Students’ Testimonials

Students about my person to person  workshops:

Charlotte Anderson, UK – October 2012

Nat’s workshopwas the first ever workshop that I’ve attended, on top of which it was in German, which isn’t my first language and I’d only been in Munich for three weeks at the time! But none of that mattered! Nat was so helpful and her explanations and demonstrations were so clear and thorough, I understood everything. More than that, Nat’s brilliant, smiley, friendly personality shone through and made it even more of a fun experience. I didn’t know what to expect from a workshop, but I really enjoyed having the chance to just try out and play around with new materials, under Nat’s guidance so we got the most out of them – and it worked; I’m now hooked and I’m already using the things I learned in some of the other stuff I do. You always feel like the emphasis is on the individual in Nat’s workshops; yes, we are taught a specific technique, or told to try something a certain way, but we were encouraged to take it and run with it in a personal way. That was cool. It meant I used materials and techniques I wasn’t familiar with, but in the end I produced something that was still very much ‘mine’. If Nat is ever running a workshop near you, you HAVE TO go!! It was easily one of the best things I’ve done for a long time.


Diane aka Nurse Ratchet, Canada – July 2012

Each and everyone of the workshops at Bizzy B were outstanding. Nat is one of the best teachers I have ever taken a workshop with…and there have been many. Run, do not walk if you ever have the opportunity to participate in one of Nat’s workshops. Paints, gesso, sprays and sparkly goodness all weekend long!! I sincerely felt like I was at summer camp and met wonderful new friends! And came home with fabulous new techniques to enjoy! Thanks Nat,eh

Kelly Belton, Canada – July 2012

If you ever have a chance to take a class with Nathalie – DO IT! She is tons of fun – she has tons of product knowledge, will teach you lots of technique and she is great at helping you unleash your creativity – and did I mention she is lots of fun? ….Nat we can’t wait ’til you come back!

Hedwig Schlötjes Belle, The Netherlands – December 2011

Nat is a very inspiring and experimental girl who shows you good, new tricks and all new kind of techniques. Because of her experimental nature, you can be YOU in her workshops. No need to make what she does, but it’s about being creative yourself. Much better, if you ask me, and i have experience as i was in her PanPastel class which i liked VERY much. Besides that, Nat is a kind person, quick in answering questions and encouraging you as a student.

Francoise Papillon, Belgium – December 2011

Nathalie gives a lot of technical content: in the end I knew which Tattered Angels paints is to be used for what and why and how! She gives the information in a structured way, which makes it easy to listen to. She uses the products and the project to underline your explanation. Nathalie demonstrates what needs to be demonstrated and leaves enough space for discovery. She gives liberty to interpretation: everyone can make his own thing or when feeling insecure, there’s still possibility to ‘copy’. She moves around during class: everyone gets his share of attention, encouragement,  comment or help if needed. Nathalie supplies more than enough material so that everyone can work at his pace without worrying about stash. She organizes the workspace: everyone knows where to find the necessary material. She entertains people during your class: there’s room for casual talk with her students. In short: I absolutely like the way she teaches!

Linda Brun, Norway – December 2011
I took my first online class with Nathalie summer 2010 through CraftEduCommunity. I had then already booked 3 classes with Nat for the PACS 2010 in november and I wanted to be prepared and check out what this paint and ink thing was.
Well I fell in love at once, with the paint and the mist and the way Nathalie teaches. So when I arrived in Paris I was so happy to play and learn from a great artist.
She is friendly, funny and very lovable. I have taken online classes with Nath after Paris and I was so happy when she came to Norway and my home town spring 2011.
I know she inspired many girls that attended her classes, including me. 

 I went back to school this year, studying graphic design.I would say that Nath is one of the people that inspires to do this, me with her work and personality. 
I consider Nat as a friend and hope that one day soon we can play together with paint and other mediums.
Birgit Kunte, Germany in German – October 2012
Jede Scrapperin, die sich auch für Mixed Media interessiert, hat wahrscheinlich PanPastels oder Art Bars zu Hause liegen. Wir streicheln sie und haben sie vielleicht schon auf die eine oder andere Art benutzt. Bei Nats Workshops “Portrait of a Lady” und “Tag you are it” lernt man die vielseitigen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten beider Medien kennen. Sie vermittelt einem auf ihre ganz eigene, super lustige und immer geduldige Art, nicht nur die unterschiedlichen Techniken sondern gibt auch noch das nötige Hintergrundwissen weiter. Dabei unterstützt sie die Teilnehmer in jeder nur erdenklichen Weise. Es macht Spaß in ihren Kursen an mit den unterschiedlichsten Untergründen und Materialien zu arbeiten. In dem “Chalk on the wild side”-Kurs habe ich zusätzlich auch noch ein für mich neues Medium “Liquid Chalks” kennen- und lieben gelernt. Nathalie ist eine fantastische Künstlerin, die immer down-to-earth und mit Witz ihr Wissen und ihre Begeisterung an die Teilnehmer ihrer Workshops weitergibt. Wer einmal an einem ihrer Workshops teilgenommen hat, wird es immer wieder tun. Ich freue mich schon aufs nächste Mal, vielen Dank, du bist die Beste

Students about my Über*Media Online Workshops:

Martha Richardson, USA:

Nathalie’s workshop introduced me to techniques using PanPastels, an art medium that I had never used before. To be able to concentrate on just one art medium allowed me to gain knowledge that I can  use over & over again. I highly recommend taking an online workshop with Nathalie. I will be signing up for the next in the series of her workshops!

Carmen Sanchez, Spain:

“Über*Media PanPastels workshop has been so much fun. Nathalie knows how to make things amusing. The workshop covers lots of different uses for PanPastels in the mixed media field. The videos and pdf files are very useful and descriptive. The sample projects are so creative. Also the timing is great. You have plenty of time to play and practice in between classes and Nathalie is always willing to help and answer your doubts. I’d totally recommend it”

Charlene Ocasek:

Well I just finished Nat’s class Uber Media Gesso and it was the best thing I could have done. I was introduced to gesso in Julie Balzers class 30 Days in you Journal and I was crazy for gesso. Nat is such a good instructor, she explains everything so well. She never hesitates to tell you what products work with gesso so you get the best results. The one thing about Nat, besides her great sense of humor is that she is very hands on with her students. I will definitely take other classes with Nat and I highly recommend this course. Thanks Nat!!!!

Tineke, The Netherlands:

Just finished the Acrylic Paint classes (long version) and I LOVED it! For me it was an exciting exploring adventure cause I’m new to all this art fun stuff. I just LOVE the way Nathalie teaches. So relaxed, funny and talented. I will miss her ‘pretty cool’ talk and my weekly adventure but hey there’s more!!!! My new next adventure will be the Pan Pastels workshop and after that I want to know all about Gesso. Yep, I’m hooked:-) Thank you so much Nathalie, you’re in my heart. Thank you for everything. You’re such a BEAUTIFUL person. Loads of love from Tineke/TeedeJee

Aiga Volkhausen, Germany in Deutsch

Einen ganz lieben Dank an Nathalie!
Seit ich deinen Online-Kurs Über Gesso besucht habe, traue ich mich so richtig zu mixen und matschen. Dank der Materialkunde weiß ich nun auch was geht und was nicht. Gesso ist mittlerweile mein bester Freund, auch wenn es immer eine riesen Schweinerei ist. Aber es macht halt so viel Spaß. Man kann, so wie ich, ohne vorherigen Plan an ein Projekt rangehen und einfach aus dem Bauch raus die Materialien benutzen, die einem das Mojo so vorgibt. Oder ganz gezielt auch mal was nacharbeiten, man weiß ja jetzt wie es geht.
Danke Nathalie! Ohne deine Kurse hätte ich mich z.B. nie an einen Keilrahmen gewagt. In Kombination mit dem Kurs Über Pan Pastel bin ich nun so richtig gut vorbereitet für die Mixed-Media-Welt. Die Kurse sind, obwohl überwiegend auf Englisch, sehr gut verständlich, auch für solche wie mich, die nach der Schule nie wieder ein Wort auf Englisch gesprochen haben. Durch die Videos kann man problemlos folgen. Sehr gut finde ich auch, dass man die Materialliste in Printform bereitgestellt bekommt.
Ich wünsche mir auch weiterhin noch viele interessante Kurse mit dir und hoffe, dass ich auch mal in den Genuss kommen werde, einen “realen” Kurs besuchen zu können.
Thank you SO MUCH for all your hard work in putting together this workshop(Acrylic Paint Full Version) ! I filled an entire Strathmore visual journal with all the various background techniques that is going to be a great reference.  I love your spirit of experimentation 🙂 Keep it up!!


  1. Just finished the Acrylic Paint classes (long version) and I LOVED it! For me it was an exciting exploring adventure cause I’m new to all this art fun stuff. I just LOVE the way Nathalie teaches. So relaxed, funny and talented. I will miss her ‘pretty cool’ talk and my weekly adventure but hey there’s more!!!! My new next adventure will be the Pan Pastels workshop and after that I want to know all about Gesso. Yep, I’m hooked:-) Thank you so much Nathalie, you’re in my heart. Thank you for everything. You’re such a BEAUTIFUL person. Loads of love from Tineke/TeedeJee

  2. Charlene Ocasek says:

    Well I just finished Nat’s class Uber Media Gesso and it was the best thing I could have done. I was introduced to gesso in Julie Balzers class 30 Days in you Journal and I was crazy for gesso. Nat is such a good instructor, she explains everything so well. She never hesitates to tell you what products work with gesso so you get the best results. The one thing about Nat, besides her great sense of humor is that she is very hands on with her students. I will definitely take other classes with Nat and I highly recommend this course. Thanks Nat!!!!

Hurrah - you make me happy by leaving a comment! <3 Nat