors for a drawing class online so I’m excited see you use them!! Thanks so much!

  470. I would choose Picasso. Thanks you for all the wonderful layering ideas. I am very excited to try some of these technicques.

  471. Gustav Klimt would be a fascinating dinner partner. He was a bit of a womaniser with loads of children who created amazing art featuring the female form. The real draw of his art for me is the detail and colour of his work offset by shimmering gold. It would be amazing to spend time with this fascinating individual.

  472. I can’t open the video, it say’s i have not permission to watch it. I do have the password but can not fill it in. Please help so i can watch.

  473. Cheesy answer – Ronda! I won her book (if I am drawn to win this time please re draw) The art of layers which is awesome and I love following her blog. She really inspires me.
    I am going to look through all my media to see if I have anything that will reproduce this effect, if not I need to start saving my pennies!!

  474. I would love to have a chat with Dali. I think he was a genius and would really rock it out with CGI if he was alive today. Can you imagine him and Tim Burton getting together for a movie? Mind = blown 🙂

    Thank you for the great giveaway and a chance to win.

  475. Gerd Andersson says:

    I think, that would be an old friend to my parents, who introduced me to art when I was little girl.

  476. Leonardo Davinci or Heidi Swapp as i get lots of insp.from both 🙂

  477. Any of the Creative Jumpstart presenters! Such creative people and I appreciate their sharing their talents!! What a wonderful video!! I think I have something like these crayons but did not know how to use them! I am going to try these techniques!

  478. Frida Kahlo – I think she had such a strong personality and was so distinctive in her art that I’d love to chat with her – thanks for the lovely inspiration today – I’m so going to miss these daily videos!

  479. Would love to have a conversation with de Kooning… I read his biography and just so curious about everything!

  480. lynnelise says:

    Matisse–because his work has such joie de vivre along with such discipline and fine technique. Also I am so intrigued with his whole
    era of artists!

  481. So many I could think of but probably Leonardo Davinci. He was a genius.

  482. Oh, this is hard!!! But I have to say Heidi Swapp. Her style is so amazing!
    Actually, it would be nice to have a dinner with anyone successed scrapbook-artist!

  483. Wow..that’s a hard question. There are so many amazing artists…dead and alive that I am baffled. I do love Van Gogh’s paintings, Rebecca Sower’s stitching, Lynne Perella’s work, and….so many more!

  484. Waowwwwwwww that’is hard answering … I’ll say … You … an afternoon with you knowing all yours scrapbooking secrets Yeahhhhhhhhh :)))

  485. What a great video, with lots of tips, thank you! I have heard great things about your book so would love to win a copy. The artist I would pick to have dinner with, would be Donna Downey, but only if she brings her journals with her… love her style!

  486. It would be Pablo Picasso because he was such an amazing man and artist.

  487. This is a hard one. I guess I would love to meet Julie Fai-FAn Balzer or Christy Tomlinson or so many others. I love their work.

  488. Robbi Parker says:

    Nathalie…….to thank her personally for JumpStart and opening up a whole new world for me! I had never done any art before JumpStart!

  489. that’s a hard one, because there are so many people and so many arts, I think i’d choose a french 19th century writer, I fell in love with his poems, and his novels are awesome too.

  490. I think it would be Leonardo Da Vinci, just the sheer volume of work and the amazing things that have come from his amazing brain and life. I would just love to know the who’s, how and whys of his life.

  491. Lisa Woodhart says:

    Julie Fei Fen Balzar I think – she has such a wild abandoned attitude when it comes to her art and it comes through in her classes and videos. Thank you for the tips – I ordered these crayons Friday and expect them today – can;t wait to give it a try. I love your new stencils and cannot wait to get the city scape – your example was beautiful. I also have the butterfly stencil and can[t wait to give that a go too! Love your book. I already have it so I forgo if I am picked so someone else can enjoy it. Just wanted to thank you and Nat for the inspiration!

    • rondapalazzari says:

      have fun with your crayons! They are addicting! The butterfly stencil would look fabulous as a watercolor!

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