Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #9


and back 😉

Let’s see which technique I have for you today


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

So here is the video #9:


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I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart

Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Thanks late watching and have found video stops before the end for me. Anne x

  2. another fab technique – thank u 🙂

  3. Maria del Carmen says:

    Thank you Nath, for sharing this technique!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing! I love gesso and the textures!.

  5. Angela Bolton says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and techniques. You are amazing!

  6. Stacy Caddy says:

    Thanks for sharing that fun technique Nat!!! Learning so much this year with your CJS!!!

  7. Johanne L. says:

    Again, great techniques. Thanks for sharing those with us.

  8. Monica Baker says:

    I love my gesso! I am definitely seeing some items I am going to have to buy with a gift card my boys got me for Christmas 🙂 Thanks for all the wonderful ideas – loving CJS don’t want it to end!!

  9. Great info and technique, another product that I need!

  10. Thanks for the tips and techniques!

  11. Cool technique! thanks for sharing!

  12. Thanks for all the techniques–learning so much about mixed media!

  13. great technique…I love gesso!

  14. Wonderful technique. I loved the effect of the wax medium artbars on the gesso. Super effect in my art journals. Thanks so much.

  15. What should we do, if there is no Gesso! Thank you!

  16. I appreciate this video on texture. It adds so much to your journals and art projects. I was not familiar with the art bars and will have to put them on my list of things to try. Thanks Nat.

  17. You are the master of Gesso, Nat. I can’t wait to try some of these.

  18. That was one of my favorites–thank you, Nat!

  19. oooh, I really like this!

  20. Yvonne Williams says:

    I just got some stencils in the mail yesterday. Gonna break open my new bottle of gesso and get to work. Thanks again.

  21. I am just learning to expand my horizons with gesso. Love to see the textures that can be created. Thanks Nat.

  22. thank you so much nathalie! i particularly like the helpful hints about wax medium being fat, and the thin media over it. i’m going to experiment with the techniques right now. 🙂

  23. Again an amazing video with lots of fun stuff for a cool background 😀 Thank you!
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  24. LOVE the effect you got from the wax based watercolor paints on the Gesso!!! THANKS for sharing another AWESOME technique!

  25. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Enjoyed watching your texture techniques using gesso, thanks for sharing!

  26. Enjoyed the gesso technique!

  27. Great technique, Nathalie!! I love the texture, you created!! Will try as soo as possible!! Thanks for sharing your video!!

  28. Wow… love the texture and how you used everyday ordinary supplies! That really helps the budget! The Dewert Art Bars look cool!

  29. Thanks, love your techniques!

  30. Nat, I’m a little behind in my videos…but I can’t tell you how much I have learned…Great, great designers and YOU!!!

  31. Thanks so much for sharing and creating Jumpstart! More great ideas today!!

  32. Gerd Andersson says:

    Thank you so much! This lesson was great! I like both the idea with gesso/texture and the artbars are tempting! Wonders when I’ll afford to buy them!

  33. I definitely want to hop up and gesso something after watching your video! Thanks for the lesson on fat over lean. I don’t think about that enough!

  34. As usual a great video

  35. love this technique, thanks for sharing. put the art bars on mhy whish-list !!!

  36. Loving the fun ideas with Gesso- and cannot wait to give some different texture ideas a go. Love the saying fat over lean- I knew that Prismacolor pencils make a resist (from the wax) but did not think about that in relation to other products.

  37. Just got some gesso from the US, whenit gets here can’t wait to play 😀

  38. Thank YOU for organizing this! I am learning SO much! Hugs!

  39. Very, very, VERY cool Nat. Thank you!!!!! 🙂

  40. Rita Timmons says:

    Thanks for another great tutorial! I am really enjoying the CJS this year! Thanks for putting this together.

  41. Tracy Strahle says:

    Nothing is off limits when it comes to creating texture. Thanks for sharing.

  42. That’s why I don’t like the thinner gesso. I love to use it for texture. Doing a background like this, is a great idea! Thanks for showing!

    xx Monica

  43. Sonia Tsukasa Nozawa says:

    Thank you, Nat. Love this technique, I will try to do it on my next work!! 😉

  44. Thank you Nathalie for this great video using gesso and derwent. Loved it, The textures are very nice.

  45. Out of all the new techniques and products that I have leant about during the cjs I think I am looking forward to using gesso the most!

  46. mlcain0202 says:

    Thanks for sharing Nat. I love the different techniques you have shown us.

  47. I love gesso and this is a great technique for it. Already tried to create texture with a lot of stuff because that is the coolest part of working with gesso –> ribbon, flowers, shelf liner, bubble wrap (of course!), stencils, masks, die cuts, paper clips, ….. you name it.

  48. sweet

  49. conlin664 says:

    Cool technique. Can’t wait to try it!

  50. Christina says:

    Great Technique!!!!!!

  51. Lovely, fun was to create…again! Thank you!

  52. Dara Lynn says:

    So enjoy seeing you create the textures with simple tools!

  53. Haven’t seen the derwent artbars before and really like the look they give the gesso texture. Also, liked the lean vs fat theory, learned something new today!

  54. Thanks for another great technique…one that I will definitely try.

  55. Thank you Nat. I’m really glad to be learning different ways to add texture!

  56. Thanks for showing this great technique

  57. Just a question: After painting with this Derwent plus water, and once it is dry if you paint on top with another water medium, would they mix ? or the Derwent color will remain the inalterable.
    Thank you

  58. This just looks FUN!! love the idea of a plastic fork….

  59. This is another fun technique that I have actually done before. I think I have some of the crayons in an OLD paint kit. I will have to try this!

  60. Candy Brintnall says:

    I’ve never seen those little triangle water solubles before! I must look those up. I love them! Thanks Nat!

  61. Janet Firth says:

    Nat you are really thank full for you and your sharing your talent. Wow I have learned so much and am beyond grateful!

  62. Looks to be so much fun!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I’ve learned a lot from you guys! Sad that it will soon be over …

  63. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    Awesome technique………love the darker over the watercolor. Gesso is fabulous!

  64. Great technique! I love the added texture with the second layer of Artbars – so cool!!

  65. Thanks for another great vid Nat! I love this idea! I have a swapbot swap at the moment for textured background and I’m going to use this 😀

  66. Awesome! Thanks for sharing! I’ve had my gesso like forever since I thought it was just a primer which I don’t need that often.

  67. Judith Noble says:

    I have not used gesso in so many ways–Thanks for the insights!

  68. I love playing with Gesso but have never tried paints with it yet. Thanks for sharing your technique using the Art Bars. I had never heard of them but now I’m going in search. They look like they would be a lot of fun to use.

  69. thank you for all your hard work. beginning to love gesso

  70. AmyMarie Riley says:

    Thanks for the great reminder of the things gesso can do. I bought some and have never used it! I am learning to do layers and “get messy” so the “fat over lean” information is helpful.

  71. love gesso and cant get enuff since I use it for so many things- GREAT video Nat and HAVE to try the art bars now for sure! Wondering if you like those more then Neo crayons?? Are they the same? thanks for all you do!

  72. Love gesso textures! Jumpstart is a fab journey Nat, thanks!

  73. I just bought some gesso and was playing with it last weekend I am going to try this tomorrow thanks for sharing.

  74. Cathy in Canada says:

    Have just discovered gesso and it is great! Thanks for the ideas!

  75. Nurse Ratchet says:

    Always love the Gesso..tx Nat ! Fabulous as always…ArtBars…be looking for them!,

  76. Super fun! Can’t wait to experiment with different textures and the gesso. Thank you again for all your hard work in putting together Creative Jumpstart!

  77. lisa glowatski says:

    Really love this technique Love the “Fat over lean” love the expression and will remember this Thanks for putting this together I have learnt a lot!!

  78. This looks like a fun one to try!

  79. So much fun! I have been eying the artbars for a long time….

  80. Very nice – loved the “fat over lean” – I will be able to remember that!

  81. Vanessa Miles says:

    I am going to get gesso this weekend and try something. It looks like fun!

  82. Love the art bars … wow so many techniques, so many products I now want to own … thanks for sharing. I really liked the idea of using art bars on backgrounds. Will check out my local store tomorrow to se what they have in stock.

  83. I am off to try this today! Thanks Nat.

  84. Almost OVER??? Oh, boo hoo! I have learned SOOO MUCH in these classes, Nat!
    And I really really LOVE this technique today! Can’t wait to try it out!

  85. Another fabulous technique, thanks so much for all the great tips : )

  86. Super fun! I have gesso and really enjoy playing with it.Hopefully I’ll get a chance to give this a try this weekend.

  87. Another great technique! Thank you so much for doing all of this. It was great to learn about fat over lean. Very helpful.

  88. Thanks so much again Nathalie, another lovely technique.

  89. Great Nathalie! Love how you work with gesso, i use gesso a lot but never used your technique. Thanks for showing.

  90. Another great idea with gesso. I think it is fast becoming my favourite medium. There is so much you can do with it. I am think of trying this texture technique on canvas. Thanks for sharing.

  91. I must use gesso for more than just a base! Thanks, Nat, the page looks great.

  92. Thanks so much! I think it is so fun to “draw” in the gesso and then see it pop out with the wax crayons.

  93. As always, thank you for your generosity in showing these techniques! xoxo

  94. Love all the texture!! I’ll be using my watercolor crayons for this since I don’t have the bars. Thanks Nat!!

  95. I just bought some black gesso (so much for my new year’s resolution to use what I have!) with the plan to do a color wash over black gesso. Must.have.texture. The plastic fork and credit card applicator are new ideas for me–thank you!

  96. Loved this video Nat! Those artbars look like a lot of fun, think I’ll play with my watercolor crayons and see what I get.

  97. Thanks for another fun Video Nat!

  98. Those art bars look like fun–great intensity! I’m amazed how much texture appeared in that very thin gesso. Off to play!

  99. Nancy Sapp says:

    Oh Nat – I’m going to miss the videos!! I’ve enjoyed them all & have learned a lot. I hope you do this again next year.

  100. Thanks for showing, – now I have to go shopping…*lol*

  101. Thank you, Nathalie. “)
    Neat technique!

  102. Great jump start once again Nathalie. I love playing with gesso.

  103. What a great collection of techniques you have been sharing with us. It’s especially helpful when you then explaing what you might do wih that technique. In english, the fat versus lean terminology is often used in art painting, mostly in connection with acrylic & oil paints. It’s good to understand how it also applies to other mediums.

  104. That’s really cool! I think I will try that! Thank you. =)

  105. Love this, Nat. Ooooh, I love the use of the fork. lol Thanks for sharing.

  106. I really like this technique! Thanks so much.

  107. Thank you so much for your videos. I will remember that expression ‘fat over lean’ – I think that is an easy way to remember what to put down first when using different art mediums.

  108. Heather P. says:

    Great texture! Thanks for sharing it with us. I’m so sad that January is almost over. It’s a real treat to get the Creative Jumpstart emails every day.

  109. I enjoyed this jumpstart! Thanks for stirring the creative pot that is my brain!!!

  110. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    thank you for this fun technique….

  111. Loved this technique! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  112. Texture word of the day , thank you again!

  113. Love that texture!

  114. I love gesso and learning about new coloring tools. Thanks so much, Nat!

  115. loved seeing the textures done in the gesso; I have yet to use it that way and look forward to trying! Thanks!

  116. Nat, that was a fun technique. I like to use gesso with stencils. Loved your lean/fat analogy. Makes great sense. That’ was a huge aha for me.

  117. Lynne Vowles says:

    I love the effect you’ve created, thanks for sharing.

  118. Qué triste cuando se acaba! (So sad this comes to an end!) We say that phrase in Puerto Rico when something great (a party, a class, a meeting) is coming to an end…everyday i am anxious to open the JumpStart, and today it was simple but inspirational, extracting art juices for all, i think…Thanks for your videos, which let me met you, now and forever!

  119. Really enjoying your workshops, finding your descriptions how the product works really helpful…thank you

  120. Ooh, my fav medium!! Thank you, Nat! I have enjoyed all the CJS Videos. I’m so inspired and appreciate all your hard work, as well as all the artist who have participated.

  121. Nancy Riggs says:

    Another great tutorial. Thanks.

  122. Evelyn R. says:

    Thanks for informative tutorial. Will have to try that technique using my Caron D’Ache Neocolor crayons. Never thought of using them on their sides, like pastels. All you tutorials are so well explained. They are just great!

  123. A tremendous amount of possibilities of gesso!. Thanks for sharing them.

  124. Thank you Natalie for the WONDERFUL journey and I am already getting ready for the sad day of our last video together! But I do hope you continue on and I will be waiting for NEXT year!!!

  125. Thanks Nat, you explained gesso so well and now I understand more about it. Time to buy some and experiment. I’m loving all the videos!

  126. Debby Podgorski says:

    Great technique. Love the fat over lean tip. Glad you demoed the art bars as I have some and have not used them yet!

  127. Holly McMannes says:

    Great technique. Thank you.

  128. Thank you ! Have a great weekend

  129. Thank you Nat. I love how you make gesso look so effortless. I’ll have to pick some up next time I’m out.

  130. I have enjoyed all the videos so far and am sorry for this workshop to be coming to an end! Loads of techniques and inspiration!

  131. Now I know why I have ruined several felt-tipped markers. Never again now that I know your “fat over lean” expression. Thanks.

  132. Kristina Perez says:

    I like the look you got. I will be trying this. Thank you for sharing with us.

  133. Liz Thayne says:

    THank you for sharing this Nat. And for the great tipabout the fat and lean products!

  134. Kim H20skier says:

    again thanks for sharing. I am starting to use more products that I just had to have but didn’t quite know what to do with them. it’s been really great to wake up every morning to get my fix of creative jump start.

  135. I am going to be working with Gesso this weekend..thanks for the tip.

  136. Bea Arreola says:

    I’ve never seen Art Bars before! Great technique! Thanks!

  137. Thanks for the tutorial on the gesso, love how your page turned out. I haven’t used a lot of gesso so I must give it a try.

  138. thanks for sharing all the tips
    ava g

  139. kara rogers says:

    I am so much the ‘why’ girl!! Thank you for your wonderful explanations and amazing techniques!

  140. I can see great use for this technique on scrapping backgrounds. Thanks Nathalie

  141. Theresa. H says:

    Hi Nathalie, Love the video. The saying ‘always use fat over lean’ translated very well. It has definitely made things a lot clearer for me. I no longer have to remember individual rules for each product = just apply this one. Thanks so much 🙂

  142. I am just loving this! Thank you so very much!

  143. Thanks for the tips and techniques! I can’t wait to try it out.

  144. Roxane Apple says:

    Thanks for inspiring me to try the gesso I bought but hadn’t ever opened! You’re a great teacher with so very many talents!

  145. The fat over the lean makes perfect sense and I know that I’ll remember this now – thanks so much for all the lovely inspiration!

  146. Love using gesso. Thanks for the tutorial.

  147. deborahl591 says:

    I just bought the water soluble crayons and I’m looking forward to trying all the techniques. i like that you wrote into the gesso and can bring it out with the crayons. thanks Nat.

  148. Colleen Fuerst says:

    Another great technique, thanks. I’m getting some great backgrounds (and some mud, too, but having fun trying).

  149. Robbi Parker says:

    Your not only a great artist but a wonderful teacher!

  150. Fun technique – good for lots of different surfaces, too. Really enjoying the CJS!

  151. Thanks Nathalie. I will definitely get some gesso for me and try. 😀

  152. scrappinvt says:

    Great technique. I hate to see these end.

  153. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    Love the resemblance to woodblock printing–gives me lots of ideas. My first exposure to the artbars–have only seen inktense blocks. Thank you so much Nathalie–this series has been so inspiring.

  154. I love the final result. Thanks a lot for this technique.

  155. Susanna M.-L. says:

    Hi Nat,
    herzlichen Dank – ich bin total begeistert und verfolge Deine Beiträge jeden Tag. Super, mach weiter so und ganz lieben Dank.
    Kreative Grüße von Susanna M.-L.

  156. Thanks for explaining why you cannot write on top of crayons! Another great tutorial, Nat, many thanks 🙂

  157. I liked your explanation of “fat and lean products”..makes sense to me!

  158. Dale Rose says:

    Like this technique. I am off to try it right away. Thanks Nat!

  159. Dee in NH says:

    That was awesome! I love Gesso and especially all the different textures!

  160. Great technique Nat
    Thanks for showing!

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