Julie Fei Fan Balzer’s Jump Start


Today’s JumpstARTer is my friend Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. I can’t say enough wonderful things about her – she is an amazing artist, awesome teacher and I love her personality. Spending time with Julie is the best 🙂 And therefore…I would love to share with you some time with Julie today!


Julie Fei-Fan Balzer is a mixed media artist and painter.  She lives in New York City in a small apartment with a big art studio.  She has had artwork and articles published in multiple books & magazines (including her column in Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine), hosts the TV show Scrapbook Soup (PBS) and the Adventures in Arting podcast, designs products for art-making, and blogs six days-a-week at balzerdesigns.typepad.com .  Her yet-to-be-titled book will be released by Interweave Press in 2013.

She made this fun video on how to use Stencils 3 different ways for you


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link: https://vimeo.com/54902998

But wait – there is more- Julie also has a giveaway for you!!!


“You can win a seat in one (your choice) of the twelve workshops I’m offering as part of “Getting Started”: a collection of online classes intended to educate and empower.  “Getting Started” is all about getting you started with a wide variety of mixed media techniques and supplies. I have chosen a collection of my most-used supplies and techniques to share with you. These are the tips, tricks, and materials that I use virtually every day in the studio!


Each mini class is hosted on a private password-protected blog and your classroom access never expires.

As the moniker “Getting Started” indicates, these lessons are intended to cover the basics of each topic for those with little to no experience with the topic.  Lessons are always a mixture of technical information (why this glue, why the paint works like that, etc.) mixed with my own personal taste and tips on how/why I use certain products and/or techniques.  From design principles to gesso, there’s a class to answer all your questions.”

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here for Julie on how you liked her JumpStart video

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway. 

You can find more about Julie here:

Blog: www.balzerdesigns.typepad.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/balzerdesigns

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Balzer-Designs/150748641642690

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/milkcannyc?feature=mhee

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Janet McNulty says:

    I’m so glad I stopped by to view your video! Now I have some projects to work on with my supplies of sprays and acrylic paints! Thanks so much for shareing!

  2. Hey Julie I have come back to share with you what you inspired: http://bit.ly/11wS2fP
    Thanks for the inspiration

  3. Shelly Berg says:

    Thanks so much – loved it all. – even adding duct tape to the stencils!

  4. So much more here than just 3 ways to use stencils! Loved the cutting up of the sponge–never thought of that before

  5. Hey Julie! Loved the help on how to layer mediums! Just getting started mixing things up… I’ve been using one at a time! I’d love to be part of one of your classes! Thanks for the opportunity! Hugs!

  6. Paper Art Scene says:

    Love the stencils! Thanks for sharing. The Gelli Plates look really neat too. I am really interested in learning more.

  7. Thanks for this awesome video Julie! I love the trick with the duct tape on the edges of the stencil, I’ll probably be adopting this:-) btw, I have to tell you that I love your podcasts!

  8. Gayle Richmond says:

    I only have a couple of stencils right now (I’m really new to all this) but after watching your video I can’t wait to get more. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway.

  9. Jeannette van Dongen says:

    I absolutely loved the video and all the techniques in it. It gives me so much inspirations to work with my own stash of goodies ! Thank you !

  10. I have sooooo many stencils, as well as all of the art media. I can’t wait to try out all the techniques with my own stash. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  11. priscilablancofuertes says:

    I love this video. The stencils are very pretty and I like the technique with distress ink. No coments on final work. Is wonderfull,.

  12. Julie, I haven’t tried the techniques yet but sure do plan on it, they all look like so much fun with great outcomes. thank you so much for the chance to win classes from you, that would be even more incredible. xox

  13. Love your stencils. I use them in paper designs all the time.

  14. Fantastic video – so inspiring and I know I will be breaking out all the stencils from the stash to try them out. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Where do we go??? Wherever your he(art) takes you ❤ Loved stencils + dubbing + flicking Great Video Julie! Thanks for sharing

  16. Helen Strawford says:

    Awesome techniques love the combos

  17. This tutorial was a very exciting and happy thing. I will be trying out all of this. Thank you.

  18. What a great video — love your style!

  19. Hey Julie, I absolutely loved your video. Especially how you combined all three techniques. I love using stencils and paint, distress inks and modeling paste but have a bit trouble using spray inks. Wonderful tutorial. 🙂

  20. katiusca mosqueira says:

    me encanta este vídeo y lo mejor es que das muchas opciones y eso es muy bueno ya que acá donde vivo , en Argentina, es imposible conseguir las tintas liquidas y las otras tintas son muy caras asi que lo del acrílico me queda muy bien gracias por el video.

  21. I am a bit behind in watching, but I loved all of the cool ways to use stencils! I can’t wait to give them a try! Julie rocked this lesson!!! Thanks!

  22. Lynn Shaffer says:

    coming back because I loved this so much and stalked up on my templates!!!

  23. Omg Julie,
    I love, love, love your layered stencil tag. Thanks so much for sharing these techniques with us. My favorite was the water/acrylic paint drip, so cool!!!

  24. Great video; I’ve learned new things and can’t wait to try them. Thanks!

  25. Wow. That was amazing how Julie pulled it all together and made it really work! Every time she’d add another layer, I thought- oh that is PERFECT, now stop! But then she would put more down, and it would work beautiful. She’s definitely got a great eye for color and balance . So inspiring, thank you both!

  26. Susan "Ribbons" says:

    Love love love Julie’s stencils and her art work!

  27. Jinny Bell says:

    Love the stencils and using them in my artwork. Love the dimension and texture they create so easily on the page.

  28. wow……I need to get some of these stencils and play. love getting mucky right up my street……….

  29. ur not having fun unless u get messy. love it!

  30. Julie- once again you’ve mde a great video. Love your style- both art and teaching. You truly do inspire!

  31. I just jumped in. oh my, I have the urge to look at all the video’s. I love the way you mixed everything. and used what you have on hand. thanks for sharing !!!!

  32. Tina Walker says:

    I really love how Julie masks certain sections of her stencil to use only the section she wants! Great tip!

  33. I loved watching these techniques and I really loved the stencils! Can’t wait to try it myself!

  34. Jean McBride says:

    Well well well…who would have ever thought that one could create such an eye catching piece of art after all that ‘messy’ prep. I just loved it and will be giving it a try for sure. Thank you Julie for sharing. I followed you on Srapbook Soup so love the way you work.

  35. How easy was that!!! And such fantastic results. Thanks so much for sharing!

  36. Really useful to see how you layered it all up to get the final effect, thanks.

  37. I really enjoyed watching your video! and working like you, thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Today i entered jumpstart 2013 and it was fun to see two of my favorite artist. I would realy like to attend one of your classes online and hope to see more of your work in jumpstart. I also like making tags, so you are an inspiration to me. ♥

  39. Thanks for the video and the inspirations. It is always fun to watch Julie teaching.

  40. Rachael Jones says:

    Love Julie – she is a hoot! 🙂 Now I’m off to buy some stencils….. Thanks!!! Such fun!

  41. Thanks it was inspirational. Looking forward to getting messy 🙂

  42. caroldeezigns says:

    Great video!!!

  43. Wow, I just signed up yesterday and, can I say, I am just WOWED so far. Love what you’ve done here. It is great to see the creative process and the final product. And you did it all so very quickly. I truly feel very inspired right now, thanks Julie.

  44. Woah Girl, your are incredibly entertaining and gave me some great laughs!
    I´m starting a mixed media project after tonights dinner and your stencil techniques will appear there for sure 🙂

  45. So inspiring! Funny and bright, both you and your project. Loved it!

  46. Very entertaining and informative video. I have to admit that as you were working on the last tag I was thinking that is awful but as you continued to play I was liking it better. I’m not sure that I like what you did at the end though by letting the paint drip but that is just me.

    I don’t really have stencils but will now be on the look out for basic stencils like what you used today now that I know how I can use them.

  47. Julie, You are so inspirational!! I have to get my hands on those stencils they are so versatile and with what you have just shown us I could do so much more to my pathetic tags that I always try to hide….Know they can be a show stopper thanks to you!!

  48. Love the video and the stencil techniques!So cool!!!!

  49. LOVED this video! Your stencils are fantastic and I love the way you mixed your techniques. *Inspired*

  50. Lisa Campion says:

    Loved your video Julie! So much fun on a small canvas with whatever you have on hand — makes it so doable gor a beginner. I especially loved your dripping technique at the very end. Would LOVE to take any of your classes!

  51. This viedo is one of my favorites from the CJS 2013. I’ve just watched it for the 5th time. Not only do I get really inspired by the techniques, I love Julie’s personality as well. She is such a fun lady.

  52. Love your stencils and love these techniques!

  53. Lorraine Melanson says:

    I love the way you showed us to just “play” and not worry about making mistakes…there are no mistakes in art! Can’t wait to try out some fun stuff with my old stencils laying around collecting dust.

  54. Julie… I LOVED LOVED your video… I usually only stencil with one color… duh…. no more of that now…lol… and the mixed media tag you created is awesome… can’t wait to try it… I so love learning new things…. thank you x

    Jenny ♥

  55. Julie, thanks for sharing your tecniques with us! I really enjoyed watching your video!

  56. Bea Arreola says:

    I love your stencils and the techniques are great! I’ve already used them! Thank you!!

  57. Barbara Ferguson says:

    just finished up my tag and it was such FUN!! Can’t wait to make another and incorporate it into a layout! THANKS!!

  58. I already use the techniques on a scrapbook layout! Thnaks for sharing.

  59. loved watching and listening…here are still some of us who are affraid of paint and ink! I found myself laughing with and answereing you (call me crazy) LOL!

  60. Angela Bolton says:

    i loved watching you work and get so excited about the process! SO inspiring, I just have to go and start making some mess!! Thanks so much.

  61. Kathy Gielow says:

    Love to watch you create Julie! Love all the techniques and intend to make better use of my stencils. Thank you so much!

  62. I love the video, especially when you combine the 3 techniques! Beautiful!

  63. Kimbolie-Kat says:

    Great video – Loved the techniques and love your style!

  64. I had a blast watching your video- love the idea of not wasting ink and using the flipside on a tag too to use that ink up…..I am just starting to dabble in mixed media- and am collecting stencils- so glad to have visuals on additional ways to use them! I am collecting inks too….I look forward to creating and not just collecting…!

  65. Thanks so much for your video. I’m totally new to mixed media art and I have never used stencils before. This was incredibly helpful. I would love to win your workshop! Thanks again!

  66. Love the jumpstart, Julie. I am a big fan of your art! Thanks for sharing!

  67. Cynthia Ellis says:

    I loved your three methods of using your stencils. I especially loved the combination of techniques used on your final tag. The lesson for me is don’t be afraid to experiment.

  68. I have many of Julie’s templates and cannot wait to get started on making stuff!

  69. Thanks for the tutorial video….I like the distress ink and acrylic paint techniques the best.

  70. Doing some mixed media is at the top of my bucket list this year. Your video really inspired me to just do it and see what happens. Thanks, Julie.

  71. this is the most awesome video I have ever seen doing layers and layers of stenciling with different products!!! You’ve made it so doable …. is that a word? You know what I mean.

  72. cooperandmax says:

    I loved the layering of stencils, I wouldn’t have thought to layer that many times. Thank you 😀

  73. Claudine G. says:

    I loved your video. And now I need to go out and get me some duck tape because that idea is brilliant! lol

  74. I like how you make everything seem sooo simple!

  75. scrappininak says:

    wonderful video – love seeing the difference in all the techniques

  76. Wow! That was a lot of inspiration! Thanks for the ideas!

  77. NancyGrace says:

    To Julie Fei-Fan Balzar:
    LOVED THE VIDEO! (Yes, I was shouting, but I couldn’t help myself.) I was surprised (read: SHOCKED!) at several points, which we shall call TEACHING MOMENTS. CUT UP A PERFECTLY GOOD SPONGE?!?! Well, okay. That really is better than muddying the waters, so to speak. And I loved that you used the leftover ink and paint left on the stencil from the first project to create-VOILA!-the second project. COOL! I loved your style and you patter and your courage and boldness and creativity. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us.

  78. I love to watch you work! Thanks for all the great tips and inspiration. I’m just dying to get playing! I gotta get that stencil with the stripes.

  79. Love, love the video. I want to go and play!!!!

  80. love the techniques Julie TFS!!

  81. I love the combination of all these & ow they look fab just on their own. Thanks for sharing. Cannot wait to get messy.

  82. Love, love, love to see this video 😀

  83. Loved this video and I so enjoyed watching you work! Thank you for the lesson!!!

  84. Wow am so having a go at this love the way the stencil is used with the blending tool..
    Thanks so much for these very cool techniques
    Sandy 🙂

  85. Waouhhhhhh it’ll be a dream … I’ll be lucky to win this giveway … thanks a lot ladies for workshops … It’s fabulous :)))

  86. Excellent techniques each on their own, but combining them ROCKS the boat! I also will be using cutting off the tip of my sponge when t gets too dirty trick! Thanks

  87. Tonya Love says:

    I love to watch you demonstrate Julie, I always learn something new! Like acrylic paint!

  88. Tamara McKlveen says:

    I finally got the chance to try all three techniques today… so fun! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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