Karen Ellis’ Jump Start


I met Karen Ellis several years ago at CHA and I liked her right away- she is one funny girl..with a contagious laughter and a fun sense of humour. And on top…she is a wonderful Mixed Media Artist. Can you guess where Karen comes from? 😉

canada trippic1 copy

I’m a woman who likes to experiment with all things artsy. I’m a mixed media artist, card maker and art journaler who loves new challenges, experiments and developing new techniques and skills .

I am a proud contributing writer for the Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine, and have been fortunate to have some of my stencil designs distributed by The Crafter’s Workshop and also a fun polymer stamp line with fellow Canadian company myStamp BOX!

I write, create and do most of my teaching from my working studio called The Art House Studio located in Cambridge, Ontario Canada. The studio has evolved and grown into a thriving retail store while continuing to provide a place for people to create and learn from either myself or some of my talented friends in the industry. 2013, for example, will welcome Joanne Sharpe, Sue Pelletier, Anna Dabrowska, Donna Downey and Dina Wakley to name a few.

I am one of THOSE people – a lifetime crafter who has dabbled in everything from knitting/crochet, metal art, jewelry making to encaustic. I started scrapbooking in 1995 when I was pregnant with my (not so) little one and immersed myself into mixed-media in 2005 and have become completely addicted. I love texture and I’m never more happy than when I’m elbow deep in paint and mediums, tossing them around just to see what they will do. That is my true happy place.

Most of my projects are media based and I like to switch it up quite a bit. One day I’ll be working in my Visual Journal, the next a canvas but don’t think for a minute I won’t create a wearable or sew something unique into a bag or other accessory. It’s all good and the variety satisfies my creative ADHD tendencies! Join me on Friday Nights 6:30 EST on USTREAM to see what I mean. I broadcast live every Friday from the studio and you never know what I’m going to create. In fact, I never do until I click “start broadcast” …. okay, maybe I know an hour before. Smile But I think you understand.

I hope you enjoy my submission as much as you have enjoyed the other creations provided by this fantastically talented group of people. Happy 2013!!


Have fun:

Whimsical Houses – A Greeting Card

jump houses 500width

Supply List

  • Karen’s Houses Template 12×12 & 6X6 – The Crafter’s Workshop
  • 2 more of your favourite stencils
  • 2 pieces of heavy paper (I used stamping paper from LaBlanche)
  • Gelli Plate & Brayer
  • Acrylic Paints (3 colours + white)
  • Molding Paste (I used Magenta (and Pearl Blue on the other page) Modeling Creme from Viva Decor)
  • Pallet Knife
  • Black Sharpie
  • Scissors
  • Black Trim/Ribbon (5″)
  • Adhesive
  • 5×7 Card form and envelope

But wait – there is more- Karen also has a giveaway for you!!!


I would be happy to give away a 12×12 and a 6×6 of the Whimsical Houses


Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here and tell us  if and how you like to use stencils.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway. 

You can find more about Karen here:

Art House Studio/Online Store:  http://www.thearthousestudio.ca

youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/karenellisAHS

USTREAM (broadcasting live from the studio every Friday at 6:30EST)


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thearthousestudiocanada

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KarenEllis_AHS

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems- please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. I’m too late to put my hat in the ring to win those cute house stencils. I do love them and love how you used them. I had never heard of a Gelli plate and of course had to go do research after watching your video.

    I have some stencils of scenes which are too large for cards but now you have given me an idea of how I can use part of the stencil. As well as other ideas. Thanks for taking the time to make the video.

  2. What a great stencil and the artwork is so colorful and inventive.
    Thanks for sharing your talent.

  3. I use stencils & masks in all my mixed media projects. Have done monoprints but never used the gelli plate but am loving it. Your houses are 2 cute…love to have them!

  4. Lou Ann sindler says:

    How fun! I’ve seen the gelli plate advertizements and wondered how it was used, also the viva decor modeling cream is new product to me. I love stencils but am only using them recently. I love making my own backgrounds weather for cards, scrapbook or collage.

  5. loving that you guys are teaching me so much …so much that I need to know too it seems…lol
    would love to play with this on both scrapbook layout and to get some stuff/paint on these canvas’s that i have

  6. Rita Timmons says:

    Hey Karen – great video! Love the card. I must get a gelli plate. I use stencils on my scrapbooking pages, on mixed media canvases & in my art journals. LOVE THEM!

  7. It really depends on what I am doing..sometimes as a die or embellishment, at times a background and sometimes to get some texture with texture paste, embossing paste or just visual texture with colors. Thank you from Ontario as well 🙂 lol!

  8. I love using stencils to make my own paper for collage, and on backgrounds for mixed media art & journals

  9. Colleen Fuerst says:

    Stencils are my new obsession. I like using them on backgrounds, adding layers of detail in my art journal, and I’m trying them on layouts. Loved seeing how the gelli plate works.

  10. Laurie Guidry says:

    I like to use stencils for backgrounds on my scrapbook pages!

  11. I have a couple of friends teaching here in Alberta that have gotten a few of us hooked on stencils! We use them as you showed on the Gelli plate, with misters, with acrylic paint all for backgrounds for cards. Loved your demo and thanks for a chance to win these houses!

  12. Gayle Richmond says:

    I have just started using stencils and they are so much fun and after watching these amazing videos I am learning different ways to use them and can’t wait to play.

  13. Lovely stencils!
    I like to use stencils on backgrounds in artjournaling, painting and cards

  14. I use them on layouts and canvas with inks, sprays, paste and paint.

  15. As well as distress inks and mica, recently discovered using gesso or viva ferro paste and love the effects you can get.

  16. Hey Karen! The last stencils I bought were from your store! And they were good ones: bubbles, dots and a 12 x 12 ledger page. I love stencils for making my own papers and for adding detail to my altered canvases. Those Gelli plates look cool — time to come see you again!

  17. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Hi Karen…loved your video. I’m a fellow Canadian from Northern Ontario. I’d like to use stencils more in my creative time.

  18. hi Karen!! I was blessed to meet both you and Nathalie and got to spend time with you both since I couldn’t walk around a lot, I so enjoyed my time with you both so much at CHA and hope to see you again next year. I love stencils as much as I love stamps. I love the cute little house so much and sure could find plenty of places to use them and they would be so special coming from YOU!!! thanks for the chance to win them. xoxo

  19. Cooool technique!! And absolutely STUNNING card!!!! 😀
    I simply LOOOVE using stencils! And do it all the time, for making backgrounds, interest and texture!! And sometimes for the motive itself! And I have still SO much to learn about new ways to use them!! ♥

  20. wonderful video! The gelli plate monoprinting looks like it may be addicting – lol. I’m just getting started with stenciling. Have quite a few in my stash and I’ve been having fun using them on muslin with spray dyes and mica pigments.

  21. This video was great, I love the whimsy houses and the template is so cool. Tanks for the paper piecing idea with this template. Love it!!! I use my templates a lot for everything from greeting cards to art journal backgrounds and I just love them.

  22. Love the houses. So many ideas, so little time!

  23. The last time I used stencils was for my sons wall in 1996. That’s pretty sad….maybe I should dig them out and produce some more artful projects. Where can I find a gelli plate?, I’m thinking of making my own with Knox Blox? Probably wouldn’t last tho.
    Thanks for the Jumpstart! Go CANADA!

  24. Great stencil..gotta find me a gelli plate too. Thanks for the lesson

  25. suzannebouchard says:

    I loooove stencils a lot. I use them in almost every project I do! I am so happy to have comme upon a fellow Canadian in this Jumps Start venture! I love your enthousiasme and the bright colors of your project Karen! Looove those house stencils also. Houses are one of my favorite subject!

  26. Hi fellow Canadian! I love how you used your house stencils on this card and it has got me thinking quite a bit… I am a beginner for stencil use and your video made me quite interested! I could see myself using different types of stencils for scrapbooking, art journaling and mixed media. Thanks!

  27. Fabulous! Love the Viva Modeling Paste and first time I have seen the Gelli Plate demonstrated! Love the finished card! You are awesome!!! I love to use my stencils with distress ink, liquid pearls, and my Dylusions sprays!!!

  28. Thank you so much for an inspiring lesson! I love to use stencils for the backgrounds!

  29. I love to work with stencils! I hope Karen’s Whimsical Houses will soon be available in the Netherlands! Thanks for giving us the chance to win these stencils.

  30. I love to use stencils with spray or sponges as a background.

  31. Lynn Shaffer says:

    Thrilled to see a Canadian!!! love the humor and the tutorial!

  32. bjaneglas says:

    great stencil techniques-would use on cards and scrapbook pages

  33. Cathy Johnson says:

    Loved this video. I am new to using stencils.

  34. Omg this is the cutest stencil I would love to win this one, my head is racing with ways to use it

  35. Denise Werkheiser says:

    I have only a few stencils and have used them in some backgrounds. Thanks so much for sharing multiple ways to use the same stencil!

  36. Love the Whimsical houses. Love to use stencils but never have seen those whimsical houses. They are lovely!!

  37. Debbie Benefield says:

    thanks Karen, loads of ideas I’d never thought of – love it!!!

  38. Great video- love the paper piecing idea! I use mine with inks, sprays, paste and paint. My favourite technique is to sponge ink through as usual, then lightly mist with water and lay cardstock over the stencil for a reverse print.

  39. Thanks Karen. That was awesome as always.

  40. hettiecraft says:

    I like to use stencils for creating my own backgrounds for scrapbooking with Colourwash and paints but having seen how you use them I can see a whole new world opening up. Thanks for such a wonderful video. My favourite so far. Now off to find some house stencils to buy!

  41. Barbara Ferguson says:

    Just getting into the mixed media scene and LOVE using them for backdrops! And now that I see your houses stencils, they are a MUST HAVE!! thanks for the great tutorial!!

  42. Gwendolyne Spare says:

    I think I would use them to make a 3-D, freestanding fairy village. I could just imagine a bright happy townscape, complete with mushrooms, mice and fairy lights in minature.

  43. Tina Walker says:

    Absolutely LOVE stencils! My favorite way to use them is to create unique and one of a kind backgrounds, but I am always looking for new ways to use them. Karen – I met you on the bus from the car rental place to the airport on our way back from CHA – nice to meet you!

  44. I use stencils in my art journals as backgrounds with collage.

  45. vickyday13 says:

    I have used stencils for backgrounds and have used them with spritzes and have used them with molding paste! LOVE them!

  46. I love to use stencils for backgrounds. I have seen so many new ways to use them since starting the CJS techniques – so cool!

  47. Nice video! I like to use stencils with distress inks in my scrap projetcs, and whith any material in my mix media.

  48. Home is where our hearts are. And our creativity too!!!!!

  49. Love, love, love stencils.. I used them with paint, spray, texture past, gel medium..any way I can use a stencil..but I just learnt I can paper piece with them..ah haa!! Thanks so much Karen…and OHHH Canada.. all the way from Edmonton, Alberta!

  50. Rebecca White says:

    I have used stencils some with embossing paste and with pastels. I need to use them more often though. I loved what you did with yours today.

  51. love karen’s red and white; yes, i’m canadian. i like to look at stencils; now i have a better idea of what to do them. 🙂

  52. I am loving using stencils with sprays right now. But, using them to create pieces and re-build on another surface is such a great tip!

  53. I love to use stencils and I use them on my scrapbook pages – usually with a texture medium, but sometimes with mists or inks. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  54. caroldeezigns says:

    I have just started using stencils with my Gelli plate!!! Love!

  55. Adorable houses…love to use stencils for art journal page backgrounds or accents

  56. I love the whimsical look – we had a wedding cake with a little whimsy and I think it adds a great touch! 🙂

  57. wow – I really enoyed that video – Karen was super fun and oh so talented. I’d love to have a go at what she did, but i’d love to have a go at the paper piecing one – and also maybe have a go at making something 3d – perhaps putting little houses around an altered box or something similar.

    Thanks for such a fun video and technique.
    Paula x x x

  58. Sharyn Moy says:

    I have neve used stencils beore but I’m about to rush out and buy some. You have given me such inspiration.

  59. Well, before Creative Jump Start I mainly misted my stencils for layout backgrounds, Now, I’ve tried acrylic paint, distress inks, and molding paste. Bring on the techniques!!!

  60. Thanks for your funny video!!! I love stencil with “flus-flus” and molding paste!!! Thanks for sharing

  61. Really need to get going with my gelli plate. I’ve not produced anything very pleasing so far. Wouldn’t know those houses were stencils if I hadn’t been told!

  62. helen markee says:

    I love the stencils and the dimension!! Thanks

  63. I bought several stencils to use them on my cards and my paintings. They are so fun to use. Love them.

  64. oh- i love stencils and mask, i did my own one. but these houses are soooo cute, i use them most for backgrounds with distress och spray-colors… love them.

  65. I LOVE using stencils! I think my favorite way to use them is as back ground texture. So much fun!

  66. Johanne L. says:

    This is a very beautiful project. Love those techniques. I love using stencils with modeling paste and sometimes with paint or ink. Thanks for the chance,

  67. I’ve never played with stencils, but I have a set of alphabet stencils I dug out of the trash as a child and have been dragging around ever since. I must have known I’d get into mixed media 30 years later. This was such an inspiration. I especially liked the use of the jelly plate so I’ll have to invest in that soon.

  68. Lisa Campion says:

    Well of course back in the day I stencilled an ivy pattern across the top of my kitchen walls! ;). Imagine my surprise to see stencils resurrected in mixed media! Post 90’s I’ve used them with glimmer mist on canvas & art journals and now want to try them with moulding paste. Thanks for all your great ideas & inspiration Karen!

  69. I am just getting started using stencils, spraying them, painting over them, using texture paste and tracing around them. Lots of fun!

  70. Yvonne Westover says:

    I still use stencils in the bascic way, just to put some colour over them and have them leave their pattern behind. I have recently discovered that you can put a texture medium and now modelling past thru a stencil and have a totally awesome effect!! Would love your stencils to try that with!! Go Canada GO!!

  71. I’m just getting used to stencils. I’d never have thought to do some of these techniques. Thanks for the inspiration

  72. Great video! I love the result. Hmmm…those gelly plates become more and more interesting every time I see a video of someone using them. Thanks a bunch for the inspiration

  73. Hi! Have never seen anything like this before, I mean I know what a stencil is but I had never seen one like this with outlines for example a house. I think I’d only be able to do one part of all this; and that is the part with the modelling paste – love that part! And if it’s metallic, I’ll definitely see if I can find it here in Sweden!
    Greetings from Stockholm, Sweden,


  74. Joelle Hancox says:

    Gorgeous project! Loved it thank for sharing!

  75. Bea Arreola says:

    I love your techniques! I love using stencils in backgrounds to add a little texture to it for interest!

  76. dzfollies says:

    I love use stencil for mini album’s background and art journal

  77. Truth be told- I did not know modeling paste came in different colors….. I love the stencil you used- I am a card maker- love different techniques and I am just beginning to try Art journaling! I am collecting stencils and have been using them with Plain modeling paste and sprays like Dylusions so far…… DId I say I love your project….!

  78. I use stencils for creating texture and pattern.

  79. I like to use stencils, and usually think of them as background tools. Thank you for a great demonstration and inspo to bring them to the front of my work and let them shine!

  80. I usually use my stencils for backgrounds but I love the technique you’ve shown! Thanks!

  81. Pat Pilkington says:

    i have so many stencils, and this has made me determined to use them more! LOVE the houses!!!

  82. I’m new to mixed media art but I plan to use stencils to help create fun textures for my backgrounds. These houses are so adorable! Thanks a million!

  83. Katie Nolan-Denham says:

    Love how you used the stencils in 3 ways all for the same cute card! Fantasic ideas and I’d love to try my hand at them with some stencils.

  84. elizabethtregear says:

    FUN card! THANKS! I had never seen a gelly plate before. Also love the metallic paste! Stencils are like stamps ~ they’re for everything! I found it a bit challenging to watch the video through the copyright stamp ~ it made it a bit hard to see your images. But I agree with other comments ~ love your cheery style!

  85. New to the Stencil world too….I only have about 6 stencils but love using them…on cards and scrapbook pages. ( I have your 6 ” house stencil Karen)

  86. Judith Noble says:

    I love to use stencils on fabric!

  87. HI KAREN from a fellow Canadian! Whoot!! 🙂 Love your techniques! i enjoy using stencils for backgrounds mostly… but your technniques have inspired me to try something different! 🙂

  88. Hi,

    I love the house stencils and I would use them on fabric and on layouts in my art journal. Very cool houses.

  89. I LUV your houses template. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creativity and infectious laugh. 🙂 I use templates, stencils and masks on everything – art canvases, mixed media projects, art journals and cards. Thank you for the opportunity to win your adorable houses. 🙂

  90. Your company is new to me. Excited to see you used a gelli plate! Your video was great – thanks for the jump start!

  91. cooperandmax says:

    Stencils are so great! There are so many ways to use them, wrapping paper, cards, backgrounds, foregrounds. The uses are endless! Thank you for the giveaway and it’s great to see another Canadian!! 😀

  92. Mary Anne Perlmutter says:

    I so enjoyed your video and your little houses. Your card was so cute and fun.

  93. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    Lovce the house stencil, I can see some neat scrapbook pages, cards and wrappin paper made with it!!

  94. Grazie Karen amo il vostro lavoro, vi seguo su Ustream…..bellissimo lo stencil, spero di essere la vincitrice. Un caro abbraccio dall’Italia. Love & Blessings Lina.

  95. Hi Karen, I love your house stencil and always have fun learning from you.

  96. noseycritters says:

    Love stencils, usually use much bigger more random images than these ones. Thanks for the great ideas.
    ** Kate **

  97. Oh my goodness, LOVE stencils. These are so cute. I’d make some great wallhangings with these! Cards, Scrapbookpages, art journal pages….the list is endless. I love using texture paste with stencils. Thanks for the chance to win.

  98. I love these stencils. wow. I would use them for my Mixed Media pages..thank you.

  99. I like to use stencils to create textured borders. Thanks for the inspiration! What a beautiful card! Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway!

  100. Gillian Middleton says:

    I have fallen in love with stencils since I took your class at mixed media last year. I am starting a collection! I love the whimsical houses. I am also trying to look beyond commercially made products to find eveyday objects to use as stencils. I have been on a doily search, but can’t seem to find them – must try Value Village or somewhere like that. I use them mainly as background material but would like to branch out into things like your CHA badge and the brooch/decoration you made using shrink plastic. I have some old stencils from previous crafting lives, but I do love the new ones.

    Happy crafting, Gillian

  101. I like to use stencils for layering on backgrounds or for the main image. I’ve had fun doing some creative doodling and playing with sprays etc.

  102. NancyGrace says:

    Karen Ellis:
    Lately I have been using small stencils with my Pysanky, Ukrainian Egg Decorating. My designs are VERY non-traditional, so the stenciled rubber duckies floating on waves have fluffy clouds overhead-one of them shaped like a ducky itself! And I create uniform heart shapes all over the eggs for CONVERSATION HEARTS in multiple colors.

  103. Loved this….love whimsy….love my gelli plate…great card !! TYVM !! from Canada !

  104. I like to use stencils as backgrounds, to help with doodling, spacing elements, creating elements on cards, layouts and in art journals.

  105. i don’t use stencils much. i have a few just don’t really know how. this was a great video! thanks! will try them.

  106. Marianne in MD says:

    Your house stencils are so cute!
    I like to use stencils to create layered backgrounds on any paper or fabric project. It adds so much depth quickly with sprays or paints.
    I really enjoyed shopping at your Art House when I visited Canada in 2011.

  107. I love the houses. Use on cards, scrapbook pages and art journal pages.

  108. Can’t wait to try these new techniques!

  109. I use stencils in cardmaking and art journaling–I have never seen anything like that gelly plate w/ stencils–LOVE it! My brain is buzzing with ideas!

  110. I use stencils and masks in my mixed media and art journal projects but also on ordinary LayOuts from time to time 😀

  111. scrapandstamp says:

    Love the very bright vivid colours! I use stencils in my art journal a lot of the time. I also use them with card making. Stencils are so versatile because you don’t have to use the whole stencil, just bits of it etc.
    Sharon Ling

  112. Haven’t use one yet :/

  113. I’ve been using stencils for years and thought they were passe. But I now see the versatility of these wonderful products and am excited to being using them in new ways.

  114. brandinav says:

    I don’t use stencils, yet, because I still have to get some. Luckily, thanks to CJ, I’ll have a plethora of way to use them once I have them! Thanks!

  115. Stencils are so versatile….love them! Ink through them, spackle through them, spray through them…it’s all good! I’ve never used them to do piecework though….cool idea …I guess you did jumpstart me today! Thanks

  116. I have never used stencils before in my paper crafting. I think I’d probably end up doing the paper-piecing method, but the background method of printing looked like fun! It was like making your own paper. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  117. Tonya Love says:

    I have been using stencils for a little while, love to use them in my doodle journal and backgrounds of scrapbook pages! Thanks for the video

  118. Thanks for the great tutorial and the giveaway. I use stencils mainly with spray inks but after seeing all this fabulous tutorials I’m more than ready to explore other mediums!

  119. I love love love to use stencils!! I use them for mixed media and art journaling and adore the fact that there is such a great choice now! These little houses rock!!

  120. I love your card with the three houses…colorful and whimsical! (And I am a huge fan of the house motif!) I have never heard of a gelli plate, and I’ve never used the modeling paste, so you have given me plenty of new ideas and techniques to consider and try. Thank you for that! I have used stencils mainly with ink pads to create background papers for my art journal. I look forward to exploring some new methods and purposes for using them!

  121. I have not used these type of stencils yet, but really love these techniques, especially would love to experiment with the gelli plate, which I’ve not seen before! Thank you!

  122. I am finding myself using stencils more and more…in my art journaling, cards, scrapbook pages, mini albums, canvas, you name it!!

  123. Those houses are so cute! I generally use stencils with mediums and sprays.

  124. Christina says:

    I would use these stencils for backgrounds,scrapbooking, and art journaling as well as for other thing’s.

  125. I LOVE to use stencils a gazillion ways. And I love to use YOURS Karen. (Being from Canada, eh?)

  126. Cheryl Sande says:

    I love using stencils especially for backgrounds. The more doodling the better.

  127. I use stencils a lot, mainly on backgrounds. I spray inks through them, use ink with dabbers, use acrylic paint, ect.

  128. I love getting definition with stencils by using moulding paste and gesso before colouring.

  129. I use stencils in my art journal and scrapbook.

  130. Nicole Ethier says:

    I have never used stencils or modeling paste but would love to try.

  131. I love to use stencils with pan pastels, ink & paint to create different background effects. Spray inks are also a favourite to use with stencils.

  132. Betty Dallas says:

    I never thought I needed stencils… boy was I wrong!

  133. Very cool – I’ve never seen anything like that!

  134. i use stencils mostly as background – adding subtle depth or bold detail

  135. I use stencils a lot, mainly on backgrounds for art journaling. I spray inks through them, use paint dabbers, or use them for ghosting on Dylusions ink backgrounds. I love these Whimsical Houses stencils.

  136. Stacy Caddy says:

    Loved the video… Beautiful card…. I use my stencils in my art journaling and in my mixed media canvas…

  137. adorable houses like seeing the gelli plate technique thank you

  138. I’ve never used stencils before but would love to try some of these wonderful techniques. This Jump Start has got me inspired to try some new ides.

  139. Love the stencils, cute houses but the starburst is awesome. Thanks for the gelli plate demo. I always wanna make things harder than they are :=). Great video

  140. I use them a lot with modeling paste, gesso , acrylic paint or mists. Both in mixed media but also on layouts.

  141. Joanne seguin says:

    Love stencils. Been using them for over 15 years. Some were the cheap $1.00 and $2.00 ones of vines and letters that came in 2 inch strips, then the larger ones and now I own 2 from The Crafters Workshops an a few from Prima. I can now incorporate all the oldies with the newbies and have a creative smorgasborg!!! Ha!Ha! Thanks for the chance of winning. I actually follow your Friday night Ustream show Karen as I’m also from Ontario and love your laugh.


  142. My favorite way of using stencils is with modeling clay, as you had demonstrated in your video.

  143. What awesome techniques. I love stencils. I make them myself and I use commercial ones. So cool. The card is gorgeous.

  144. Kathryn Harpold says:

    Totally addicted to stencils. One of my favorite things to do lately is use a water based dye like Dylusionals ink sprays then layer over a stenciled image with modeling paste or glass ball medium to get a tone on tone type of effect. Super fun!

  145. Love the video! I use stencils a lot, in art journalling with inks and paints, making monoprints with my gelli plate, making my own designs too 🙂 I LOVE those VivaDecor pastes, they are gorgeous!!
    Thanks for an inspiring video!

  146. Ann Powell says:

    Sweet houses! I have been brainstorming to find a perfect invitation to a family gathering at my house after a 2 year absence and this is stencil would be absolutely perfect! Great techniques! Thanks!

  147. Caren Mlot says:

    I usually use stencils to make backgrounds, but I love how you used the houses and did paper piecing here. Can’t wait to try it!

  148. I use stencils mostly with spray inks. I only have stencils of basic shapes, but am looking forward to expanding my collection so I can use all these new ideas.

  149. I use stencil in my art journal, creating bookmarks, and on tags. Love these little houses.

  150. I love this particular stencil and would use in card making. I have bought the gel and paste but have not experimented, yet. Thanks for the jumpstart.

  151. Oh I’m a big sucker for stencils. I even make my own quite often. I use them with paint, modeling paste, ink, whatever moves me. LOL

  152. I use stencils to create tags that become parts of other things.

  153. I have not used stencils yet, but have been wanting to try. Thank you for the information in your video.

  154. gshillitani says:

    I love to use stencils, they make up for my lack of drawing skills!!!! Seriously, stencils are great and I love to collect them 🙂

  155. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    Thanks so much Karen for showing your fun techniques. Cant wait to give them a try never used a gelli plate before but I LOOOVE using stencils. 🙂

  156. Just ordered my very first stencil and cannot wait to get my package!

  157. I have not used stencils in a long time, would love to win these and try your technique. Thanks for the chance!

  158. So far I’ve only used stencils for painting, misting and paper cutting, but I can’t wait to try modeling paste for more dimension. I am on a HUGE stencil bender right now. Love ’em. Love the card too….such great colors. It was fun to see how you made art! Thanks for CJS…it’s a fabulous program!

  159. i love to use stencils. mostly i use them when painting and misting.

  160. Debbie in AZ says:

    I haven’t used a stencil in 15 years (old school scrapbooking with basic shapes for journaling) but I’m intrigued by these new, more inspiring ones I’m seeing from CW and others. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  161. I would never have thought to use stencils till I joined CJS13 obviously I do not think enough outside the square so thank you for the inspiration

  162. I’ve used stencils only once or twice for backgrounds in my art journal. I’d like to try using them on the cards I make!

  163. I would love to use this stencils in my mixed media canvas that I’ll make for our new house!!!!!

  164. Oh, I love to use stencils!! With them I create backgrounds in my mixed media projects. And of course use them anywhere I feel like 🙂

  165. I love to use stencils with my mixed media paintings, for the backgrounds!
    Hugs from Brazil

  166. Oh my! So far I have used mostly stencils I’ve created out of found objects around the house… but after seeing these videos – I’m on the search for some good deals on them for sure! Thanks for the chance to win!

  167. TheresaMP says:

    I use stencils all the time. Love them. Some are purchased and some I cut. Great video. fun to watch. thanks as always for sharing.

  168. I have only used the one stencil that I made last night! Would love to have some! Thanks for showing us 3 ways to use them and how to use a Gelli plate!

  169. I LOVE your stencils!! And I’d never seen a Gelli plate used, definately a must have! Would love to make cards with your templates, they’re so cute and versatile!

  170. I actually have just recently begun using stencils. I think I have maybe a dozen. I have only used them as backgrounds. So, I was really excited to learn some new techniques in the video. Thank you.

  171. I haven’t used stencils for any projects, but thank you so much for the inspiration. I’m off to get me some now 🙂

  172. What a super nice way to use stencils. I am also from Canada.

  173. Great jumpstart. I usually use stencils for backgrounds. Nice to see them used as the subjects for making art too. I’ll have to think o more ways to use modeling paste now.

  174. Shawna G. says:

    I only have a couple of stencils and I love your little houses. I plan on getting or making some more stencils and using them with monoprinting. Gotta have one of those Gelli plates too! Thanks!

  175. I haven’t used stencils much but I’m certainly inspired now. Especially love your whimsical houses and definately want to try the gelli plate. Great fun!

  176. Ruta Woolley says:

    I absolutely love cute little houses! And I have an Aunt in Hamilton who is desperate for me to come visit her…it’s a long trip from Australia but if I win I’d be forced to personally pick up your beautiful giveaway. (Well that’d be my excuse anyway!)

  177. Paula Benig says:

    Thank you for sharing your fun and Whimsical style,Love your house templates!

  178. I would like to experiment more with stencils. It’s great to see the different ways they can be used. Will definetly try some of these!

  179. Ouhouhhh! Stencils are my favorite tools… I spray ink and paint throw it and then stamp with the left over ink, i use medium like modeling paste and then aply ink or pan pastel. I use stencil everytime i do a layout. I love to create my background.

  180. I would love to use sprays and inks with these stencils and create a really cool scrapbooking background for a layout.

  181. jacquerose says:

    I just received my gelli plate this week and I can’t wait to use it. I use stencils in so much of my artwork….on cards, collages, mixed media paintings and more. But I haven’t used them with the gelli plate, and I will definitely do that tomorrow. I have to have that modeling paste….I have just used white. I also love your house stencils! Thank you for all of the great ideas.

  182. Evelyn R. says:

    I would love to try all three of your techniques with the stencils, as well as brayering over them onto patterned paper. Loved the idea of cutting out the houses and using them as the “stars” of the card. Would also use them as a background.

  183. Oooh love stencils! I’ve just rediscovered them. I’ve used the metal ones with embossing paste to make cards…now I’m using those and the plastic ones from Crafters workshop! I’m still using my embossing paste as that’s what I have but now I use them on my mixed media pieces, tags, ATCs and my altered boxes. I’ve even used stencils with ink for a subtle background effect. They are soo versatile! Thank you for a chance to win some of yours! These are way cool!

  184. I love to use stencils with my mixed media paintings, for the backgrounds!

  185. Hey Karen.. I think your templates are ENDLESS… I’d use them on my layouts as well as cards and canvas’s… You have open the window to many ideas! Thanks!!

  186. i use stencils primarily to add texture to mixed media/collage projects. Karen’s housed are cute, cute, cute!! Love the versatility!! (and Karen’s enthusiasm!!)

  187. I use stencils to make backgrounds for my Layouts und other projekts.

  188. Nathalie Manus says:

    On my mixed media projects

  189. Stencils are not something I have used a lot, but after watching you use yours, that is going to change! Thanks for the inspiration!

  190. I use stencils to make abstract artwork.

  191. yay, Canada! Luv the house stencils and I had not thought of cutting the pieces out for a 3D effect. Great! I do like the molding paste effect.

  192. I have never used a gelli plate.

  193. Fantastic, I have never really used stencils before but will need to get some.

  194. Oh what fun cards, love how you used your stencil!!

  195. i am just starting with stencils and like to use them with mists, layered in bold colors.

  196. Jenn Heuston says:

    Fun! Thank you!

  197. OMG!!! so proud you are a canadian! me too! I also love to use stencils…actually this houses stencil is probably the only one I hesitated to buy, but now I can see the possibilities! 😉 thank you for inspiring me! 🙂

  198. Until now I used my templates for creating backgrounds. But I loved the paperpiercing idea !

  199. loved love your vid and the use of the gelli plate…would love to win the houses template,,,thanks

  200. I love how playing with stencils can sometimes lead you down an entirely different path then where you thought you were going. Thanks for the fun ideas.

  201. OOOOOH, those stencils are so awesome!
    I use stencils in my art journals and lots of mixed media works…I use them with stamp ink, paint, markers, texture mediums, caulk, with other texture stencils layered on top of them. I cut my own texture stencils. I love love love stencils! Along with NeoColors, stencils are one of my most favorite go-to art supplies!

  202. Kristina Perez says:

    I use stencils often. I use them with sprays and paints. I use them for tracing. I really love the images I get from the leftover paints and sprays left on the stencils. I often like those images more than the originals.

  203. dianna clark says:

    This is the first time I have seen the gelli plate in use. It is always nice to learn about a new product. Love the vibrant colors of the card. Thank you Karen!!

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