Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #4


Are you ready ? ;)

Right now I am at CHA and probably meeting some of the other JumpStarters – I will try to post some pictures on my main blog 🙂 But for now- let’s continue with the Workshop


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

So here is the fourth video:


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

Here are the supplies I used in the video:


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I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart

Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. 😦 I could not find my transparency to try this. However, you gave me the idea of trying this on glossy photo paper. I am sure that I will find the transparencies while cleaning. I tinted my gesso with alcohol ink. I used a clear stamp and found that using a soft toothbrush worked great for making sure the stamp was well cleaned.

    Thanks for taking the time to make this video. I am enjoying watching all the videos and learning new things.

  2. ohh so am going to do this technique and I loved your heart….that is so me. 🙂

  3. Love this! Thanks!

  4. Thanks so much for such a fun project!! I love it!!

  5. I am SO glad I’m not the only one who is freehand heart cut disabled! 😀 Never tred this! Another use for the gesso!

  6. Great technique, thanks so much for the videos so far.

  7. Great idea! (fun video)

  8. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Wonderful idea…thank you.

  9. Wow, wonderful video on transparencies … Never even thought to use them. I love the way they layer though,

  10. Hehe, I had to laugh a little with you about the heart…. ♥
    Anyway; Lovely technique!!! 🙂

  11. fun, fun, fun! It’s been awhile since I used transparencies and I love this idea. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thanks Nat! Another great idea to try!

  13. Nat, LOVE this idea! I would have never thought of it! I even have all the supplies needed! Will be trying this in the near future! Thanks for the awesome tip!!!

  14. Gerd Andersson says:

    Thank you so much, Nat! You are so inspiring! This teknic, I’ll start at once as I’ve plenty of transparencies.

  15. Lynn Shaffer says:

    I would have never thought! love this!

  16. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Fun technique! Thanks for sharing with us . . . 🙂

  17. Great technique!. I´ll try it. Thank you so much for sharing!.

  18. Jean McBride says:

    Great technique will give it a try,,,sure loved the chuckles…!

  19. Debbie Benefield says:

    thanks for yet another great technique 🙂

  20. so that’s how they do it – love the layers it gives.

  21. Yet another great tutorial by you Natalie!!! I love the look of the gesso on the transparency paper. Who would have thought?? Thanks so much!!

  22. Kimmy Jaster says:

    AMAZING!! Fave technique so far!! 🙂 Can’t WAIT to try this!!

    & you’re right about those scissors… they’ll cut anything, they’re dangerous, don’t give your dog a haircut with them or they miht need stitches! : /

  23. Yes we’re chuckling with you. Thanks for the ideas!

  24. helen markee says:

    how totally cool! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  25. Really nice technique! You made me laugh with your so called heart shape. Thanks a lot for all these great videos from all you talented ladies!

  26. Johanne L. says:

    Another great technique. I didn’t know we could stamp on transparencies. Definitely a technique I would like to try.

  27. This is so cool!!! Love the stamps you used, I love those kinds of patterns/textures :-). Thanks Nat!

  28. mieke caspers says:

    Thank you for sharing. What a nice idea.

  29. Maria del Carmen says:

    Very nice!

  30. You can also use Glossy Accents to adhere the transparencies down. Love this technique!

  31. Like this idea. Can’t wait to try. Thank you for sharing this project.

  32. This is a GREAT technique! Off to the office supply store to find the transparencies! And, I just fell in love with you even more when your heart shape came out like a tear drop! Too cute! Glad you left that in! 🙂

  33. Love the transparency over the background page & the combinations of al the mediums. Thanks so much for sharing.

  34. What a fun technique!! Thanks so much!

  35. Nat, thank you so much for sharing yet another great technique. I love that the stamped white gesso adds so much texture and contrast. Luv those Darkroom Door stamps too! It is great that you left in your boo-boo and allowed us to laugh with you. How many times have I done something similar and just shook my head and said ‘How in the heck did I do that?’. Then I laugh and try again. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  36. That is awesome!!!

  37. Stacy Caddy says:

    Great technique, had fun laughing with you…

  38. Denise Trottier says:

    Hi Nat,
    Great technique! Could you please tell me what you said you used to glue your transparency when you have highly textured material? Thank you for sharing this with us…
    Denise Trottier

  39. Loved the technique but loved your laughing at yourself, and allowing us to laugh along, more! Hoping I get to meet you one day!!! 🙂

  40. NancyGrace says:

    Adorable! That you, and the way you make me laugh, and the way you laugh at yourself, AND the way you cut hearts!
    But I’m with Cal8007: what adhesive did you say you use for highly textured materials? Jim-jep? Or was that Scrapbooking 53L….
    Thanks for sharing what you do and who you are.

  41. conlin664 says:

    That is exactly how I would cut a heart!!

  42. It was so much fun! Thank you!

  43. Christina says:

    I really loved this technique. Great Job!

  44. Yvonne Williams says:

    Amazing! I’m learning so many different thinkgs. Thanks Nat for pulling this all together. Also very nice to know I’m not the only one that has moments where I forget what I’m doing. Have a great day.

  45. Cool technique!

  46. Another winning technique.

  47. Great technique, I will have to try this!!

  48. Colleen Melody says:

    Cool technique, definitely going to try this.

  49. Great idea….. TFS!

  50. brandinav says:

    I thought that the gesso would certainly crack when you started cutting it…..but it didn’t! Awesome!

  51. Thank you for sharing the technique. I love that you made your mistake work. That happens on many of my projects and only I know what it was supposed to be.

  52. Great technique! Thank you!

  53. Colleen Fuerst says:

    great technique, as always I cant wait to try it. thanks for keeping the part in with cutting out the heart, it’s fun to laugh along with you.

  54. Love the idea – thanks for sharing 🙂

  55. love the technique but loved even more listening to you, and you laughing at your first attempt at the heart!! Totally something I would do. I also am famous for getting spots of colour on things in error, usually right smack in the middle of someone’s face.Thanks for the technique and the laugh!

  56. Hahahahaha you really did make me laugh. I am probably as bad as a heart cutter as you are. Thanks for the inspiration.

  57. Betty Dallas says:

    I love the way you laugh at yourself… made me laugh too! Thanks.

  58. I’ve got to try that – very fun!

  59. Clever. – love the transparency over the foam technique background page. Thanks for sharing.

  60. now i have a new way to use transparencies thank you

  61. So simple but so many possibilities. Great technique!

  62. Karen phanco says:

    What a great idea! I really appreciate seeing the person behind the art by letting us see imperfections. I loved your humor and enjoyed laughing with you!

  63. I have transparencies,gesso and stamps. Its time to play!!!! Thanks great technique.

  64. Good technique, I will think of you every time I cut a heart.:-)

  65. what a great idea Nat! I’ve done printing with words and pics on the inkjet transparencies, but not thought of using them for stamping!! Great idea! Mind now boogles!

  66. I have transparencies but would never have thought to use them in this manner. I look forward to giving it a try.

  67. Loved the texture on the transparency.

  68. another fantastic technique for me to try – my wish list is getting longer & longer & longer. I cant do hearts either so I know where you’re coming from 😉

  69. Oh, so cool! Thanks for showing us your goofs too. I laughed with you not at you…and I rather liked the tear shape…could have been an exclamation point!

  70. Klasse Idee, ich glaube, ich hab so Folien hier auch noch rumliegen. Muss ich mal ausprobieren. Ich fand das Video so schön und musste mit Dir lachen. Ich find´s gut, dass Du nicht editiert hast, es macht es viel natürlicher so.

  71. I am glad you didn’t cut the video, it was so much fun watching it!

  72. something new to try! thank you!

  73. I love that technique!

  74. Love this technique, Nat! I couldn’t hear very well, so what did you say to use to add them to your pages? I’m really enjoying the Summit! Thanks for all the nifty ideas and giveaways!!

  75. Leanne in CA says:

    Fun! Love your style and personality. Thanks so much for sharing with us. This was great.

  76. loved the video and glad you left your laughter section in

  77. What a wonderful technique !!!!!!!
    Thanks tor sharing 🙂

  78. Excellent technique, a new one for me! 🙂 I’m so glad you didn’t edit the video, either *grin*

  79. Vanessa Miles says:

    I’m getting so many new ideas. Now I know what to do with all of those transparency pages I have.

  80. Thank you for your wonderful and joyful video!
    Love your heart .. 😉

  81. Judy Murphy says:

    Loving these creative jump starts! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration.

  82. I have a similar, barely used pack of transparencies that I’ve used mostly with alchohol inks. Now I have another technique to use it for.

  83. Patricia VanCurler says:

    this is a brand new technique for me. thank you

  84. fabulous technique!! will definitely try this one out!! had a good laugh too 😀

  85. Love this idea…and I got a giggle with you and the heart….I have done that several times!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  86. I was sad today, but when i saw your “tear drop” heart, i changed to laugh! that was really cute an funny…i am a gesso’s fan and this idea is great! thanks a lot Nat for the demo!

  87. Teeheehee! Thanks for leaving the “heart” in the video! Brightened my morning! Nice technique, can’t wait to try it!

  88. Hihihi, you just made my day 🙂 . Love that you didn’t cut out the heart part :p

  89. I will try this one for sure! Thanks for the comic relief! lol!

  90. Melissa Wright says:

    It was good to laugh along with you about the heart! I like the texture this technique adds to a page- very fun! thx

  91. Love that you shared your “mistake”. I teach elementary students and I try to stop when I make an error, and who doesn’t make mistakes?, and point it out. It makes the student realize that I am human and what matters is what you do after your mistake. (Fix it, say oh well and move on)
    Loving your teaching!

  92. nicole knopke says:

    I thought you were going to cut perfect circles there for a second as was going to be totally jealous but was glad to see that you cut wonky circles just like I do!! And then the heart….fabulous….I was laughing along with you…I thought it was a very pretty petal shape!!! hehehe

  93. Fun and quick way to add great visual texture – love it!

  94. Thanks Nathalie for this video. I did really love it.

  95. mlcain0202 says:

    Thanks for the idea!

  96. I had to laugh along with you for the first “tear drop shaped heart”….that was funny. Something I would totally do, too! Cool technique,,, a must try for sure.

    I hope to see you at CHA…I’ll be there this weekend!

  97. Nat, das sieht nach Spaß aus, nicht nur wegen deinem Herz… ;-D Danke für das schöne Lachen, so macht es direkt doppelt so viel Spaß!

  98. Gesso on a stamp is a tiny bit scary but I’m off to give it a shot now. I don’t have any background stamps, so I’ll try a basic icon stamp – infact, I’ve just thought of a great set for this trial! Thanks heaps for getting me thinking

  99. cool technique!
    Love your heart 😉

  100. Fun, and funny. Like the runnier gesso.

  101. I was definitely laughing with you…too funny!!! I assume you can mix acrylic paint with the gesso and apply to the stamp so that your image can be colored? Love this technique…will definitely be using it in the future. Thanks.

  102. What a great idea! Thanks Nat – and thanks for the giggle too – your heart is very cute 🙂

  103. zarischka says:

    Very nicely done! 😀

  104. Still having a blast with all this creativity! I LOVE your sense of humor and ability to poke fun at yourself Nathalie! Thanks for putting together a wonderful CJS!

  105. something new for me to try. I’ve learned so much so far in all the videos. Never thought of using some of the products the way they’ve been presented. I will be busy trying what I’ve been learning. Thank you!

  106. I have a lot of transparencies that were given to me so am going to see what I can do with this technique… thanks for the inspiration!

  107. lisa glowatsk says:

    Love your humor!! I giggled right along with you. Thanks for another great technique!!

  108. Playing with transparent anything is one of my very favorite things to do.I love this technique-got plenty of ideas running around in my head. And your laugh made me smile-thank you!

  109. Awesome video, thanks Nat!

  110. Candy Brintnall says:

    Genius! I never thought of that! Thanks Nat!

  111. Loved hearing you laugh at yourself! Such fun.

  112. Thank you for the techniques; it’s very cool!! 🙂

  113. lacyquilter says:

    What a great technique. I would have never thought to stamp gesso on transparency. And that was the best heart ever!

  114. What a great idea … I have a box of transparencies laying around just waiting to be stamped with gesso . gald you are doing this jumpstart series … I’ve learned so much!

  115. what a fun technique with lots of possibilities to expand the idea. Looking forward to playing with this one!

  116. Cheryl Sue says:

    That is a fun technique. I knew there was a reason for me to hang onto the box they were going to throw out at work!!!! Loved your heart BTW 🙂 !

  117. Tracy Strahle says:

    Yes we are all glad you left it in the video, so funny. Yes we are all human! Thanks for the awesome technique.

  118. Nurse Ratchet says:

    Fab technique and thanks for giggles too!! I know I have some transparencies around here somewhere……

  119. Gla to see you are normal like many of us!! lol 🙂

  120. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    What a fabulous technique!!! I love it! It is refreshing to know even you can mess up…………cute laughter!

  121. sandy sims says:

    I like the shape of your “heart”. Looks like a very sharing heart. Thanks for the technique and all the great info.

  122. What a fun! I love your heart and your laughter 🙂

  123. Great technique…thank you! Your “heart” and your giggles gave me a good laugh! There’s hope for me 🙂

  124. Another great idea! I can’t wait to use this technique on the many transparencies I’ve got stashed! Thanks Nat!

  125. Thanks again for this great video!

  126. Sonia Tsukasa Nozawa says:

    Hi Nat, thank you very much for another great technique!

  127. I can see soooo many possibilities with this technique. Love it!! Thanks for the Jump Start. I wait every day for the email to be able to learn a littel bit more!! THANK YOU!

  128. Nat, everything I have seen you and the others do is so inspiring. Thank you so much for your kind generosity!!! All the best to you for your time at CHA!!!

  129. Oh this is such a wonderful jump starter! Many thanks Nat for all you work in putting together this fabulous event!

  130. Such a fun technique & such a great video, I loved your “heart”, just like you, it’s unique : )

  131. Thank you for another great video & leaving in your heart cutting technique 😉 I really enjoy your videos!

  132. You are so funny! I have lots of transparecies from my teaching days and now I have something to do with them

  133. Fun video – wonderful technique – great jump start!

  134. What a creative tequnique! Thank you for all of your efforts in putting CJS 2013 together…I have learned so much!

  135. Hurrah, I finally got the video to work, and enjoyed every bit of it. What a great idea for using gesso. Thanks for sharing this technique.

  136. fun technique – cute heart

  137. What a great idea!! Adding transparencies to my shopping list right now.

  138. That was fantastic–love your tear-shaped heart! Made my afternoon :-). And what a cool result . . . can’t wait to try it out with all my Tim Holtz background texture stamps.

  139. LOVED the heart…& had a HEART-Y giggle….TFS:):)). I just tossed a pile of used transparencies in the bin…they have printing on them….off to retrieve them…possibilities are endless….THANKYOU !!!!!!!

  140. Oh, Nat, I’m so glad you left the mess up in the video. Too funny. I love the technique..that stamp is great..I wonder if you can get that in the US?

    • Shirley if you mean the Darkroom Door Stamp – I am sure you can get that in the US – but ohhh – don’t ask me where. Maybe google Darkroom Door Stamps and see waht results of stores come up from the US?

  141. New idea for me (jump start is working)! You have a great laugh and it was contagious.

  142. Isabel LopezDel RinconTroussel says:

    So I had a transparency sheets box lying around (it’s more than 10 years old, ha!) and didn’t really know what to do with it. So this Christmas I printed some images and used them as pages in my December Daily journal… But this is so much cooler! Thanks a lot Nat! You never disappoint!

  143. Judy Morgan says:

    I guess it is off to the local office supply store…..!

  144. Fun ! love it

  145. amazing ! thanks for sharing !

  146. Nancy Riggs says:

    Loved your video! It’s fun to learn from someone with a sense of humor.

  147. donna joy says:

    great idea-never would have thought to do that. will have to try it today~

  148. What a fun technique. Thank you.

  149. I love gesso but have never tried it this way-thanks for another fun technique! I ‘m ready to try this with black gesso too and perhapsm y spray inks on top for added color.

  150. I am having so much fun watching your videos! Love this technique, can’t wait to give it a try! Thanks!

  151. Wow what a great technique .thanks for sharing

  152. Love it. So creative. I would never have used transparencies in this way.

  153. This really will add a cool layer, just awesome! Thank you for sharing Nathalie!!!
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  154. Wow another great video! I really like this I am definitely going to try it. Enjoy the CHA. Looking forward t next video.

  155. Very cool, never thought to use gesso or paint on a transparency and then layer over other work. Thanks for sharing a fabulous jump start! The gesso stamping would make great scrapbooking embellishments too 😛

  156. Great technique, I will definitely try it! Thanks .

  157. Wow! Such a wonderful technique!! I have never seen that before. Thank you for being such an inspiration!! 🙂

  158. Really must get me some of that gesso! You’re showing just how versatile it really is. Thank you so much!!

  159. what a cool idea-love the effect and wonder what it’d look like with the addition of alcohol inks-think I’ll have to try that-TODAY!! Loved the whole “heart” adventure-kudos to you for incuding it in the video; it’s encouraging to see that things don’t always fall together perfectly for “real” artists either…

  160. Love it when you are demonstrating with stuff I have!!! Haven’t used a transparency in ages…oh boy am I going to do a bunch to have ready!!

  161. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    what a fun technique! love it!

  162. I have tried gesso on plastic but see from this video that if I thin it down I will get nicer transparencies, not the gooey messes I’ve made. Thank you so much for the video!!!!

  163. Fun fun technique! Thanks.

  164. Kristina Perez says:

    Cool idea!It would be fun to add color to this.

  165. Another awesome technique, Nat! I can’t begin to tell you how many new and very useful creative techniques I have learned already just by watching the vids here. Thank you so much, and hope you are having fun at CHA!!!

  166. What a fun way to use transparencies! Off to my craft room – I know that I have some of those SOMEwhere!

  167. Holly McMannes says:

    Love this technique, very cool. Can’t wait to try this out.

  168. Awesome, again!!! Thanks Nathalie!!! Have fun at CHA!

  169. says:

    You are a hoot! Thanks for the LOL – enjoy CHA.

  170. Thanks for this interesting technique. A few months ago I bought gesso and I did not know how to use it . I see that it has great potential!

  171. Lovely texture!

  172. Brenda Ryan says:

    What an interesting idea! Love it! It’s going on the to do list. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  173. Fab technique, love the heart 😉

  174. I never quite understood how Gesso worked…but think it looks really cool on the overheads. Thanks for leaving your “mistakes” in the video. I love to see how creative minds work and it was a great way to start the day with a smile. This Jump Start series is amazing!

  175. Cindy from Holland says:

    Oh, that looks lovely! You can even use it as an extra page. I will look out for transparant sheets now. Thanks.

  176. You are so adorable! You had me laughing right along with you….thanks for leaving the “heart” in ….nice to know that our crafting heroes make goofs from time to time, too. I love this idea! Thanks!

  177. Dee in NH says:

    Awesome video!!! Loved the heart, gave me a case of the giggles! I love stamping with Gesso but never tried on a clear sheet! Love it!

  178. Dara Lynn says:

    I love to hear you laugh! I am so going to give this a go in my journal today….have really enjoyed trying new and or revisiting techniques to play and create!!! 🙂 Glad to see you made it to LA this morning! 🙂

  179. How cool! Thank you so much.

  180. Loved this light hearted video – thanks for all your hard work putting this together – I look forward to seeing you in my inbox each day 🙂

  181. Bea Arreola says:

    Fun idea! Who knew?? 🙂

  182. joanne3107 says:

    LOVE THIS! thanks for sharing!!!

  183. Glenda Lovchik says:

    That looks like a really fun technique to try. I’m thinking it would be great to layer Valentine hearts over my granddaughters’ photos for their cards this year. Thanks. Enjoy CHA.

  184. Thanks for another fun idea! Looks like we all struggle with our creative projects at times: that also is encouraging.

  185. Thank you for this happy video.I love you tear/hart.haha.
    But it gives me more ideas with transparencies.

  186. Another fun technique! A tip I learned for those of us that may not have a large acrylic blocks is to use one of the plates from a die cutting machine, cuttlebug, etc.

  187. scrappinvt says:

    That is great technique !! I will give this one a try.

  188. deborahl591 says:

    Thank you fr making this fun … funny … today! I love the technique. My wheels are already turning with what I’m going to do. thanks Nat. I hope you are having a great time at CHA.

  189. I bought transparency sheet a few years ago. Now I know what I need to do with them.
    Thank you.

  190. Wow – this definitely rocked my world! Great technique and not something I would have thought of on my own. (and thanks so very much for leaving your heart-cutting adventure in as well!!) Thanks so much for this!!

  191. Like this technique, I have so much transparencies a must for me to try !!!!

  192. Diane Oster says:

    This is a great idea!!! I am really loving all these techniques and it is giving me some great ideas!!! Thanks for putting this together!

  193. Birute Pilipaitis says:

    Oh my! I am off to look for my background stamps!! Thanks Nat! You are awesome as always ❤

  194. Oh my! That looks like so much fun…thanks!

  195. What a great way to start my day! Laughed out loud at the heart/teardrop. Knowing that you make mistakes and get paint/ink all over your projects due to the chaos in you space assures me that I’m normal, not the exception. Regarding the technique…another great creative tool in my tool box, thanks!

  196. Great technique. Got to try this. Thanks again for another fab video.

  197. Nat, I love you! You are such a fun person, even when you make mistakes. Thank you for sharing your creativity and this wonderful series with us!! xo

  198. Favourite thing i ever made was using a transparency sheet with music printed on it. Looked fabulous though i do say so myself. Even won a competition with it 🙂

  199. Love your sense of humor and all the ideas to experiment with…thanks

  200. Elisabeth says:

    Ich bin jeden Tag auf’s neue überrascht!! 😊Vielen Dank Elisabeth

  201. Great technique. Never would have thought of putting Gesso onto my stamps. Looks amazing!

  202. What a fun technique. I love texture and this looks like a good way to add to my pages. Thanks, Nathalie. Hope you are having fun at CHA

  203. oh yeah I have a whole box of those…..thanks for this great tip.

  204. Tolle Technik. Danke LG Gisela

  205. So cool, – I like it!

  206. Enjoying a lot these videos!!!

  207. Great technique !

  208. Mary Werner says:

    Printing a picture on the transparency and then stamping with gesso and then adding a little stain or paint to the gesso would really make the picture stand out more before adding to a page also. I’m getting all kinds of ideas – thanks for the jump start.

  209. woa this turn really great

  210. Wow – who knew!! Yet another wonderful technique for me to try!!!

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