Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #2


Hello you all! It’s me again, Nathalie Kalbach

How did you like the JumpStarts so far? I think it is so much fun to see all the ideas our JumpStarters have and how some of them use the same materials or tools and yet the outcomes are so different!

Let’s continue on in our Creative JumpStart Über*Media Online Workshop


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

So here is the second video:


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

And here are the supplies I used in the video:


And since this technique is part of my Über*Media FoamStamplifier Workshop…maybe you would like to learn a bit more of the fun stuff you can do with FoamStamps 🙂


I would love to give away one seat in my Über*Media Foam Stamplifier Class

In this Über*Media Foam Stamplifier Workshop I want you to learn how to use Foam Stamps with all kinds of techniques and paint media in your Scrapbooking and Mixed Media Projects!

Use this class as a reference guide showing all kinds of possibilities. Amplify your Foam Stamps !

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

In order to win the seat in this class please leave a comment here and let me know what kind of online workshops you would like to see.

Good luck! The winners will be announced the first week of February – the url for the page with the winners will also be sent out with a newsletter.

You can find more about me here:

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TwitterVimeo  Youtube

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart

Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Thanks for sharing this technique. Now I know what to do with some foam stamps I have which I was going to toss. Always fun to learn different techniques.

  2. I love your ideas for texturing using the foam stamps and other texture ideas for backrounds…so creative. More on texture would be wonderful and I would be overjoyed at winning your class. Thank you!

  3. yeah, now I can do something new with those foam stamps. thanks for the idea !!

  4. I love art journals at the moment, so anything to help me to learn how to produce “wow” pages would be lovely.

  5. Rita Timmons says:

    Hey Nat – I would love to take this class. I love any classes showing me how to use the products I have managed to accumulate – scrapbooking, mixed media, etc.

  6. Leah Snyder says:

    Love love the mediums and the layering. ? Other workshops… alter arts and collaging with layers of gels, paints and inks to create your depth and not go to far ending up with mud. Love stamps. Ive been stamping for 21 yrs and it is never old

  7. Lou Ann sindler says:

    Thank you so much Nathalie, I have so much enjoyed this all! I’ve purchased so many publications on painting, journaling, etc for many years now but haven’t had the courage to delve in………….your classes are giving me what I need to take the plunge! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I’m very interested in learning about art journaling.

  8. I’d love a class about the many types of spray inks. How to choose them, what you can do with them, how to make your own?

  9. momzart101 says:

    Altering foam stamps. How clever. This whole series is so inspiring. More of the same would be my suggestion. Variations on using art materials.

  10. Great video! I enjoyed a lot!
    I’ll be happy to see mix media workshops…

  11. I like classes which teach new techniques with materials I already own, the not so obvious uses of them.

  12. Gayle Richmond says:

    Thank you so much for this experience. I am having so much fun, I found you late so I am watching one after another and I hope a lot of it will stick in my head. I would love to see a workshop that was aimed for the beginner that doesn’t require a huge outlay for supplies.

  13. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Thank you for this great video. I would like to see a class with creative ways to add journaling to a srapbook page.

  14. Can’t remember if I have commented here already… But, I LOVE your textured mixed media projects! So I would love to see a class on that! 🙂

  15. thank you for the wonderful videos. I have been having a blast catching up on them all. I would love to see an online class on textured backgrounds for art journals and mixed media canvas.

  16. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    I also love foam stamps. As someone else mentioned perhaps a class about glazing techniques, crackling or image transfer. Maybe I should just say anything! You have a nice teaching style Nathalie.

  17. I enjoy using my foam stamps. Thanks for the ideas! I too love sequin waste!

  18. suzannebouchard says:

    I already bought your Uber Acrylic class and I enjoyed it very much. I wouls love to see a glazing techniques class.

  19. Lisa Campion says:

    I would like to see ideas on ways to add 3-dimensional textures to canvas as well as the best ways to attach/adhere heavier 3-D items to canvas mixed media projects – ie. wooden spools, glass bottles, plastic dolls
    Also: I’d like to know what products (paints, sprays, inks, etc) would work best on glossy book papers & vellum that are usually resistant to most paints. Thanks!

  20. Hi Nathalie, I have been having fun with mixed media for the last few month and I enjoy it quite a lot! I would like to be able to attend workshops on different topics, including stentils, stamping, etc. Thanks!

  21. Wow… never really liked foam stamps, but now I want to get a few to use this technique with! It looks so cool! I would love to be apart of your Uber Media Acrylic Paint Class and other mixed media classes, as I am really new to this!!!

  22. Thank you! That’s a really great to see how many ways one can use a foamstamp! I’ll try out once! When I feel more comfortable with scrapbooking I want to get some of your online workshops, like the gesso, pan pastels and acrylics.

  23. Love the foam stamps. So much fun. I’d live to see this class and more with rubber stamping

  24. Lorie Bradberry says:

    I would love the chance to take one of your workshops. I have taken a few online classes at Big Picture Classes. I liked May Flaum’s Field Guide class.

  25. Lynn Shaffer says:

    I can’t even tell you what I want to see as mixed media is so new to me this is perfect!

  26. definitely more with foam stamps for mixed media

  27. I really love the foam stamp technique, it really answers a lot of my questions on how to get good use of some of my foam stamps. I would love to see a workshop on pan pastels or water colors too.

  28. Jean McBride says:

    Thanks for the ideas, I would love to see more ideas on preparing the base pages for different layouts.

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