Nathalie Kalbach’s Jump Start #1


Hi, I am Nathalie Kalbach and I am the owner of the n*Studio and also the organizer of the Creative JumpStart Summit 2013.

I would like to start off with a couple of words about the Creative JumpStart 🙂

Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:

if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

So Again…

EVERYONE can be creative, creativity just has to be freed.

And this is the reason behind the Creative JumpStart which I run now for the second year. I want to free your creativity and I hope you have fun joining us.

Throughout the next weeks 20 of my friends will show you 3 different ways on how to use a certain tool or material, several manufacturers will have special giveaway for you and I will offer you a free Über*Media Creative JumpStart 2013 Workshop showing you some of my favorite mixed media techniques.

Make sure to stay signed up for the Creative JumpStart 2013 newsletter if you want to win the awesome giveaways we and the sponsors will have for you and to not miss out on the changing passwords and daily posts.

And now let’s jump to the first video in my Über*Media Creative JumpStart 2013 Workshop


My Über*Media Online Classes are there to free your creativity with techniques and how-to’s that go beyond one certain project. I want you to learn something new that you can adapt to your own style and can use for many projects to come.

Über*Media classes are dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials.

I do have several Über*Media Workshops available right now for example Über*Media -PanPastel, -Acrylic Paint, -Gesso, -Acrylic Ink and -FoamStamplifier.

For my Creative JumpStart Über*Media Workshop I will show you some of my favorite Über*Media Techniques that you can use in your Mixed Media, Scrapbooking, Altered Art and/or ArtJournal Projects.

And here is your first video


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

And here are the supplies I used in the video:


I hope you enjoyed this little technique. I will see you back in a couple of days and meanwhile my friends will show you fun stuff daily 🙂

You can find more about me here:

n*Studio RSS FeedFacebookInstagramPinterest

TwitterVimeo  Youtube
Have an amazing day!


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Grateful for the video!
    I loved this technique, I will definitely try in my creations. 🙂

  2. Hi Natallie,
    What kind of adhesive tape did you use in this video? Thanks

  3. Helen Strawford says:

    Awesome Nat

  4. This Jump Start idea is a wonderful thing to do! Thank you so much! Love your lesson! Now, I just need to get the embossing powder to try it out! I’m very new to scrapbooking and mixed media.

  5. Lynn Shaffer says:

    loving this jumpstart! starting over! 🙂

  6. Just started the videos and just the first one and I am loving it already. Thanks you for the wonderful ideas!!!

  7. Jean McBride says:

    Thanks Nat for these super ideas…one needs that little inspirational kick up the butt to jumpstart ones imagination. Thank you for your hard work and kind thoughts.

  8. Angela Bolton says:

    Love this idea, thanks for the inspiration. I love the idea of giving something new a go and there being no wrong way to use a product. Thanks for sharing. 😉

  9. Just found this program yesterday and I know I will have loads of fun trying the different techniques. I can’t wait to heat emboss on foam squares and on double stick tape. Thanks for sharing this wonderful technique.

    Oh yes, I flunked art class decades ago because I can’t draw even if my life depends on it. Although I’ve played with stamping,regular embossing and other crafts within the last year I’ve gotten more adventurous with paints,and other artist mediums.

  10. I have just learned of Jump Start- and am so pleased to be here and find your work and classes. This is a great video- I have tried the embossing on tape, but have not thought of using the foam squares before. I love the tape embossed in different colors as well. I look forward to being inspired as I am just beginning to dabble in Mixed Media!

  11. Watched only now! Great start with super cool technique! Thanks!

  12. great idea, you’ve made me rethink my craft sheet possibilities!

  13. Fantastic embossing technique!!

  14. Wow thanks for sharing, I have embossed on double sided tape before but I never done it on foam tape nor have I embossed on the the craft sheet first then attached.
    Time to pull out the embossing powder again.

  15. Nice! I love how the squares look like enamel. Great texture and dimension without adding weight, too. Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. Christina says:

    I loved your technique. I can’t to try it

  17. I just starting discovering my creative side and felt drawn to mixed media. Unfortunately I’m joining the Creative Jump Start late, but I don’t think it will take long to get caught up because this is already AWESOME! Thank you so much.

  18. Love that idea of using the tape.. I have put this on cards and embossed before but never would have thought of doing it separately and then sticking it on..
    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the videos..

  19. Awesome use of both supplies! Thank you!

  20. So fun!!!! Thanks for the tips!!

  21. What a fun and interesting technique…and one I never would have thought of. Thanks Nat.

  22. Betty Dallas says:

    I signed up late, but just got the email with all the past links… I’m going to be in my craft room for DAYS! Thank you so much for sharing.

  23. late start but catching up . love what I see so far . thank you so much

  24. im a bit behind but I just wanted to say thanks for doing this sometime we all do need a Jump start….lol

  25. Maria del Carmen says:

    Great idea! Thanks you so much!

  26. Paula Benig says:

    This is a new tech for me ,one I want t try.Thanks so much Nathalie.

  27. What a cool technique! Definitely going to try this!! I never even thought about embossing DS tape before it was placed on my project. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Great idea! Thank you 🙂

  29. Great idea! I am a bit scared of embossing powder (although I do have some and have used it occasionally) but this feels like a Jump Start to help me overcome my fear! 🙂 Loved CJS last year and been looking forward to this one. Thanks!

  30. I am enjoying so many ideas…Thank you

  31. Thanks so much for sharing that amazing techniques!.

  32. helen markee says:

    I love it!!! Can’t wit to do it. I do think i will get a book and work along with all the artists! Thanks!

  33. Brilliant, Nat! I think embossing powder is one of those endless supplies since you use so little at a time (unless you drop it all over the floor, like I have! Doh!) so I am loving this new way to use it! Thank you!

  34. wau! una idea genial! gracias

  35. Thanks for organising Creative Jump Start again, I am new this year, but think it will be a wonderful experience.

  36. Thank you Nathalie for a new version of the creative jumpstart. love to watch all those video’s from all those creative people.

  37. Stacy Caddy says:

    Thank you Nat for doing this again this year… I really enjoy all the videos and learning new things… TFS!!!

  38. password not working for me ;(

  39. I had never thought of doing this! Thank you for a simple, yet wildly adaptable technique! Have a great time at CHA and thanks for helping me “free my mind”!

  40. tyou Nat- awesome start and sooooo incredibly happy you decided to do this again! We appreciate you all 🙂

  41. Couldn’t wait for the weekend to be over and the kids back to school, so I could start playing!!! 🙂

  42. Nancy Riggs says:

    The perfect jump start! I can’t wait to try this!

  43. OMG… I love this technique! I can’t wait to use it! I am new this year, but so far am loving it! Thanks!!!

  44. Here is a link to a card I made using this technique!

  45. Catching up here… The applause made me laugh :-). Love the multicoloured tape! Pretty cool!!!

  46. Thanks for sharing this fun idea. I just finally found the time to watch the videos and I’m looking forward to them all.

  47. Love this idea!!! Thank you! I’m going to give it a whirl with other mediums like flocking and glitter because I’d rather make less mess on my project and also use less of the product if that makes sense. 🙂

  48. Thank you for thegreat jump starts for 2013!! It will be geat fun to pull out my dusty EP’s and give your techniques a go..(((clap)))

  49. Thanks for the neat technique! I never would have thought to do that. Very cool!!!

  50. Ich kann dir nur recht geben, was du uns da gezeigt hast, ist so mega cool. Danke schön.
    LG Stephanie

  51. What a great idea – I would never have thought of that.

  52. donna joy says:

    very cool-did something similar yrs ago and had forgotten this technique. time to get the embossing powders out again~

  53. Awesome technique, thank you very much for sharing!

  54. Yay! This is a great technique! Definitely am going to add this to my play book. Thank you.

  55. Glenda Lovchik says:

    I didn’t have embossing powder, but I did have Perfect Pearls on hand. It worked beautifully. Thanks for the inspiration.

  56. Judy Morgan says:

    I honestly didn’t know quite where you were going with this technique for the first few moments, but absolutely love the results! If anyone needs “freeing,” I do – a bit of a perfectionist am I, so this is “Creativity Therapy 101” for me. Thank you, thank you, for this wonderful compilation of very generous artists willing to share their love of art with all of us.

  57. That’s such a clever idea! I never would have thought of that!

  58. Great first tip to get this jump start going. I have so many embossing powders. Can’t wait to try some of these tricks.

  59. I have to say, this is a GREAT technique. Love it !

  60. Thank you for the introduction video. I’m glad a poor teacher did not keep you from pursuing art later in life. I loved the technique because I have the tape and foam squares and never thought of embossing them. Thanks.

  61. deborahl591 says:

    I loved both videos. Thank you so much for your background video. It was not only enlightening, but inspirational. I love the embossing technique…going to try it this weekend.

  62. This is a wonderful idea. I love being able to use what I have on hand in fun and unique ways. Thanks so much!

  63. The best ideas are always so simple aren’t they? This is terrific 🙂

  64. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    What a fantastic idea 🙂

  65. Thanks Nat!! I’m so excited to have found your website and Creative Jumpstart!! I wish I’d found it last year!!

  66. Thank you so much – this was a great technique. Thank you for putting together Creative Jump Start. I enjoyed your introduction. I had a similar experience in high school art and went into Chemistry. I worked in Chemistry for 14 years, then homeschooled my children for the next 17 years. I am finally re-discovering my creativity and I am enjoying it very much. God bless!

  67. I had some trouble with submitting comments so I hope I have duplicated this. The double sided tape with embossing powder is amazing. Such a kool way to have that added touch.

  68. Great idea Nat! 🙂

  69. This is the best tape tip I’ve seen so far, finally a chance of create some tape I really like. Also wonderful to use different kinds of powder, makes it so much easier! Thanks a lot for this starter 🙂

  70. Great ideas, Nat. Way to kick it off!

  71. amazing and really cool idea.

  72. Vikki Milroy says:

    So simple it’s crazy. Love it

  73. What a great idea.
    So quick en a nice result
    Thanks nathalie

  74. Patricia VanCurler says:

    Wow, never even considered these techniques. So very glad I was able to watch. thank you

  75. great technique!!!! thanks for sharing~~

  76. Cyndee Jenkins says:

    That is the coolest and newest idea EVER!!! I cannot wait to give it a try!!!

  77. Thank-you Nat I found you through Julie’s blog and really enjoy your stories and art. Thanks, I would never thought about embossing double sided tape and dots. Fun stuff.

  78. Nat this video just makes me want to get into my craft so thank you so much for organising them

  79. Mary Anne Perlmutter says:

    I love when I learn new ways to use my supplies. I can’t wait to try it.

  80. Beth Holly says:

    Love your idea with pop dots and embossing powder. I actually discovered the tape/embossing powder trick on my own when experimenting with a simple tin can. I put the tape over the edge of the can, placed the embossing powder on top and heated. I had covered the can with a wonderful scrapbook paper and this embossing technique just finished it off so nicely. Filled it with shredded paper and candies for a little treat give-away. So fun.

  81. I love this event already. You are a great teacher, and I love listening to you. Now I need to get some Wow embossing powder. I’ve been looking at it for quite some time and you’ve pushed me over the edge to try it out. Thanks so much for providing this event. I know how hard you must work to get it done!

  82. Shirley W says:

    kool idea i will try it! Thanks for sharing.

  83. Jen Matott says:

    Nat… love your ideas and it’s so fun to hear you talk! Thanks for doing this!!

  84. Claire Standish says:

    LOVE this! thanks so much!

  85. Heather Hudson says:

    I love that thank you, I really like the technique book idea, will just pop out and get a journal. thanks again.

  86. Judy Torres says:

    What a cool idea. I will use it to border a card. thanks

  87. Wow! I love that idea. Putting it in my idea journal for future use. Thx

  88. Sorry. I thought I was OK, but I saw Heidi’s jumpstart but can’t view your jumpstart, Nat.

  89. Shelly Reifke says:

    never ceases to amaze me, just how stup…um…knowledge I do NOT have! 😉

  90. I’m signed up, but I keep getting an “invalid password” message!

  91. tanya watts says:

    thanks for sharing this cool or should i say hot? technique xoxo tanya watts

  92. awesome technique, I would have thought it would melt! gotta go try it now 🙂 thanks xo

  93. Thank you for sharing a bit of your simple creativity to jump start 2013… Your totally awesome 🙂

  94. Connie Marie Rolenc says:

    I have used double sided tape with glitter but never thought about embossing it thanks for a great ideal.

  95. Thanks for the cool technique! I knew you could glitter over sticky tape but never knew you could emboss over it. So cool!

  96. I love learning new ways to use things I already own—and this fits the bill perfectly! Thanks

  97. Loved how you found your way back to creativity 🙂 and thank you for sharing both your story and your techniques. Although I’ve known about and used embossing on tape before, your method has opened up new ways of applying it. Thank you so much 🙂

  98. I’m new to Creative JumpStart and can tell that this is going to be an awesome ride! Thank you for putting it together…

  99. Elisa Nishimura says:

    thanks Natalie, cool technique!

  100. Fern Edwards says:

    I feel encouraged – thanks!

  101. Sue Clarke says:

    I hadn’t heard the story that your hubby had suggested you scrapbook your wedding photos. So tell him thanks from me!
    Love that blue ring and thanks for the technique.
    Be FREE creativity!!!

  102. Hi Nat
    This is so exciting… i’ve never done anything interactive like this before, so i’m really looking forward to it. I admire you so much for organising this great adventure – from experience at work – I know you will have had to put so much work into co-ordinating it all, so thank you once again.

    What a mean and horrid teacher you had – it just shows you what she knew… What on earth was she doing teaching – she should have been inspiring you to draw and helping you – not telling you that you weren’t talented. Here you are doing a far better job at inspiring others with your great techniques, hints and tips… Thank you so very much!

    Well then, I’ll be back here in a couple of days then to see more of your inspiring mini lessons….

    Hi five to you all….

    Paula Gale, UK.

  103. what a GREAT way to begin my MUSE in 2013, thank you so much!

  104. Rita Timmons says:

    very cool – never thought combining the two products together. Thanks for putting this together again this year! I really enjoyed it last year.

  105. Wow! My middle name has been glitter since I’ve been a young child. I have never seen this technique before and I am very excited abou it and the entire entity of Creative JumpStart. Thank you for all the work you do to bring this to us!
    I also enjoyed your story on how you were told you were not an artist but circled back around to exactly where you need to be. And look, we all benefit because of it. My best to you,

  106. Thank you Nathalie for you creative jumpstart and the amazing video. So simpel and so much fun! I am really looking forward to every day mail! Again thanks for this wonderful project.
    Wanda, Holland

  107. That was fun, thanks! Jaime

  108. I got to see the video once I’d sorted out the password ‘issue’. A great little technique that I am going to start some stuff using this on a moleskin journal I’ve had for a very long time and never touched, so jumpstart in action 🙂

  109. Thank you so much for sharing these great ideas. Yesterday I created my first own “ribbon” and “buttons” – okay – my 3-d-pads seem to be not the best – but it was funny and I could finish a card with both 🙂

    xx Sabrina

  110. Debra Renwick says:

    Cool trick !! I have never done this one before, only ever use glitter on the tape. LUV it !!!!

  111. so excited about this new technique! and even more excited that it’s with products I already have on hand!!

  112. Eeva Hall says:

    Yeah starting out with a great technic video!!!! Loveit 🙂

  113. Thank you so much for doing this workshops I’m looking forward to the daily tutorials.
    This was a fun way to use embossing powder!

  114. Thanks for the techniques!! It’s cool!!

  115. Miriam Prantner says:

    Great technique! Thanks so much!

  116. Wow. Simple technique, but something I never thought of doing. Wonderful.

  117. Hi, Nathalie—love the technique. New to me. Would you mind sharing your product names/links after the video? I’d like to use your sponsor’s products and make sure you get credit!
    Thanks for this awesome gift. Happy New Year!

  118. Hello from Kentucky! First time at CJS and looking forward to this month of inspiration. Your first offering is so simple yet can be used so creatively. Thank you!

  119. Thank you so much!!! Your techniques and your adorable personality is so appreciated! I’m so excited to have found you!

  120. This is awesome – I immediately went into my craft room (aka our bedroom) and proceeded to make four strips of gold glitter tape 🙂

  121. Wow. Very cool!

  122. What a terrific and simple technique-with remarkable results!! Thanks so much, going to try this today 🙂 BTW you are ROCKIN’ that stunning blue ring!!

  123. What a great technique! Thank you for showing us.

  124. Deb Beschler says:

    Hi Nat!! This is my second year with you, too!! Happy New Year!! I loved the shows and techniques last year so much — this year I’m following CJS with my best friend in Indiana!! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talent!

  125. Marianne in MD says:

    What a clever technique! I look forward to trying it.

  126. Very nice technique. Thank you very much.

  127. How nice of you to put this together! It was interesting to hear about your background. Today’s technique is really innovative and I can’t wait to try it. My only critique 🙂 is that I am not sure of the company brand of the power tape you referenced.

  128. Loved the technique – using something I have on hand in a different way! I too had problems with the volume. Looking forward to all of the posts – thank you for creating such an exciting start to our year! Warmest wishes for 2013, may all your dreams come true.

  129. Wow, Natalie, thank you so very much for putting all this together. Loved the first Jump Start video with the adhesives. Who would have known that adhesives could be more than just something used to attached two pieces of paper together? Loved this video. Thanks so much. Can’t wait to see what is next.

  130. Thank you for creating and sharing through the Creative Jumpstart series… much appreciated!

  131. Thank you so much for sharing Creative Jump Start 2013! I just watched the videos from day 1 and can’t wait for all the rest! Hopefully they will help me get through South Dakota’s cold winter!

  132. War gestern spät dran aber ich habe noch geschaut. Danke für die tolle Idee hab es natürlich gleich ausprobiert und mir auch so ein tolles Büchlein gemacht wie du es hast. Schön dich mal wiederzusehen, Drück dich, Dagmar

  133. So sorry about that teacher and so happy for you that you found your way back to your art! Thanks for all you do. Great technique!

  134. Jorja Metaxas says:

    Awesome idea…thank you for sharing from Australia….

  135. Great but simple and effective idea! Will definitely be using this one!

  136. Thank you that was a great technique

  137. great technique – cant wait to try it…that applause at the end got me though – I was thoroughly into the video, have my head phones on – its 330 in the morning and no one else is up and I about jumped out of my seat when I heard it….too funny…..heartbeat is calming down….looking forward to the next video….

  138. Jenni Hudswell (Australia) says:

    thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and for being the organizer …… the world can never have enough generous arty people in it !!! looking forward to each and every video and in being inspired !

  139. This is my first year and I didn’t know what it was all about. Now I am excited to see what’s on the way. I love the tape idea and also putting it all together in a workbook. Already you have inspired me to try this technique out on different materials. Fabulous Natalie. Kay XX

  140. Will have to fight my way through my all the junk in my craft shed to get my crafting Mojo back in action. Looking forward to the daily tutorials 😀

  141. Thank you ! of FRANCE

  142. barbsmithstudio says:

    What a great start – I wasn’t aware of that tape technique. I’ll be trying it soon. Thanks!

    • Barb, I’m just waiting here in Oz to get my daughter into bed, then I will be trying it out! I have a new art journal that I am going to start trying all these techniques in and then go back to each technique and bulid on the techniques and work on the pages at the end of the month.

  143. I better dig out my embossing powders, this is a fab technique, thanks for sharing ❤

  144. :-)) :-)) merci beaucoup, je n’aurais jamais pensé à faire cela !

  145. Thank you for the great technique. I bought a whole heap of double sided tape for an ATG gun that would not work. Now I have a fantastic technique to use up all that double sided tape!! YAY
    Sharon Ling (Australia)

  146. I super duper love this uber technique! Thanks Nat. This is my first year with CJS.

    With love from Brunei.

  147. Judith Noble says:

    Thanks! Looking forward to a great month of learning and doing!

  148. I have used the tape with glitter but never thought of embossing powder or using the foam dots. Great technique!!

  149. Fun 🙂 Thank you 🙂 A nice start 🙂

  150. Kimmy Jaster says:

    What an awesome technique! I can not wait to try it out! Thanks for this free creative experience, you’ve been inspiring me back since Sistv. 🙂

  151. Thanks for the opportunity to jump in & hopefully become motivated again — & creative 🙂

  152. thanks so much for this technique, it’s simple, great for adding dimension to projects in my art-journal, and this way i’m going to use up some of my embossing powders!!!

  153. Val Court says:

    Thanx for the great technique trick
    Val Australia

  154. Meine allerliebste, allerberste Nathalie,

    dankkkeee fürs Organisieren, Tun, Machen, Sein !!!!!! Coole Videos wie immer und es bringt ein bisschen Nathalie ins Wohnzimmer.

    Dank Dir!!

    LG aus Wien

  155. wow great technique and so different love it!!

  156. Thank you so very much for organising jump Start… loved last year and what can I say.. after just watching the first video!!! This one is going to be JUST as ah-mazing!!
    THANK YOU for the AWESOME technique. XO

  157. Hi,
    What an awesome technique. I never use my embossing powders now, what fun, I can get them out again.
    Thanks so m uh for putting this on again Natalie, it is a wonderful thing for you to do.
    New Zealand

  158. Pam Sohan says:

    Very cool idea for adding texture to a Layout or card.

  159. “Uber” cool technique-love how you pinch and rub the embossing powder.My tape isn’t quite that wide-but I think it will work.Definitely like the idea of having a technique book-I too forgot things way too often.
    Thank you so much for doing this workshop.I think my creativity is hiding under my bed and it won’t come out!

  160. It is lovely to “meet” you Natalie 🙂
    I love today’s technique and know that I am going to really enjoy this workshop. Thank you so much for this super start to the new year. Blessings ~ Joy >i<

  161. Thanks for ding CJS again! Really enjoyed it last year, and am so looking forward to this year. Loved the tips on embossing with adhesives!

  162. hmm, password is not working for me, its telling me its invalid ?

  163. thanks so much for this video. I’ve been hitting a few creativity roadblocks lately but i’m sure i will learn a lot from this Summit 🙂 Can’t wait to put them to use !! I am going to start my book of techniques tomorrow –that is such a great idea !

  164. Such a cool technique and it did the trick to jumpstart me – now i want to try this and other ways to use embossing powder. This is my first year with CJS. Great intro.

  165. Super Cool idea! i like how it is so simple and most of us already have the supplies on hand!

  166. Thanks so much for CJS……the technique you shared was fab too.

  167. WOW! simple and very interesting tech.! never thought about this…if this is the introduction, i will be loving to stay! Happy New Year from PR!

  168. Melissa Cruz says:

    This is my first year joining the creative workshop. This is a very cool idea! The first video was great…audio and visuals were perfect for me. Thanks for teaching us the technique…I am really looking forward to learning more!

  169. Another cool idea and technique to give a try. Great idea for borders!! Thank you.

  170. I knew that I could use adhesive with glitter to do fun things but it never occurred to me to use embossing powder. I love the effect and look forward to more cool techniques!! thanks very much for sharing!

  171. scrappinvt says:

    Love the tutorial & I would never have thought to emboss adhesive.

  172. Love the intro video! Love your sense of humour too! Great technique. Worked great! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

  173. This is the first year I”ll be joining you in this workshop. Looking forward to being more creative and using all my stuff! Thanks for the video.


  174. Janet Firth says:

    Thank you for sharing your technique and your passion for art! Its my first time to join CJS and I’m looking forward to it!

  175. Great and easy idea with a lot of possibilities. Thanks so much for taking time to do this Creative Start. And Happy New Year!

  176. thankyou Nathalie.. it’s really fun technique 😀

  177. really fun technique 😀 thankyou Nathalie 😀

  178. Waaaaaaay cool! TFS :).

  179. Happy to be here again!!! Thanks for all your work in this jumpstar!!! Great video!!

  180. Hey Nat! Thanks for holding CJS again, I loved it last year and am already loving it in 2013!! I’m taking notes so I can refer back throughout the year and am determined to actually put samples with my notes so I remember how awesome they are!! Just had a thought – this is a great way to apply embossing powder to a surface you wouldn’t want to heat (like, say a plastic journal cover). Thanks for sharing your story and your talent! Have a spectacular 2013!!

  181. thank you !!!! this is exciting

  182. Thanks for sharing, great idea.

  183. This looks like fun 🙂 Off to give it a try…thank you Nathalie xx

  184. Jenny Palmer says:

    Hi Nat
    Wow i had no idea I could use embossing powder and tape
    You really are amazing

  185. I really like what you’re saying in the welcome video especially about what you’re good at or not. glad that you didn’t losten to the teacher all the way.
    Cool technique. TFS your talent.

  186. Wauw!! Tottaly awsome!!!
    I just started too use embossing powder! And this was a great lesson!
    I wish i could climb right out of bed now and start useing this technique!
    Tottaly wonderful! But i am afraid its bed time hihihihi,…

    And to be honest, i am really happy with your message about creativity!
    I do not have a lot of selfesteam but i am trying to emprove that,… But it’s not withou difficulty, and your message makes me smile, like i can do this!
    And i can be pleased with the stuff i make!

    So thank you verry much you make me smile big time!

    Kiss sammiej

  187. Love that you show the foam tape embossing what a cool idea who would of thought that not me.. TFS..

  188. I new how to do that technique with the tape but would have never thought to use the foam dots. Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

  189. Very cool. Thanks for CJS….I can tell already its going to be very inspiring!

  190. Great!! Such a fun and easy technique to try, Nat! I am working up to getting back into making art and being more creative this year, so a “jumpstart” is just what I need. Happy New Year and THANK YOU!! XOXO

  191. Thanks for putting so much hard work into creating this month of videos. I teach a lot of paper crafting classes and I know how much work it takes. Thanks for sharing your ideas, techniques and yourself with all of us!

  192. Great technique. I love the idea of being able to make my own coloured/pattern tape. Can’t wait for day 2.

  193. Happy 2013. I would have never thought to do this. Thank you for sharing this cool technique.

  194. So first i could not finde the password to login the jumpstart,…
    I should put my glasses on because it was right infront of me! XD
    And now i cannot see the video cause it keeps saying incorrect password,….
    Is it just me or???

    Kiss sammiej

  195. This is good. I’m happy to be here for the first time. There are a lot of supplies lingering & now here’s a cute idea for using them. Thanks & Happy New Year.

  196. Great technique! thanks for sharing.

  197. I really loved this technique. This is a must try and leaves me with many ideas running through my head!!! I will be making a book of all the ideas shared on these videos to make sure I remember all the techniques along the way!! Can not wait to see what is in store for the next ones!! The story you told reminds me of my favorite Art teacher. She has taught for 35 years and still has my projects that I gave her in HS. After all these years she still instills and incourage her students that everyone is an Artist in their own way just like she instilled in us. She is the reason I art and told her that….I am glad that I got to tell her what a impact on my life that art has done for me. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and techniques with us. Hugs!!!

  198. Gracias Nat, siempre tienes alguna tecnica interesante que mostrar, como algo tan sencillo es genial. Feliz Año Nuevo.

  199. Hello Nathalie. I found Jumpstart by accident BUT I am beginning to think I was meant to find it and you! I have been papercrafting for about three years now and was looking for the next step to being ‘more creative’. I had decided to make 2013 resolution to have a go at altered art and I am thinking that your videos will help me a lot. Thank you! I worked on four small canvases yesterday and tackled my first 12″ x 9″ one today. Very frightening, but my aim is to go with the flow and trust myself. Some things will work and somw will not, but at least I have your videos to keep inspiring me. Once again – thank you. Lynn – I find that listening through earphones helps as lots of videos are not loud enough. Hope that helps.

  200. This had never occurred to me – thank you!

  201. Such an easy technique that gives such great texture! Thanks for doing CJS again 🙂

  202. Loved this technique. Tried it out in my art journal that I have just started, and it added a great element!

  203. Thanks! Great idea, and love that it is simple and easy. Time to find the heat gun:)

  204. Dara Lynn says:

    This is such a great idea Nat!!! I have tons of the smaller foam dots and powders that I can surely play along with now! Looooove this technique!! 🙂

  205. What a grand idea!! I loved hearing your story and it’s pretty inspiring. I was playing in my art journal this morning and I told my husband my intent this year is to become on artist. A lot of that is in my head of course, but I really want to expand what I’m doing this year. I am very thankful to you and your friends for putting together this jump start. THANKS!

  206. okay, why do I have to be the one person who can’t get the videos to open? copy/pasting passwords w/ no spaces etc and no workie. 😦

  207. Amanda White says:

    What a great idea can’t wait to start using it 🙂

  208. great idea to use things another way – must try that

  209. Tracy Strahle says:

    I am so excited that you agreed to do the Creative Jump Start again this year. Love all the ideas and techniques. Happy New Year from Missouri, USA.

  210. Such a simple, yet effective technique….would NEVER have thought of doing this without being shown it – so THANK YOU:):):):)

  211. Thanks for sharing, great Idea. 🙂

  212. Enjoyed your videos Natalie. Thank you so much for sharing your creative genius with us. You are a generous soul. You are another shining example of one who doesn’t give up because you are told you aren’t good enough. I love the technique book and plan to start mine with your series.

  213. Great technique – already got my creative juices flowing – thanks for sharing, I can see this Jumpstart is just what I need to get going!

  214. This is one of those, ‘why didn’t I think of that!’ moments for me! Awesome video too and I am looking forward to the upcoming video posts with even more excitement than I thought! Wow! & Thank You!

  215. thank you for showing us this technique!
    huge kisses from belgium

  216. What a great way to kick off the New Year and get the creative juices going. Thanks so much for creating this forum to help us learn new techniques to add to our work. Can’t wait to see more. Happy New Year to you!

  217. Thanks for hosting this amazing month!! I love the technique – it’s also really fun to do with glitter!!

  218. Colleen Fuerst says:

    I’m going to get my heat gun out, love using embossing powders and I can’t wait to try this. Thanks for the video.

  219. Hi, Nat! I am so glad that a friend on another site led me to your site…..while I am adept at creating scrapbook pages with papers, embellies and ribbon/twine, using mixed media is NOT in my repertoire! Already you have given me a usable and more iimportantly DOABLE idea here today using the tapes, popdots, and embossing powder. Going out to get a new art journal so I can create as we go along day by day. Thanks so much for a fun first day!

  220. thank you so much for sharing this technique. I have been playing with making my own tapes, but hadn’t come up with this one. My resolution for this year is to use what I have in my closet(s). What a great start!!

  221. I rarely think outside of the box when it comes to embellishing, so I truly appreciate you showing us this technique! I will go try to do it now on some stuff and put it somewhere obvious, so I don’t forget about it!! 😀

  222. Thanks Nathalie! I’ll copy that technique using ultra fine glitter!

  223. Happy new year! Thank you for hosting Creative Jumpsart again this year.What a treat! I’m going to play with your technique using metallic powders.

  224. Thank you so much for the wonderful instructions – very clear and understandable! I really appreciate how much must go into creating this type of class and hope I get as much as I can out of all the techniques and instructions!

  225. I have seen something similar to this but I never thought to mix the colors of embossing powder, thanks for the inspiration!

  226. I am always interested in finding new ways to make “tape substitutes,” and this idea is totally new to me! Thanks for sharing. I love the look of the embossed foam squares, too. Happy New Year!

  227. zarischka says:

    So fun and cute – TFS! 😀

  228. Very interesting, never saw anyone do that with embossing powder before. Thanks for sharing! I too had a really hard time hearing you even wih my volume at it’s max.

  229. Clever……….I can see more uses for this fun technique. Maybe now I’ll use my embossing powders more!

  230. Beverly McAnulty says:

    TFS I am so excited that I learned about Jumpstart. I need one and with the first video I am on my way.

  231. Hi Nathalie, I was scared about joining the workshops as I thought it would be way too advanced so it was great to see a technique I already use a lot & am comfortable with. Looking forward to the next instalment.

  232. I had forgotten that I had signed up so today was a lovely suprise. Thank you.

  233. just got some powders for Christmas so they will be put to good use

  234. SusanJane says:

    Cool technique. For many of us this will be inexpensive or free due to already having the existing materials. I love being able to do something new without buying anything. Thanks!

  235. Thanks for showing this technique, I like giving things a new use. Will definitely try this.

  236. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    Thank you for this fun technique, this one i wanna try this week.
    Happy New year

  237. Enjoyed the videos, thanks for sharing!

  238. Thanks so much! I just added some of my very own embossed tape to a journal page and bookmark…and it’s something I hadn’t seen before…so I’m tickled pink. Well..actually red and yellow with a touch of green thrown in.

    PS (My hearing was blasted away years ago at every concert I could get myself to…so is there any way you can turn up the volume on your end)?!?

  239. Ilona Haller says:

    Einen guten Start ins neue Jahr ,
    Vielen dank für die tolle Idee ,freu mich schon auf morgen .
    LG Ilona

  240. I loved this technique easy and so many uses. thank you so much for sharing it, cant wait to try it. xox

  241. Oh what a wonderful technique. I can’t wait to do it.

  242. Happy creative jump start 2013 🙂
    Total newbie here to the online classes thing, but I have to say you’ve made it incredibly easy to access with very clear instructions 😀 (especially with a Hogmanay hangover).

    Great technique – tried it with masking tape and paints etc but would never have thought to use embossing powders that way 🙂

    Thanks and am off to donate 🙂
    Take care!
    Nat x

  243. Thanks for the cool technique! Can’t wait to try it! Happy New Year from New Jersey!!

  244. This is going to be so much fun! Not only am I already learning artistically but learning a few techie things as well! Good start for a new year, new life!

  245. Tine Tieben says:

    Hoi Nathalie
    Wat een leuke techniek is dit, deze ga ik zeker gebruiken, kan je zelf je kleuren kiezen hel cool”

  246. Thanks so very much! Great technique!

  247. Happy New Year and a big Thank you for sharing this cool technique ! Looking forward to the upcoming videos !

  248. scrapsmith ink says:

    Awesome..can’t wait to try this! Thanks for sharing!

  249. Wow what a great idea….have done this with glitter but never thought of embossing powder…love learning new techniques. Thanks for sharing your talent, can’t wait to see what the month brings. Also, thanks to my friend AnnMarie, if she hadn’t invited me to this workshop I would never have known about it and I passed it forward so more people could discover it! Happy New Year!

  250. Isabel LopezDel RinconTroussel says:

    Thanks for sharing such a neat idea Nat! I’m going to try it tomorrow on my journal cover too!

  251. What a cool technique, really something I have never thought of doing myself, thank you! Great JumpStart for sure!

  252. Will definately add this technique to my ‘to try’ list!
    Looking forward to the rest of the month…
    Thank you

  253. Thanks for sharing this technique, I will try it soon.

  254. Loved this! Thanks so much for offering these videos with fun techniques to try. I can’t wait to use this idea in a project.

  255. Happy new year Natalie!
    This is just so cool! Very clever…so much possibilities with this cool technique! Loving those WOW! colors!
    Thanks for making Creative Jumpstart happen again this year! Enjoyed last year so much!

  256. Melinda Maierhoffer says:

    Thank you for taking the time to create this event, this is my first time jumping and after today’s video I’m excited for what else is in store. Love your story. I plan the break out my powders and creating some wonderful tapes…..

  257. Thank you so much Nathalie! Are you planning a little get together at CHA? I missed the last one and was so disappointed not to meet all of you!

  258. A great start to Jump Start. Thank you!

  259. What I also am loving already from these videos, is the opportunity to learn about different product BRANDS! Very excited to continue to follow along and try out new and inspiring techniques!

  260. Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us, This is a great time of year for some creative inspiration.

  261. stan & heather hirsch says:

    Thank you so much Natalie. I am planning on trying this technique this morning, what a neat creative “kick.” also, thank you for doing this creative jumpstart again this year I was so pleased to see you were doing this again. Lastly Happy New Year! and I hope the year brings you and yours lot’s of joy!

  262. fun technique! I would never have thought to do that. I plan to give it a try soon!

  263. evelyn williams says:

    I’ve never seen this technique before and I love it. Thank you.

  264. Thanks for making my morning with a fun technique!

  265. Happy New Year sweets and thank you for a fab first day! Love this fun technique! Hugs from Ulrika in Sweden!

  266. HI Nathalie, great start to the year with a fab technique. I too had problems hearing you and as Lynn said my volume was right up on the computer too. Looking forward to seeing whats in store.

  267. Thank you for this idea! And happy new year 🙂

  268. What a cool idea! Love that it’s simple and involves products most papercrafters have on hand-looking forward to trying this out. I have a hearing problem and had a little difficulty hearing, but your demonstration was clear enough that it wasn’t a problem. Thanks so much for sharing your craetivity!

  269. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Looking forward to all the great ideas coming up!

  270. What fun!! LOve this idea. I am looking forward to the jumpstats each day!!

  271. What a great jump starter! I started using embossing powder over 20 years ago and so I have some that is the chunkier versions – way before they “fine-tuned” the process. Being a pack-rat with art supplies I kept the older embossing powder. Now I have a use for it! Whoo hoo! Thanks for all of the time and energy you have put into this summit! Loved 2012 and know I am going to love 2013! Off to a fantastic start!!

  272. Thank you for sharing this technique! Can’t wait to try it later today.

  273. Love this! Never thought of using embossing powder on my adhesives before! Thanks!

  274. Such a fun technique. Almost forgot about the jumpstarts for January and just enrolled at the last minute. I really enjoyed this last year and so glad you are doing it again. Thanks for your generosity!

  275. Great Job as usual!!!! Super excited about Jump Start 2013

  276. Hi there! Just want you to know that I really like your technique tutorial and that I will try it out just now. Great fun!

  277. Vanessa Miles says:

    My first exposure to embossing powder and the possibilities. Thank you.

  278. my password only came up invalid?

  279. Holly McMannes says:

    Very cool technique. I love to experiment in mixed media. Thank you.

  280. Thank you Nathalie for the Creative Jump Start. I haven’t tried mixed media because I thought it was too artistic for my talents. Now I am going to give it a try. And I am going to start with your technique. Thank you so much!!!

  281. Dear Natalie,
    That’s great, thanks for sharing! Love that technique! Happy creative New Year and thanks a lot for the Creative Jump Start!

  282. Robni Goens says:

    I’ve never seen that technique before and will definitely be trying it out soon. I’m so glad my friend recommended I join this Creative Jump Start Summit. Can’t wait for the next video.

  283. Liz Thayne says:

    Great technique and a good way to use up all the foam pads I have. Looking forward to many more creative ideas. Thanks a lot.

  284. TheresaMP says:

    Happy New Year Natalie! Great start to 2013. Love the process. Will try it and add to my current journal cover.

  285. Great video! i love anything with embossing powders. I have tons of them, but never have tried using them on tape or foam dots.

  286. Johanne L. says:

    Happy New Year. I enjoyed very much watching your first technique video. It’s a technique that I will try.

  287. very cool…a new use for all those crazy colors of embossing powders I have collected! Thank You!

  288. Happy new year! Great technique! I love DIY with my scrapbook surplies. Greetings from Wilhelmshaven!

  289. Definitely need to turn the volume up for the next one, I could barely hear you 😦

  290. TFS! I will sure try this technique when I’m back home. Looks fun.You could do this with shapes as well, like Sandy Art.

  291. Sonia Tsukasa Nozawa says:

    Hi Nat, greetings from Sao Paulo, Brazil!!! Thank you for sharing the amazing video !

  292. Susan M. Brown (sbartist) says:

    Happy New Year Nathalie! Thanks so much for starting the year off with a creative BANG!!! This technique is so fun… Off to collect all thicknesses of my miracle tapes to make tons of embossed ribbon. I need to make some colored EP first 🙂

  293. Yay one of many great videos and techniques I’m sure! Thanks for arranging all of this!

  294. Great idea! TFS

  295. Love love LOVE this technique, especially with the foam squares. I will trying this for sure!

  296. Great! Never would have thought of that one. I am here with you on the journey and ready to free whatever is in me! Thank you! LG – Irma

  297. Hannah Panter says:

    Really enjoyed watching this and learning something new- thank you

  298. Thank you for doing this and sharing with all of us!

  299. Happy New Year and what a great way to start this new year.. At first I was a bit cynical because a couple of my scrapbooking friends invited me for this ‘jump start’ and I’m an art journaller who has nothing with scrapbooking. I must say this first technique is very usefull, so “Ganz toll” 😉

  300. Thank you Natalie for making this happen. Happy new year!

  301. I only can say: wow! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful technique! I did not know that you could emboss adhesive! This I MUST try!

  302. Wow! Such a very cool idea! Thanks for a great video to jumpstart my 2013!

  303. This is so cool! Thankyou for taking the time to put it together! I’m so excited about this creative month ahead 😀

  304. A new technique to add to my tag book of techniques. Many tanks!

  305. Excellent 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  306. Dee in NH says:

    Now that is just awesome!!! I even have everything I need to run in now and give it a go! Thanks so much for putting this all together for us!! Happy New Year!!

  307. thanks for inspiring all of us also this year! this technique is really great and easy to do! TFS!!

  308. Thank you for both the introduction and the great tecnique video – I never though of using embossing powders that way – thank for showing.
    I’m going to follow the Creative Jumpstart closely – I’m so excited to see what’s up tomorrow!

  309. What a brilliant idea – so many possibilities with those embossing powders that have been sitting in the cupboard collecting dust.
    Thank you for the inspiration

  310. What a great idea…THANK YOU for sharing. LOVE Creative Jumpstart ;}

  311. What a great start for the new year!

  312. You taught us this technique when you were here in Toronto teaching in November but I was glad to see it again, as I really like this one!!

  313. Happy new year to you Nathalie and to your loved ones. Merci, merci, merci already for all you are doing !

  314. Happy Newyear!
    I love your video, really cool technique. I tried it out imediatly, love it. Very usefull now I only have to buy myself some colors 🙂
    I’ll post my result on my blog and add the creative JumpStart Uber*media Online Workshop logo too.
    I’m looking forward to the next video.


  315. wow! thank you for sharing such a wonderful technique! can’t wait to learn more…

  316. Thank you for doing this! Awesome! 🙂 This is definitly something I will be trying!

  317. Thank you so much for the series! Love the technique and going to try it later. Thanks!

  318. Kristina Perez says:

    Cool idea.

  319. Happy New Year to you and your family. I am so happy, that I signed up, because the first day is it worth already. Cool technic and so easy to follow. Great.

  320. Elisabeth says:

    Ich habe mich immer schon gefragt was ich mit diesen vielen Embossingpulvern in meiner Schublade noch anfangen kann! Jetzt weiß ich es!! Das wird ein bunter Monat! Vielen Dank für den ersten Tipp!!
    Einen guten Start ins neue Jahr auch an alle “Mitmacher”!
    Herzliche Grüße Elisabeth

  321. Now I have to go buy some embossing powder! LOL
    Does anyone know if there will be a Flickr page or something similar where we can all share what we do?

  322. I’m off to find a book for my JumpStart techniques. Thanks

  323. Janie Lafortune says:

    I am so happy that you organize Jump Start again. I began mixed media at the same time last year and it help me so much. One thing i really love about making art is to learn and experiment new techniques. So thank you and happy new year!

  324. Frohes neues Jahr, liebe Nathalie
    Das fängt ja gut an, toller Techniktipp.

  325. Nathalie, thanks for a great starter technique. I have learnt something new. This adhesive embossing technique sure makes embossing a fast embellishment add-on.
    ava g

  326. What a great way to start the new year!
    Thanks a lot!

  327. Awesome technique to start off a new year of being creative!! Thanks so much :).

  328. love this…fun project to try today. And this one will be going in my Technique book.

  329. Wow, very clever !!! Happy New Year to you, Nathalie, & thank you for sharing the great video…looking forward to the next one : )

  330. That was great. Thank you for sharing this with us. I can’t wait to try it out.

  331. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh my goodness…this is going to be so much fun!!!..Thanks for offering this JUMP start for 2013!!

  332. Relly cool jump start, and I’m so looking forward to the rest!! 🙂

  333. First of all, happy new year. Second, thanks for this first jumpstart video. I love the technique. I am sure I will use it a lot.

  334. thanks for the technique n°1.
    Happy new year

  335. Dale Rose says:

    Hi Nathalie, I am amazed at this technique. I had no idea that tape would stay sticky when heated with a heat gun. I am off to try it! Thanks for your wonderful and creative idea!

  336. Vielen Dank Nat, tolles Video, tolle Technik.

  337. Happy new year to you and you loved ones!
    You did a great job. Never heard of embossing adhesive, but it seems to be fun.
    Thanks for sharing this technique with us.

  338. Hi Nat, thanks for doing Creative Jumpstart again this year Ane for this great first technique. Can’t wait to try it.
    Happy new year!

  339. WOWI, Nat!! What a wonderful technique to emboss foam pads – never seen this before!! I am soooo glad, that I have joined your CJS 2013!! Tomorrow I will buy a book, and I am looking forwards to fill it with your wonderful projects!! So glad, that you became an artist instead of as lawyer ;-)!

    Greetings from Bonn,


  340. That was terrific… thanks so much!

  341. HAPPY NEW YEAR liebe Nat!!
    Toller Technik-Tipp, DANKE dafür.
    LG Michaela

  342. This is so fun! What an awesome technique!

  343. mlcain0202 says:

    Thank you for showing us this amazing technique. I love being able to use supplies I already own in new ways.

  344. Dani Rogall says:

    a happy new year to all 🙂
    i love embossing powders and the tapes and foames from scrapbook adhesives. it was great to see the technique again – thanks nat!

  345. So fun!………..bravo!

  346. Great jump start! My fingers aching to create and I love that feeling! Happy New Year to you all 🙂

  347. What a fantastic technique! Thanks so much for sharing. Your video was very clear and entertaining 🙂

  348. I hope I am commented here correctly!

  349. Great technique! Your video step by step is easy to follow. Thank you for sharing and looking forward to the remaining videos. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  350. I was thrilled when your first email came across a little while ago… so excited to get started on this year’s Creative Jump Start. I can honestly say that CJSS 2012 changed the way I craft. Thank you so very much for all your effort into this program. I truly appreciate you and all the Jump Starters.

  351. Natalie, thank you for bringing Jump Start to us again. I am really excited for the days to come. Loved the embossing powder technique and can’t wait to try it.

  352. M. Carmen - Cuchy says:

    Thanks Ms. Nathalie. You always have something great in your sleeves!

  353. I can see a lot of uses for this technique. I search the net almost daily for new techniques in paper crafting and mixed media and this is the first time I’ve been shown this one. I may have a new favorite with it. Thanks for showing us.

  354. Cool! Thanks so much Nathalie! Loved learning new things to do with double sided tape! Would never have thought of that myself! thx

  355. Great & clear steps.
    like your videos.

  356. what great idea Nat! This is one I’ll definitely use – easy and quick and no end to possibilities in colour and uses!! Thanks!

  357. Really great technique… and fun… I have to try soon. Thanks Nathalie =)

  358. you Rock, Nat!!! Simply ROCK!!! Go Nat, Go!!!! Thank you for doing all this :*

  359. wow, what a great technique Nat, I’ll be pulling out those embossing powders from the depths of my drawers and dusting them off to give this one a go! Thank you for sharing 🙂

  360. First of all, happy New Year to you and your loved ones. Second, thank you for doing this :-;

  361. marie sierra says:

    hi natalie…greetings from maryland, usa! thank you sooooo much for putting this creative program are giving me confidence try!!!

  362. Awesome little technique! Great to see new ways of using products most of us have on hand. Thanks a bunch!

  363. Natalie,thank-you for doing this again this year….and thank you for believing in us and in our creativity….looking forward to each of your posts…best wishes for 2013~~

  364. embossing powders…hmmm…have heaps, never use them
    will have a play tomorrow not, as it is nearly midnight here in Australia
    thanks for the tips

  365. Lynn Aldous says:

    I enjoyed the technique and it is so simple. I am sure that I will use it often. I did have a little problem with hearing you. The volume was up all the way on my computer. I like the idea of having a “book of techniques” because I go to shows, learn a new technique and then forget all about it after a couple of weeks.

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