Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #7


Here we gooooo again 😉

Let’s see which technique I have for you today


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

So here is the video #7:


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

Here is what I used in the video:


And since this technique is part of my Über*Media Acrylic Ink Workshop …maybe you would like to learn a bit more of the fun stuff you can do with Acrylic Inks


I would love to give away one seat in my Über*Media Acrylic Ink Workshop

In this Über*Media Acrylic Ink Workshop I want you to learn how to use Acrylic Inks in your Scrapbooking and Mixed Media Projects! This class is a reference guide for you, showing all kinds of possibilities and techniques using Acrylic Inks with different surfaces and media.

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

In order to win the seat in this class please leave a comment here and tell us which are your most inspiring blogs you read.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.

You can find more about me here:

n*Studio RSS FeedFacebookInstagramPinterest

TwitterVimeo  Youtube

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart

Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Teri Buczkowski says:
  2. I like One Crazy Stamper, Art House Studios, Scrapbook and Cards Today and most recently Nathaliesstudio! : )

  3. denisse pagan says:

    thank you for the opportunity

  4. go to ones are Heidi Swapp’s, Nic Howard and Nathalie, must admit though dont go to no where near as many as i used too…since facebook
    thanks again for the chance to win

  5. So MANY fabulous blogs, but I do love Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, she is down to earth and fun.

  6. Oh there are so many that inspire me. Finnabair is a fave. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  7. Lela Meinke says:

    Julie fei-fan balzer , willowing,, big picture, are the sites I visit. And yours 🙂

  8. Rita Timmons says:

    OMG… I read so many awesome blogs – ronda palazarri, yours, balzer designs, dina wakely, JBS inspiration & most of the design team, studio calico & most of their design team… I could go all day.

  9. Oh goodness, there’s so much inspiration out there…I will credit Christy Tomlinson for turning me into a mixed media fanatic, love Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Mumkaa, Anna Maria-Wolniak, Donna Downey, Dina Wakely, and of course you!!

  10. LaurieJay says:

    Nathalie, you already turned me into a spray maniac. Are you trying to turn me into an ink maniac now? Thanks for the chance to win this prize. Besides your blog, I love Julie’s blog, Donna Downey’s blog, Quinn McDonald’s blog, and I never miss Tim Holtz’s blog. These are just a few of the many I’ve bookmarked. I like blogs with frequent posts. No matter how much I love a person, if they rarely blog, or only blog a few times a month, it’s disappointing.

  11. There are so many….Effy Wild, iHannah, Daisy Yellow, Jennibellie, Diana Trout, Julie Balzer……I could go on and on…

  12. Ooh a totally new product for me this time. will have to go check. I usually live Willowing by tam, wild art souls by effy wild, Julie balzer, painyingherselfintobeing by sheri.

  13. Thanks for your very informative video Nat, I haven’t used Liquitex inks, but like to use a local brand, Matisse, which are also very rich in colour. I have never thought to use them the way that you have demonstrated, so thanks so much for the inspiration. Blogs that I often go too are Rachel Griegs at Darkroomdoor, Donna Downey, Julie Fei-fan Balzer and Tim Holtz.

  14. Thanks for the tutorial. Never have played with Liquitex but they look like a lot of fun. Some of the blogs I follow (apart from yours): Alisa Burke, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Ronda Palazzari, “Papillon sur la branche”, the Kathryn Wheel, Cynkowe Poletko, … and a few more of wonderful mixed media artists.

  15. There are SO many blogs; Finnabair, Irene Tan, Heather Jacob…

  16. Lots and lots but some favs are Finnabair, Ink on my fingers, Yours Artfully, Leandra Franich, A splash of colour and Tim of course! to name a few.

  17. So fun! That technique will be so fun for my Artist Trading Cards. Thanks so much for sharing. My favorite blogs are Paper Phenomenon and Rebecca Sower. And this past week since finding Creative Jumpstart I have discovered so many new and inspiring blogs including yours

  18. Gayle Richmond says:

    Love this technique. Of course now I need to buy some inks – lol. I follow many blogs but one of my favorites is Art by Erin Leigh .

  19. There are so many great blogs out there. A few that I enjoy are: yours Nat, Dina Wakely, Julie Balzer, Nic Howard, Prima, and Christy Tomlinson. I have a few of the Liquitex acrylic inks and would love a seat in your class to learn how to use them.

  20. Thank you for sharing the ideas with alcohol inks. I’ve never used them.
    Of course is your blog very inspirating, Willowing, Donna Downey, and many many others but not time enough to see it daily.

  21. Christy Tomlinson and Donna Downey…and so many on this jumpstart!

  22. I love this kickstart! I signed up last year too, and I get so many ideas. I also follow Julie Balzer and Donna Downey. I love what they do with colour.

  23. Barb pipkorn says:

    I love Julie Fei fan Balzer’s blog and Christy Tomlinson’s blog. I just started doing mixed media and I have learned so many creative things from both of them. Thank you for doing this creative jump start. I have already learned so much and now have some new blogs to read!

  24. I like to watch the Prima blog and also Christy TomlisonYou are such a good teacher–I would love to take one of your classes!

  25. I read Julie Fei Fan Balzer’s Blog and Claudine Hellmuth’s Blog. Thanks for all you are doing and have done for this fantastic jump start!!!

  26. Johanne L. says:

    There are a lot of wonderful blogs. It’s difficult to name them all but I like Julie Fai Fan Balzer, ContadinaK, Rachel , Rhonda Palazzari, Jann Gray. There is a lot of inspiration on the internet. Unfortunitely, I don’t have a lot of time to read all of them, but when I can, I read some. Thanks for the chance,

  27. Stéphanie says:

    Donna Downey and Christy Tomlinson !!

  28. I am more and more gravitating to blogs that have video tutorials!

  29. missmelissaw says:

    What a cool technique with that photo! One of my most inspiring blogs to read is usually Heidi Kelley’s. I just love what she does and how she sees things!

  30. I love blogs and have often wanted to start one myself but not really sure how or what to do – I will create one someday. I really like Karen Ellis, Donna Downey, Finnibair, Brijit Koopsen and of course Nat’s site. All are amazing and I have learned so much and get links to other designers and artists.

  31. Yvonne Williams says:

    I love how you painted the photo. I had never heard of acyrlic inks before, but love how you used them/ I love to follow The next best thing by Lynne. Cat’s blog now that I found it, and yours. So fun. I have beenworking in my art journal now and am soooo happy. Thank you.

  32. I have to admit that I do not now much about blogs… I have now started to look into it a little bit with this CJS and all the links it provides to blogs. I have looked into your ‘The Whatevers’ project, I find it lovely and likely will give it a try! Thanks for those wonderful ideas and techniques!

  33. I follow many many blogs. All of them inspire me every day.
    I love acrylic inks. Thank you to show us that technique!.

  34. I follow a lot of blogs but my favorites for mixed media are probably Finnabair, Christy Tomlinson, Donna Downey and Tim Holtz.

  35. the yours of course!!!

  36. Fun technique! I have lots and lots of blogs I love to visit. Here are a few that come to mind – , ,

  37. Jenn Heuston says:

    Way to many to name but love Pam Garrison, Christy Tomlinson, Kelly Rae Roberts…. I could go on and on!

  38. Wow… these are so cool! I have never used them; but would love to learn more about them! Most inspiring blog that I follow… I have 3 at the moment… , , and . Thank you for a chance to win a spot in your awesome class.

  39. Gerd Andersson says:

    Thank you so much for this video lesson! Great idea! As I’ve a large archive of bl/w photos from my relatives, this is something I’ll try out next! Actually, I don’t follow a special blog. When I need inspiration I’ll go to my fav at Pinterest. But when I find inspiration in a blog I’ll of course ad it to my favourites and go back when I search for something special!

  40. I hate to admit I follow alot of blogs….. I am in the Technique Junkies and Blog most of my cards, I am in a Blogging group at SCS and I am in a couple of Yahoo groups Oriental Art and Michael Strong….. My favorite blogs are in my SCS blogging group- because we chat and are very friendly. I have met another DT member from Technique Junkies- Hetty- who is from the Netherlands while she was in the USA…the world gets smaller all of the time. I am dabbling in Art Journaling, so Julie B., Donna Downey (who I had the pleasure of taking a class with), Christy Tomlinson- I want to take the She Art class….. (After your Pan Pastel class….)… Lisa Somerville, Debie Olsen, Juliet A…and many more….. I have not seen these inks with the eye droppers- and like the idea of painting with them…..

  41. I don’t follow any blogs yet but after reading the comments there are definitely many I will be looking into.

  42. I read a lot of scrapbooking blogs, stephanie Howells, dear Lizzy, studio calico, kelly purkey, the art house studio and my local scrap stores. Just starting to play in mixed media!

  43. I generally read tim Holtz and Jullie Balzer blogs

  44. I’d love a chance to wn a space in your class! The blogs I learn the most from right now are and

  45. Great video Nat! My favorite inspiring blogs are yours, Balzer designs, Dina Wakley, Donna Downey, Ronda Palazzari, Daisy Yellow, Kristal Norton, Diana Trout and Kelly Kilmer. Thank you for the chance.

  46. Donna Downey’s blog & Brave Girls inspire me

  47. Linda Rapchak says:

    these inks look amazing! i too look forward to Donna Downey’s inspiration Wednesdays, i love love love Julie Fei Fan Balzer’s blog, Whimspirations by joanne sharpe is supa!!! But then again, there is also Alisa Burke, Melody Ross’ Brave girl, Kate Crane and Dyan Reaveley’s….Tim Holtz and Christy Tomlinson too…oh and dion dior’s is amazing I get any art work done trying to follow all of these fabulous artists!

  48. Two blogs I like to read are Lani Gerity’s and Suzi Blu’s

  49. Tim Holtz – inspiration ++++++

  50. my fav blogs are Flora Bowley and Alisa Burke. Def fills me with inspiration:D

  51. I look forward to Donna Downey’s inspiration wednesday every week.

  52. Apart from yours, of course, I really love Julie Balzer’s and Carolyn Dube’s blogs. Going to make a note of this post so I can come back and check out all the great blogs mentioned here!

  53. Stacy Caddy says:

    Thanks for sharing this technique Nat…. I have acrylic inks and have not really used them much, now I can give this a try… My fave blogs I read regularly are: Balzer designs, yours, Donna Downey & Christy Tomlinson….

  54. My favourite blog is definitely Tim Holtz. I also read a ton of manufacturing blogs and store blogs that are having challenges and showing new product. I’ve bookmarked many of the new people from this creative jump start – so, I will have many more!

  55. Oww, loved this jumpstart soooo much Nathalie, thank you!
    And how I would love to join in one of your workshops! I read all kinds of blogs, but I do love some especially for mixed media, those are the blogs of: Alisa Burke, Christy Tomlinson, Donna Downey, Revlie, Junelle Jacobsen and now since CJS 2013 I have lots more to read up on from all you lovely ladies 😀 Besides Mixed media, I do really love these peoples blogs: Anneke(somefiddlingonthekitchentable), Inge(Blogblom)!
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  56. Valerie Bullock says:

    I am rather new to the blog-following world but have stumbled upon a few that I find inspiring – Christy Tomlinson, Donna Downey, Tim Holtz and Julie Balzer.

  57. i keep eyeballing those inks and wonder how to use them, there’s one….many more i”m sure

  58. Blazer Designs and Tim Holz

  59. Maria del Carmen says:

    Great idea with acrilyc inks, thanks for sharing Nath!

  60. Tina Walker says:

    Balzer Designs is very inspiring! Also, just purusing magazines and internet boards provides a lot of inspiration too.

  61. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Enjoyed the video, thanks! The most inspiring blogs I read are,, With CJS, I have added a bunch of new blogs to look at and enjoy.

  62. Thanks Nat – these inks look great! There are SO many blogs out there…I follow Tim Holtz, Finn, Donna Downey and a few others, but mostly I love to just browse through the thousands of fabulous blogs out there, clicking on links as I go and discovering millions of creative people 🙂 There are some fantastic links rght here in these comments – thanks everyone 🙂

  63. I like Kate Crane, Dyan Reaveley& kaz Hall amongst others.

  64. Amy Malla says:

    I am new to all this and dont have a lot of time to follow blogs. I follow yours, Tim Holtz, Donna Downey, Ink Stains, and a few others. Thanks for all your great techniques.

  65. Of course I am a reader of the n*studio blog but I also like to follow Shimelle, Studio Janine, Tim Holtz, Dina Wakely, Christy Tomlinson, Claudine Hellmuth, Alissa Fast, … just to name a few.
    What I would really love to know: Where do you get those acrylic inks? Nathalie uses them a lot and I always admire what she does with it but I have never seen these inks in the stores.

    • brandinav says:

      Sabine – I get mine at Michael’s Arts & Crafts. I usually only buy them when on sale and almost every visit I find a new color in clearance for under $2! Not on clearance they run around $6-7 I think.

  66. Thank you for this cool vid 🙂 I really like she does lots of cool and different stuff 🙂

  67. Toni Hinchcliffe says:

    Well, I follow a bunch of blogs via Google Reader. I would have to say some of my favorites are Donna Downey, Dina Wakely, and Christy Tomlinson. Also Once Upon a Sketch and The Shabby Tea Shop.

  68. Oooh, I’d love a chance to take this class! I only “follow” a couple of blogs – several of those already mentioned, like Balzer Designs. And I love seeing questions like this, because now I have a huge list of new blogs to visit, thanks to all the comments!

  69. Oh, my gosh, I see a whole bunch of new blogs I’ll have to check out!
    I have about 30 blogs on my faves list, and then I surf and look at images on google searches mostly…Most of the blogs I follow regularly are on these comments, but here’s a few I didn’t see up on the list so far:


  70. ich mag viele bloggs, bei mir geht es Phasenweise, ganz lange war es Tim Holtz, dein Blogg, Janna Werna, Heidi Swapp… Steffi ( und viele mehr…

  71. Oh my, what a difficult question! There’s so many of inspiring blogs! I shall say the first that came to my mind: Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Janna Werner and some manufacturer’s blogs, like the ColorConspiracy and Sodalicious. And yours, of course! 😉

  72. I love Ink on My Fingers blog (with Hels Sheridan) and Tim Holtz’ blog.

  73. Every video I’ve watched so far shows me just how much I’ve been living in a creative shell. Can’t wait to try using acrylic inks on photos! … As far as favorite blogs, I seem to go in phases. I have esp. enjoyed Tim Holtz and Heidi Swapp at various times. My fav non-scrapbooking/altered art blog; however, is Pioneer Woman. I love the way she lives to enjoy life.

  74. I LOVE Donna’s and LOU’s!!! both here to inspire us too! Got to get some of those acrylic inks!!!

  75. I read a lot of blogs!!!! Some of them are Nathalie’s blog, tim Holtz, Dona Salazar, Dina Wakley, Graphic 45 blog (gorgeous), and more more more. Now Pinterest is another great palce to inspiration!

  76. Those acrylic inks look great. I’ve tried cheating on this technique en watered down my acrylic paints. You’ve guessed it… it’s not the same. 😉
    Although I try to keep a blog myself, I am not much of a blogreader. There is one blog though that I just have to read regularly. It’s by belgian writer/cartoonist Eva Mouton. Here blogs always make me smile. She has a funny way of pointing out the absurdities in everyday life. Especially those little sort of embarrassing, akward-like situations that we all find ourselves in from time to time. They seem to happen to Eva all the time, and I love how she turnes them into a joke and gets on with it. It reminds me that I should do that too. Does that make sense?
    Anyway, I love her blog: (sorry it is not in english)

  77. omg Nat..L O V E D this video ! I love Julie Balzer blog, Ronda P., Catherine S. (new 🙂 Donna Downey, …I search youtube and yours ofcourse ! THANK YOU once again for the inspiring jump starts and all you do to put this together for us…

  78. These are my scrappy idols
    and this girl just makes me smile…always…and sometimes laugh out loud!
    Honestly, she is soooo lovable, and colourful!

  79. thanks for the chance! i follow many inspiring blogs – for example alisa burke!

  80. Sharon van Beek says:

    There are so many inspiring blogs! Some of them are from Tim Holtz, Mary Ann Moss, Traci Bautista, Sharon Boggon.

  81. I love heading straight to the manufacturer’s blogs such as Prima, 7 Dots Studio, Sizzix because their DT have a variety of different styles so you have all this amazing talent and tutorials in one spot plus links to the DT blogs for more inspiration 🙂

  82. Well, Nathalie, I am finding your blog to be more inspiration as it has been with the partnership of Julie on the second floor push your techniques. Julie FFB, Geninne Zlatkis, Tim Holtz, Selvedge Magazine, the jealous curator, dottie angel, the artroom plant…….there are so many.

  83. Well actually i don`t have much time to see blogs, but i find most inspiring Cuchy’s. And i`d like this prize cause i’ve got a lot to learn. Thanks a lot

  84. wow! I have so many inspirated bloges, bu t first of all is Anuszkowekreacje, and Lookarna, and UKHGallery. Thanks for tutorial 🙂

  85. I will be going over these comments to see where I too can grab some inspiration! I don’t visit blogs for inspiration, I scope Youtube!

  86. Oh this is a wonderful tutorial. I have always wanted to add color to my black and white photos….I just did not know how to do it. Thanks so much for this tutorial Natalie.

  87. I don’t really have an inspiring blog but I do love to find new ones that always exciting. Of course I always enjoy yours 🙂

  88. The most inpiering blog right now? Thats not an easy ansvar to that.. But I have just discovered 🙂 and here I found many cute details that inspired me ❤

  89. Looking forward to getting my hands on some Liquitex acrylic inks now! Thanks Nat!!! I don’t have a lot of time for blog surfing, but one blog I really do like here in Australia is one of the scrapbooking wholesalers, Aussie Scrap Source. Not only do you get to see a wide variety of products used, but the designers (including Lou Nelson!!) working for Aussie Scrap Source are incredibly talented and differ vastly in their styles and techniques. Its my one stop inspiration spot!!!! 🙂

  90. My favorite blogs are those of :
    – Donna downey
    – Christy Tomlinson
    – Geninne’s Art blog
    – Danita Art
    – Studio shirel (France)

  91. I love to read yours, Julie’s, Christy’s and Donna’s.

  92. The Graphics Fairy and The Graphics Fairy DIY. So many images and ideas to work with.

  93. I’m fairly new to following blogs but I love Julie Balzer’s.

  94. There really are too many to name, there are so many creative women out there that inspire me. Blogs are probably the coolest invention the internet has ever birthed!

  95. Hi Nat, thanks a lot for this opportunity, two of my favourite blogs are written by Amy Tangerine and Anna Maria Horner – who is not a scrapbooker but a great designer, also I follow once a week a couple of Italian scrapbooker – Lory Bucaria and Giuly Primavera.

  96. Thanx for the wonderful tutorial!! I am also reading a lot of blogs. Among my favorites are “die Scrapperin”, “meine Scrapbook-Werkstatt”, “Daphniedesign”, “Cat Scanlon”, “Anna Björklund” and yours!

  97. Thanks for the info about acrylic inks. I follow a number of blogs, mostly from supply sources such as Artists Cellar and USArtQuest.

  98. While I have used acrylic paint to hand tint some B&W photos as Christmas presents (Waaaayyy back in my poor college student days!) I have never played with acrylic inks – definitely would like to try my hand at it again 🙂 Blogs I read – are Nadia Cannizzo , The Feathered Nest, Prima, Swirlydoos and A Random on Purpose Life to name a few and I follow many more folks on FB.

  99. Miriam Prantner says:

    Another great jump start! I read a lot of blogs, lots of different types of artists/techniques. I really enjoy Ronda Palazari, Julie Balzer, Jennifer McGuire, Papercraft Planet for their Dreamweaver stencil tutorials, etc.

  100. helen markee says:

    inspiring blogs: your, of course, tim holtz, cat scanlon, the craft gentleman

  101. I like to read blogs that are from my favorite scrapbooking products and prior to all the new great blogs Ive just discovered recently by signing up for this Jumpstart series, I would be greatly inspired by blogs from people like Rach0113 (artful evidence), & Anna Debrowska, Pinterest!

  102. Angela Campbell says:

    I like to read about the products that I have on hand and learn new ways to use them. I feel inspired to use the products that have enticed me and are waiting to be used.

  103. I love to read the following blogs: BG ; Prima; ; ; and so many more

  104. Love what you did with this project!!! So pretty!!! I love to watch Donna Downey on her Blog Simply me…she does an inspiration Wednesday and she works with her art journal and does the most amazing journal pages!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  105. Well your of course!!! Any blog usually has something to inspire me 🙂

  106. Withalittlesmile is one of my all time favourites!

  107. jacquerose says:

    I read so many blogs that it is difficult to choose one, but I enjoy Tim Holtz for a lot of inspiration. I follow a lot of the blogs that have been mentioned, and I am happy that now I follow yours!

  108. conlin664 says:

    I love Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blog and the Gelli Arts blog!

  109. Thanks for sharing your class with one lucky person. If I’m on the computer, I like to stop by Kelly Kilmer, Balzer Designs, Art Journaling, iHanna, Drawing with a Squirrel, Fountain Pen Geeks, Office Supply Geek, QuinnCreative and so many more.

  110. Lyn Firth says:

    I am not much of a blog reader. I have started reading yours Nat, and periodically read Dina Wakley & Julie Balzar. Thanks for the video – would love to win this prize!

  111. Love the video and coloring old images. Will definitely need to invest in these inks… Beautiful vivid colors!!!

  112. Lynn Aldous says:

    I don’t really like to read blogs much. However, I do enjoy the one from Marco’s Paper, because it is informative, funny and somewhat personal. Not just trying to sell me something.

  113. Wow, where to start: balzer designs, faber castell design memory craft, crafters workshop, dinastamps, donna downey, robenmarie, all come immediately to mind.

  114. donna joy says:

    Seth Apter (the altered page) and roben-marie smith are two favorites right now. had not seen these inks before so thanks for the intro!

  115. That is a totally cool technique. I’ll have to keep an eye out for those inks and give it a try.

  116. Neat technique! I have some of the metallic acrylic inks, and some india inks. I would love to learn some techniques on how to use them! I hope I win the class!

  117. The most inspiring blog I am reading right now belongs to Jim, The Gentleman Crafter.
    His projects are MORE than inspiring!

  118. Well just found you since starting Jumpstart so shall continue to follow along with some of the artists featured onhere. I visit so many great blogs via WOYWW. Anne x

  119. Because I only recently stopped designing for 10 companies, I am new to the mixed media world (6 months) so I start at one blog and look at the comments and go to that person’s blog and look at their comments and go to that top blog and look at their comments and go to that person’s blog. This way, I am sure to get a really ecclectic view of mixed media sites. I have my favs (christy, roben-marie, willowing, but i would have to say all the new ones i see every day are all my favs as well because i learn new things from each and every one. I cant seem to stay with one “fav” because it limits me. I want to, as I always have, keep expanding and growing in whatever I do… Lovies, Samara

  120. Thank you Nat, great ideas for the inks. My favorite blog(s) is Mo Manning, Anna’s and Lindsay Olstrom.

  121. I have wanted to try adding color to vintage photos; thank you for sharing this technique for doing it! Some of my favorite blogs are Julie Balzer, Daisy Yellow, April Cole, iHanna, and Alisa Burke. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  122. I don’t have a lot of time to read blogs 😦 but I do get to Tim Holtz’s whenever I have a few minutes. I also read my friend Deb Kindel’s blog — she does a lot of cool stuff and enters challenges; she’s very talented. Google her!

  123. mieke caspers says:

    I read several blogs from Netherlands, england and america.

  124. …besides Nathalie’s, I love the blogs of Donna Downey,Julie Balzer, Ronda Palazarri and Christie Tomlinson.I’m always looking for blogs from Sew Somerset publications as well.

  125. I follow Ali Edwards; Tim Holtz; and Ronda Palazarri as well as others. I am now following Dina Wakely
    I have never used these inks but there are definite possiblities
    thanks for the fun

  126. Nat, thank you for sharing this great technique. I only have 3 inks, but have had all the other colors on my wish list for a while.They are such a great addition to our colored media collection; so concentrated and vibrant, yet easily diluted for a different effect. I love the way they look in art journals and art canvases. Thank you for the opportunity to win a seat in your class. It would be great to learn more acrylic ink techniques. I truly don’t follow any blogs on a daily basis, but do enjoy occasionally checking in on a few: Sparkletart (Kate Palmer), Gulfsprite (Christie Sobolewski), Donna Downey, Teesha Moore, JournalArtista (Paula Phillips), Dina Wakely, Julie Balzer, Dyan Reavely (sorry, I’m sure there are many I’m leaving out!).

  127. I have many favorite blogs on my computer iIs one off them. I love here work with Stempunk!

  128. I adore working with the beautiful papers geared to scrapbooking, especially Graphic 45 so two of my favorite blogs are annes papercreations and the gentleman crafter.
    I guess I’m more crafty than arty but that’s why I’m here, to experiment and to learnl

  129. Again; a very nice tutorial!
    I especially liked the titel: They lived in colours too. I’m sure I am gonna lift the titel someday 😉
    Than for your question… To be honoust I don’t really follow blogs. Although I do tend to read Donna Palazaris a lot

  130. Rhonda Zamora says:

    I like n*studio, Blazer Designs, Christy Tomlinson, Junelle Jacobson, Inkstains with Roni, 2 Gypsy girls, and Many many others.

  131. Debbie Pettit says:

    So many inspiring blogs out there…besides Nathalie’s, I love the blogs of Donna Downey, Dina Wakely, Julie Balzer, Kate Crane, Dyan Reavely, Teesha Moore, and Christie Tomlinson. I seem to discover more each day and I’m going to check it some of the others mentioned in these posts.

  132. All Things Paper, Confessions of a Ribbon Addict, Hero Club, Paper Pursuits, Stacy Cohen, and blogs by my scrappy friends that I have met through the years.

  133. some of my favorite blogs are by Barbara at Joggles, Tim Holtz, Joanne Sharpe, Danita, definitely Kimberly Kelly Santini, Jodi Ohl. But this daily jump start has been wonderful, because even if I was familiar with one of the techniques, it was inspiring to see someone else work with it and it motivated me to work on something, anything, to just keep myself creating. I work full time and spend many hours with dance students in evenings and weekends, so it doesn’t leave me with much time to paint or glue and squeegee, so having these mini workshop bites is a treasure, and I am grateful to be a recipient, and appreciative of everyone’s efforts which help keep me on track!

  134. Tonya Love says:

    I am inspired by so many creative blogs! To name a few, Heidi Swapp, Daisy Yellow, Balzer Designs and Noel at Paper, Passion & Pixal mania!

  135. leann lindeman says:

    Well… I have some new ones… I have been looking at Crafters Workshop blog like crazy!!!! Also Balzer Designs is new to me… equally great. A couple that I have been frequenting for awhile are Studio Calicos blog and Pretty Little Studios blog.

  136. oh my…if I started listing all the blogs I read I could be here for days….Vicki Boutin, Scraptime, Becky Higgins, Ali Edwards, Virginia Noebel, The Art House Studio, Nathalie’s Studio, SCT…..etc…etc

  137. Nat, thanks for showing a technique that can be done on an ink-jet print. I don’t like having to go to the copy store to make laser copies.
    Julie FF Balzer is an inspiring artist.

  138. I read Tim Holtz, Simon Says Stamp challenges, and all the gals that participate in the challenges.

  139. Cindy from Holland says:

    I don’t really use a lot of photographs in my art journal. That is a nice alteration. My favorite blogs are at the moment: Jennibellie, Donna Downey, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and Caatjes artsy stuff. But I follow many, many more.

  140. Nathalie – great technique today! TFS! My most favorite inspiring blogs are *n-studio and Balzer designs – both you and Julie share so many wonderful mixed media techniques that can be applied to so many varied projects. Thanks to your Jumpstart – I have a whole new folder of inspirational artists to follow now also. 🙂

  141. Well, Donna Downey is my newest insiration blogs, but I check in your blog, Nat, and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer as well mostly 😀

  142. wild soul arts with effy wild and willowing

  143. Christy Tomlinson and Donna Downey are my mixed media choices. OH and Blazer Design. Anxious to see what everyone posts so I can expand my list.

  144. I learn a lot of julie fei fan balzer,kate crane, christy tomlinson, jenniebellie,kelly kilmer,roc nicholas and manny more!

  145. My fav. Blogs are jane davenpoort, willowing, Pam Carriker and lots more nice blogs.
    I just loved this tutorial. Thanks a lot. ü
    Liefs, Melanie

  146. So many blogs that I like, to much to mention

  147. deborahl591 says:

    Great technique. Years ago when i first started this journey I wanted to paint my black and white photos…but never really got a good technique. I’ll certainly give this a shot. My most inspiring blog? Honestly, it would be yours first Nat. it always has been … that and your newsletters with your guests. After that it is just what I’m in the mood for … paper arts or mixed media.

  148. In no particular order I find these blogs inspiring: Jane Davenport, Tim Holtz, Heidi Swapp, Kaisercraft,Paper Artsy. I will be adding a pile more to the list that I have seen after CJS. I also do a bit of blog surfing so I stumble upon someone’s blog once in a while that really inspires me.

  149. Colleen Melody says:

    I follow Dyan Reaveley, The Kathryn Wheel (Kate Crane), Ponderings (Dina Wakely), Donna Downey, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Christy Tomlinson, The Gentleman Crafter. There are also a few more to add to my list from JumpStart 2013!

  150. I am a cardmaker and scrapbooker primarily so like to go to Heather Telford and Darlene Devries blogs and learn stamping techniques.

  151. Lynne Vowles says:

    Great technique. I like Dyan Reaveley’s blog, Linda Knight of Just Scrapbooking, Tim Holtz, Suze Weinberg and Paper Artsy.

  152. I like a lot an italian blog called: storie di scrap timbri e altre cose. She is very inspiring for me!

  153. I like reading the beautiful mess and some of the product blogs like heidi swapp and prima flowers, maya road etc. I have also added a number of blogs from some of your talented presenters.

  154. I definitely follow bloggers like you who share their process! However, I also love design and style blogs for a different kind of inspiration, like Design Sponge and A Beautiful Mess.

  155. Funny, I read all of the ones that Beth mentioned. And most of them are my favorites. I LOVE Donna Downey. I also like Daisy Yellow, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, journal girl, Jennibellie Studios, Roben Marie….just to name a few.

  156. I have many favorite blogs on my computer: the top of the list: donna Downey, Dinastamp, Julie (Balzer designs), …. and also French blogs: le jardin du mixed media, la grenouille vert … and many others.

  157. I follow many of the swedish blogs:,, is som of the blogs a read daily.

  158. Claudine Hellmuth,Wendy Vecchi, Shelly Hickox, May Flaum, and Jim the Gentleman Crafter are my never miss list.

  159. Teresa beg says:

    Christy Tomlinson is one of my favorite and Heidi swapp.

  160. SusanJane says:

    First is a local art teacher Susan Cornelis, then Balzer Design, textrial, Journal Girl, [gasp!] n*studio, Daisy Yellow, and Comfortable Shoes. I float to several others now and then but this is my check everyday list.

  161. Love that the Acrylic inks are transparent… I would love to work with some! I love Graphic 45, Little Red Wagon, Stampin’D Amour and many of the ones listed above!

  162. Having just discovered yours it’s on my short list along with others I like Teesha’s Circus & Extreme Cards and Paper Crafting.

  163. I like dear lizzy, christy tomlinson, suzi blu, a beautiful mess, julie balzer, misty mawn, danita, donna downey, finnabair…yeah those are some good ones.

  164. Evelyn R. says:

    There are many blogs that inspire me, but these are some of them that I keep going back to: Instains with Roni, Balzer Designs, Modge Podge Rocks, Valita’s Designs & Fresh Folds, Extreme Cards and Paper Crafting, Gininne’s Art Blog, Mels Stampz.

  165. Mary ullrich says:

    I like blazer designs, christy Tomlinson, willowing and having just discovered your blog it now is on the list!

  166. i love reading Julie Fei Fan Balzer’s blog – she is very inspiring!

  167. Here are a few that I follow and enjoy learning and being inspired from: Jane Davenport’s Artomologist, Willowing, Daisy Yellow, Donna Downey, Teesha’s Circus, Balzer Designs, The Sketchbook Challenge blog, Geninne’s Art Blog…

    • diane morris says:

      i have never seen acyrlic inks….thanks for the introduction! i like julie balzar and ronda palazarri’s blog for inspiration. also carolyn dube. wish i had time to follow more! there are so many great ones out there!

  168. Cathy in Canada says:

    Very cool!!!

  169. Tim Holtz, I read his blog daily and cant miss a day.

  170. I am a follower of Miss Mustrad Seed, and the Graphic Fairy. I read all the Stampington publishings and visit many blogs that they highlight.

  171. Thank you for the technique; I like it!!
    I can’t say that I prefer a specific one because I find inspiration in so many of them!

  172. Christina says:

    Julie Fei-Fan Balzer,Christy Tomilinson,Kelly Rae Roberts,Melody Ross

  173. Debby Podgorski says:

    I am mainly a stamper so I follow Wendy Vecchi, Dyan Reaveley, Tim Holtz,Dina Wakely and Linda Cain.

  174. Kathryn Harpold says:

    I read several blogs and have gotten lots of great ideas from people like Tim Holtz, Dyan Rheavley, Linda Cain, Donna Downey, and others but I really love Dina Wakley’s blog Ponderings because she speaks to my soul in a way.

  175. Joyce Muckinhoupt says:

    alisaburke,Dirty Footprints Studio, Art from the Heart, and My Messy Spot are a few of the blogs that I follow.

  176. elderscrapper says:

    Rachel, Anna, and Julie along with all of yours have been such a delight. I would love to attend one of your classes.

  177. Judith Noble says:

    The Textile Blog is often eye-opening for me!

  178. Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Richard McKinley, Robert Genn

  179. I’m more of a mixed media jewellery maker after dabbling in all things papercrafts for 20 odd years. I like Finnabair’s blog, Susan Lennart Kazmer-Ice Resin blog and Jen Crossley’s “A Mark In Time” blog

  180. this is the first that I have delved into mixed media and am quite enjoying it… I used to follow a lot of blogs but then that was all I was doing so I have stopped for the time being… thanks for the tutorial… interesting idea!

  181. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    What an unusual technique………….not sure what to think of it.
    Since the Jumpstart Summit………..I am now following your blog and I also check in Tim Holtz’z blog to see what it new.

  182. Too many to list them all but Donna Downey and Christy Tomlinson blogs are among my faves blogs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  183. Such a cool technique–thanks! I regularly read Balzer Designs, because Julie is all about trying and the process rather than the product, and Amazing Paper Grace, because Becca’s style is so elegant. I’ll be adding others since CJS!

  184. There are a lot of blogs am looking: Dina Wakley, Nathalie Kalbach, Donna Downey, Finnabair, Balzer Designs, Janna Werner, Tim Holtz and there are more…

  185. Wow! Where to begin? I have thoroughly been enjoying the live feeds of journalartista (Paula Phillips) and inkwell (Dede Willingham) on I also love the blogs of Roben Marie Smith, Martha Lever, Joanne Sharpe, and of course, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer! I am having a lovely time taking the Supplies Me class with Jane Davenport. Also, Thank you so much, Nat, for offering this workshop and introducing me to yourself and other accomplished artists.

  186. I like Christy Tomlinson and The Brave Girls Club

  187. Right now the blogs that I have found most inspiring to me are: Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Ronda Palazzari and Ali Edwards. And thankfully I have recently found your blog Nathalie, because thanks to you, I have actually tried some of the techniques!

  188. There is so much inspiration out there in blogland! I love Christy Tomlinson, Balzar Designs, Karen Ellis, Joanne Sharpe and Scissors, Paper, Pen. I have never coloured a b/w photo before, it is always good to learn something new!

  189. Heather Jones-Pryor says:

    I love Laura Dennison’s following the paper trail. I also like Tim Holtz And Christy Sobeleski’s gulfsprite.

  190. Hi Nat! I’ve never colored a photograph before and it’s nice to know it can be done. I’d love a spot in your class so I can learn more techniques using the inks. I usually go to Ellen Hutson’s The classroom for inspiration since I mostly make cards, but lately I’ve been making mixed media canvases and for that I go to Hands and Hearts blog. Thanks for the chance and the technique!


    Carmen L

  191. karen charley walker says:

    Tim Holtz, The Gentleman Crafter, Ranger Ink, Cloth Paper Scissors, Paper Phenonemon, Nathalie kalbach, Finnibar, Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson, Karin Ellis, Prima, Fiskars and oh wow a fair few others it all depends on what I am planning for that day whether it be sewing, journaling, stamping etc

  192. very interesting technique! I follow many blogs, but my favourite right now is Decor8. It’s an interior design blog .

  193. I am quite familiar to many ink types, but acrylic ink with the dropper bottle is new to me. Thank you! Blogs I follow: Rita Barakhat, Ronda Palazzari, Karen Ellis & Denise Morrison are among my faves.

  194. lacyquilter says:

    Great technique. I’ve never tried acrylic inks. Guess I’ll have to check them out.

  195. Blogs I follow include yours, Nathalie, as well as Finnabair, Words and Pictures, Adorn, Trash to Treasure Art, that crazy chick, the Artful Maven Haven and several others. Thank you for putting Creative Jump Start together and for giving us all so much inspiration and so many new techniques!

  196. Having trouble posting here due to my farm’s wordpress account. Hmm. I’ll try again. I love YOUR blog and Julie Fan-Fei Balzer’s the most. I also watch lots of youtube tutorials by a large variety of people. I will now, due to creative jumpstart, follow Louise in AUS. Love her.

  197. my most inspiring blogs include those by Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson, Alisa Burke, Czekoczyna, Finnabair, Cynka (cynkowepoletko., guriana (

  198. Jenny Palmer says:

    Nat that is simple it is yours
    waves from Tassie

  199. Blogs: Tim Holtz, Thought Cloud Factory, The Gentleman Crafter, Simply Me, Balzer Designs, Ink Stains, Notes from the VooDoo Cafe, Ranger Ink, Cloth Paper Scissors, Stampington & Company, Scrap Time, Art Hound, The Art of Non-Comformity, The Satorialist, Advances Style, SuzezBlog, Dylan’s Blog, etc I especially like artist/writers who do not write too much.
    I really liked your technique today. I’ve never seen it before. I’ve seen the acrylic inks but never got any to use. I might reconsider that now! Thank you

  200. I love Donna Downey Tim Holtz Lous Nelson Finnabair

  201. I read blogs from Heather Jacob, Natalie May, Christy Tomlinson, tim Boltzmann and many others

  202. Since I started about three years ago until now my interests have evolved. I usually follow blogs of artists around me like as Cuchy, Elena Roche, Marisa Bernal. I like too blogs of international artists, especially Balzerdesigns, frillyandfunkie, Ishtar Olivera, jennibellie, Joanne Sharpe, paperiliitin, and of course Nath Kalbach!

  203. Evelyn Johnson says:

    I’m dating myself with this comment, but I remember hand coloring B&W photos when I was a teenager. I think I still have one of my HS photos I hand colored. Forgot about the technique, but it’s great for adding just a splash of one color to a photo if you don’t want to color the entire photo.

  204. Janet Firth says:

    Im love Karen Ellis blog, Donna Downey, Junelle Jacobsen and really enjoy these girls and now so excited about all the new blogs I have been introduced to in Jump Start!

  205. Deb Beschler says:

    Hi Nat!! Oh, I about swooned when you sponged on the acrylic inks!! I LOVE the look, especially the bronze color. My favorite blogs to read are: Prima, Alisa Burke, Tim Holtz, Heidi Swapp, Margie Romney-Aslett, Rhonna Farrer, Cathe Holden, Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson, Anna Dobrowska and you!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  206. I read Donna Downey, Karen Ellis and Milliande’s blogs.

  207. I love the Sketchbook Project, Jane Davenport, Teesha’s Circus, your blog, Colossus. Those are just to name a few, lol.

  208. I find all blogs are inspiring, I couldn’t narrow it down to one thanks for the chance to win

  209. I read way too many blogs. Most of the blogs have to do with stamping and paper crafting. Often I get ideas from what others have done but not necessarily using the papers and products that they did. Just started reading Art From The Heart. I love Moxie Fab World. Lots of inspiration there and Cath often has notes on why something is fabulous.

  210. I love being inspired by the blogs of people like Dina Wakley, Donna Downey, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Roben-Marie Smith, and of course you Nat ;-). I especially love following the blogs of artists that share techniques.

  211. Heidi Swapp and the girls at eighteen25.

  212. Christy Tomlinson, Donna Downey, Kathryn Wheel, She Can Quilt, Grace and Favour

  213. I don’t read a lot of blogs, but the ones I find quite inspiring in this more artsy vein are Taylord Concepts by Erika Taylor and Made By Nicole by Nicole Maki. 🙂 I am more interested now in starting to read the blogs written by this year’s jumpstarters!!

  214. Amanda Izzi says:

    I love Donna Downey’s blog, Inspiration Wednesdays got me fired up to paint again! I also follow Christy Tomlinson, Roben-Marie Smith, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, yours, etc. I like reading the blogs that post videos because they get my ideas flowing & spark my creative energy!!!! So thanks to all of you that take the time out of busy lives to show us how you do it!!!!

  215. Mmmm … so many talented artists’ blogs. I enjoy Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Joanne Sharpe, Dina Wakley, Ronda Palazzari, Yours, Pam Carriker, Elvie Studio, Traci Bautista, The Art House, … gosh, so many more, as well!

  216. I am a blogaholic! I follow lots of blogs. It’s amazing the stuff you can learn! I follow your blog, balzar designs, Kate crane, dyan reveals, Tim holz, Mary Anne moss…..I could go on and on!

  217. Janet Kearney says:

    Don’t follow any blog as such. Just catch the random one from links off face book or Pinterest.

  218. mieke caspers says:

    I follow several blogs that are made by different people who do art journal.

  219. I woke up cynical today. Interesting how most, if not all, of the favorite blogs listed here are trying to sell you something. I made a recent discovery that’s been a real wake-up call. It seems, the art I was making before I entered the craft world blog-o-sphere, was better and more original than it is now. I need to spend less time on the computer and more time just making art. I started blogging at the beginning of the year, hoping to connect with other artists, with similar interests. I don’t expect I will continue with this for much longer because I don’t expect I’ll ever make the connections I was hoping for. I make art for the pure joy of it and it seems many out there (in the US, anyway) have made a career out of making art so they can enter it into a drawing so they can win craft products (yes, I’m guilty). Also, have you ever read the comments made about each other’s work? Everything is always fabulous, wonderful, brilliant, clever, etc., etc., and you know what? It’s not always that good. I would rather participate in a forum where we can offer suggestions or helpful advice so we can improve our craft. And one last point, for anyone out there who thinks their work is not good because it’s not a copy cat version of someone else’s–you just haven’t found your own voice yet. Loose the blog world and you’ll probably find it.

    • Sorry you woke up in a cynical mood this morning. I personally enjoy learning about new products and seeing how different products are used and have never felt pressured to buy anything from the blogs I read. I wish people would offer more constructive suggestions on my blog but I will settle for fabulous,wonderful,etc.

  220. mieke caspers says:

    I follow the blog from Kate Crane, Pam Carriker, Natalie Malik. I also follow other blogs from al sort of people.

  221. Linda Brouwer says:

    Willowing, the Kathryn Wheel, Stampotique designers blog and the Gelli Plate blog.

  222. Karen Little says:

    I have about 20 blogs I follow. One of my faves is Julie Balzar’s art journal every day. I also love Donna Downey inspiration wednesday and Effy Wild. I would rather spend my money on art supplies so I am always looking for free tutorials.

  223. Awesome technique! I would love to take your class. I saw those inks just the other day in a store but didn’t get any since I didn’t know how to use them. I follow your blog regularly as well as Finnbair’s, Tim Holtz’ and a couple of others. And during the CJS I found a lot of new blogs to follow.

  224. I first fell in love with the liquitex inks from Christy Tomlinson. I would really love to learn so much more from your class. Thanks for th e opportunity to win!

  225. Tim’s blog was probably the first I followed closely. I also really like One Lucky Day, Donna Downey, Karen Ellis and Finnabair … and of course, it goes without saying, you Nathalie! CJS will make my list grow – thanks for bringing us so many more artists to inspire us.

  226. AmyMarie Riley says:

    I like Julie Balzer’s blog a lot and through her I learned of your JumpStart and now I like yours too. I am still looking for / finding blogs that inspire me. Lots of this is new to me.

  227. Thank you for showing me a different medimun. I’ve never used acrylic ink and I have not painted on a photo. Thanks for the tip. I enjoy your creativity.

  228. I read Tim Holtz, Tammy laPorte, Louise Nelson and Nat’s blog. I am going to follow the other blogs mentioned here as well. LOL – I may never leave the computer to do some creating!

  229. The most inspiring blogs are Alisa Burke, Catherine Scanlon, Diana Trout, Linda Matthews, and a whole lot more.

  230. All ladies were a revelation for me … i really love blogs … Janna Werner, Catherine Matthews-Scanlon, Louise Nelson … and you Nathalie Kalbach waouhhhhhhhhhh so creativity, so inspiration I like it Thanks a lot

  231. I love Czekoczyna, Finnabair and Louise Nelson blogs 🙂

  232. Beth Holly says:

    Jessica Sprague, Heidi Swapp, Tim Holz, Ali Edwards, The Gentleman Crafter, Rhonna Farrer, Simply Tiffany Studios, Elise Blaha and quite a few more! There is so much amazing inspriation out there.

  233. I usually read Tim Holtz, but you have given me so many new options–in particular, Julie’s.

  234. Melissa Wright says:

    Tim Holtz- a master at artsy things!!

  235. I follow Julie Balzer’s blog, Dylan (Art from the Heart), Milliande, YOUR blog, of course, and Artful Musing and several Art Journal blogs to get most of my inspiration. Again, Nat, PLEASE, speak up in your videos, or adjust your mic volume because I CAN’T HEAR YOU!! Thanks for your giveaway 🙂

  236. Nancy Riggs says:

    Never tried using the inks before but you make it look very interesting. I follow several blogs, but my favorites are you, of course, Julie Fei-fan Balzer, Christy Tomlinson, and Donna Downey.

  237. I enjoy Tim Holtz, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, and Rhonda Palazzari. Fun technique today.

  238. I read a lot of blogs, but some of my favourites are: draw, Gabby, draw!, Lalyblue, Geninne;s Art Blog, Lost Coast Post, Jennibellie Studio, as well as yours, Ronda’s, and Julie’s. This is just to name a few on my Daily Art Reads list (there are actually way too many on there for me to read daily, but I pick and choose depending on my mood!)!

    I’d love to win a spot in your Acrylic Ink workshop. I have the Liquitex inks, but haven’t used them very much yet!

  239. Machele Culp says:

    Brand new so I’m just getting started. Blogs are just now what I’m search for; so for my fav it would be all at this time!! I’m so inspired whenever I land on one I find sometimes I’m in blog mayhem!! In a good way!! 🙂

  240. I follow Anna Dabrowski, Louise Nelson and Julie Winks

  241. Ann-Karin says:

    Ahhhhh…. Tim Holtz:)

  242. Ah-h so many inspirational blogs on my list including your Nathalie but one additional blog I enjoy is Cloth, Paper, Scissors because it features work of so many artists.

  243. lisa glowatski says:

    I love this technique I visit a few blogs I like Donna Downey Christy Tomlinson Finnabair Tim Holtz

  244. Ahhh! So many goof blogs to choose from! Christy Tomlinson, Yes and Amen, Julie Balzer, Tamara Laporte, Roben-Marie Smith, Journal Artista… And many more!

  245. Marilyn Lamoreux says:

    I enjoy Julie Balzers blog.

    Thanks Nat for putting jump start together – I’ve learned much!

  246. Dina Wakley, Alisa Burke, Juli Fei-Fan Balzer, Roben-Marie, Kate Crane, Finnabair and …………you are my favourite. In fact, I think everything I’ve learnt in mixed media and art journaling comes from one of you. I’d love to win a seat in your workshop.

  247. These seem to be the blogs that I follow the most lately: Nicky (The Altered Inker); Jim (The Gentleman Crafter); Wendy (Studio 490); Donna Sledzik; Prima Marketing and now you!

  248. I LOVE Lilybean’s Paperie. The colors are so soft and pretty. Fondly, Tami

  249. Oh my…I subscribe to or go to a bunch of blogs every day…your’s Nat, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Roben-Marie Smith, Ronda Palazzari, Dina Wakley, Tim Holtz, Jim Hankins (The Gentleman Crafter), Donna Downey…and the list goes on as I discover more and more that I want to follow.

    I would love to learn more about using acrylic inks…have never used them before.

  250. Hoi Nathalie, thanks for the amazing video, for me new techniques like i saw so many new techniques here at Jumpstart!
    My favorite blogs are from Julie Balzer, Kathrynwheel, Caatjesartystuf (she is from Holland also), and you are definately also on the list! And I can name more, but one I have learned a lot from, is Scraptime, with al there great video’s.

  251. I love to follow the blog from Kate Crane and Dyan Reavely, but also the one from Hermine Koster and M&M design.

  252. I’m affraid I’m a bit behind with following blogs, but I do follow some people at youtube and they have blogs too 🙂 Also I follow some artists at Facebook. Here are some of my favorite: jennibellie, donna downey, dyan reavely, french papillon, christy tomlinson, joanne sharpe and last but not least,

    xx Monica

  253. I follow Paula Phillips’ blog, although she has recently taken a hiatus from blogging to focus on becoming healthy. She has just restarted live tutorials on Ustream again and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to learn to layer projects! I also enjoy Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blog.

  254. I have Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s posts set to come to my email daily. I also like Sandra Spagnuolo’s and Karen Ellis’ blogs. These ladies are more local for me.

  255. I have Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blog set to come automatically to my email daily. I also like Sandra Spagnuolo’s blog.

  256. I follow a number of blogs but if I had to name one it would be Tim Holtz

  257. The Blogs that I enjoy are Seth Apter, Julie Balzar, Christy Thomlinson, Colleen from Just Paint It, Tim Holtz, YOU Nat, and so so many more. My fav list keeps growing. I feel so lucky and blessed to have found CJS. It’s been such a treat everyday to learn so many new techniques including this one, with the photos and Ink. Thank you!!

  258. My favorite blog is

  259. I flit between so many but the three constants are Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s, Traci Bautista’s and Alisa Burke’s.

  260. mlcain0202 says:

    Simply Stampin with Shirl and Create and Craft are my favs.

  261. My favorite blog is My Blessed Life. Loads of inspiration and DIY techniques. I am also enjoying some of the company blogs (Simon Says Stamp and Show, Prima Marketing, and Tim Holtz).

  262. I need to play with my acrylic inks more. Thanks for the video. My favorite blogs (from a long list) are: Julie Fei-fan Balzer, Tim Holtz, Christy Tomlinson, Vicki Christman and Donna Downey.

  263. Ich schau gern auf Dein Blog, Christy Tomlinson’s, Donna Downey’s, Roben-Marie-Smith’s, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s.

  264. Oh gosh.. In no particular order : Louise Nelson, Anna Dabrowska, Birgit Koopsen, and added yours at the beginning of the year 😀 — I’m finding more inspiration in foreign blogs than american blogs as of late!

  265. Judy Meeker says:

    Nat-yours of course, love Yes and Amen, Balzer studio, Christy Tomlinson, My Messy Spot, so many more. So many talented artists out there, giving inspiration and direction to we who are not so talented.

  266. there are so many inspirational artists so a mention only a few: Dyan Reaveley, Kate Crane, Kaz Hall, Jane Davenport, Rach0113, Christy Tomlinson, Leilani Joy, Donna Downey, Dina Wakeley, Finnbiar…(oeps I said just a few…_
    well fab candy Nathalie

  267. Janelle Rourke says:

    I read Julie Fei-Fan Balzers blog. She always inspires me. Would love to win a seat in your class! All of the Jumpstarts have my head spinning!

  268. My first “favorite” blog was/is Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blog. I’ve learned so much from her…including learning about Natalie! So now Natalie’s is quickly becoming a favorite blog of mine, too.

  269. There are so many good blogs out there but I try to limit myself otherwise I spend more time reading blogs and less time creating…right now my favorite is Christy Tomlinson.

  270. Wow, great technique. I never knew of acrylic inks. thanks for the info.
    I read so, so many blogs. That is how I learn. Hmmm….. Julie Balzer, Cindy Lawrence, Silke Sedlow, Christy Tomlinson, Artsyville, Eclectri Paperie, Ronda Palazzari, Cathy Michaels, Kathy the Daily Marker, oh, these are just a few of the hundreds I read.

  271. I love Donna Downey’s blog…especially inspiration Wednesday.
    Thx Nat for the great technique.

  272. Two of my favourite blogs include The Art House Studio, and Donna Downey, although you are going to be added to this list.

    I appreciate your tutorials and your sense of humour! T

  273. Ali Edwards and Tim Holtz are two of my favorites

  274. vivian’s blog is very inspiring,
    thanks for askng
    ava g

  275. I like the blogs of Dina Wakley and Tim Holtz.

  276. I enjoy Finnabair and also One Lucky Day. Also Stamptramp and Studio L3.

  277. I read And find lotes of inspiracion

  278. Donna Downey, Tim Holt! julie Balzar!!

  279. suzanne s says:

    I read so many blogs it’s hard to pick just a few – i would say the ones i go to most are Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson, Yes and Amen, Altered Pages and anything Zentangle related!

  280. Holly McMannes says:

    Great technique. The blogs that give me inspiration are Tim Holtz, Donna Downey, Balzer and I have learned a lot from you also. Thank you so much.

  281. I’m a Ranger girl, so I love the blog from Tim Holz he’s so fantastic. I also like the blog from Dyan Reaveley. Nat’s bog is also very inspirational, it pushes me to try things with my paints I’ve never done before. And I also like the blog from Sharon Laakkonen.

  282. I just started reading Christy Tomlinson’s blog and I just love it! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  283. I find sooo many different kind if blogs inspiring. One can almost say too many…;-) But yours is certainly one of them.

  284. My favorite blog is Lollyrot Scrapbooking blog 🙂

  285. There are so many blogs that I follow now especially since I joined in on Creative Jumpstart! I am sort of new to mixed media and art journaling and my head is spinning with ideas from all the videos! I do not have any of these acrylic inks but they look like fun! Thank you for yet more inspiration!

  286. Most inspiring blogs I read: Chookooloonks, Jenny Doh, Danielle Daniel, Balzer Designs, Ponderings, Kollaj …

  287. THis is very intriguing to me! May have to run out and pick up one of these inks to play with! My favorite blogs are you, Julie Fei Fan Balzer, Dina Wakely, Tim Holtz, and Tammy Tutterow to name a few! Thanks Nat!

  288. What a cool effect on the photo, I like that! I can’t say, which blogs inspired me mostly, there are so much blogs in the www and I’m surving around and be happy, that there are so much creative people which share their works!

  289. Wendy Gilbertson says:

    I love to read Donna Downey’s blog, she is always demonstrating something. Karen Ellis of The Art House is also a favourite. And I have recently discovered Nat!!! I love reading about your adventures.

  290. Right now, it’s Tim Holtz.

  291. Kim H20skier says:

    oh wow there are too many to mention. I already have all your ladies on my favorite list from last year and then some so I have to say I’am a real blog hog!!!!!! but I really do appreciate all the time that everyone gives to showing what they create and how they do it. Thanks again .

  292. joanne3107 says:

    hi! i love to follow Donna Downey’s and Christy Tomlinson’s blogs!!

  293. In answering this question, I’ve realised that I follow more blogs than I realised. Just to list the main mixed media style of blog, and only the ones i read regularly & in no particular order: Rachel Greig’s Darkroom Door, Dion Dior, Marjie Kemper, Tim Holtz, Kate Palmer, Lindsay W of thefrugalcrafter, stampingMathilda – Godelieve Tijskens.

  294. Vanessa Miles says:

    Acrylic inks are a new idea for me. I will love to experiment.

  295. I enjoyed the video and would love to win a spot in your class. I love Vivien Keh at Contadina K blog and Ronda Palazzari at Help Me Ronda blog, Julie Fei Fan Belzer and Tim Holtz.

  296. I like tim’s blog, prima and graphic 45. There are always great new tips and ideas there.

  297. cooperandmax says:

    I’m just starting my crafting journey! I’d have to say you’re my favourite blog at the moment!! Thanks for the giveaway 😀

  298. Dara Lynn says:

    Would love to park my “seat” in your class! My brayer just got a workout Friday and Saturday after seeing how easy it is to create texture! I know there is so much to learn!! My computer time is spent looking and learning – you!! Ronda Palazzari, Dina Wakley, Donna Downey, the beautiful Birgit, and our New Yorker…Julie Fei Fan Balzer!

  299. Such a cool technique—I would NEVER have thought to paint on a photo! I am going to try this with a B&W photo of my grandkids, when they are wearing a color totally wrong for my page! Thanks for another great idea, Nat!
    One question: must I use liquid acrylics, or can I use my tube acrylic paints and just water them down?

    • Oh, and I forgot: my fave blogs are ones that give me great ideas! I don’t generally follow specific blogs, but hop around as I want. I am new to mixed media, so I don’t follow the ones mentioned here in other posts (except for Tim’s of course…..EVERYONE looks at Tim’s posts!), but I am now going to check out the rest!

  300. I like Donna Downey’s and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blogs – everytime I read a new post, I get this “WOW” feeling.

  301. I like the Tim Holtz and Prima blogs

  302. would really like to try theseinks.

  303. I follow quite a few blogs; would have to say that currently my style is inspired most by ‘Words and Pictures’ and then by ‘Ink On My Fingers’. And of course, I have to include TheGentleman Crafter!

  304. Nurse Ratchet says:

    Love your use of colour…you are so full of abandon and joy when you create!! I follow your blog and Julie and Dina and Anna and Dyan and am discovering so many more here at Creative JumpStart! I am now chastising my bully spellcheck because I spell colour with a “u” and always will…LOL!!!

  305. I love fibre art and crazy quilting blogs!

  306. Joanne Sharpe, Tim Holtz, Lisa Vollrath, Clubscrapcreates and many many others.

  307. That’s an easy one to answer – my favorite blogs are Julie Balzar’s, Dispatch from LA, Alisa Burke’s, and Donna Downey’s blog. And, I love her style!

  308. I like Art-and-Soul, TheGentlemanCrafter, TheArtHouseStudio among many. Thanks you

  309. Uber LOVE! Christy Tomlinson, Melody Ross, Donna Downey….just to name a few. thanks for the opportunity! xo

  310. Awsome ideas today! I have such a long list of blogs I visit… It’s addicting! I even made a list of the suggested ones here because I love to be inspired by new people and ideas when I am in a rut! My faves I have to check out regularly though are Ronda palazzari, julie balzer, geninne zlatkis, Amy tan, Katie licht, and jennifer firth…

  311. I read Alisa Burke, Joanne Sharpe, and Belinda Fireman’s blogs.

  312. Well you are the one I have been reading daily for quite some time now! I try to visit a number of new blogs every week – always checking out what others follow or you have been keeping me busy doing this with Jumpstart! Great fun today – more product I HAVE to have and try out!!

  313. Sandra Sapienza says:

    I do not follow many blogs. My favorite would be Dispatch from LA,

  314. Well, All blogs mentioned above are my favs also. Ive followed you for awhile now too & am so glad youre doing the jumpstart this year again. Really appreciate the time & effort you all put into this for everyone. I love seeing what everyone comes up with on their blogs & I love texture too lol. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in the Uber Media Inks course. Ive been wanting to take the gesso & acrylic paint ones also but the minute I take one I know Ill be doing them all, just cant help myself. Thanks again Nat
    Hope youre just getting a good rest in from CHA now xo

  315. Dale Rose says:

    I love to read the Gentleman Crafter’s blog and Julie Balzar’s blog. They both do different kinds of art, but all of it inspires me to be more creative.

  316. here are so many and I am finding new ones every day, but I always go to Artsyville and Jessica Sporn.

  317. Kristina Perez says:

    I read so many blogs that I can’t remember them all. Among them are Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Dion Dior, My Brave Soul, and Visual Blessings.

  318. Some of the blogs I like to follow are Doona Downey, Tim Holtz, Finnabair, Dyan Reaveley and now N’studio. There are more that I watch periodically … if I watched them all I would have time to do the things I need to do, like create art! Thanks for sharing.

  319. says:

    Love Christy Tomlinson and Heidi Swapp. Would love to try these inks – I’ve never used them before

  320. Kim Houston says:

    Balzer, Right Brain Planner, Dispatch LA are my favs.
    One thing I have really enjoyed from CJS is being exposed to so many others~thank you!

  321. Dianne King says:

    Great technique, Nathalie. I love your blog and those of Contadina K, Balzer Designs, Dina Wakely, Joanne Sharpe, Donna Downey, Elvie Studio and Trish Bee. Off to play with my inks, now!

  322. Candy Brintnall says:

    I am a Christy Tomlinson addict. I follow her several times a day to see what she’s up to in the studio. Donna Downey is also a favorite but I recently found Karen Ellis through Creative Jumpstart and I adore her! Thanks Nat for sharing all your creativity!

  323. I am a newbie and have just started on-line classes. Yours is the first! I have been scouring Pinterest for ideas and blog sites. I am anxious to try some of the ones listed in this comment section.

  324. Sandy Horton says:

    I’m not a big blog reader but I do have a daily routine for Graphic 45, Nora Griffin and Karen Russell.

  325. Beside your blog of course, i love reading Finnabair, Alisa Burke, Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson and lots of inspiring french canadian blogs 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  326. sandy sims says:

    Nice –very nice. I have some inks—I’m going to play. I liked the history info also. Thanks

  327. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    Love this!
    The most inspiring blog for me at the moment is anna dabrowska’s blog

  328. I like artfulevidence, Donna Downey, Finnabair and many more.

  329. I enjoy any blog featuring creativity!

  330. I have many but love to visit new ones that I run across in new issues of
    Somerset magazines or Cloth,Paper,Scissors.

  331. Good morning! I love Tim Holtz, Linda Ledbetter, Dyan Reaveley, Mary Fish, Joanne Sharpe, and Donna Downey, to name a few. Love my blogs. DH says I spend too much time with my iPad in my face. LOL

  332. Bea Arreola says:

    Christy Tomlinson, Melody Ross, Sandi Floyd Tygar, Alisa Burke, Donna Downey, Danita Art, Julie Fei Fan Balzar, and yours of course!! Love the technique!

  333. I haven’t been following too many blogs, but I just now saw Milliande mentioned–that will be my new one to visit this year!

  334. Robbi Parker says:

    You of course! Belzer Designs, Birgit Koopsen,Cuchy…..I could go on! I always check the wonderful artist blogs you have here on JumpStart and it has literally opened a whole new world for me. I had never done any art before JumpStart…….thank you so much Natalie.

  335. Glenda Lovchik says:

    Before the Jumpstart, I followed Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Sherry Cheever, Donna Salazar and Becca Feeken. Now I’ve added Heidi Swapp, Karen Ellis and you. I have checked out a few more of your artist friends and enjoy their styles as well. I’m getting such a well rounded look at art ideas. I’ve used water color pencils on laser prints, but never paint. Will try that next.Thanks so much.

  336. Really great video. I love Julie Balzer, Ali Edwards, Alisa Burke, Ana White and Young House Love.

  337. So many inspiring blogs! Yours of course and I do also like the Art Geeks, and Teesha Moore, the Smallest Forest, Dispatch from LA, oh too many to think of! I need to experiment more with acrylic inks, thanks for the boost!

  338. all the blogs, because every one is so enthousiat creative in it’s one way ! like Claudine, Cuchy, Rachel, Christine and Anna. made a list of al there blog’s and go some while there for a creative journy …

  339. i follow many but a few favs are inkwell,kathryn scraps, mystele/studio thrive,willowing now I am follow new ones thanks to creative jumpstart thank you

  340. Maureen Young says:

    Your blog, now that I’ve met you here, Pam Carriker, Jill Berry, Mary Beth Shaw, Seth Apter, Lisa Vollrath, Gelli prints, strathmore, Balzer and many more! It’s so wonderful that you now have not only brought yourself into my world of art blogs but many more of your friends! Thank you much!

  341. I liked all!, but in special yours…and to mention precisely: Crafters Workshop #14, Claudine Hellmuth #22 and Carmen Sánchez, #26. This was a great opportunity to learn new tips and techniques so as to use all that material i have been keeping for One Day! and the day arrived with this Jumpstart! Lots of thanks!

  342. Thanks Nathalie for another wonderful technique! Everyday I visit many blogs and now because my increasing interest in Mixed Media I read yours, Julie Balzer and Finnabair.

  343. Theresa. H says:

    Hi Nathalie. I hadn’t heard of acrylic inks before Creative jumpstart. Now, if course I have to have them. Would love to win a class from you on how to use them. So onto the question. Well I follow so many inspirational blogs it’s hard to name a few, but I learn so much from yourself (Nathalie’s studio – even though I have only just found you through these workshops), Dina Wakley (Ponderings), Tworzysko Finnabair, Dyan Reaveley (Dylan’s blog) & of course Tim Holtz.

  344. very nice !!!!

  345. As many others i am inspired by quite a few artists how are all very kind to share. To name a few: Linda from yoursartfully, Leandra from paperartsy and Anneke from somefiddlingonthekitchentable.

  346. At this moment the blog of Donna Downey inspires me the most. I love what she’s making, love her humor and it is always fun to see here movies.

  347. Birute Pilipaitis says:

    Well, I read your blog, of course! But other blogs that inspire me include Kelly Kilmer, Pat Pitingolo (Lost and Found), Julie Prichard, Traci Bautista and many more. I think I spend too much time on the internet!

  348. Well, apart from YOU and N*STUDIO… wow how generous you are with how much you share and teach… How much do I love Julie Fei Fan Balzer!!! So inspiring… oh, and I cannot forget the beautiful Donna Downey, the first mixed media artist I ever came across… Inspiration Wednesdays are a must for our whole family! Kelly Rae Roberts is another fave read, and source of inspiration, and such great inner beauty. I adore Milliande, and the gorgeous Jane Davenport – my fellow Aussie! There’s also Rachelle Panagarry and her ArtEyeCandy! Suzi Blu… oh my goodness – love love love. She’s incredible. Jamie Dougherty – freak or what!!! She’s amazing. So talented! And of course FINNABAIR… Anna’s art is wow!!! Effy at WildSoul, Karen Ellis – her business page, does that count as a blog??? lol… and Catherine Scanlon – what a jewel she is! Paulette Insall… such beauty and grace!

    **I must say, the art community is so loving and generous, and supportive of each other! I am inspired by EVERYONE and their blogs… true story!!! I’m a sponge for art and inspiration, and colour, and life and the freedom I get from it. So so many faves, but these are my faves. Thanks to you all!

  349. andrea young says:

    so many to name just one except maybe leeann pearce’s blog from Australia thepaintbrushgoesspotty she is an amazing artist and i just love her work

  350. Heather P. says:

    It’s hard to pick just one blog, and it’s hard to visit all the ones I love on a regular basis since the list is so long. But I’ve been a long time follower of Kate Palmer b/c she’s such a technique junkie and I really like Faber-Castell’s Design Memory Craft blog. It’s chock full of talented people. Thanks so much for the chance to win a spot in your class!

  351. Nice idea!

  352. I just ordered some of these inks! I have been looking for more tutorials on using the inks and acrylic mediums. Thank you!

  353. Barbara Poe says:

    I’m like you. I love Balzer. She is my favorite blog. She is such fun. I envy your friendship with her.

  354. Celeste B. says:

    I don’t think I have one blog in particular. I like to follow all different types of blogs and see different work by people with all kinds of styles.

  355. mmm cannot pick just one, as i do so many different crafts but i love your jumpstart techs 🙂

  356. Mary Werner says:

    Any blog that includes videos can inspire me to recreate something in my own style. Just watching someone “make art” gets my fingers itching to try it. Your Jump Start series is so wonderful to see a sample of many different women and ideas. Thank you so much for all your hard work in getting this together.

  357. Love, Alisa Burke, Nathalie kalbach, Cuchy, and Balzer, Ruth Bernal, Monica Palomero

  358. Lovely video! Thank you!
    Can not pick just one … Have my little list I go through … Some daily and some every now and then … I can admit that the list has grown longer since I have taken part of Creative Jumpstart! 😉

  359. Woh great video!! I would have never thought of using my acrylic ink on photo’s. I’m defenitly going to try it!! Inspiaring pages woh I’ve got a lot to name a few: Jenniebellie’s blog. Mathilda from stampingmathilda, Elizabeth from Alteredbooklover, Geninne, and the list goes on and on. I’ve got a list in my favourites with all my favourite blogssites, including yours 🙂 I visit them 3 ot 4 times a week.

  360. Well one of my favorites is Simple me van Donna Downey and i love the paper artsy blog van Leandra.but I must admit that I learned a lot from many different blogs.
    I love the internet.

  361. Carmen Jimenez says:

    Hello I like to read Alisa Burke and Geninne Zlatkis’s blogs also Seth Apter blog The altered page.

  362. I love so many blogs for inspiration and get such a concentrated boost from you but paperartsy does give so many ideas too. Plus you can’t beat Attic24 for crochet inspiration! I look forward to trying out some of the Liqitex inks … new to me!
    JoZarty x

  363. scrappinvt says:

    Very cool technique. I have never tried those inks, but i will be getting some soon. Thanks for doing the CJS.

  364. Dee in NH says:

    Wow! I have never worked with these kinds of ink before but I love how it looked when you colored the photo! What a great technique!!

  365. I have to admit that Milliande is one of my most inspiring blogs. She shares almost everything for free including her love of art which is infectious and makes art and creativity accessible – even to those on very limited funds.

  366. I read Mary Corbett needle n thread, Kate palmers sparkle tart, and dion dior’s blogs

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