Sharon Laakkonen’s Jump Start


Sharon Laakkonen is our next JumpStarter. I know Sharon for many years from my work with Prima Marketing as a Prima Educator and we have had the fortune to teach at several events together which was a lot of fun. She always has a friendly word for everyone and is super encouraging – it always feels good to be around her!

sharon sunnysm

Sharon has been involved in the scrapping world for about 10 years. Her designs have been showcased in most of the scrapbook and craft magazines and she has had the wonderful opportunity to contribute artwork to several books, including Prima’s Idea Books released in 2010 & 2012. Teaching classes is one of the most fulfilling aspects of scrapbooking as Sharon loves to share her passion with other like-minded crafters!

Sharon is currently the Global Design & Education Team Coordinator and Media Relations contact for Prima. Sharon also runs Prima’s blogs, contributes content to their Facebook Fan Page & other online media; and teaches lovely Prima projects at events and stores all around the world.

Besides being a wife to Bill, and mom to seven children, Sharon is also a Nana to a sweet little girl, Amariah, that you will often find as the subject of her layouts! Homeschooling, quizzing, and running her youngest three boys around Kentucky take up the rest of her spare time.


Here is Sharon’s Video

if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

Here are her projects from the video


card sharon

Sharon Laakkonen First Birthday

But wait- Sharon has more for you


I have pulled a wide variety of products from my personal stash to give-away to some lucky Jump Starter! You will receive flocked rub-ons, art tiles, chipboard, cabochons, crystals, resins and flowers! Open to any country

sharon jump start2013

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

In order to win please leave a comment in the comment section and tell us if and how you like to use flowers on your projects. Do you use them as they are, alter them, use them on boy’s or girl’s project the same….?

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway. 
Sharon’s Links:


I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Oh loved all your tips specially the one about glass bead gel, really awesome ! Thank you so much !

  2. I do a lot of painted flowers, stamped flowers and sometimes embellish my mixed media canvas & fabric paintings with altered flowers. Not much into scrapping. Would love to win your givaway, thanks for sharing your art skills.

  3. I love flowers in any colour or variety….. no layout it complete in my humble opinion without them. Such great ideas here

  4. Shelly Berg says:

    Love love love using Prima flowers on everything – sometimes I alter but they are awesome as is!

  5. I like to use flowers altered. I also like to use them as they are. I use them in almost all of my projects.

  6. Rita Timmons says:

    great video! I use flowers on my scrapbooking, cards & mixed media canvases.

  7. I have been using flowers more and more on my cards. Mostly use them as is, but I’ve been known to color some to match the colour needed in a project 🙂 Dd not know about Golden Gel Bead Gel!!!! Gotta go look for some! Hugs!

  8. Paper Art Scene says:

    Wow. I love Prima. I use flowers for boys and girls. I have been using Prima in some mixed media work lately. Thank you for this opportunity.

  9. Gayle Richmond says:

    I love adding a grouping of small flowers or one large flower to my layouts and journal pages. I usually alter them with spray inks but on the smaller paper ones will sometimes use as is.

  10. Like to alter plain flowers and colour/ tint with glimmer mists or inks or print script on them, but I adore the prima ones just I’d have to buy 2 lots one to use and one keep! loved the tutorial.

  11. I am more of a grungy type person and like to put a little spray or something on my flowers. I use flowers occasionally but love the prima flowers. They are so beautiful and would like to start using more of them. thanks

  12. I just wanna know how she does all that she does while still looking fantastic? will be happy to check her blog but to answer, I havent normally loved flowers in the past, but am learning to add 3-4 on a layout and be cool with it.

  13. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Hi…loved your video and techniques. I like to add flowers to my layouts, mostly for girls and sometimes for boys (blue, green and brown flowers). I use them as they are because they are so pretty!

  14. There is something magical about tags and flowers. Thanks for the tips

  15. WOW!!! who doesn’t love prima?? you have some of the best products on the market, yes I am a big fan. can you tell?? no I don’t usually change anything you have done, don’t have to, you make it fabulous enough. love ALL your products. thank you so much for the awesome giveaway and chance to win it. xox

  16. Annette Edmonds says:

    I really like to cluster flowers especially on a girl or baby page and then add smaller items that peak out, thanks for the jumpstarts they have been awesome

  17. Helen Strawford says:

    Love flowers use them on most projects, boy girl or otherwise. Sometimes I leave them as they are but most times I alter them somehow. Awesome tips thanx Sharon

  18. I find myself using flowers usually on Easter or Birthday cards for girls. Otherwise I don’t seem to use them as often as I used to. When I do use them I usually do alter them by spraying with Perfect Pearls,adding glitter,or even taking them apart.

    Loved your video and since I was thinking of buying some tags to use in card making you have definitely jump started my creativity.

  19. Love this video…I bought a box of 1000 XL tags a few years back for a couple of bucks & am always looking for ideas to use them! I LOVE to use flowers on my cards. I use a lot of white ones…white on white is a favorite theme, but I can also color them any way I want.

  20. Love, love, LOVE the washi tape on the tag idea. I love to use flowers on layouts, cards and atc and even on masculine pages. On those types I try to use “masculine” flowers made from cork or leather or distressed and crackled grungeboard. And I try to make the flower centers from things like clock faces, washers or coins.

  21. I love to use flowers on my projects. it seems like I can never have enough! I use them as there are and alter them to fit as well.

  22. suzannebouchard says:

    I like to use flowers on my tagprojects or on cards. I leave them as they are.

  23. Love Sharon’s ideas!!! I tend to add sparkle to my Prima flowers, whether it is glitter the edges or spray them with perfect pearls from ranger. I use them on my cards and projects them all the time. Boy and Girl projects… for boys I tend to make them into more metallic colors!

  24. Actually, I’m new in scrapbooking, but I just love flowers and I wouldn’t mind to use flowers for either girls or boys. Thank you so much for this informative lesson! I’ll certainly try out your tips!

  25. I generally use the flowers as is and since I have girls, they get used a lot!

  26. Lynn Shaffer says:

    depends on the project but flowers yes some times and flowers no… 🙂

  27. Love the techniques-I use flowers as an accent–I take a lot of flower pictures so they are perfect

  28. Oh my goodness what a great video. I must have some of that glass bead gel. As far as flowers go, I always use flowers on tags and in my art in some way. I use them as a focal point or on the sides as a gorgeous side effect. Thanks for the chance to win

  29. Jean McBride says:

    I love using flowers on my projects….I use them on both feminine and masculine projects a little glimmer mist , diamond dust, glitter or distress inking does wonders to change the tone of the project. Thank you Sharon for your tips and techniques

  30. I have flowers but I don’t use them in my son’s layouts. Hmmmmm, something to think about. Thank you for the

  31. Denise Werkheiser says:

    I use flowers in some of my projects. Sometimes I use paper flower punch outs & I will paint or distress them and possibly pile them up. Or I will pull apart a silk flower and use pieces of it. I do have three sons, but I don’t use flowers on things with them. I like to use flowers in backgrounds and on ATC cards I make.

  32. Love the glass bead gel, must find that. With flowers sometimes I leave them as they are some are just too pretty to alter, but other I have altered mostly using sprays I have stamped on some too. I use them on girls projects mostly. They make a great addition on anything really.

  33. I use flowers on almost all of my scrapbook pages. I love to use spray winks on them…mixing and matching many colors. I also layer lots of different sizes and colors. For the centers I like to take a 3dnglue dot and cover it with glitter.

  34. Love the Bead Gel and great tips using tags. I use flowers a lot- as they are and altered. Thanks for a great video!

  35. Stéphanie says:

    It’s a running gag here : my boyfriend always say “had flower” when I ask him “I want to put something else, what you think about it ??”

  36. Ann-Marie Waite says:

    I use flowers on any project, whatever the subject. I use them sometimes as they are and often alter them. I’ve started buying mostly white paper flowers since I can give them any color I need and match it best with my projects 🙂

  37. rewind – 7-kids and 1-granddaughter-phew I barely can handle my one daughter and make play time for myself. Like the tag idea. wheels are turning

  38. I Love to use flowers on my vintageprojects, I love to use white flowers and I color them with distress stains or dylusions ink spray, I love it to create my own colors.

  39. SHARON< Thank you so much! I love bead Gell and tags! Flowers, I have flowers on everything. Perfect accent, embellishment. Great video! I have to get back to work lol but I dont wanna!

  40. Amanda Clemons says:

    I use flowers in pretty much any project I am working on. I do end up buying white flowers and altering the colors with sprays to match my project most of the time. Thank you for taking the time to share a video with us all.

  41. Tina Walker says:

    Many of my projects are of my grown boys or my dogs, so flowers are not generally my ‘go to’ embellishments, but on occasion I will pull them out. I find I usually only use 1 or 2 for those projects!

  42. I usually make my own flowers…3D, with a sissix, stamping, drawing…and they are used in my journals or other mixed media projects.

  43. I can’t remember if I coment yet… but uf not. I dont use a lot of flowers… but I like to crate them myself. because usually I use them as a important part of my designs ando use one or two big ones.

  44. hettiecraft says:

    /I will use flowers any where/way I can. I sometimes ink, stamp bend, spray, manipulate and if I can, yes, I will use them on boy layouts, though I tend to used them in neutral colours for manly layouts!

  45. I don’t use flowers that much on lay outs. If I work with them, it’s usually stamps or stencils, or maybe a floral paper. I guess I am not that much of a flowery person. Or maybe I haven’t experimented enough with them.

  46. I love using flowers as they are but I also like to alter them. My latest favorite way is with ink!

  47. As I have 3 boys (men, as they are ages 23, 23, and 21 now!), myself I have the need to alter my flowers! I spray, paint or add colored molding paste to them. My boys have never complained about having these masculine flowers on their pages. Thank you for the wonderful jumpstart ideas you have given here!

  48. Hi Sharon – great tips and techniques with the tags – particularly the one with the bead gel. I have to get me some of that.

    I love flowers on my cards and like to put stickles, glitter or a little chalk ink on the edges – depending on the colourscheme or the project. I love to experiment with different things so have also put glossy accents on too, sometimes as little raindrops.
    Thanks again
    Paula x x x

  49. I have many different flowers but I never quite know how to use them. I should really try to figure it out or find a way to learn. But as a card maker, it’s not always easy to use as it makes the card to bulky to go through the mail.

  50. I like to use flowers to embellish mixed media projects. I usually alter them in some way when used in a project. I also like to use these types of flowers with alligator clips in my hair…

  51. Sharyn Moy says:

    I use a lot of flowers on my projects both store bought and hand made. I don’t use flowers on male projects but I do use leaves etc.

  52. I’ve never used a flower on a boy’s project but I do use them in all my other projects!!!!

  53. Lea Patterson says:

    I love using flowers, but not on my boy layouts. I typically leave them as they are but I have misted them or even taken a copic marker to them in the past.

  54. Hi! Thanks for the tips regarding Manila tags! Great tips!
    Do I use flowers? Yes; on almost every card and layout…
    I have not gotten used to alter the flowers, other than applying glitter glue on them, but recently I took some classes with Ingvild Bolme and she made us tear flowers apart and paint them! I should do that more but I kind of don’t dare to “destroy” what I have bought. Yet. But I will get to the point where I will dare to.
    No difference between masculine and feminine layouts; maybe less pink if my husbands on the picture…
    Greetings from Sweden,


  55. Bea Arreola says:

    I love flowers in my work. There is at least one or two in my work, either out there or hidden. I love flowers!

  56. Angela Bolton says:

    I love using flowers and the styles you can get are growing all the time. I am also into making my own now using a variety of techniques. The shabbier the better and of course with some lovely bling in the centre!

  57. Barbara Ferguson says:

    I usually pull them apart and ink or spray mist them. I like using them on layouts, mixed media projects, and mini albums. Thanks for the great ideas on how to incorporate tags into layouts and on cards!

  58. Oh my…i wil sure use it on a scrapbook layout showing my beautiful daughter

  59. I use flowers on all my projects. Guys get guy-ish colors, girls get anything. I often alter the flowers with ink, acrylics, sprays, glitter….you name it. There is Always room for flowers!!

  60. dzfollies says:

    I love use flowers with glimmer, for girls or baby layouts

  61. leann lindeman says:

    I was big into flowers on my pages for quite awhile! Not so much anymore…. I need a new stash! 🙂

  62. I love flowers, and use them a lot in my crafting…. scrapbooking and off the page. Sometimes I use them “as is”, some times altered by colouring with inks or colour mists, or stamping, or any other bright idea I might have! LOL

  63. I haven’t used flowers in layouts, so this may be an opportunity to try it out!

  64. I alter everything, so I do so with flowers, too. I mainly use them on girlie projects : D

  65. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    Sharon, Thanks for the creative ideas you shared–I love tags. I also work in quilt art and that’s where I’ve used flowers–real flowers that you pound (hammer) into cloth where the natural dies of many flowers will make a nice print of themselves. Thanks again.

  66. I have inked & stained flowers to match my layouts. I rarely use them on boy layouts but have been known to at times.

  67. Regan Tomlin says:

    I alter EVERYTHING! Flowers are no exception :). Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. I use flowers in just about every layout. Having Grandparents who were florists, it is a way to continue that legacy. I use them a lot as patterns in my backgrounds.

  69. I’m totally new to mixed media and I haven’t really used flowers before other than in digital scrapbooking. I am really excited to start to use them. Who knows what I might use them for or how I will alter them.

  70. Love your tag ideas- especially the little envelopes and the glass bead gel- so pretty! I have to say I try to keep all of my cards mailable, so do not always add flowers. When I do scrapbook, I love the Prima flowers and I will alter them, generally by adding ink or glimmer to them so they coordinate with what I have done on the page.

  71. Robin Goens says:

    I like to use flowers as added dimension to my projects, be it scrapbook pages or altered items. Depending on the type of flower I’m using, I will either leave them as they are or add some extra color or gloss to them.

  72. helen markee says:

    I use flowers mostly on “girl” things– but i have used them on “boys” too. I like white flowerrs that i can srpay or ink to match my background. SAves on having a ton of different color flowers!

  73. I have used flowers on both girly pages and masculine pages and cards. I usually use as is but have misted, distress inked the white flowers for layouts to match the colours if I do not have the correct colour to match or contrast.

  74. I Love Flowers!!! Use them as they are but often dip them in UTEE or mist or color them. I love to make my own flowers and often mix home made petals with store bougt ones.
    Use them on cards or altered things…

  75. Fiona Lally says:

    I use flowers as they are, I pull them apart, I ink them, I mist them, I use them as masks – having girls makes them easier to use.

  76. I use flowers for both boy and girl layouts, also to animal-, nature-, or even a layout of my car 😀 They are great to bring 3d-look and they are nice to watch. I really want to win this 🙂
    Thank you for great video and great new tips!

  77. Cynthia Ellis says:

    I love to use flowers in both girl and boys projects. Sometimes I leave them as is and other times I like to add, glitter, or paint or distress ink or sprays, whatever I am in the mood for or that fits the project.

  78. I like to use the Prima flowers in my mixed media artwork. Sometimes I will ink or color over the flower.

  79. I love to use my Prima flowers and crystals on my cards (for women & girls), I also use
    them on gift packages and altered art pieces. Thanks for the chance to win such a
    great prize.

  80. cooperandmax says:

    I like to use the flowers as they are, but I use them a lot! I love adding them to photos in frames as well!

  81. I love flowers (especially real ones in my garden!) and use Primas on cards & mixed media projects. Most frequenly, I alter them with stamps, ink, sprays, paints, punches and/or bling. I enjoyed your video and thank you for sharing your creativity.

  82. Love to use flowers for everything! I especially love big flowers. I have girls so I use them alot.

  83. After being introduced to Prima products at CHA, I find myself using flowers more and more on my tags and altered art pieces. I usually alter their look with inks or sprays.

  84. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    I use flowers with jewelery centers that I customize for each project!!

  85. Wow!!!! amo questo materiale incredibile!!!! grazie per l’opportunità di avere in dono queste meraviglie. Un caro abbraccio dall’Italia.

  86. scrappininak says:

    I like to make my flowers and use them on all kind of projects particularly cards

  87. The tags were cool but my favorite was the bonus ~ love the glass bead gel! Thanks so much for including that! Great Jump Start!

  88. I love to use flowers, and my favorite is to customize them with inks and sprays

  89. I like to mist and gesso them, combine them with bead centres or my own homemade flowers! I like to combine flowers of different fabric for the texture!

  90. I like to use flowers just the way they are – I tend not to recolour them etc. – but sometimes will layer them with brads, die cuts and other flowers too.

  91. awesome stuff! I use flowers all the time. Sometimes I leave them as they are sometimes I alter with ink or paint or mist. I also like to change out the middles for buttons or bling or flair.

  92. Tamara McKlveen says:

    I usually use premade flowers as they are unless they are white – then I sometimes alter them. I generally do not use flowers on masculine projects. I like to make my own flowers as well, from coffee filters and tissue paper.

  93. Christina says:

    I use flowers just as they are and i like to alter them as well.

  94. Really loved seeing Glass Bead Gel used this way and eager to try it for myself.
    Use flowers to give depth and dimension to mixed media pieces. In particular enjoy creating a massed display as a focal point along with metallic bits and pieces aka Anna Dobrowska.

  95. I like to draw flowers or doodle them in my art journal–I’ve also had fun buying small silk flowers at the dollar store and gluing them on to my journal pages with gel matte medium.

  96. I use flowers as they are sometimes & alter them other times. It depends on the flower & the project that I am working with. I have used flowers on male layouts not cards though I tend to use flowers on female cards. I would use flowers more on female or family type layouts than anything. Thanks for sharing your ideas & your beautiful work.

  97. Oh looks yummy 😀 I use flowers on a variety of ways depending on how the flower looks. Is it simply white, it gives me the choise to mist it or ink it. Is it a colored flower I mostly leave it as it is. I use flowers when ever it is fitting 😀

  98. I use a lot of different flowers in my layouts. I love to use them just the way they are!

  99. I use the flowers in all different ways: cut them apart, layered together, inked, sprayed, girl layouts and more. LOVE flowers, LOVE Prima, LOVE this creative jump start. Thank you so much for the chance to win

  100. I don’t use a lot of flowers. But one time, I used flowers cut out of magazines to make a bouquet in a picture I created. I also sometimes doodle flowers as borders and highlights. I would have no problem using a flower on a masculine piece if it fit the theme and the personality.

  101. Tonya Love says:

    I love using flowers! I have 2 girls and 1 boy that I have been scrapbooking over the years. I usually alter the flowers I use, just to mix it up and bit!

  102. Claudine G. says:

    I enjoy using flowers. I alter them when they are plain white but when they are colored, for some reason, I never think of altering them

  103. Charlotte Van Wyk says:

    I often use flowers on my pages and have used them on boys pages as well. I combine a variety of flowers but my favorite flowers are Prima.

  104. I like the more stylised flowers and leaves and use them as backgrounds. They can usually go to both girls and boys then.

  105. Betty Dallas says:

    I used to buy flowers in color… now I buy white and color them myself or stamp with a script stamp… mostly for girl cards.

  106. I would not have any problems in using flowers on a masculine layout; I might be more subtle hues such as beige and brown, oh what the heck-with bright orange. Flowers are beautiful not matter who they are for…

  107. I love to make my own flowers, especially from book pages. But ready made are always handy when I don’t have the time :).

  108. I do use flowers on some of my layouts, though I find myself using more and more homemade ones, and/or altering the store-bought ones so that they are more artsy looking. I don’t think I’ve used any on a boy’s page…but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t…LOL!

  109. Stacy Caddy says:

    I use flowers in all sorts of projects… Recently with mixed media canvas..

  110. I draw, doodle, and paint flowers but I don’t usually use 3D or stickers.

  111. i like to use flowers to highlight the focal point on my project. it might be a picture on a LO or a sentiment on a card

  112. I have always wondered about what to use the glass beads for . Thank you for sharing .

  113. I use flowers in a variety of ways. I alter flowers by misting, adding glitter, etc. I mostly layer lots of them.

  114. Amy Bunner says:

    I LOVE using flowers of all kinds! I use them ‘as is’, paint, mist, ink… name it!

  115. Love the techniques for tags! Thanks!

  116. I seem to always want to put flowers on my projects, but stop myself on a boys project 🙂 Use them as there are or sprayed, stamped, and glitter are my favorites. Thanks for the ideas for using tags, I have been looking for ways to use them.

  117. I like using flowers mainly for girls pages. As most of my flowers are white I mist or ink them with colors according to the project.

  118. ruthee001 says:

    I like to alter the flowers that I use to look unique to the project that I am making. I don’t use them for projects for guys.

  119. Thankyou for the Jumpstart tips! I like to paint flower tips with iridescent paint to add a light shimmer and then glue some Mica flakes, snow glitter or embossing powder to add a feminine light touch of bling! My oldest son is 10…so adding that flower to a page according to him is taboo.

  120. I have used flowers, but usually torn apart or inked to give a totally different look.

  121. I use flowers for family and to my daughters layouts but I would like to try and to my son too!!!Mostly I use just as they are or I added color !

  122. Holly Bateman says:

    Thank you for the great ideas! I have been using flowers of all types and materials on the mini books I’ve made lately. New for me!! I don’t use flowers on my guys pages since my sons are all pretty “manly”!! I may use a few in the book I’m creating as a memorial for my husband.

  123. I do like using flowers, but I often alter them!

  124. sometimes i alter the flowers by misting, adding glitter or brushing with mica powders. i mostly layer lots of them. lots of men and boys in my family and, yes, i use flowers on those projects too.

  125. Laurie G. says:

    I have 3 grandsons and when I first started scrapbooking I would not put flowers on their layouts. I now love to use them as they are or altering.
    Thank you so much for the wonderful video. I have so many tags and you gave some great ideas to use them.

  126. Katie Nolan-Denham says:

    Loving all your creative tag touches! I definitely need to get some of the glass bead gel!

  127. How can you not use flowers! i love to to just fill up a jar in my craft room and use them as decorations! Then of course on everything! Journal pages, canvas projects, scrapbook pages, cards, oh yeah never enough flowers for all the uses. I used them around a placemat for dinner the other night! ; )

  128. Jan White says:

    I have used flowers altered and as they come. They are nice to fill in a layout that need just a little something.

  129. Sharon, Thanks so much for the tutorial. I’ll definitely be employing some of these techniques on my future projects!! I love to use flowers, both handcrafted and bought. Sometimes I alter, and other times leave as it. I use them on both guy and gal pages! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  130. Caren Mlot says:

    I like to use white flowers and paint, ink, or stamp them.

  131. I use flowers both altered and as is. In fact there are few projects that don’t have flowers on them in one way or another. I do tend to lean towards using them on feminine projects, though I have used them on a few masculine projects. Those do tend to need a little more focus on balance to not overwhelm it.

  132. Shawna G. says:

    I have used silk flowers as stamps and stencils in mixed media art.

  133. I use flowers on girls’ cards, but not much on boys’. Usually, I stamp flowers, colour them & cut them out to stick on my projects. I also use ready-made flowers for extra impact.

  134. raine1313 says:

    I use the flowers just the way they are but I’ll make a mix from different sets for a unique blend. Love the glass bead technique!

  135. I use flowers in many ways…lately in mixed media paintings, which is very fun!!!

  136. I use flowers on mixed media projects and cards. It usually don’t use flowers on cards for males, but sometimes if it’s not too frilly, I have used them.

  137. ohhh I love glass bead gel!, the effect with inks are awesome.
    Thanks so much for the video and the giveaway.
    I use flowers on my projects, sometimes as they are and sometimes alter them, on boy´s and girl´s project. I like use them in both of them.

  138. Truthfully, I haven’t used a flower in awhile – I should maybe open my tin of them up again and use some up! When I do use them, I mist, ink, whatever, and cluster them with other embellishments.

  139. I love using flowers, on any project. I use darker flowers, maybe distressed too, on masculine cards and layouts. They are perfect accompaniments especially for outdoor themes. Love this jumpstart video!

  140. I use FLowers mostly on greeting cards and mix media pieces. Love the selection

  141. first of all I use stamping flower, I like to change Their colors. but when I use flowers flowers to my works, I like to paint it with gesso and then paint it the color which I actually need.

  142. Celeste B. says:

    I don’t use flowers as much as I used to; however, love to use them plain, altered, whatever fits the project.

  143. dianna clark says:

    I use flowers on my cards and scrapbook pages. I do alter them sometimes with ink and paint, especially if it is for my sons or husbands pages. Prima flowers are gorgeous and don’t need to be altered.

  144. I use flowers in quite a bit of my layouts. I like to use different shapes and textures and also make my own so I can have the different sizes where I need them. I love the idea of using a tag on a Card, looks so pretty, it’s now on my to try list! Thank you!!

  145. Christine Locke says:

    Love the peekaboo effect of the stars on the tag for the card! I use LOTS of flowers on all my projects but I do sometimes mist them if I need a certain color and I have stamped on the flowers before! Awesome jumpstart! Thank you for sharing!

  146. thanks for the chance! i LOVE flowers on my projects! use them as they are, add blings, staples, stickers, etc – more neutral colored flowers on projects for my boy, though. and since i have two girls as well – and they LOVE glitter and pink – well – you can see that flowers are a MUST! lol!

  147. Thanks for the great ideas…you make them simple enough to do, I even think I can do it…Thanks again

  148. Prima flowers are so gorgeous to work with, I use them just about on every project. If it is a masculine project I just grunge them up adding a gear to the center or black paint to the edges.

  149. I usually alter my flower with spray ink or just ink so they have th color i need. I have two boys so when i put flowers on their pages, i like them to look grungy.
    Thank you for this fabulous jumpstart. I am gonna take my manilla tag to play on my next layout. I really liked the idea to cut it the size of the envelopp.

  150. That glass bead gel is pretty nifty stuff! Thanks for playing with it 🙂

    Flowers – hmmm. Not really a flower person, so I tend to hide them in a way by altering them. I stamp over the petals / distress them really dark. I do love using them in giftwrapping though 🙂

  151. I’ve used Floral Spray and Glimmer Mist to color flowers for cards. Thanks for the chance to win some pretty embellishments.

  152. Colleen Melody says:

    I like to use flowers both bought and ones I make myself. I use them on both male and female projects as everyone I know likes to garden!

  153. Ooo! Pretty flowers. I’d alter them by dyeing, misting, painting on some glitter or iridescence before adding them onto very feminine projects.

  154. Hi – I do use flowers. Not often, but I do alter with ink for the color I want.
    Thanks for sharing the video.

  155. Thanks for the tips!
    I use flowers as they are, and I often punch or diecut them out using patternpaper. I paint, spray and glitter them.
    I use them both on cards and layouts. Also on boys layouts sometimes.

  156. I always use flowers. I alter, use them straight, on boys on girls on all.

  157. I use flowers along with cogs and buttons to add volume to my creations, thanks for a chance to win !

  158. Luckily I have 3 girls so I can use a lot of flowers for their Layouts. Sometimes I paint them. but most the time I use them like they are.

  159. I love flowers so I use them on almost every LO, I paint over the flowers or leave them like they are, sometimes I put glitter on them, whatever I need.

  160. WOW – I have never seen that glass bead gel before – and now I have to go shopping … that is simply a “must have”. TX for sharing those great tag ideas.

  161. Use flowers on cards and layouts, either layered or sometimes altered.

  162. A lot of the time I will mist flowers or edge them with stickles. I love Sharon’s technique with the glass bead gel, it is something I have been thinking of buying for a while, never thought to use it with stencils, great idea.

  163. Great tag ideas…I like to glitter the edges with gold/silver glitter to give them a vintage look.

  164. I use flowers in many ways. Usually I hand cut them and colour them or stain them or add some glitter to them, instead of using them as it is. Any ways I dont find too many options here so got to make use of whats available or make your own combinations.

  165. I have a family of boys too and they definitely get flowers on their pages from time to time but I usually alter them or stick to darkor masculine colours. The feminine colours go on my cards for family and friends and I love stamping with script on them or colouring them with mists.

  166. I love flowers and don’t use them enough, but often alter them when I do with ink or stamping.

  167. Jacquie Hay says:

    Prima flowers are my favourite I love to use them on pages, I usually cluster them together

  168. Thank you for the intro to glass beads! I love learning about new media:) I almost always alter at least some of the flowers when I use them.

  169. You name it! Nothing is off limits. I use them as is. I paint or color them in some way. I use them as masks or stamps. Whatever the muse tells me to do.

  170. I use a lot of flowers plain and altered, I have grand girls so girly works for me.

  171. I don’t tend to use flowers very much but if I won these I certainly would be inspired to do so. When I use them I have altered them. Fun!

  172. I love flowers – especially PRIMA – I have 2 sons and do not hesitate to add them to my “boy” layouts!

  173. I like to use flowers on layouts for girls or mixed groups. I especially like flowers for cards, to make them extra special. Thanks for the glass beed tip, I have some of those!

  174. Kim Houston says:

    I don’t think I have ever used a flower that hasn’t been altered in some manner.

  175. hi there I love using flowers on my projects. I use them cards,boxes,bags etc etc. Sometimes I will leave them as they are but often alter colour or add stickles or gems. Love love love them. Anne x

  176. Thanks for the wonderful tips! Will try on my newly purchased tags!
    I would use the flowers on a altred box. They are so pretty just the way they are, but I probably use som stickles to make them sparkle!

  177. Rozalia Hughes says:

    Definitely use flowers on ‘boys’ scrapbook pages but I tend to make them of dark felt or metal or ‘leather’ look to suit my sons moods!!!

  178. Awesome vídeo! I like to use flowers That i Can paint and transform to match perfectly to my project!!!

  179. I use flowers primarily on cards and usually as an after thought. A friend of mine gave me a pack which I thought I’d never use but I’m always surprised how nice they look once attached.

  180. I quite often use flowers on projects, and colour them with distress inks or spray mists, to suit whatever I am making.
    I love the tag ideas

  181. Being an avid lover of roses, I love seeing flowers in any type of artwork. I’m a mixed-media and digital artist, but haven’t actually tried using scrapbooking type flowers in my work. I think now I’m going to have to give it a try!

  182. I don’t use many flowers…yet! I have 4 boys and love girly stuff so I need to include them more!

  183. michele decker says:

    Tags are so fun to use thanks for the tips .

  184. Use a lot of flowers on my cards-love to mix colors, styles, prints etc. I often alter them using stamps, mists, beads etc

  185. I use the flowers at several ways. sometimes as they are. But i love also to put on several layers of gel medium on them, so they get glossy and hard.

  186. Marilyn Marie Wolk says:

    I have never met a flower I don’t love – and I adore manipulating them by misting them, inking their edges, stamping them, and tweaking their shapes. Rarely do I create masculine items (only for my hubby), but I still add ribbon, lace, flowers, and feathers to those. It is more about who I am. Thank you for showing these creative jump starts of altering tags for our projects. I particularly like the dimensional effects of the glass bead gel. I think it might be fun to color the glass bead gel before applying it to the stencil or mask.

  187. I love using flowers in most of my projects – although admittedly I haven’t done anything specifically male-oriented yet. I love using ink or mists to add to their colours, adding glitter or jewels for some sparkle, or painting them over with metallic colours to change the effect completely.

  188. Thank you for sharing your tips. I like to use flowers in clusters, I like to mix big and little flowers and die cut, home made and will sometimes put on boy layouts as well and I always use odd numbers

  189. I use flowers in my work. My favorite is dye cutting flowers out of kraft paper and altering/distressing them with ink and sandpaper. It’s that “shabby chic” look that does with many styles! Glass bead gel … a revelation! Thanks so much Sharon!

  190. awesome! I have the glass bead gel and NOW I know what to do with it! lol I like to use unusual looking flowers and not the typical ones..Prima flowers are very cool ! thanks for the inspiration here 🙂

  191. Thanks for all the tip on manilla tag ! I don’t use flowers much on my projects, but when i use them it is on girls or romantic projects.

  192. I use flowers on everything, pages,cards,tags,bookmarks, and art journals. I sometimes alter them. Love all the inspiration!

  193. Marsha montgomery says:

    I alter my flowers with spray mist and jewels.

  194. Alright, you are awesome, now I have to go to another site so I can order glass bead gel, Thank you!

  195. Eva Gamble says:

    I love using flowers, making flowers, altering flowers…you name it! I think they bring such beauty, elegance and charm to any craft project. If used correctly, they can also work for male layouts or gifts, but you have to be a little more creative with them. I like cutting them into smaller pieces, altering them and sometimes even disguising/hiding them a little in a masculine project…hehe Of course, I use more flowers for feminine projects. Thanks for the video, I loved all of the ideas, especially the glass bead gel…I am definitely going to try that one!

  196. Colleen K says:

    Flowers! I like to use them layered to make them look 3D

  197. Sigrit liebe says:

    I love flowers! On girls scrapbook pages, cards, tags, everywhere! Nice video, Thanks.

  198. So I am a few days behind … but loved the tags and idea of hidden journalling and the hidden pictures! Flowers I love them … I try making them but love using them. Still working on on the clustering of them 🙂 Thank you for a great jumpstart!

  199. I use flowers in so many different ways on my cards and layouts that it would be easier to explain when I DON’T Use them… LOL… I create flowers from everything from paper to platic (like button flowers) and I use them on boy layouts, husband layouts, family layouts, animal layouts.. I even have a stash of flowers cut from brass that work well on the most Masculine layout there is! I guess I am a flower ADDICT!

  200. I like flowers and use them on cards and layouts. I don’t alter them and use for girl’s project.

  201. Nancy Riggs says:

    I use flowers on almost all my layouts and cards. I really like using the white flowers that I can ink, spray or stamp on.

  202. Love it all, but especially the glass bead tags!!

  203. Cindy Cato says:

    I love to use flowers and my favorite is to add usually 3 in different sizes in a group in the corner of the picture or page! I don’t believe I have used them on boy pages……might have to try that though!!!

  204. Michelle price says:

    I love to cluster them on my projects, but I’ve bee seeing lots of cool altering techniques I want to try!

  205. Alison Bateman says:

    I love using flowers on any pages. It is aways possible to sneak them into a bloke’s page somewhere. My most favourite pages are the pones that have loads and loads of different flowers of every colour. Can;t stop looking at them when they are finished!

  206. I use flowers on cards for girls.

  207. I like to use flowers on cards and leave them just the way they are. I really love to use them on CAS cards with a sentiment. I used them for boys and girls.

  208. I have been using Prima Romance Novel flowers in my Son’s baby book, My fav. technique with them is to flatten on a canvas, brush gesso over the top & spray with Color Shine.

  209. Shelly Reifke says:

    I’ve used them as is…so far. I just recently saw them altered (Prima live) and my next project ..I’ll experiment. I’ve used them in my daughters scrapbook or girlfriends…I have my first grandson on the way….I’ll probably use them ‘altered’ (blues, greens, creams) but save the pins for my girly girls in my life!

  210. –I have been out of scrapbooking or any type of paper craft for about 8 years–been concentrating on my longarm quilting skills–but I did use flowers a few times before I put everything away. I am working on getting my son’s books caught up before he graduates from college this spring. Don’t know how many flowers I will use on a “hunting” page but we will see.

  211. Rhonda Zamora says:

    I like to use flowers on Cards, Scrapbook pages and Mixed Media Projects.

  212. I use flowers on mixed media works. Sometimes I alter them, sometimes I leave them as they are. Love Prima ! Thanks so much for all that you do Sharon!

  213. Hi Sharon! So nice to see and hear you talk! I don’t think I use flowers that often. I love patterned paper with flower designs, so most of the time it seems to much of a good thing :-). I do use cabochons though. I love those!

  214. Thanks for the tips. I espeacially liked the one with the hidden photos on.
    I use flower in lots of my LO as an embelishment to the photos. Sometimes I put them on a speacial corner that needs to be a bit eye catching.

  215. I have several of the Prima stencils and I forget to use them thanks for the reminder!

  216. I use flowers sometimes on my projects I usually end up pulling them part or squishing them flat ! If I do use them its usually loads on one project

  217. Angela Campbell says:

    I use flowers as a more buried element- that is covered with wax,paint ,gesso etc

  218. Lately, I haven’t been using that many flowers on my craft projects/cards but when I do, I usually use them in bunches. I tend to leave them as they are or sometimes just ink them up a bit but I don’t really do anything too radical to change them (I guess I’m boring ;D ).

  219. Beate Halvorsen says:

    I use a lot of flowers on my projects. I love making clusters of flowers with a variety of sizes. I sometimes alter them, either by spraying, inking, cover them whole or partially with glossy accents, glitterglue or snowwriter, by tearing them apart or mix up several flowers to make one.

  220. i use flowers on almost every layout I do! some are shop bougt, some i make from punched shapes, i have recently made on from a strip of lace which looked really pretty

  221. Rhonda Strickland says:

    I use flowers in my layouts and on my cards. I love Prima flowers!!!

  222. I really use flowers a lot on my projects, boys an girls pages. Sometimes as they are and sometimes I alter them

  223. cindi3021 says:

    I make lots of tags and cards and minialbums. I love to use flowers as accents and to “build up” dimension.

  224. handmadebytlc says:

    Thank you Sharron! I’ve been a follower of yours and a lover of Prima products for such a while! Love the glass effect! Most of my flowers start with my own SVG templates. I distress with blades/ink or heat guns, alter them with snow tex or glitter. Large diameter or tiny little petite flowers, love them all! When I’m sentiment stamping without a large colored image the large fluffy flowers with beads strings or feathers are my favorite.
    Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy!
    Tammy Lousie

  225. Hi!I use flowers when I want to accent a corner or a focal point of my projects. Lately I’ve been playing with a lot of mixed media techniques so I’m currently exploring the endless possibilities of altering them.

  226. I use flowers on everything! Including boy’s pages and pet’s pages and umm everything! The later release Prima flowers which are already decorated are fabulous for quick scrapping, but I love my stash of older ones for altering. Probably my favourite technique would be to stamp them and/or ink them. Or mist them. Or or or LOL!!! 🙂

  227. What a treat to be included in Creative Jumpstart 2013! THANK YOU for all the time and effort you and your team have put into this.
    Flowers can be worked into so many of my projects. PRIMA flowers are exceptional!
    Fun to use glitter, added color, or use just as they are!
    ~Sandie Luck

  228. Beverly McAnulty says:

    I love flowers on all my projects. Since I make most of them I guess they would be considered altered.

  229. When I use flowers I like to add some shading with distress inks around the edges to make them pop, and then I add a blingy center if it doesn’t have one already.

  230. Thanks Sharon for sharing your techniques. I love Prima flowers and use them in all kinds of ways. I use themas they are, spray them, glitter them, cut pieces of them to tuck around other elements. The latest project I used them on an art journal cover with bunches of other elements and then painted over the whole cover fading from deep turquoise to light with gold highlights. It was great fun. The flowers are so versatile?

  231. DeniseLynn says:

    LOVED your techniques! {Thank you} I use flowers all the time; alone or adding glitter. I’m a momma to little boys so I come up with reasons to send handmade things to girls who can really appreciate all the flowers.

  232. Cheryl Sue says:

    I try hard to use flowers on Boys pages but it pains me. I do use flowers if i’m in my son’s photos too. I also use them whenever I do altered projects or mini albums. Definitely like taking apart the long branch ones that Prima has, Also love building up “branches” when I can using a mix of flowers and bling.

  233. I have used flowers as masks for spraying, then later when dry, they can be added to same or different page. I don’t do many boy layouts, but the right flower would be ok for that too.

  234. I love flowers on everything…thankfully you can add other items from Mother Nature’s Canvas to embellish boy layouts. Items such as…leaves, branches, stars, etc. But aren’t we thankful for pink roses!

  235. Melanie Jefferson says:

    These flowers would be used everywhere! Girl/boy layouts and many off the page items! Mostly I use as is but if it requires I would alter them with ink spray, stamping if need be.

  236. I use flowers on all my LOs rarely on the boys pages (there are so many other embelishments to use on the boy pages) I stamp over them, glitter & mist them, layer them fold and cut them, and use them to add color or hide a mistake on my LO.

  237. Hmm, how DON’T I use flowers in my projects 😉
    I paint them, spray them, glitter them, layer them…you get the picture .

  238. Thanks for this project. I use flowers for girls Layout and sometimes for family Layouts

  239. I use flowers in a variety of ways – as they are, misted or inked or totally pulled apart & mixed up with other flowers & diecuts. I don’t tend to get too flowery on boy layouts but otherwise I use them lots.

  240. 17turtles says:

    My use of flowers varies depending on my project at the time, but I don’t discriminate with boy or girl themed projects. They can work for anything!!!

  241. I like to juxtapose the softness of flowers with metal elements. I learned that from seeing Finnabair’s gorgeous pieces!!! Thanks!

  242. I love to use flowers on any project. I fashion my own from old book pages when I want them to look a little less feminine, Thanks for the great video!

  243. I add to both girl and boy’s pages.
    Usually as they come but sometimes alter them with mists to change the hue.

  244. I use flowers when doing all kinds of scrapbooking ~ I to have boys and occasionally use flowers on their pages. Enjoyed the video very much.

  245. I usually make my own flowers, but sometimes use Prima or I am roses. For the boys, I like to use Tim Holts goodies, they seem more manly.

  246. Nicole Ethier says:

    I like using the flowers on cards that I make. With two boys I don’t often use the Prima flowers on my scrapbooking outlets but they look great on cards… Thank you for the ideas.

  247. Oh yes, I use flowers. Not on every page but in most of them. I have four sons and gens to use flowers on their pages to! I use them as they are, alter them, change their colors – you name it, I try to do it 😉

    Thanks for sharing your tips, Sharon!

  248. Pam Palmarini says:

    I use flowers ALL THE TIME on my pages… And, sometimes, if I play them back a bit, I can use them very successfully on masculine pages too… : )

  249. Sonia Tsukasa Nozawa says:

    Hi Sharon, thanks for the Tag ideas! I have never had scrapbooking classes, CJS is very very important for me. I did my first LO three years ago and now I try to do cards, mixed media works and altereds (home decor). I use a lot of Prima Flowers in all my projects, sometimes I add a touch of sparkle or stamped on them. I would like to get other kinds of flowers by Prima, such as pansies, tulips, sunflowers, brunches…. @_@
    Love Prima Flowers!!!

  250. Natalie Jane says:

    Beautiful creations!! I used to have a phobia of flowers….seriously 🙂
    Now, I use them….a lot. I can’t describe how really…..randomly I guess….they just fit in. Sometimes it’s just one….other times its loads. I only tend to alter white flowers to give them colour.
    Thanks for the chance!! 🙂

  251. Heike Simensen says:

    Hi, I love using flowers on my projects, but i often alter them.

  252. Wow, great techniques and ideas AND a giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing!

  253. I love the tips Sharon, and thanks for share about this special medium by Golden. 🙂
    I love Prima Flowers… really, I love all Prima Products… 😉
    Most of the time I love to use it original (i love the flowers colors, coordinanting with collectons). But, when I feel like it will be great to alter, I just go ahead and use art mediuns.

  254. Such fun ways to use tags! Thanks for sharing. I love the assortment of Prima Flowers–I use them in most of my projects. I’ve decorated a small wooden case and altered the flowers by white washing them to make them look a little old or tattered.

  255. I use lots of flowers, color and altering depending on the project.

  256. I love to use clusters of flowers on layouts and they usually have a girly theme. I often ink he edges or add a touch of sparkle!

  257. I love to use flowers on my projects no matter if they are for girls or boys. I spray white flowers with ink to change the color depending on the project I am using the flowers for.

  258. i use tons of flowers on my girl pages as well as cards, and home decor. occasionally i will use them on a boy page. one of my go tos is the small white prima roses…i can spray with mist, dab ink, paint, or add different mediums to make them perfect for my project.

  259. Pam Blowers says:

    I make cards mostly and the flowers usually go on the feminine cards. Guess that can be a new challenge to mix it up a bit!

  260. I love using flowers on my layouts and I particularly enjoy colouring the paler flowers with my paints and inks.

  261. Wendy Gilbertson says:

    I don’t use a lot of flowers, but when I do, I usually alter them with ink and/or sprays. I never use flowers on boys layouts. It’s always a struggle to find just the right embellishments for a guys page or card.

  262. Cathy in Canada says:

    First of all, that glass bead gel is awesome! Got to get me some of that! I love collecting flowers, I don’t use them as much as I should. I like to cluster them together. I LOVE making them using crinkled, glittery paper, distressing them and adding text. I love adding gems and sparkle to the flower middles! Since I have 2 girls I tend to use them on girl pages only. Not very often do I use them on masculine layouts.

  263. Love all the tags!!! Also love using flowers, most of them I use as is and you will find them on my boy pages 🙂 thanks for the chance to win!

  264. I used to hate working with flowers until I followed a workshop from Sharon, now I like them. I don’t have a really fixed place to use flowers for, it can be on any type of lay-out or canvas or even in my art journal. I almost always layer basic flowers with other flowers or buttons, or brads, or … and most of the time I’ll give them a bit of distress ink, even if it is just edges. I can also colour them entirely or really distress them a lot. Flowers are not an obstacle any more, I make them work and look the way I want.

  265. Cyndee Jenkins says:

    I love to use flowers on both my sons an daughters projects…but i find on my sons…I make more of my own…and alter the color and shapes every chance I can to give them a more male look

  266. I loved your tag tutorial…learned something new, thank you.I love to use flowers as embellishments to mini album covers, on scrapbook layouts. I love the look when they are clustered together. Thanks for the chance to win!

  267. I love that Glass Bead Gel, will be picking some of that up this week. I am called the Prima Flower Fanatic by all my friends, I don’t think there is a project that I have made that does not have flowers. Sometimes I use them as they are or I may add gesso to make them look shabby. I can even use them on my steampunk altered items and they always work with my projects.

  268. donna joy says:

    I use flowers in my mixed media work and yes they sometimes get altered. I have stamped on them (text mostly) and added glitter, pearls or hole less beads

  269. I use flowers on everything, boys & girls. Since I have made a lot of my own- with punches and sticky rounds- I get to layer them and accent with brads without much difficulty.

  270. Sharon- how funny about the flowers- I can’t get enough of them also! I love using both plain and altering or even cutting to fit my project- thanks for the great giveaway and I can’t wait to try th projects with the glass bead gel!

  271. I’ve used flowers only a couple of time, since I don’t know how to use them really well! Once, it was a felt shape and I tried to add some layers with buttons and other elements…I loved how you altered the tags, thanks for sharing!

  272. oh yes, I use a lot of flowers!

  273. I love to use flowers on my projects, especially Prima. They are SO beautiful! I have a new grandson and I don’t know if I will use flowers on his pages, I guess I’ll see how it unfolds!

  274. I don’t usually use flowers but I’m looking forward to trying them using your technique Sharon!

  275. Thanks for this project. I use flowers for girls Layout and sometimes for family Layouts.

  276. I use flowers on anything…love to add a flower here and there to give my projects that finishing touch. Sometimes I use Stickles to add a little extra pop to them…depending upon my project. I’ve also inked them and misted them as well

  277. I really need to use flowers on my projects. Only some masculine-cards are without or if I have to create a Clean and Simple card. But usually I use all kinds of flowers – most as they are. Sometimes I use Distress Stains or Glimmer Mist to color them and alter while drying.

    xx Sabrina

  278. Hetty Prins says:

    now using flowers on the Donna Downey canvas class 2012, love it !

  279. Ann Bateman says:

    I’ve only used flowers a couple of timesand they were “as-is”..I’ve been hesitant to use them much because theones I love are a bit pricey…LOL

  280. Thank you for the tag ideas!
    I don´t use flowers very often, but when I do, I usually mist them to fit my layout perfect.

  281. Wonderful projects! Thanks for sharing them with us! I like to use flowers as they are… I haven’t experimented yet with altering them.

  282. I hardly ever use flowers because my layouts are of my two boys. I have used them occasionally when they come in a kit but find it very difficult to use on the boy layouts.

  283. Carole Miller says:

    I should be called The Flower Lady because I love using flowers in my art. Prima makes flowers that remind me of the bautiful ones ladies used as pins whe I was little.

  284. I love using flowers on my projects, also stencilling etc. Love those glass bead paste ideas

  285. I love using flowers!! I alter them, paint them, spray them, stamp on them, even rub ons haha! I don’t do much for boys, so no flowers there 😉

  286. I’ve used flowers on layouts and cards but mostly for my more feminine proects. Thanks for your generosity!

  287. Thanks Sharon. Love your tips. I use flowers all the time. Even masculine LOs I have to put some 😀 I don’t really alter Prima Flowers but I do use the many layers of the flower apart. Hugs!!!

  288. I use flowers on boys and girls layouts… but not very often as I find it hard to ‘do’ flowers; they never seem to be quite suited to the page. Although I can’t stop buying them because they are so PRETTY! 🙂

  289. Great tips from Sharon! I’ve never heard of Glass Bead Gel, but I’ll definately have to find some. And I’ll be experimenting more with my tags and washis after seeing this. 🙂
    I like using flowers on projects, but I find myself far too little adventurous about them. I guess I’m a little intimidated by the jungle of flowers out there, and never know which ones to get, so I usually end up with plain white roses that I can alter myself. I spray them with mists or sponge them with ink to get the colour I want. But I do like to put flat flowers underneath my dimensional flowers.
    I rarely use flowers on guys projects, but I have done it on occasion if it fits the overall design.

  290. I like to use flowers in mixed media projects, they look amazing embedded in moulding paste and then painted over to give a three dimensional effect.

  291. Thankyou for the great video Sharon! I love to use flowers on anything and everything whether for male or female ……. cards, scrapping, and especially on altered art, my favourite items being frames, boxes and canvases. I make a lot of my own flowers but also use bought ones which I usually alter in some way with spraying, inking, stamping, etc. Thanks for showing the Glass Gel Medium which I had heard of but not seen used before ………. I now neeeeeeed it, lol!

  292. scrappegal says:

    Hi! Lovely video! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
    Do I like using flowers on my projects? OH YESS!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
    I love using a LOT of flowers! I often put them in different clusters mixing large and small flowers.

  293. Thank you for showing how to pimp the tags and how to use it on layouts and cards!
    I admit I hardly ever use flowers on masculine projects – and I do a lot of them as beeing mum of two boys. May be that’s why I love doing feminin projects, you know with lots of pink and flowers on 🙂

  294. Love flowers! I alter them with ink, sprays and paint to make them the colors I need. Since I prefer darker colors, I’ll use really dark colored flowers on guy or gal cards.

  295. Kylene Hickey says:

    I love to use flowers! Handmade, store bought, altered, silk, paper, crochet, fabric, chipboard, stamps – the list is endless! With 2 boys and 1 princess, flowers are more often seen on my girly pages – but on occassion have also been used for the .

  296. Sharon, thanks for the great tutorial! I use flowers anywhere – boys, girls it does not matter. I love flower clusters with all kinds of other elements mixed in – i often alter the color of the flowers to match my project or add stickles etc to them

  297. I love using flowers on my layouts! And I’ve used them on girl and boy pages. Thanks for the chance to win!

  298. evelyn williams says:

    This is the first time i’ve seen glass bead gel. Thanks for the demo. Love the ideas for tags.

  299. paulinerose says:

    I love to use flowers on my projects. I use Tim Holtz’s flower die and purchased flowers. I usually try to buy white or ecru flowers and then make them the color I want with inks and sprays. Rarely do I use flowers on masculine projects.

  300. Darcy Mitchell says:

    I often add flowers and I do them all different ways. Altered not altered, female and male LO’s. I am axious to try the bead gell! Thanks

  301. My 4 boys would not be thrilled if I used flowers on their layouts.But I have used some black one on cards for them and they loved them. I like to play with the flowers-so I am forever changing them somehow..
    Never seen the glass bead “stuff” before-I have to have some.I’m not very adventurous so subtle really appeals to me.Thanks for all the great tips!

  302. I use flowers both as is and altered only on girls projects since I don’t have any boys.

  303. As a mom of 4 boys I LOVE LOVE LOVE any chance to add a flower (a girly touch) to any of my projects. I am not afraid to put flowers on those boys pages. lol. I love to add some glimmer mist or color shine to them — sometimes a little distress ink. I also love using them on altered items — like frames or canvas.

  304. Heather P. says:

    I love to use flowers in my projects. I use them on projects with more of a feminine feel. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever used them on anything masculine. I use some of them right out of the package, but I also like to alter them and make my own. They can be an accent or a focal point, depending on the look I’m going for. I also like to mix and match flowers made of different materials. The more texture, the better!

  305. Leanne in CA says:

    I love to use silk flowers on my layouts just as they are. Mostly girl pages, but I do use smaller flowers on boy pages as well. Love to layer with bling and centerpieces!!

  306. Sarah Martin says:

    I like to use flowers for when I paint girls and put them in the hair. I often add paint to them for extra dimension. Thanks for the video and the giveaway!

  307. karen charley walker says:

    For me it depends on what project I am doing. I use them a fair bit for my granddaughters. It depends on whether the project can have some bulk or not. I love to use them in my sewing and mixed media projects by pulling some of them apart.

  308. It is mandatory to use flowers in my work. I stamp them, fold them, sew them make them from paper and even make the leaves for them. I add them to all paperworks, cards, scrapbooking and gift tags, wrapped presents and have been known for putting them on the dinner table and around our cutlery and serviettes LOL. Flowers are an essential part of my life they make me happy.

  309. Dawn Kuerley-Schaffer says:

    I use flowers wherever and whenever I can. I like the versatility of paper flowers, as they can be stamped, inked and best of all (for me) crushed. I love to dampen and crush flowers. When dry they have the look of real dried flowers.

  310. I do use flowers on most things… I try to avoid using them on boys projects (scrapping boys is rare for me) and agree totally – love stars for boys (love that little tip of clipping out little stars on the bottom of the tag!) Mists are great for altering flowers. Love the use of gesso or paste!!

  311. Candy Brintnall says:

    I use flowers on absolutely EVERYTHING! I paint them, spray them, add modeling paste to them, stamp them, wrinkle them, fold them, layer them you name it! I LOVE FLOWERS! (Wish I could grow them, LOL.)

  312. I have not used flowers in the past but would love to try it. Great video, Thank You!!!!!

  313. Debbie in AZ says:

    I use flowers on some of my layouts and cards. They add contrast and interest.

  314. Love the glass bead tip. Also the way you used the tag to triangulate the page. Thanks!

  315. weevon williams says:

    Sharon thank you for the great video and giveaway! Sometimes I alter, sometimes not, Yes I would use on manly/boy layout, maybe even a bright pink one!

  316. I have two boys but love to use flowers – my boys don’t mind 😉

  317. You’ll find flowers on just about everything I do! I like to use as they are, especially if they are fancy Prima ones, but I also like to stamp on them to make them grow more with the layout.

  318. Yvonne Westover says:

    I use flowers a ton, but when I try them on a masculine piece, I just end up removing it and using leaves instead….old fashioned I guess!! I usually alter the flowers with gems or button in the middle, or cutting them up and layering them with other paper punched flowers. I didn’t realize the glass bead gel had the beads in it….I thought it was to adhere glass beads to stuff !!!lol…now I gotta use it.Thanks!

  319. Sheila Thomas says:

    Thank you for those ideas I love it all

  320. Leaves have been more my style, but maybe it’s time to explore the world of blossoms.

  321. I mainly use flowers on cards as I find it sometimes very difficult to use them on my scrapbooking layouts. However, I’m learning and improving my skills in that area 🙂

  322. Renee Bankston says:

    I enjoy using flowers on my scrapbook pages. I am trying to learn how to make paper flowers and the ones I’ve made actually look pretty good! The flowers I buy I use as is and I don’t alter them any. I like to use flowers my daughters scrapbook page (sweet) and I also like to use flowers on scrapbook pages that have couples – such as my son and his wife – (makes it look romantic!)
    I loved the glass bead tag – great ideas!!

  323. I use flowers on both, but only if they support the story I’m telling on the page. I do alter them, and am always looking for new ideas on how to make my flowers look a bit different.

  324. Sheila Ferreri says:

    I love to add flowers on my scrapbook pages and cards that I make! thanks for the chance to win and I enjoyed watching all your techniques.

  325. I use flowers on both boys and girls projects but don’t normally alter them. Sometimes I made my own.

  326. I’m a beginner with the flowers. Just now doing project with diy roses and thinking, that why I don’t own pretty flowers that I could use! So this giveaway would be perfect for me 🙂 I think that I would alter my flowers and use them in a “romantic” project.

  327. Judy Morgan says:

    Oooooh! Can’t wait to try the glass bead gel. I have 2 boys, so try to keep those occasional flowers of a more masculine color and style. Since I’m an avid gardener, I must have flowers on other projects, but my tastes run to a more tailored look. Thank you for the great tag techniques!

  328. Anita tillman says:

    Ooh flowers – love them!!! Love to alter them and use them as is… Lately I have been taking out the centers and adding a brad to match my project – so versatile!! Thanks for the great tips!!

  329. Christine N says:

    I use flowers any which way I feel like it. Being a mixed media artist, I will take them apart and used them in flowers that I’ve already made with hand cut paper, or I’ll use them for the center of one of my flowers. I love to use them on cards as well!!!

  330. Christine Smith says:

    Love all your projects – especially the glass bead gel – I must get some of that.
    I use flowers on lots of my projects, but not so much on male layouts.
    If I do use flowers I tend to use masculine colours and keep the flowers away from the face. I also like to put button centres in the flowers.

  331. Sharon, love all the ideas you shared in the video! Thanks! I love to add flowers and gears together into steampunk projects.

  332. Love how much use you get with a single manilla tag! You’ve inspired me to try some soft art gel, which has been sitting on the shelf for a while now. And while it sounds cliche’ a flower is always a good design element. I’ve covered with crackle paint which is pretty cool, and cut them in half, thirds, etc. so they fit on a project. A girl can never have enough flowers!

  333. Lameice Kimbrough says:

    Love your techniques. I’m gonna try them all but add flowers…lol. I like to add flowers to most of my projects & I do alter them sometimes by stamping on them, glittering, chalking & adding elements such as buttons, brads etc.

  334. Loved the video. I’m a big fan of manilla tags and use them for bookmarks etc. I’ve used flowers on them as well as on my pages and cards. Love to layer flowers and use ink to enhance them. Button centers, perfect pears… whatever catches my fancy from my stash.
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  335. I do not actually use flowers much on projects at the moment, but I certainly covet those in the giveaway! When I have used them, it’s been for my mother-in-law’s birthday cards, for an assemblage commemorating a wedding, and on cards & mixed media canvases for my daughter.

  336. Jenny McGee says:

    I love paper flowers. I do use them on my son’s pages, but maybe in more masculine colors, browns, greens, and blues. Thanks for the videos.

  337. I use flowers because they make me happy. I like to find ways to use them on masculine LO’s too!

  338. Thank you for the great techniques you taught us!
    I also use flowers on my boy’s LO’s, layer different flowers, use them in pieces, to make a border, cut in half (also for borders), use it half under pictures. Just to use it not as flowers, they are very usefull on boy’s LO’s!


  339. Flowers are a necessity on any page. I love love love them for all genders. PS Love your tutorial especially the galss bead gel

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