Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #8


Hi you all 🙂

already at part 8 of my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Online Workshop


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

So here is the video Number 8:

Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

Here are the supplies I used during the video:


And since this technique is part of my Über*Media PanPastel Workshop …maybe you would like to learn a bit more of the fun stuff you can do with PanPastel


I would love to give away one seat in my Über*Media PanPastel Workshop

In this Über*Media PanPastel Workshop I want you to learn how to use PanPastels in your Scrapbooking and Mixed Media Projects! This class is a reference guide for you, showing all kinds of possibilities and techniques using PanPastels with different surfaces and media.

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

In order to win the seat in this class please leave a comment here and tell me what your favorite media to work with is.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.

You can find more about me here:

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I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart

Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Christine says:

    I am just new to mixed media, so anything that I can get into I love

  2. 17turtles says:

    ANother great video! I have never worked with Pan Pastels, but after watching this I would love to give them a try. My favorite media is probably ink, but I also love paint and molding paste!

  3. that looks great – something else to add to my wish list (its growning very long now!!) – I love using distressing inks and acrylic paint

  4. I love to paint in acrylics but I am so excited embarking in mixed media. I’m having a blast.. I’ve started my first art journel since CJS started.

  5. Teri Buczkowski says:

    Watercolor. Never used panpastels must try someday.

  6. love paint!
    Nathalie you have been so giving of your time and knowledge and the giveaways too
    just amazing
    thank you !

  7. I am loving JumpStart! Thanks so much for the video… I don’t have pan pastels yet, but would love to have them:)

  8. Oh Natalie…. I would love to do this class. I bought several pan pastels a few months ago, but have been too timid to use them!

  9. Angela Bolton says:

    i love all your techniques and I have ordered some of the pastels so cant waitto try them!

  10. Until the Creative Jump Start, I’d only worked with paper and glue. I haven’t been able to invest in any of the tools and media shown here yet (except for an inexpensive box of watercolors), but it’s inspired me to try everything I do have handy – the watercolors, crayons, colored pencils, acrylic paint, even puffy fabric paint and food coloring mixed with glue. I think the pastels is my favorite tool you’ve introduced so far though.

  11. Lela Meinke says:

    stamps and ink are my favorite. liquitex heavy body acryllic paint i love too.

  12. I would so enjoy the class!! I enjoy working with dimension, so the texture pastes and gels are among my favorite mediums. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  13. My favorite medium is….gesso! It’s such a hard worker and it makes my inks/sprays/paints look so much better!

  14. LaurieJay says:

    My favorite is Dylusions + stencils. I’d love to know more about Pan Pastels….I think we did this in Toronto, didn’t we?

  15. I generally use distress inks, gesso and acrylics, but I have never tried pan pastels.

  16. Johanne L. says:

    It’s difficult to choose only one media. I love paint but I also like to incorporate inks in my work. Thanks for the chance,

  17. Gelatos are my favourite but I have a set of pan pastels just screaming to be opened! maybe i will try them today!!!

  18. Thanks for sharing this technique. Great for backgrounds!

  19. I’ve really liked stamping the last few years but am trying to expand my technique base and this course has been wonderful. Love the PanPastels, I had never seen them used before. Thanks!

  20. Nat, another great technique. I have to get myself those pan pastels. Picking one medium is crazy, they all go together so well. Let’s see now, I’m going to pick Derwent products as my favourites because they go so well with my other favourites, LOL

  21. I usually use acrylic paints and glimmer mists- and experimented with gesso a few times–after watching all these videos, I am ready to stepping up and trying all the other medias!

  22. I am loving using different mediums on templates…especially pan pastels. I would love to learn some new techniques to get the most use out of the pastels I have purchased!

  23. I love using acrylics and water colours. Pan pastels are totally new to me so would love to experiment. I usually love mediums that can surprise me.

  24. Gayle Richmond says:

    I have been experimenting with stencils and just ordered my first set of 5 pan pastels and they should be here tomorrow – can’t wait to play

  25. I enjoy using acrylic paint and spray inks. I would love to learn how best to use Pan Pastels. I am truly enjoying this year’s Creative Jumpstart. Thanks Nat!

  26. Nathalie thank you for sharing this. I don’t have any pan pastels but they are on my wishlist.

  27. This is a really new one for me!!! Never hear or seen it before – Thanks a mil for sharing!!! I’ so loving my acrylic’s and papers & stencils! inks are enjoyable but nothing like my acrylics

  28. I think stencils and spray mists are my favorite media 🙂

  29. I love so many different mediums! I am especially enjoying playing with inks, including painting with them, right now. Can’t wait to try your Pan Pastel technique. Thanks!

  30. I am so busy soaking up all the various techniques I haven’t quite decided. I’m thinking stencils and acrylics so far. Stamps, too.

  31. Most of all I like everything that is good quality. Experiencing a glue that does everything but gluing. I’m not amused. But besides that, I’m really fond of ink, all kinds of ink!

  32. It changes like the weather – day by day… lol Gesso for sure, distressing everything from fabric to paper, and embossing every chance I get.

  33. helen markee says:

    I think stencils and spray mists are my favorite media at the moment

  34. missmelissaw says:

    I love to work with paints and mist sprays. Together, they will create beautiful backgrounds for any project!

  35. I have a few favourite media so it is hard to choose. More recently I have been experimenting with acrylic paints in combination with gesso and modelling paste for textures. I love using stencils with the inks and pastes too.

  36. My journey is somewhat new so I mainly used acrylics, distress inks and mediums. I have never tried PanPastels and that would be a wonderful opportunity for me to sit on one of your workshop. I will for sure go and get pastels in the next days and try them on as it looks so simple when you do it!! Thanks

  37. Yvonne Williams says:

    Nat, I love CJS 2013. It is the most fascinating set of techniques, new mediums, and fun that I have been involved with in the art world. Im mostly scrapbooker and card maker, but now, thanks to you and all the others, I am branching out. thank you SO MUCH!

  38. Sharon van Beek says:

    Until now distress inks and spray inks have been my favorite media, but now I also like acrylic paint combined with oil pastels! I have not yet tried pan pastels but it looks real nice!

  39. momzart101 says:

    My favorite mediums are watercolor pencils and crayons. I’d like to try the pan pastels now.

  40. I am so new at this! I’m and ink and stamp girl, but just bought some acrylic paints … who knows where this will take me … gesso?

  41. I love using stamps but am now learning new techniques. Thank you.

  42. My favourite is Dylusions inks, stencils & stamps. I have a few Pan Pastels & am looking forward to using them more.

  43. I like working with very fluid acrylic paints, stencils and sprays.

  44. Jean McBride says:

    I have tried lots of different pastels over the years but these Pan ones seem to be very different and should work far better for the type of art that I do. Will have to add them it my wish list. I am glad you mentioned the Heat Gun …being such a silent one I totally agree with you. I do so wish someone would ban the Fiskars spring punches which so many ladies seem to take delight in using at classes ( they are like little children who love to annoy with noise) Thank goodness for the crop-o-dial.

  45. I use anything and everything 🙂 But I always use NeoColor Water Soluble Wax Crayons mixed in with everything else, I don’t think I have many artsy works that don’t use these somewhere…

  46. it’s not really a medium, but I love to work with fabric on the scrapbooking creations…

  47. Since I am new to mixed media art… I have only used Dylusions Sprays and stencils! I would love to learn more about Pan Pastels. Are they creamy or powdery? As I have some chalks that are creamy and then others are powdery. Thanks for the inspiration.

  48. My favorite mediums to work with are acrylic paints, I would like to give the pan pastels a go sometime, they look fun too 🙂

  49. I love using transparent media like inks, sprays and watercolors.

  50. Gerd Andersson says:

    Thank you so much for this inspiring video lesson! I’ll definitely buy the Pan Pastels next! Thank you for the tip about the heating gun! Actually, I don’t yet have any favourite medium except for paper and glue to make collage.

  51. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    I generally use mists, gesso and acrylics I have tried pastels.

  52. My favourite medium to work with has to be paint! Although paper, stencils and ink of any kind come a close second. I have some Pan Pastels but have hardly used them as I am not quite sure how to combine them with my other mediums. I have just them on their own but need to get them into my mixed media work.

  53. I love Pan Pastels- and have a few…. I just signed up for your Workshop, and am going to do week one tomorrow…… : ) I am looking forward to using them some more!

  54. I like to mix and match but have to say I love most things in Tim Holtz’ distress range as they all work so well together…

  55. Cindi Walsh says:

    Those pan pastels are so creamy and nice! I just saw some in person this weekend. I would love to have a spot in your class to learn how to use them. I think my favorite medium is ink since I am mainly a rubber stamper. I like all kinds of ink but my favorites right now are probably Colorbox fluid chalk inks and Ranger distress inks.

  56. I would love a reason to get into Pan Pastels! Right now my favourite technique is using watercolour crayons with a waterbrush. Quick and easy way to colour images.

  57. I love paper–all kinds

  58. i am learning to embrace all media – acrylics is my fall back but I have this lovely collection of pan pastels here that I really need to break open….

  59. Rita Timmons says:

    Great Technique! Love the resist look with stamps & pan pastels. I must dig mine out and give it a try. I’m not sure I have a favorite medium at the moment – playing with all kinds of things like paints and stencils. But willing to try anything at least once 🙂

  60. Valerie Bullock says:

    Hello Nat. Thanks, again, for all your hard work in putting CJS together and for taking time to share your own techniques. Right now I would have to say I am obsessed with spray inks – using them with and without stencils. I am enjoying learning the properties of each type and how to utilize them in my creative endeavors (journal pages and canvas). I would so enjoy taking your workshop on Pan Pastels. I have just started playing with them and really love their smooth quality.

  61. I love my stamps and inks.

  62. my fav medium to work with is acrylics and lately ive been exploring with stamps and watercolor 😀

  63. Stacy Caddy says:

    Right now I am enjoying working with my Faber Castell Artist big brush pens…

  64. Great technique! right now I like using acrylic inks and paints.

  65. Inks, paints, copics, mists…where do I stop! Love to try new things too.

  66. Lisa Campion says:

    Wow – I would love to take your class to learn more about how to use Pan Pastels. I love working on canvas; with acrylic paints especially Golden acrylics, a spray bottle of water & all kinds of vintage papers, maps, photos, playing cards, bits & scraps I find at garage sales.

  67. Catching up today on the wonderful CJS techniques. Loved this resist look with the soft pastels, will try with chalk though since I do not yet own any Pan Pastels.
    My favorite medium? Acrylic Paints and stamps for sure, although I do love to mix them up with sprays, texture paste and patterned paper as well 🙂
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  68. Hannie Hokke says:

    I love to try different mediums, but get always back to sprays and Distress inks.

  69. I’ve only used stamps but I am looking forward to using gesso and creating more texture and also using the stencils.

  70. Mists, acrylics, gesso

  71. I love to work with acrylics and pastels, but I never tried pan pastels until now.

  72. Mostly I work with inks and acrylic paints. Can’t wait to get my hands on the new distress paints that they showed at CHA. Apart from that I experiment with sprays and gesso an I would love to test some pan pastels. Where do I get them?

  73. raine1313 says:

    Gosh! I love them all! But my particular favorites are acrylics, sprays, stencils, Gelli plate and pastels.

  74. those pans have a beautiful color too….

  75. I love stamping and ink

  76. Tina Walker says:

    I love paper, especially patterned paper…but my second favorite is modeling paste!

  77. Katie Hill says:

    I am comfortable with acrylic and oil paint. Pan Pastels sound awesome! I must learn!

  78. S Mellows says:

    At the core of most of my work is my love of drawing. ( I am not a realist though.) so pens, Faber Castel Pitt Pens are #1. For Color: markers (Ranger Distress pens this year), watercolor, acrylic paints, inks, Scribbles by Tulip. Tools: scissors, razor knife, Fisker cutters (slide and arm), ruler and that Tonic Pick that Tim Holtz designed. Glues: Crack N Peel (doublestick sheets) by Thermoweb,, Ailene quick dry tacky glue, and Glossy Accents. Embelllish: stamps I make or buy, wire, stickers, lace, ribbon, and brads. Stencils I make or buy. Recycle: cardboard, wrapping paper, Ephemra, recyled plastic and odd things I find. Honestly, these are my dailies because I am in two ATC groups plus I art journal plus I make cards. Thanks for asking

  79. Amy Malla says:

    My favorite media is spray inks so far but I am trying everything:)

  80. Toni Hinchcliffe says:

    That is a really difficult question! I love playing with all my artsy stuff. Currently, I would have to choose acrylic paints because I just did a LO with a paint splattered background that I love.

  81. Is the pan pastel like chalks? Do you have to spray a fixative on it? I usually use inks and copics. This video reminded me of my unused pastel chalks.

  82. Ann Powell says:

    I love watercolor crayons and pencils. I just got some pan pastels but haven’t used them too much yet. Need inspiration and a class in techniques! Great tutorial. Loving all these videos! Thank you!

  83. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    What a neat technique………..I can see a LO done this way, already!!!
    I am lovin’ my inks and mists utilizing stencils!!

  84. Oooh I have never tried pastels, these look very yummy to play with! I love my inks and gesso 🙂

  85. Thanks for another cool vid! I think my favourite media at the moment is sprays and paint 😀

  86. If rubber stamps count, they would be my number 1! Otherwise I’d have to say watercolor, as I’ve been using it a lot for backgrounds in my art journal lately.

  87. modelling paste is my favorite at the moment
    ava g

  88. Jenny McGee says:

    I enjoy stamping. Thanks for a chance.

  89. My favs at the moment are stencils, acrylics and stamps. I just purchased a couple pan pastels and was so happy to see this video! Thanks for the chance to use them and more in your fab class!

  90. AmyMarie Riley says:

    I use mostly paper and ink but have been delving into acrylic paints. I have not heard of panpastels before and would love to learn more!!

  91. I loved this Nat! I must get out the embossing powders and USE them… I love how they resist agaist the panpastels! This is something I can definitely do….. I have panpastels too! My fave medium would have to be gesso and paints! (and love my spatula!)

  92. Claudine G. says:

    I Love ink, especialy distress inks. Wether it’s the ink pads, the daubers or straight out of the re-inker bottle, distress inks is my to-go medium.

  93. Betty Dallas says:

    Well, I thought my favorite was rubber and ink… until I found Creative JumpStart. Now I have 15 favorites! Thanks for the inspiration.

  94. leann lindeman says:

    My favorite are spray mists!!! Can’t get enough of them.

  95. Ich bin noch am anfang von Mixed media, hab mich noch nicht so viel getraut, aber ich möchte noch soooo viel lernen und ausprobieren, ich hab acrylfarben, pastell-malblöcke, stifte und natürlich sprayfarben, macht alles spass, mir fehlt nur noch der kick, wie ich die alle zusammen benutzen kann…

  96. By far, the mists.

  97. Have never tried pan pastels. My fav media right now is acrylic paint.

  98. Just bought my first four pan pastels and hopefully I can add more – just love the way they go on the page, and especially after aplying embossed stamps! Thanks for the video, Nat!! My favorite media at the moment is using my stencils and hence using all my paints, sprays, crayons, pencils, pens and pan pastels!

    Thanks for the chance!

    Carmen L.

  99. so enjoying jump start! Thanks for putting it together! I really love working with all kinds of ink and paint would have to be a close 2nd

  100. I just started using sprays and having fun. Also, learning about beeswax/encaustics.

  101. My favourite media is Distress ink.

  102. I am wild about the spray inks right now.

  103. vickyday13 says:

    I really love the spray inks! I’ve always wondered what pan pastels were! Now I know and would love to have some!

  104. I am thoroughly enjoying Jumpstart – such variety! Thanks Nat!
    My favourite medium until now has been ink – but I am intrigued by several other mediums having seen them on JS, including panpastels. Thanks for the chance of winning a place in your class.

  105. I love paper, ink, stamping, bling, glitter, paint, collage, layers and so much more! There isn’t enought room in the house for me to keep all that I love to work with! YIKES!

  106. My favorite medium to work with is probably paper, but I like fabric too….such a limiting question. Might be easier to ask what medium’s I don’t like using! 🙂

  107. Paints are definitely my medium of choice – especially in journaling and collage. But, I love all types – recently used Pan Pastels to color an art journal for The Sketchbook Project!

  108. I am also new to mixed media and love to play with various mediums. I think I’m leaning towards the crackle look on my artwork and have some visions of what I will be creating. Just need to sit down and play…. I haven’t purchased any pan pastels and am really interested in them. I have used pastel chalk with card making and by using versamark, although it looks like the pans would allow the blending and mixing of colors. Thanks for sharing and I hope I’m lucky to win this!

  109. I love to work with gesso and acrylic paints; also vintage paper. I just bought some PanPastels and appreciate your video – I don’t know how to use them so would enjoy your class.

  110. Since my first hobby fair in 2007 where I finally bought scrapbooking’s papers and embellishments, my very favourite media are clear stamps and embossing powder…I stamp and decorate or make background or create templates for stiching….I can do nearly everything with them!

  111. I love my acrylic paints. I feel I can do anything with them. Painting, stencilling, spraying, even stamping. But having seen this video, I sure would like to give the panpastels a try. The colours look gorgeous.

  112. Jenn Heuston says:

    Geez, how could I ever choose one favorite?? I tend to love things in phases…. and right now I am enjoying water color crayons, pencils, and paints.

  113. I use distress markers a lot – and stamps

  114. Ooooh, just one? That’s hard. I’d have to say my choice would be ink. I love pens — markers, ballpoints, gel inks, you name it, I use it. Liquid inks count too. I paint and write with them and I especially love ink splats!

  115. Ich liebe es zu sprayen. Ich fange ja gerade erst an, und das hat es mir bis jetzt angetan. Aber ich werde noch einiges testen müssen…
    LG Stephanie

  116. thanks for the chance! love watercolors to work with!

  117. I love to work with gesso, acryl paint, ink, art bars and stamps!
    Thank you for another great video!

  118. mlcain0202 says:

    I have been working alot with the spray inks and distressed inks. I do not have any pan pastals but I loved this technique you just shared with us.

  119. Linda Søberg says:

    Hi! I love paints and sprays!

  120. I think I have too many favourites. I like texture paste, stencils, Neo Colour, stamps, distress ink, papers, inks just for starters.

  121. NancyGrace says:

    My answer depends exclusively on what tools and supplies are in front of me at the moment. I will paint, I will stamp, I will knit, crochet, tat, weave, sculpt, do batik, Pysanky (Ukrainian Egg decorating), emboss, dye, draw, sketch, (ETC) with whatever I have on hand. And sometimes that includes some very non-traditional techniques.

    Or is vegetable/potato stamping too well-known to be considered non-traditional? How about knitting or weaving with ribbon? Or paper valentines embellished with vintage swizzle sticks from airplane drinks? Or home-made paper incorporating with used tea leaves? A construction of a miniature roadside fruitstand featuring fruits & vegetables dyed onto eggs, including a honeycomb dripping honey, a sliced orange, a fan spread of avocado slices, a cut watermelon and an artichoke. I have done them all, and will probably do more before I die.

    Bring it on! I WANT that class!

  122. I have never used pan pastels, I like creating and experimenting with gesso and gel medium glossy combined to distress inks.

  123. Wendy Gilbertson says:

    I have an extensive collection of stamps and distress inks! However, I have recently bought some pan pastels and I’m so excited to try this new technique with them!

  124. so far I would say paint, ink, and markers/pens. I have not seen pan pastels before and they look interesting!

  125. I love COLOR! So I love paints, markers, sprays, ink pads (don’t have any pan pastels yet). Of course with the color you have to have the applicators: stamps, stencils, masks, it’s all good!!!

  126. Debbie Pettit says:

    I haven’t tried very many types of media yet but I’m loving working with acrylic paints. The two things I most covet are Dylusions spray inks and Pan Pastels – I’ll get some eventually!

  127. I think my favourite media would have to be watercolours. I have to say though I’ve been curious about pan pastels for a while now so am very happy to have seen today’s technique. Thanks Nat!! 🙂

  128. stencils, stamps, inks are my favs. it looks like I need to consider putting pan pastels into my tool box! like the resist techniqe. TFS!

  129. matrispapercrafts says:

    I really love the look of pan pastels. I have used a lot of different mediums. but I have yet to get any of these. The colors go on so smooth. Hope to get some in the future. Great sample project.

  130. Right now I am enjoying learning about mists and trying out different markers. I have ordered a set of panpastels and am bookmarking tutorials to learn to use them. Bet your class would be a better and more amazing way to learn.

  131. Christina says:

    inks and paint

  132. I like to work with ink, distress ink, spray ink and acrylic paint.

  133. My favorite media right now are Distress Inks and Tsukineko Inks.

  134. Debby Podgorski says:

    I love rubber stamping and using various inks. Have worked a bit with the pan pastels and they are neat. Need to try the resist technique you shared. Thanks.

  135. Pan pastels are way over my budget 😀 I’m sure I’d love them if I had them. In fact, pastel crayons were the ones that empowered my joy to create and put my skills to a higher level.
    Gesso is my number 1 favorite at the moment. I love working with paper, Dylusions ink spray, acrylic paint, fabric, stencils, stamps, water colour paint, pencils….I think I could go on like this for a while. That’s why I love mixed media 😀

    xx Monica

  136. Susan Clerou says:

    Nat I just want to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful gift of these classes. I am enjoying each and every day.. New techniques or those I know, I am still enjoying each one. I know that you have had to give a tremendous amount of effort and time to plan this great adventure. Thank you for all of your work organizing this and contacting all of the artists who have so generously given there time to all of us. You have really given a lot of your time and wonderful technique videos.. Thank you, thank you

  137. Wow! You should know better than to ask mixed media artist what their favorite medium is…lol! I love everything! Especially since we just had Christmas, I have lots of new goodies to play with. So lately I’ve been playing with my new Dylusions spray inks, Derwent artbars, and Luminarte silks, to name a few.

  138. I love paper!

  139. Funny! I’m guessing favorite doesn’t have to be just one!! I guess paper crafting would be my favorite, specifically scrapbooking/card making. I’m just learning mixed media, and I think that is the light at the end of the tunnel I have been looking for!!

  140. I like to work with ink, distress ink, watercolor pencils, and acrylic paint.

  141. Kathy Trush says:

    I am new to mixed media and art journals. I have been using distress ink, embossing powders, and mists but would love to try these pan pastels.

  142. I am a rubberstamper and I love inks, sprays, distress inks, watercolors…anything involving color!!! Thanks for this wonderful series! Each day is better than the previous and I’ve already gone back to review earlier CJS tutorials!!! This is wonderful – I wish it didn’t have to end!

  143. well I usually work with three media:
    watercolor paint

  144. I would have to say that my favorite media has been spray inks and embossing powders, but I am an old acrylic paint fan too. After participating in your Creative Jumpstart, I think I need to experiment with crackle, gesso and these pan pastels! Thanks for bringing us this Summit!

  145. Deb Beschler says:

    Hi Nat!! My very favorite medium are the Caran D’Ache Neocolor II “crayons!” Love, love the vivid colors. I’m dying to try Pan Pastels, though!! They blend so well!! As always, thanks for sharing!! Your classes and techniques are wonderful!

  146. Before I joined the Creative Jumpstart, my favorite media were gesso, various sprays and punchinella. But now I think I will – whenever I will work on an Art Journal or Mixed Media Project, I will use water color, stencils and regular gel medium… unfortunately I ordered at SBW some new material before watching your video. Otherwise I would also have ordered pan pastels…

    Elvan 🙂

  147. my favourite medium is glimmer mist. But pan pastels are really nice as well and a bit of ink.

  148. My favorite is Distress Inks because of their versatility. I love trying any technique with them that I see. Am very much interested in Pan Pastels for the same reason. Loved watching your technique with the embossing powder.
    Am not looking forward to the end of the month… wish CJS could just go on all year.

  149. I’m mainly an ink and paper stamper – recently started working with Paints and Stencils!

  150. I have several favorite medias including acrylic and watercolor, but looking forward to experimenting with pan pastels in the future. Thanks for demo

  151. I have recently purchased 5 colors of pan pastels and have been having fun playing with them, so this video was a great inspiration as I had not tried the pastels with embossing powder yet, now another technique to try today!

  152. Nancy Sapp says:

    I work with watercolors & Micron pens most of the time. I’d LOVE to have & work with Pan Pastels but since I can’t afford them, that’s not something I can do right now. Maybe someday! (I can always dream though!) I LOVE the way the Pan Pastels cover your journal page so fast & the color is so soft.

  153. I think I just enjoy using stamp pad inks in my “work”. I don’t use much else at the moment!

  154. Shirley W says:

    I use my acrylic paint the most in my art work.

  155. Inks and paints. Pan pastels when I want a softer look.

  156. Distress ink, but can’t wait for the distress paint to come out.

  157. APG Jamie says:

    Pretty cool!

  158. I’m obsessed with both spray inks and watercolor crayons right now – the inks because there’s just SO much you can do with them, and the crayons because I love how creamy and easy to use they are

  159. Katie Hill says:

    I am just getting into spray ink. Thanks so much for these workshops! They have changed the way I do art & scrapbooking.

  160. I really like this technique. I have a few pan pastels and will have to try this.

  161. I love distress inks,copics and started using acrylics!

  162. Paper – layering and altering is probably my fave, but I love to try and experiment with paint and inks as well.

  163. Thanks for the great tutorial. Hmmm… I love to play with everything, But, I must say my favorite is rubber stamps and inks. I am learning so much from this summit about all the different products out on the market and what to do with them. Thanks for sharing.

  164. Hi! My favourite Mix media is spray and acrylic paints.I saw how to use pan pastel but I don’t have any pan pastels yet. I’m really intresting how they works 🙂

  165. My favorite media is white gesso because its so versatile.

  166. Cindy from Holland says:

    My alltime favorite way to start creating is with acrylic paint.

  167. Theresa. H says:

    Hi Nat, I am still very much enjoying all the workshops. I love using all kinds of different media in my crafty projects & get a real buzz from trying anything new. However, the media I use the most is definitely distress inks. It is probably because I know so many cool techniques to use with them & they play well with the rest of my crafty stash.

  168. My favorites are the spray inks and acrylic paints. Thank you Nat!

  169. I love to work with acrylic paints, sprays and stencils. Distress Ink as well! I like doing resist effects with gesso, gel and embossing powder too, and I adore my stamps! 🙂 Thank you for allowing us to enter to win such a valuable prize!! I have a few pan pastels but would love to see more!

  170. Thank you for a wonderful video! Of course I enjoy it, it’s so fun and I learned so much!
    I use a lot of Distress Ink pads and acrylic paint in my creations …

  171. Right now I love my gold dabber! I would love to win the Pan Pastels ❤

  172. Carol Kirby says:

    Hi Nat, Just wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly enjoying all the jumpstart tutorials. Thank you for organising this amazing event.

  173. Heather Jones-Pryor says:

    I love distress stains. The colors amaze me how perfect they are. I’d love to try the pan pastels and the liquid acrylic inks. I’m currently saving up for a gelli plate. So both of these products would get pushed down the list unless I had a workshop where I needed to use them. Wink wink nudge nudge

  174. Right now I love my distress ink and spray mists

  175. Great pan pastel techniques! I love copic markers!

  176. I love my inks and everythin “ink”! But the CJS has made my try other media, which is making me thrilled! I’d love to try the pan pastels – have heard so much about them but never tried.

  177. Favorite right now is… mists, inks and ofcourse all kind of papers 🙂

  178. Love the pan pastels. Right now I have used mostly inks, alcohol inks, embossing, masking, stamping and so forth but am itching to try the pastels.

  179. Like you, I think it is a product that lends itself well to funds or colorize large surfaces. For my part, I have never worked on panpastels but if I won, it would be an opportunity to try.

  180. Wax is probably my favorite medium to apply to wood or canvas. I love the “aging” and “misty” effects it creates. I have never heard of Pan Pastels. They seem less “messy” and more vibrant than chalks I’ve used so I’m going to have to find some. Thanks for the great technique!

  181. I love my fluid acrylics – and now I want to try Pan Pastels too!

  182. This is the video I was waiting for! Those panpastels look like a lot of creative fun, that was a great resist technique…At the moment I’m having lots of fun with gesso : )

  183. Love using inks; ink pads, stains, sprays! Want to try the pan pastels!

  184. Marion McIntyre says:

    I love my gesso and Jo Sonja paints. They are very versatile. I would love to try the pan pastels.

  185. Mary Hicks says:

    My current favorite media is collages made with hand-painted paper using my Gelli-Rts Gelli plate…or not!!

  186. I mostly use watercolor but I love pastel. I bought the pan pastels about a year ago and I haven’t even used them. I need to take the course.

  187. Omg! I would so love to win the Panpastel class. I have wanted some PanPastels for almost a year and got a set of twenty for Christmas. I love them and would love to learn more!!! I am a papercrafter and mixed media fan. Would live to add Panpadtels as another medium. Thanks.

  188. Omg! I would so live to win the la pastel class. I have wanted some for almost a year and got a set of twenty for Christmas. I love them and would live to learn more!!!

  189. as a newbie to mixed media, I don’t have a lot of the products but I do have several of the mists and love playing with them in even more ways now that I have seen what I can do with them!

  190. I enjoy acrylic paints and mediums most. Thanks again for organizing this and sharing your ideas.

  191. I really enjoy working with acrylic paints and the glimmer mist sprays. I have some pan pastels which I will use more often now.

  192. I love paints, inks and textiles mixed with everything else!

  193. I love working with Distress Inks, Copics, Aqua Markers, Prismas and acrylic paints – sorry, I can’t choose just one! 🙂 I have Pan Pastels but really need some inspiration to use them.

  194. My favorite media is gesso, either on paper or canvas. I love the versatility of it!!

  195. I’m still at the stage of exploration…working more now with acrylic paints which I like a lot, but it’s messier than say stamp pads which I do love. Fact of the matter is that pretty much like anything that gets COLOR on to something!!

  196. I love my faber castell big brush pens. One day I will have every color!! (Not)

  197. Brenda Ryan says:

    I enjoy using all of my inks. Distress, dye based, pearlescent they’re all fun!

  198. Now I understand a little bit more about pan pastels. I’m not too adventurous (yet) but I do love playing with metal and acrylic.My alcohol inks get a good workout.

  199. Lyn Firth says:

    I really enjoy mucking around with acrylic paint because no to projects are the same. i wish I could actually draw, but I enjoy doing backgrounds for journal pages.

  200. Favorite media…. Hmmm. That’s tough… Right now I’d have to say that I’m in a marker phase. Any kind, any color just so it’s bright and lovely;)

    Thanks for the great technique. Going to have to get some of these but until I do then i’ll have to try this with my oil pastels just to see what happens.

  201. conlin664 says:

    Right now, I really love my spray inks and acrylic paints. I don’t have any pan pastels yet.

  202. Vanessa Miles says:

    I enjoy stenciling and cut paper work. I also enjoy working with fabric details. I have never tried pan pastels, but now I’m curious.

  203. I couldn’t possibly choose just one! I paint in oils, watercolours, and acrylics, use inks and fabric, beads and threads and i like jumping from one to the next. I’m enjoying mixed media and seeing lots of possibilities with JumpStart. Thanks.

  204. It is hard to pick a favourite! I use acrylic and watercolour paints, sprays and inks. I have some oil pastels but not sure if they are the same as your pan pastels. Thanks for the video, it is always good to learn something new!

  205. I love stencils and spray inks, but bought pan pastels last year and have been playing with them – they are so easy to work with! Thanks for sharing the resist technique today Nat!

  206. Elaine Beck says:

    Difficult to say depens on the day, the temperature,my mood and so much. For now I love paints and pan pastel but I don’t really know how to work with the pan pastel.

  207. Denise Werkheiser says:

    My favorite media to work with is watercolors . . . from paints, to watercolor pencils and also the crayons. I like combining all three too!

  208. Ann-Marie Waite says:

    I love spray paints and stencils!

  209. this was a very helpful video. My favorite media is gesso with anything.

  210. My favorite medias are gesso and acrylic paint ! Thank you for the video. I don’t have panpastel, but I would like to try them.

  211. Lately I am so in love with markers and pens. I have never played with pan pastels, but you sure make them look fun!! Thanks for the fun ideas!!

  212. Rhonda Zamora says:

    My favorite media right now is acrylic paints. I also love using molding paste. Thanks for a chance to win.

  213. Distress ink pads are my absolute favorite!

  214. I like using sprays and masks. I just received some aryclic paints and will be experimenting with those now that I have seen several ways to use them on creative jumpstart. I know there are other mediums I really want to try now that I have seen them demonstrated.

  215. Tracy Strahle says:

    Just this past year I was introduced to Pan Pastels and love them. I have created so many awesome canvas art pieces that I did give some away 🙂 I would love to learn some other techniques like todays jump start video. Thank you for the oppurtunity.

  216. I have never used the pan pastels but would love to give it a try. Scrapbooking with stamps & ink I love stamping using inks and sprays.

  217. Colleen K says:

    water color pencils are my current favorite

  218. I love playing with on many different substrates with acrylics, sprays -you name it! I’m very intrigued by these Pan Pastels as I’ve never seen them in person and think I may need some 🙂

  219. I love paper!!!!! I am a paper artist!!! Xoxo

  220. Favorite media??? oh, my. well being mixed media by design, I can’t imagine only picking one favorite. I suppose that I would have to go with gesso. has so many uses and is the foundation for so many interesting things to come! thank you for the video.

  221. I have never used pan pastels, but they look fun to work with. I most enjoy using watercolor paints and collage to create backgrounds for journal pages and other art.

  222. Judith Noble says:

    Thanks for another great video! I like to work with colored pencils and procion dye on paper.

  223. I would say inks (stamp pads) because I use them to stamp sentiments and to distress edges on my cards.

  224. lisa glowatski says:

    I love the distress inks alcohol inks and mediums but would love to lean more of these pan pastels They look very interesting!

  225. I use all the distress products (as part of my job) but love pen and ink and watercolors.
    I’m enjoying all your videos, thanks for the chance to win.

  226. Karen Little says:

    There are so many, many choices that I cannot pick a fave. Watching these jumpstart videos has been great but now I have a long list of things I want to try.

  227. I’m loving my Gelli pad with acrylic paints to make monoprints with stencils and anything I can find to make marks. I’m loving my spray inks with stencils in my art journal.

    Pan Pastels are on my list to get…been saving up to buy them…hope to have them by this time next month. I would love to be able to take your PP class to learn the many ways to use them.

    I’m thoroughly enjoying CJS!! Thank you so much for putting it all together for all of us!

  228. Tonya Davidson says:

    My fave medium is inks in any form – pads, sprays, etc. I have some PanPastels and haven’t use them yet so winning a seat in this class would be a dream! Thanks for the chance!

  229. I really love inks and watercolor crayons!!!!!!!!!!!!

  230. My favorite medium varies but at the moment I’m loving using spray inks. I purchased pan pastels but haven’t used them yet.

  231. Like every tech i try!…sprays, inks, geeso, modeling paste, Have not use gelattos and panpastels, but are on my agenda, as well as your classes! Thanks for presenting this video. like it!

  232. Janet Firth says:

    wow! Im not sure if I have one favorite! I am loving using my stencils and molding paste, painting and adding layers and layers with all my stuff!Lol Thanks again for the amazing teaching and give aways!

  233. sandy sims says:

    My favorite media is dye and fabric. Silk in particular. I am enjoying the demo/tutorials. Yours are always really informative.

  234. i have fun with anything that is messy…especially if it leaves a mark on my hands for a few days…makes people think ive been busy!

  235. I would say my favorite medias are paint and acrylic inks! Just loooove them! ❤

  236. I use many of the distress inks & stains……..but these pan pastels look WONDERFUL!!!!

  237. My favorite media to work with…. Is color (sorry,I just can’t pick one btw Neocolors II, acrylic paint, watercolors, Twinks, Inktense….)!!!!!!

  238. My favorite media is my distress inks. I have never seen these pastels before. They look very interesting.

  239. I love all mediums…..i love gesso!!!

  240. I also LOVE texture and use a mixture of acrylic mediums and grounds through stencils and various mark making tools, on each canvas, papers, dryer sheets, etc.. To add colour after that. . . the sky is the limit. I have been doing more with Silks lately. I had forgotten about my pastels and will use them to add shading/highlight to a canvas that I am working on!
    Thanks for the tutorial!

  241. I love ink pads and using the reinkers to make mists. I have dabble a bit with acrylic paints. I keep looking at the pan pastels, but haven’t yet splurged on them.

  242. I like using inks of all kinds. For a short time I started with acrylic paints and I really like to create backgrounds

  243. Nina nilsen says:

    My all time favorite medium to work with are acrylic paints. I have attended your Uber Media acrylic class, and loved the techniques! Would love to try out the pan pastels too 🙂

  244. Lynne Vowles says:

    That’s a hard choice. At the moment I’ve been using Acrylic paints with my new gelli plate (a Christmas present) and then stamping onto the backgrounds or punching or die cutting from them.
    Thanks for another great inspiration to play.

  245. Jenny Palmer says:

    I love my gesso

  246. My fave medias are acrylics and inks!

  247. I enjoy using acrylic paints with all their variations from one manufacturer to another, but would really love to learn more about the pan pastels.

  248. Thanks for showing the pan pastels! I have been holding off getting some to see how to use them and how bright the colors are. I love to work with gesso and lately it seems everything I do has Silk acrylic glaze too. A friend gifted me some and I just love them.

  249. I love working with spray inks and watercolor crayons !!!!

  250. I have been collecting pan pastels and would love to find more uses for them, thanks for the chance to win Nat

  251. Gesso, i Love the texture and the different uses of it 😉

  252. Lately I love to work with acryl pain and ink. I did not know how you can use pan pastels so this video gave a first good idea.

  253. Pam in New Jersey says:

    Nat, I have been using acrylic paints. I have been experimenting with the panpastels for a few months.

  254. Right now my favourite media is gelatos. Thanks for all you’re teaching – I’m really enjoying JumpStart!

  255. Judi Howard says:

    I haven’t tried art journaling yet!!…….so I don’t have a favourite.
    Watching all the videos so far and learning heaps about the products,
    which is great… thank you.
    Maybe my first purchase will be gesso

  256. I love to use acrylic paint. It seems to make every project better

  257. Marilyn Lamoreux says:

    Favorite media – I would say watercolor. Thanks Nat!

  258. Janet Kearney says:

    Always Acrylic paint but currently also adore washi tape, distress ink pads and neo color II water soluble crayons.

  259. karen charley walker says:

    My favorite media atm would be acrylic and watercolor paints, followed by inktense pencils and copics!!

  260. Thank you for this nice video.
    I love working with Distress Ink!

  261. mieke caspers says:

    I use paint, paint, paint. And sometimes inkspray, ink, neocolor II, pens, gelatos enz. enz.

  262. My fave media is my mists – cos the results are so quick, I think…but I also LOVE my texture paste…but get impatient for it to dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  263. I enjoyed today’s video. I have some Pan Pastels that I haven’t even opened yet … and some online classes with Donna Downey, that I’ve still to watch! This has encouraged me to get going! Thanks. My favourite media is Distress Inks and stamps. Love the different effects I can get with the inks.

  264. Well, I am just beginning in mixed media but I think my favorite one is watercolor. I love the results (or maybe because it reminds me when I was a little girl! :D)

  265. I have never heard of PanPastels until today. I like your tutorial today and great tips for embossing…..I tried the sprays, but I still like the stamps. Thanks for sharing…Judith, Texas

  266. I love working with different sprays and stencils, but I also love watercolors. Again, I couldn’t hear a thing you were saying, but the technique looked cool 🙂

  267. My favorite is water color. I love the surprises you get when using water.

  268. I love working with paper, gel medium and good old Ranger distress ink pads and Dylusion sprays.I have more supplies than time but will get to everything in good measure. Thanks for all the tips.

  269. Candy Brintnall says:

    I love Gelatos right now! The color is so intense and I love that they work like watercolors!

  270. I’m torn between Ink Pads and sprays right now….they are very versatile and they work great on all surfaces. I hear great things about the pan pastels and I would love to get my hands on some!

  271. My favorite medium are sprays….they are so fast and you can get some amazing results.

  272. Cathy in Canada says:

    I am loving paint right now! That is probably my favourite media!

  273. My favorite media to work with are acrylics and pastels.

  274. Thank you yet again for the inspiration! I haven’t done embossing in ages, but am now primed to try it in my art journal!

  275. I love working with inks – distress, stamping, sprays etc !

  276. Thank you Nat, another fun creative idea! I love doing mixed media and card making too.

  277. For colour, I’m probably most comfortable working with acrylic paint but I do love inktense blocks, gelatos, and caran d’ache water soluble crayons. I’ve tried Pan Pastels but I’m still not quite sure about them.

  278. cooperandmax says:

    I love ink and markers on my stamps, it allows me to get creative. Thanks for sharing this technique, I’d love to try it!

  279. Oh that is a difficult question to answer as I love working with all kinds of things. Right now I’m into using water colors and blending chalks. I especially love the pearl pan water colors and the metallic blending chalks.

  280. I’m more comfortable with acrylic paint, but also use watercolors and pan pastels often

  281. Heather Hudson says:

    That was such a pretty idea, anothe new product pan pastels. I have been using pens and colouring in stamps, now I see there is another world of choices, watercolour, pastels, spray mists….. choices thank you.

  282. Who can choose just one! LOL I guess I’d have to say fabric since I love to create fibre art and incorporate so many other media with it. Thanks again Nat, this Creative Jumpstart series is amazing!

  283. That is hard–I don’t know that I have a favorite, exactly–it all depends on what I’m working with and what I want to achieve, so my favorite is whatever does the job! I got PanPastels for Christmas and would *love* to win this one . . . thanks!

  284. Thanks Nathalie for the inspiration today again! I love working with inks – distress, stamping, sprays etc 🙂

  285. Love the password jumpnat. So enjoying the videos and meeting so many different artists. Thanks Nat!

  286. I love all my mediums etc, but have not yet worked with pan pastels. I like paints from Golden.

  287. Evelyn R. says:

    Thanks for the video. Each media has its own good qualities, but water & alcohol based media are at the top of the list. There are so many variations and different types, it’s hard to choose just one.

  288. I have never used the pan pastels, but i love to see how you work with them and i think i will go and buy some colours. I love the soft look and the way this product blends.
    My favorite at this time is acryllic paint, but I use very often my gelato’s, because than I can get my fingers dirty!
    Thanks for this video!

  289. Don’t enter me for the comp as I have already done this class, I just wanted to say I have really been enjoying the jump starts so far, Thanks Nat and everyone who’s been a jump starter xx

  290. Joyce Muckinhoupt says:

    My favorite medium to use is watercolor paints, watercolor crayons and watercolor pencils.

  291. I usually reach for inks & mists, though I’m trying to become more adventurous in my creations. These pan pastels are beautiful! I would love to try them. And, what better way to get experience than in one of your classes? Appreciate the chance to win a seat, thanks!

  292. Great video! I really loved this, and I have to give it a try! My favourite mediums to work with are mists and acrylic paint, for now. I try new things as often as possible, though.

  293. Hmmm, es gibt einige Materialien, mit denen ich gerne arbeite. Ich mag Spary Inks, Gesso und auch Schablonen, um Hintergründe zu gestalten. Mit Pan Pastels habe ich noch nie gearbeitet und die Technik reizt mich sehr. Danke für dein Video und die tollen Anregungen.

  294. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    my favorite media to work with is paint and ink

  295. I am new to mixed media but I am looking forward to experimenting with the different mists and paper piecing techniques.

  296. top favorite is Dylusions sprayink, but I love all kinds of paint too, and not to forget my colouring pencils….well guess I like all kind of media

  297. What a Question because it changes almost daily depending upon my mood – My Favorite right now is actually Paper! I create it with paint or stamps and ink or copic markers or watercolor crayons or sprays or acrylic paints and then I can do anything I want with it! But I usually stamp it, cut it out and layer it! I would LOVE to add Panpastels to my

  298. I have been using inks and sprays a lot but would live to learn more a out panpastels as I have a few and would love to use them ore!

  299. i love pastels and charcoal. someone bought me pan pastels but i’ve not used them yet. What a good idea – i think this is one of my favourite techniques so far

  300. mmmm love my copics, paints sprays, chalks . great technique. i have not seen any pan pastels in the south african stores but will keep my eyes open

  301. Love this technique, Nat! I was amazed at how that little bit of gray muted the bright pastels and evened out the tones! I have already been shopping for these pastels on line because they look like so much fun! (And I love the colors)!! I usually like to work with inks the best, because you can just swipe them here and there with minimal cleanup, unlike paints. These pan pastels look like the middle ground between inks and paints to me, and I can’t wait to try them out as I explore all the amazing techniques I have learned so far here!

  302. Claire Standish says:

    Love anything that makes for interesting texture. Thanks for this great tutorial!

  303. Oh, I have been waiting to see you demonstrate the panpastels…. I just ordered some. They look fun. I really, really would love to take your class! Right now I am probably using copics and stamps the most but I really would like to broaden my horizons.

  304. Thank you for this technique, it is something i havent try with pan pastel! I really love to work with ink. I work with acrylic paints too. I have pan pastel, but i think i need to learn more about it so i can incorporate it in my art project.

  305. My favorite medium is acrylic paint. I would love to learn more about PanPastels. I have a few, and have used them with a stencil, but haven’t tried anything else yet. The blendability of the PanPastels makes for some lovely results. Thank you for the inspiration to PLAY!

  306. Favorite media? That’s like choosing my favorite child! 😉 I think I couldn’t live without stencils and spray ink, though! 🙂

  307. rozalia hughes says:

    Distress inks at the moment but I can feel a Pan Pastel shopping trip coming on. Thanks Nat for this years Creative Jump Start – lots of hard work but loads of inspiration for us all

  308. Nice to see panpastels at work. I don’t have them. My favorite media is neocollor 2 and acrylicpaint. But I also love the ink spray. It depents on what I want that day
    Liefs, Melanie

  309. I love to work with gesso and spray inks doing texture backgrounds and I am eager to learn Pan Pastels techniques

  310. Oooo. I might need some pan pastels… My favorite art media is either water colors or sprays.

  311. Mary Werner says:

    I reach for my distress inks almost every time I work on any project. It isn’t planned, they just work in so many ways that it comes naturally. I will try the embossing with Pan Pastels today as I am trying to use them but don’t seem to be inspired to do it – I know, I just need to play with them and it will happen. Thanks so much for Jump Start!!!!!!!!!

  312. I really enjoy working with distress inks!

  313. Deb Thomson says:

    Thanks for the inspiring video. I have never used pan pastels yet but plan to try them soon. I usually use acrylic paints, sprays and stamps along with my usual embellishments. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  314. upstatelisa says:

    I have used pan pastels just a bit. I have many fave media…fabric, pen, marker…..

  315. I won some pan pastels a while ago but havent really figured out how to use them..
    I love acrylic paints, modeling paste, mod podge, gel medium

  316. I love Panpastels. They are so fun to work with. I don’t think I have a favorite medium. I wish I did and then I could focus more, but I love it all.

  317. Inks, water, and glimmer mists.

  318. I love all kinds of water color, but I bought some pan pastels and would love to know what to do with them. I was immediately attracted to them!

  319. Angela Vular says:

    Love working with watercolor, colored pencils, ink, acrylic paint. I would love to try pan pastels…looks like blending would be amazing with these. Thanks for the giveaway! I am really enjoying this whole series. Thanks so much!

  320. Nancy Riggs says:

    So far, acrylic paint is my favorite. I have never used PanPastels but they look very interesting.

  321. What a fabulous prize! I’ve never known how to use Pan Pastels and at the moment my favourite mediums are NeoColor II crayons and InkTense pencils.

  322. I love to work with fabric and paper

  323. I love acyrlic paints, distress stains, sprays, and inktense blocks – but at the moment I really enjoy the texture I get with gesso!

  324. I’ve used pastels a little & do enjoy them. The Pan pastels look very interesting. Picking a favourite medium is close to impossible; I use so many & love them all. If I have to pick, then the one I have been focussing on lately & really love is watercolour pencil.

  325. acrylic paints, stencils, sprays, and mod podge!

  326. I love the whole distress line of products and also watercolor paints, crayons and pencils.

  327. Sandy Horton says:

    Love the pan pastel demo. I had never seen them used before. May favorite mediums are acrylics and spray mists.

  328. Right now my fave thing to use is inktense. I have been dreaming of trying out those pan pastels though! Thanks for the chance to win!

  329. Really can’t pick a favorite because I love to use them all in an art piece. Distress Inks, gesso, acrylic paints, stamps, Dylusions ink sprays. There is just so many great tools out there for mixed media art. Thanks for the intro to Pan Pastels they look like fun.

  330. Heather P. says:

    It’s so hard to pick one favorite medium. I love so many of them. I don’t have any Pan Pastels yet, but they look fun. But right now, I’d have to say that my favorite medium is sprays….followed closely by Inktense pencils, acrylic paint and anything from the Distress line. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class!

  331. My favorite medium is acrylic paint. I use it to stamp, over masks and stencils, thin it out with water and spray it – I love troweling it onto canvas and building up texture. I can’t get enough! 🙂

  332. Nat, I have taken your PanPastel course and can attest to how great your workshops are! I love that I can still access the modules to brush up on all that you offered. I have continued to build up my colours and use the PanPastels often 🙂 I am so enjoying your Jumpstarts!!

  333. just start in the morning with a canvas en during drying time working on other things like a card to day, olso with cotton, medium gel, paint ect. ect. ending with a beautiful card :} that’s making my day …

  334. Hi Nat, I love working with distress inks, acrylic paint and ink sprays using stencils. I’ve never tired pan pastells.

  335. There is so much to know…thanks for the opportunity! I like anything that has to do with painting.

  336. i am loving gel medium!!!! so versitile!

  337. Kristina Perez says:

    I tend to chose the water reactive products over and over. I love watercolor, Inktense, watercolor crayons, and Tombow markers. I just love watching that magic happen. 🙂

  338. I just purchased some Pan Pastels but haven’t been brave enough to open this. A class would be most helpful!

  339. I love to work with paint and ink sprays using stencils these days. Would love to learn new techniques using different products such as panpastels!

  340. It would be distress ink, I just love the whole distress line. And PanPastel will be one too, I only tasted it, and I very much want to do the Uber Media Panpastel.

  341. it is so difficult to say what my favorite mixed media material is. i love sprayinks, i love gel medium, i love texturepaste, i love ecoline…… really cant tell. but i do also really love those video’s also, So Thank you Nathalie for this one.

  342. Withe years I came to discover so many products. Pan pastel are one of them and all sorts of Pastel. I love inks too. But my favourite media is acrylic paint which you can spread with all sorts of tools and your fingers. and you can use with stencils or stamps and layer as much as you want. Thanks for this resist technique. I love resist.

  343. This is a fun new technique that I’m gonna use very soon on one of my projects. Thanks Nat!
    At the moment I really love using Neocolors II and Dylusions ink sprays!!

  344. My favorite media varies. I took the pan pastel workshop with you in NJ and am still learning so much. I am really Into the gelli plate and wonder if pan pastel can be used with it.

  345. Inks, sprays, watercolor crayons, acrylic paints…..messy, messy, messy!

  346. Hmmm. That’s a hard one. Watercolor media of all kinds I guess. Paint paper neocolorII, water brush. Yes. That’s my favorite. But I sure could use this class. I bout the huge pan pastel set and I never use it!

  347. I love these beautiful colors! I use a lot of Distress Ink, Perfect Pearls, and sprays

  348. Ooh! This is perfect! I just bought some pan pastels and needed some ideas with how to work with them. They are my new fave medium to work with! Fondly, Tami

  349. It’s difficult yo choose one technique but I am loving stencils with gesso and spray inks at the moment. I love the vibrancy of the pan pastels

  350. Sprays, stencils and stamps.

  351. All I have are paints – acrylics, watercolours, only a few stencils (some I have home made) and gesso. I use gesso to prime and as texture. I also have a few permanent marker pens, a couple of stamps and an ink pad which I have discovered the hard way is not water resistant lol…. I now know about permanent ink v’s not permanent… lol… So all I know about are these things! I would so love to have pan pastels to give them a try too! Thanks again Nat, these vids are just so awesome and inspiring!

  352. It depends on what mood I’m in. I like my inks and sprays a lot because they are easy and fast. for more detail I like again the inks but also my aquarel naps ands acrylics. Inktens blocks by Derwent are also a favourite of mine because they have great layering quality. I have bought panpastels but haven’t used them that much yet.

  353. Sharyn Illman says:

    Still trying out different techniques that I am thoroughly enjoying in all the videos but haven’t tried pan pastels and would love too! Thanx Nat for the inspiration 🙂

  354. Pan pastels! Great technique! Thx.

  355. I like all types of watercolors – especially the caran d’ache crayons. I do have pan pastels, and really like using them with stencils. They are so fast and easy to use, plus there isn’t much mess to clean up later!

  356. I love the stencils and embossing powders most, but I’m coming to like the effects of the various gessos. I’d love a seat in your pan pastel class….I bought myself a set of them for Christmas and now would like to make use of them.

  357. I would have to say mists and sprays at this stage as I don’t use a lot of other mediums which is why I have joined CJS. I haven’t seen Pan pastels until now.

  358. There would be a three way tie here for me between acrylics, gelatos and Portfolio oil pastels.

  359. I like watercolors very much.

  360. I am fairly new to this crafting/alterred world, so I can honestly say how impressed I am with gesso. I’ve known for a long time what a great primer it is, but then I watched a video of Julie B suggesting that we apply it to our work surface/canvas for page protection., and I have watched many artist stamp on it, use it with mask, paint it and so on. I’ve come to realize that gesso is a valuable and versatile product. And it’s fun to play with, as well.

  361. I love them all. Distress inks, acrylic paints, inktense pencils and bars…I haven’t tried pan pastels.

  362. I enjoy using derwent inktense sticks and acrylic inks on fabric.

  363. Bea Arreola says:

    my favorite medium is watercolors! The effect can be really dark (layering) or very soft and everything in between!

  364. Dianne King says:

    Thanks for the great video Nathalie. At the moment I’m enjoying playing with acrylic paints and gesso. I would love to win a seat in your PanPastel workshop as I have several PanPastels and would like to learn new ways to use them.

  365. Has to be sprays and stencils but am really starting to enjoy working with paints.

  366. my favorite right now in gesso and sprays.Thank you for this wonderful series.

  367. I don’t think I can pick just one medium as my favourite, but if it’s messy, sign me up?

  368. Birute Pilipaitis says:

    Jumpstart is teaching me all kinds of techniques with media I haven’t tried before! My current favourite is acrylic paint, but I can see lots of new favourites in my future!! I have pan pastels and am anxious to learn more about them. Thanks for the great video, Nat.

  369. deborahl591 says:

    I don’t think I even know anymore! I’m having such a great time using all the mediums shown in Creative Jump Start. My inks and mist and of course my new fav is Gesso!

  370. Hmmm, that’s tough…probably acrylic paint, but I love inks too…and sprays!

  371. And something more for my shopping list…..*lol*

  372. Jorja Metaxas says:

    Ohhh so many to choose from but at the moment love working with gesso and paint!

  373. Thank you for this video Nat! Currently, my favorite media (besides acrylics, watercolors, etc.) is the different gel mediums. I am really enjoying my glass bead gel, modeling paste, and so on right now, and making different textures with them. I would love to learn more about Pan Pastels. I haven’t dived into them yet, but would like to! So I am happy for a chance to win a seat in your workshop!

  374. I love color…probably acrylic paints with stencils are my fave right now. But I could change my mind. I have never used Pan Pastels, but you make it look so easy with your technique, I’m dying to try them. I wonder how this technique would look with gelatos?? TFS!

  375. Judy Meeker says:

    I have several favorites. Right now I am into water colors, acrylics, jesso. I have had pan pastels for awhile but never used them. After this video I am anxious to get started.

  376. I love to use fine point artist pens, in sepia or brown, to draw … then to color in with colored pencils or watercolor pencils; I like to shape flowers with wire & seed beads & to attach them to cards; and I still love Staedtler fineline colored pens to add colorful words to my cards. ❤

  377. I love the effect from using pan pastels but I am afraid to buy any. I can envision another collection! Lol. I still love sticking to simple techniques using stamps, inks, mists and acrylic paints. I am venturing into more mixed media like gesso gels pastes etc. and water colors too! So many things to play with!

  378. I love working with stamps and colored pencils, blending colors, and adding glossy accents and stickles

  379. I don’t have pan pastels but now I have another item on my shopping list. Fun video Nat.

  380. I love acrylic paint and stencils to make backgrounds. I have a few pan pastels but wasn’t sure about using them but now I a excited to try. Thanks.

  381. I’m using acrylic paint, but those pan pastels sure look yummy!

  382. At the moment, spray inks! Quick and easy and messy and unpredictable and gorgeous.

  383. Robbi Parker says:

    Such a hard question! I’m learning new techniques everyday with JumpStart so it seems the one I’m learning turns out to be my favorite! I do seem to enjoy using spray inks. The Pan Pastels look awesome! I can’t wait to try!

  384. Dara Lynn says:

    Love the video!!!!! I purchased 12 pan pastels — I still struggle with all the possibilities they do bring! My favorite medium has to be any paste.. modeling paste, ceramic stucco, glass bead medium..texture pastes…visually and by touch it just adds that extra “umph” to any project!

  385. So far I love paint – pretty much acrylic and water color. I do not own any Panpastels but seeing this I want them! I need to do more embossing!! Thank you for the inspiration!

  386. I love creating texture with gel medium and coloring with distress inks. I’ve never used pan pastel before. Thanks for the intro!

  387. Good video. Thank you. I didn’t know what pan pastels were before watching your video.
    Favorite? The next one I learn!

  388. well.. I think that my favorite medium to work with might be, if I must give only one, gesso. for the multiple ways one can use it…
    thanks for this give away !

  389. Melissa Wright says:

    I want panpastels!! Now, can I afford them????

  390. Great Video! 🙂 I’mnot sure I could pick my fave medium right now. I love anything that makes a big huge mess!

  391. I love water color crayons but I am looking forward to getting some panpastels. They have certainly caught my attention. Thanks for the presentation.

  392. I love working with Distress inks & rubber stamps. I also enjoy using Twinkling H2O watercolor paints. JIL

  393. Maureen Young says:

    My favorite mediums are gesso, acrylics and watercolor in a journal on the go! I would love to win a seat in your pan pastel workshop since you just introduced them to me! Exciting! I love learning new things…which is also why I love your creative jump start! Thank you for all your hard work!

  394. Definitely ink! Stamping ink, spray ink, acrylic ink, Ecoline… All of them!

    I did buy and was gifted some PanPastels! Haven’t used them… Yet. Ahum…

  395. My favorites mésia are gesso and del medium … I never used pastel for workshop, it’s interesting thanks a lot

  396. Sandra Sapienza says:

    I like to carve stamps and do block printing. The pan pastel video was interesting. I would love to learn more.

  397. Stamps, embossing and pan pastels. Who wudda thunk it? Amazing. Going to give it a go. Not sure ill be as brave as you with the colour mixing 🙂

  398. Haven’t really played with media until your Jumpstart but I do like modelling medium to create texture etc

  399. acrilic, pan pastel, acrilic, texture, love paint

  400. My favorite media to work with is paint,all kinds of paint
    But I also love the oilpastels from portfolio and the pan pastells.
    Difficult to choose .
    I like it all. Thanks for showing this technique.

  401. Loved this even though I do not have any of the products! So glad you resolved the sound issue! Much more enjoyable when I can hear your lovely voice! I need a trip to the real world to do some serious shopping!

  402. scrappinvt says:

    Oh thanks so much for this video today!! I just bought some pan pastels & wasn’t sure how to use them. I love the paint, use stencils with texture paste.

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