Louise Nelson’s Jump Start


Louise Nelson is one of those artists that always takes my breath away with her talent. In 2011 when I was in Australia for my workshop tour I finally was able to meet her and I have loved seeing her ever since several times at CHA. She is a genuine person and I can’t wait seeing her in a couple of days.

Louise Nelson1

Louise currently lives in an inner city suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. She has a day job working full-time as a Perioperative Nurse [RN] for an agency; working mostly evening and night shifts in public hospital emergency/trauma operating theatres in and around Adelaide. Louise has always had creative hobbies, before taking up scrapbooking 6 years ago she loved to restore furniture. Since she started scrapbooking she has also developed a love for portrait photography, and recently she has begun to dabble in painting. During the last 6 years Louise has been fortunate to have been a Creative Design Team member for Scrapbooking Memories Magazine [AUS] in 2009 and a past Scrapbooking Memories Master for 2011-12. Also fortunate to be invited to be on the Creative Design Team for UK-based scrapbooking magazine; Scrap365. Currently she creates for Aussie Scrap Source, Jenni Bowlin Studio, Imaginarium Designs, and 7 Dots Studio. She has been blessed to be published in Scrapbooking Memories [AUS], and have also been featured in the last 4 editions of Somerset Memories, with technique articles and layouts in the reader gallery.


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link: https://vimeo.com/55135259

You can also find Louise here:

Blog: an Uninterrupted view

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loolabelle1961

Twitter: https://twitter.com/loolabelle1961

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart !


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

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  1. Hope you’ll get a bucket ! Great tutorial, didn’t mind that it was upside down, even though I couldn’t fully appreciate your layouts. But I can still see them on your blog. Thank you for all the tips !

  2. Wonderful, love how she added the glimmer mist drops. Love love love her layouts.

  3. After watching the video I had to go and play with my crackle paints. I never heard of spray Gesso so will have to check that out.

    With embossing enamel you can get a crackle effect by putting the piece in the freezer to chill after you heat emboss with about three layers of enamel. After it is good and chilled you can then bend back and forth and the enamel will crackle until it warms up. After a little bit of practice with this technique you can get the crackle to happen where you want it just by where you apply the pressure.

    Thanks for sharing your technique of creating a crackle paint effect with things we might already have. Also I love how you used the mist and spattering to add to it.

    • Hi Myoriah , i willkeep this tip! sometimes we discover solutions without planning theme, just casualties! thanks…

  4. I was really inspired to make something doing the technique you demonstrated. http://bit.ly/12iT2sB Nothing like your lovely work but thanks for the inspiration.

  5. momzart101 says:

    Crackle has always been a mystery to me. Thanks for video.

  6. VERY cool effects! Hope you get your bucket of crackle prodect! 😀

  7. Laurie Guidry says:

    I can not wait to crackle. Thank you so much for the amazing inspiration !

  8. I am upset that i cannot view any video from my Nook ( totally my fault since i need to have them look at my settings) ….but i did go to her blog and i see i need to dabble a teeny bit in some mixed media even though i am scared to!

  9. FANTASTIC video!!!! Love all the texture you are making! So very much inspiration! ♥

  10. SO fantastic!!! Love all the different crackle techniques and can’t wait to try the one you demoed. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Super cool video, love love love this technique!!!

  12. This is a fabulous technique! am so glad that I am taking part in this CS jump!

  13. Absolutely perfect!!! I love this technique and will definitely be using it soon! Louise you are awesome and will be stalking your blog and video’s in the future!!!

  14. Just loved this lesson! Beautiful music and art! Really inspiring for a try out! Thank you so much for all the Creative Jump Start projects!

  15. Lynn Shaffer says:

    I’ve always loved the look but never thought the technique could be so easy! lovely work!

  16. bjaneglas says:

    love all the crackle ideas-thanks

  17. Great video- lots of crackle ideas to try now. Thank you!

  18. wow…really enjoyed that one. have only dabbled in crackle nail paints.

  19. wow, great technique, love it and I will try it, thank you for sharing.

  20. OMGosh Louise, I think you are my new favorite artists. Can’t wait to go explore your blog some more. Yay me, eye candy galore 🙂

  21. morningdove says:

    the demo was great, thank you for sharing the different crackle products you used for this technique.

  22. OMGosh I LOVE< LOVE<LOVE your style!!

  23. WOW – I was mesmorised by Louise’s techniques and didn’t realise that so much into each background for the layouts – she really does prepare them well! I remember when my son was small, I went to a creative paint techniques class and did so many of the things Louise has showed – and yet I never thought of myself as a crafter… I only consider that I started crafting when I started cardmaking – I think I need to reasses that. I feel that watching all of these videos so far has brought back a lot of memories for me… I do have some of the products that have been shown in the videos so I’m going to start to put them to good use. Thank you so very much.

    Paula x x x

  24. stunning!!! loved it. Thanks for sharing…enjoyed watching your technique.

  25. I can’t remember if I commented before but I wanted to make sure that I tell you how much I love Louise’s techniques for crackling! I have just watched her video for the third time and am ready to give this a try.

  26. Your work is absolutely stunning. Even though I don’t make layouts but I love to watch yours, see the colors, the techniques. This is fabulous, it’s like in a dream, happy, soft and a bit magical.

  27. Thank you, I can’t wait to try this!

  28. Johanne L. says:

    Love your pages. This is a great technique. Thanks for the tutorial.

  29. Gorgeous Louise, thanks for sharing. Can I ask do you always use a harder cardstock for your textured pages? I did one on normal cardstock (well two pieces stuck together) and though I am happy with the design it is a little flimsy. Yours looked nice a stiff still.
    Anyway thanks so much for sharing. Perhaps we will meet up one day, I’m from Adelaide too!
    Cheers Angela

    • Louise Nelson says:

      Hi Angela
      Angela I always use a chipboard background as I find card stock warps to much for the way I want my backgrounds to look 🙂

      Cheers and thank you so very much 🙂 xx

  30. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Thank you for sharing what the different products look like and then how they turned out when you used them. Lots of fun!

  31. Wow! You have me there! Half way the video, I took a break, to email my friend who sells several products by Viva. I just couldn’t wait to ask her for that crocodile crackle. And that technique with the stamp in texture paint really rocks. Have to go find out where to buy that stamp. It’s a must have 🙂
    I love the idea of using white paint to make the crackles and then use spray inks to colour it. Never thought of that as a possibility.
    I have been trying a lot with crackle technique, but haven’t been satisfied yet. I’m pretty positive on giving it a new try after this video so thanks so much for the inspiration!!!

    xx Monica

  32. Gorgeous, Louise! Thank you for the inspiration, and the introduction to some products I’d never known about!

  33. A little hard to read the labels upside down, but I enjoyed seeing the differences between the crackle products. I’ve used them very occasionally in the past and this has made me want to play with them again!

  34. helen markee says:

    Soooooo beautiful!! thanks!!

  35. you have the magic touch…beautiful
    I have never used crackle products but enjoyed your video.

  36. Fabulous techniques! And I like that you used only a few products that most of us have in our stash. Thank you for the comparative analysis of varying crackle mediums and techniques. Great video & Ioved the music. 🙂

  37. Stunning work with such a simple but effective idea. Thanks so much for sharing. I haven’t used crackle medium in ages but it never looked like that I think the glimmer & chalk sprays makes the difference.

  38. Maria del Carmen says:

    Thanks for the techniques, is magic!

  39. Thanks for sharing the different crackle products! I also like the one that you would like a bucket of….

  40. Christina says:

    I loved the crackle medium techniques and can’t wait to try them. Beautiful layouts!

  41. Stunning 😀 I also use Viva Decors crackle medium, for me it is the best 😀

  42. stunning, absolutey beautiful work. I love VivaDecor products!

  43. Tonya Love says:

    I have never used crackle products before thank you for sharing!

  44. I don´t know several products that you have used. Thanks so much for sharing!.

  45. Thank you! Will need to try this now!

  46. Betty Dallas says:

    just added crackle mediums to my “shopping list” Thanks Louise

  47. Love that the different crackle products give different effects. Thanks for the demonstration

  48. Fantastic video, loved the colours and texture. Wonderful!

  49. Awesome – ready to pull out my stash of crackling mediums and texture mediums!!!! (And trying SO hard not to push “buy now” on some of that Viva Decor crackle stuff!) Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  50. Fabulous tute! What a treat to watch Louise creation with such rich texture.

  51. Stacy Caddy says:

    Thank you for the tutorial… Love this crackling effect…

  52. Wow wow wow! Watching your video just made me giddy. Amazing… Thank you for sharing your why, what and how.

  53. wow wow amazing so beautiful can’t wait to try it

  54. Wow, I’m definitely going to try this!

  55. Amazing effects !

  56. So cool! I love the stamping crackle technique. This has been a blast! Can’t wait to try it out.

  57. absolutely brilliant I love the crackle effect and will be buying some VIVA crackle I think

  58. WOW amazing video and what a GREAT stamp … i also love that “weathered” look. I honestly can’t wait to try this on a canvas !!
    This was one video i didn’t want to end !!
    Thank-you so much

  59. That is definitely something I will have to look into trying. It was beautiful! Thank you!

  60. Paula Benig says:

    Now I want that stamp,and to play with some more cracklin mediums,Thanks for sharing your talent with us all!

  61. Shawna G. says:

    I adore how the glaze sinks into the crackle in pottery. I’ve done a couple of pieces of Raku pottery and I loved the black crackle against the vibrant hues. Your tutorial was great.

  62. So nice!
    I always had so problems with crackle. The paste lift off, some medium at the dont crackle..So thank you. I will try other medium!

  63. beautiful stuff but I would’ve liked to see MORE!!!!!

  64. Great techniques for crackle finishes. Thanks for sharing how various products give different effects.

  65. Doesn’t matter if we watch it upside down….we get the technique! Wonderful vid! What product did you start with, that was spread on the grey board?

  66. Louise, thank you for sharing your techniques. I liked seeing how you used them on your beautiful layouts.

  67. Inspired to find some crackling medium – Thank you!!

  68. Stunning!!! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful technique. I have always wanted to know how it was done!

  69. Very beautiful, hope you get a bucket full soon 🙂

  70. love the crackle effect! thanks!

  71. Thanks for this, I loved watching how your process 🙂

  72. Lovely lovely. I had not seen your work before and it is amazing!!

  73. dianna clark says:

    Louise, what can I say…BEAUTIFUL!! I love this technique and will definitely be using it. Thanks so much!

  74. Jenny Burns says:

    ADORE this Beautiful lady to bits.
    Love the idea of broken pottery. Thankyou for sharing huni xx

  75. I’m totally fan of your work Louise !!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  76. Christine Locke says:

    What an amazing video-thank you so very much for sharing your process with us! I am a huge fan of crackle and will hunt down the other brands you used to try as well! Thank you for the inspiration for my next LO!!

  77. Wow…I have always loved crackle, but this was outstanding..can’t wait to try it. Hope I can find the products.

  78. What beautiful backgrounds! Love the soft looks of the colors. So simple yet elegant. Must try! Thank you!

  79. Great techniques, love the layouts Louise showed us.

  80. I’ve never really liked scrapbooking or crackle, but Louise, you have made a convert out of me. Your pages are magical! I’ll def be giving this a go. Thank you for expanding my creativity 🙂

  81. Christine Ganter-Pomares says:

    Thank you for showing your amazing techniques! Love all the different ways it can be achieved!

  82. Kim Houston says:

    I really enjoyed your video. Thank you.

  83. Amazing effect – thank you for sharing!
    I will certainly be trying this!

  84. I have used crackle quite often and love the effects. Guess if you use different sizes of brushes and applied at different drying times the effects vary. I just love to see the cracks form each time I use this.

  85. Fabulous technique Louise!

  86. How dreadful that the whole thing was upside down.

  87. Love watching these ideas Louise. I haven’t played with crackle medium at all only texure pastes so might have to hunt it down and give it a go.

  88. The crackle effect looks soooo good, and it seems surprisingly versatile! Thanks so much 🙂

  89. Loved your demo so inspiring I am going to have a go at using it on paper. I used to make ceramics and it was a favourite then but have not used it on paper. Thanks again 🙂

  90. Annica Larsson says:

    Wow, what an inspiration video! Looking for that pottery crackled effect! Now I have found it. One cheap way of creating that long crackled effect is to start of with ordinary fluid glue, paint the area with glue. Straight on the wet glue paint with your acrylic paint. Leave to dry or use a heat tool.

  91. Kylene Hickey says:

    Thank you gorgeous Lou for sharing your incredible talent with us. Inspirational as always xxx

  92. Fascinating! I was so excited over the 2nd sample. I’ve been trying to get that effect for ages-thank you!

  93. really awesome techniques- thanks for sharing your inspiration here 🙂

  94. Lisa M.. Zepponi says:

    WOW! Absolutely amazing! I have NEVER seen this technique and stamp before. LOVE IT! thanks!

  95. That stamp looks like so much fun to use!! Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention!! Knowing some new product that we like is half the battle to owning it! 😛

  96. Brilliant can’t wait to try.

  97. *giggle* I turned my lappy upside down too!
    Just wonderful Lou!! Love love loved this (and anything from you!!!)
    Thanks so much!!! FABULOUS!!!

  98. Absolutely wonderful effects!
    What beautiful layouts! Thank you for sharing!

  99. Amazing effect – thank you for sharing 🙂

  100. Fantastic video!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  101. Thanks so much for sharing your techniques. It is possible to get a complete list of the products she mentions and what type of stamp? The crackle looks so pretty on all of your layouts, absolutely awesome! Actually did not know this artist. is my first time participating in this creative jumpstart. I love and adore the art.

  102. Thanks so much for sharing your techniques. It is possible to get a complete list of the products she mentions and what type of stamp? The crackle looks so pretty on all of your layouts; absolutely awesome!

    • loolabelle says:

      Hi Denisse
      If you are a member of the 2013 Jumpstart Facebook page then I have posted a list of the products used there.

      Cheers and thank you muchly,

      Louise 🙂

  103. waouw, for sure I will try these techniques!!!! thanks a lot to Louise!!! huge kisses from belgium

  104. can’t wait to try this!

  105. I am loving this video and I cannot wait to try these ideas! Thank you kindly!!

  106. I want buckets of that medium too!! Thank you for the creative boost!!

  107. Valerie Bullock says:

    WOW!! Very inspiring – can’t wait to try this technique. Thanks, Louise, for sharing.

  108. Absolutely stunning as always. I loved seeing Louise’s work close up and with side light- it really shows the dimension and texture. I kinda wish the camera had been turned upside down so the image could be right side up but never mind- I got over it! This was incredibly inspiring and educational. I had some ideas about the products Louise uses but no clue on how to get started or how to layer materials so that I achieved some of the beautiful tones I see in her pieces- now I definitely do. Seriously I could watch Louise work for hours! More videos please!

  109. Thank you Louise for your video on the creative jumpstarts. I loved to see the diifferent crackles and want to pull out my bottle crackle paint out of the drawer to try it out yet.

  110. So enjoyed watching this, thank you Lou for sharing these techniques,

  111. Lisa crofts says:

    Awesome as always Louise.

  112. Louise, I really enjoyed your video and have liked your layouts for some time.
    Thanks for sharing the information on the crackle mediums…I have tried some with mixed results.

  113. Is is possible to get a complete list of the products she mentions. It was hard to read labels upside down. A wonderful learning …. nice flow and technique detail! Kudos to Louise!

  114. Carol Kirby says:

    WOW what fantastic ideas, I will certainly be trying them they look amazing..

  115. vickichrisman says:

    You blow my mind!

  116. vickichrisman says:

    You blow my mind!!

  117. Thank you so much for sharing this, Louise!

  118. The crackle looks so pretty on all of your layouts… I think I would like to try as well… thanks for sharing!

  119. Thanks for sharing! This looks FUN!

  120. You are absolutely awesome! Cant wait to try this tech 🙂

  121. You got great effects, and now I want to try some myself with the crackle paint and glaze that are packed away in my stuff.

  122. Crackle has not been one of my favourite looks to date, but after seeing what you’ve done and the way you’ve altered it, I’m starting to like it! Now, I’ll just have to try a few projects to see if I fall in love with it the way you have. Thanks so much for sharing your techniques and go-to products!!

  123. I love these products. I have only used the Distress Crackle but will certainly be trying the other products. I’d lide to buy some of the VIVA product.

  124. Nancy Riggs says:

    I would have never thought to try a crackle effect on a scrapbook page, so thanks for sharing how wonderful it looks and how exactly to do it. I can’t wait to try it.

  125. Wow! That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that lovely technique!

  126. WOW that is incredible – love the effects, think my wish list for crafting is getting bigger & bigger 😉

  127. Way cool!! I love texture!! Have pulled out some stamps and going to play withtexture paste. Thanks so much for sharing this technique. I really love your work!

    Maybe the orientation is because we are from ‘downunder’! 🙂

  128. Louise – what an AMAZING video!! WOW! I love how you shared your techniques with crackle! Your art is always so inspiring and this was a great glimpse into how you achieve those wonderful backgrounds and textures. LOL about Croco in a bucket! I’ll see what I can do! 🙂 It’s awesome stuff, so glad you love it :):)

  129. zarischka says:

    I adore crackle effects (my favourite is the Viva Decor one, too, actually but I usually get the clear one. It’s FAB though, isn’t it?! :D) and this was… wow! STUNNING! Louise, you rock! 😀

    Thanks to Louise and to Nat for this! 😀

  130. sorry if this is a double post – the page fell over (twice) when I posted my comment. Louise is a great teacher – was privileged to have a lesson from her in June &, as here, there was so much wonderful information imparted, plus her enthusiasm & love of her art & the process of experimenting as part of learning. I’ll be watching this video many times.

  131. Karen D'Angelo says:

    I like this demo but found the upside down effect distracting.

  132. What an informative video. Thank you, Louise. I am a former potter and used to cringe when my glazes crackled as, many times, that was not the effect I was going for. I know exactly how it looks and what you are trying to achieve. Crackle techniques are much like image transfers, you just have to experiment and keep in mind that the products you use with the crackle mediums can sometimes make a difference. Your video illustrates how the best way to see what works is to just experiment. I also like that you are using a grunge board as a support, I would never thought of doing this.

  133. Claire Standish says:

    Loved it! Thanks so much! Can’t wait to try!

  134. Thank you for the fantastic video and inspiring ideas! I also love Adele…so I enjoyed the soundtrack as well 😉

  135. I have seen this effect before, but never seen it demonstrated, thanks! Can’t wait for studio time to work with it

  136. Wow! Thank you for sharing that Louise! You should make more videos, this one was very inspiring!!!

  137. LOVE this technique!

  138. Harriet Garrison says:

    Wow!!! UR right, Nat….her art is jaw-dropping gorgous!!! The thing that always gets me with the videos is how many times I say to myself, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that!!!” All the videos are so inspiring and AMAZING!!! Thank you, Nathalie and all your friends, for sharing all these fabulous videos with the world. And I’m sorry to my hubby, his laundry will have to wait!!! PLAYTIME!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!

  139. So after an half hour i could finally see number 7! Number 8 i will not work,.. So i cannot see that one 😦
    Maybr trying again later will help 🙂

    Love ly technique! I love it i am going to try this one!
    Thank you

    Kiss sammiej

  140. I just remembered that I have a project to do on canvas and now my mind is buzzing with ideas Thank you and Nat so much.

  141. Fascinating, I love this idea and all the different products you showed us.Thank you for all your hard work getting the video together. Kay

  142. Angela Campbell says:

    Thank you!!!! A must try

  143. Wow, very cool effect! This is just perfect for in my journal or onone of my canvasses for sure! Just adding that delicate hightlight to a project, perfect!
    Thank you Louise for sharing with us how!
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  144. Very unique! Going to try it!

  145. isobelkerr says:

    Never used the crackle technique on a whole layout before ~ something new for me to try, thanks

  146. Beautiful – as always:)

  147. Awesome techniques and I love the simplicity of your scrapbook pages!! Thanks for sharing!

  148. GREAT technique!
    I didn’t make a layout in quit some time, but gonna start right now 🙂

  149. Annette. Goodey says:

    This is awesome – but I fear it will take a lot of practice to reach the perfection of your pages.

  150. Great video, love the technique. I would have preferred it the right way up, too but it looks great either way!

  151. This was so AMAZING!!! Can’t wait to get home and try 🙂

  152. thank you for this wonderful tutorial

  153. Thanks for sharing your technique about the crackle effect. have to try it with the water spray, it looks like it gives more depth to the texture. thanks again!

  154. Thank you, Louise. Obviously all those years in furniture restoration has been carried through to your LOs. I love the shabby feel that the crackle finish gives. Beautiful!!

  155. Cool! Loved it! Thank you 🙂

  156. Great technique! thanks for sharing .

  157. Wow!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing these fabulous crackle techniques Lou! I can’t wait to finish off my current project and get crackling!!!! 🙂 xx

  158. All of your layouts are just beautiful. I have not heard of the medium by Viva so thanks for sharing that. Again, gorgeous work.

  159. Brenda Ryan says:

    Thanks for the great technique. I will have to dig out my crackle medium and crackle stamp. Thanks for all of the inspiration.

  160. i was ok with the upside down view.! loved the effects you got with the paste and mist.

  161. Love your style Louise and thanks for sharing how you achieve your gorgeous textures and color depth!

  162. Janet Ang says:

    Fun! I can play and never leave my craft room ever! Great technique to play with crackle!

  163. Loved all your sample pages. What beautiful work. I am so excited to try some crackle techniques, I hope I can find the products in Canada. Thank you!

  164. Dara Lynn says:

    Poetry on paper! Thank you Louise! I have not seen this done in real time so I graciously send warm appreciative hugs for participating!

  165. That was Great!!!! Thank You!!!!

  166. Very cool technique. Thanks for sharing.

  167. Thank you Thank you 🙂 have been admiring your LO’s with the crackle on them so you can imagine my delight when I opened your jumpstart to learn this technique. I ❤ your work Louise 🙂 🙂 Time to experiment 🙂

  168. I am so blown away by your talent and this technique. I looove the crackle effect and will try many of these techniques now. My brother lives in AUS and is moving here to the US soon so I’ll get him to snag me a few of those great crackle jars. I had heard you on Julie’s podcast and was already so smitten by what you had to say. It’s great to now see your art work.

  169. Kimmy Jaster says:

    Great technique! Your artwork is gorgeous!!
    Can we get a list of all the different texture mediums you showed in the video? Thx!

  170. lacyquilter says:

    Wonderful technique.

  171. I really enjoyed watching this Lou – so inspiring!

  172. 17turtles says:

    Loved this one so much! Louise is amazing!!!

  173. Lynn McNeill says:

    Thank you so much. Fantastic ideas I have learnt heaps in the last few days from watching these videos.

  174. Thanks so much for the gorgeous technique, love what you did with products I already have, but would like some of the clear crackle that you used on some of your layouts and will check out Rachel’s site to buy some. Thanks from anothe Aussie.

  175. mlcain0202 says:

    Your work is beautiful I love that you make your own background pages. The crackle effect is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  176. Colleen Fuerst says:

    Really gorgeous, I so can’t wait to try this, the crackle effect is so stunning. Thank you for the video ( I turned my laptop upside down to watch :), and the ideas.

  177. Judy Morgan says:

    After adjusting to the upside down orientation, I thoroughly enjoyed this CJ, and appreciate the detailed demonstration of the texture stamp technique to achieve the crackled effect – beautiful results! Thank you for sharing your unique art with us.

  178. Heather Hudson says:

    Another great tutorial, loved the effect, feel like on holiday visiting different friends in different countries, as an English girl living in Texas I am travelling the world and learning!! Thank you.

  179. Awesome Lou! I LOVE your work and thank you for sharing 🙂
    Off to Darkroom Door for that bucket of Croco….and I never knew you could buy spray Gesso either!

  180. Loved seeing the crackle effects. The video being upside down did not bother me at all! 🙂

  181. Louise… Loved, loved, loved your videos. Learned a lot of new techniques. Thank you!

  182. deborahl591 says:

    I totally enjoyed this lesson. I’m going to give it a shot this week and make a sample for my book. I’m lovin’ this event Nat.

  183. sabelljones says:

    Simply beautiful! Now I have to get some spray gesso and try this! It was upside down for me too but that didn’t detract from the lesson or the beauty of the work! Thanks so much for sharing Louise!

  184. Thank you Lou 🙂 🙂 🙂 I loved watching you create your amazing awe inspiring art ❤ xx

  185. brandinav says:

    Totally ❤ this tute! As someone who is still trying to build a decent supply of different types of things to use when creating, I adore when I can learn a way to do something without it requiring a trip to the craft store and a small fortune! Thanks so much for sharing! Going to go try it now 🙂

  186. Wow!!! Thank you so much for all the wonderful close-ups of your stunning LOs, such amazing textures…& of course, thank you for sharing the actual techniques & mediums, & I hope Rachel WILL try to get the Croco paint in the new bucket size, cause I want some too : )

  187. Nice video! I’m anxious to go crackle something right now! Thanks for sharing your supply sources and techniques. Hurray, another way to use the sprays I bought!

  188. Pam Palmarini says:

    EASY to FOLLOW! Great inspiring technique… I am ready to go and grab my spray gesso, and put it to work… Thanks for giving me something NEW!!… : )

  189. I have several crackle paints, but they are drying up fast – this is one good way to use them up before they die! I will be incorporating this technique in my art for sure! Thanks for sharingl

    Carmen L

  190. Sonia Tsukasa Nozawa says:

    Loved this technique! Can´t wait to try this amazing technique. Thank you for sharing, Louise. Love your works !!!

  191. Hetty Prins says:

    thanks Louise, I love the crackle ! thanks for sharing

  192. Janet Kearney says:

    Love the idea. Thanks

  193. Deb Beschler says:

    Hi Louise and Nat!!
    Such a very lovely effect!! I’ve been using crackle for years, but have had trouble getting paints and inks down in the cracks — gotta start using my water bottle now!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  194. Joyce Carrier says:

    Great ideas! Thanks!

  195. great technique==thank you!

  196. jakesmom09 says:

    Amazing….quite wonderful and to add to that having Adele sing to us while we watch you show and play…fantastic!! Thank you!

  197. Wow! Love this technique. I am going to start with what I have on hand, but I see shopping possibles 🙂

  198. Jenny Palmer says:

    Louise that was brillant

  199. loved this one, can’t wait to try this amazing technique, beautiful work too- thanks for sharing 🙂

  200. Loved loved loved this one, I have never thought of doing this EVER and can’t wait to try this amazing technique, beautiful work too- thanks for sharing 🙂

  201. I love your sample projects. This is a real inspiration to try crackle mediums .. thank you for sharing

  202. LOVE how Louise uses a stamp to create the ‘faux pas’ crazing…..gonna have to invest in a stamp like that…it’s yummo:):):)

  203. So much fun!! Thanks for another great technique!!

  204. Liz Thayne says:

    Love crackle effects. Thanks for sharing this new way of creating them.

  205. Wonderful way to get the crackles, love it!!! Thanks for sharing!

  206. Thanks for sharing such awesome technique, Louise. I have to try this one. 😀

  207. Absolutely LOVE this!! Thanks so much for sharing Louise! Beautiful layouts too and what a great video!

  208. I thought it was fun having an Aussie video upside down! Kinda clever! pretty layouts, too.

  209. Wonderful technique, thanks so much for sharing it with US!

  210. It’s nice to hear your voice Louise:) And I must say – I just LOOOOVE your work – it’s awesome and so inspiring!

  211. Helmi Switzer says:

    Just watch your video,and I am loving it.I never ever have done anything with crackle,so this is my jump start right now.Thank you

  212. i have never seen anything like this! it is amazing! i love all of you samples! Very cool! i am definitely going to have to try this. i think i have some crackle glaze that i never knew what to do with. i love your chalk mists too.

  213. I love the effect, tnkx for sharing 😉

  214. The use of one of my favourite products all in one video! Thank you so much for sharing, I’ve some ideas to work on! 🙂

  215. tamariskt says:

    I loved seeing Louise make her magic! Very inspiring.

  216. Gorgeous layouts. Thank you for showing us different ways to get crackles. Yes, the video was upside down for the viewer but I didn’t find it to be a problem for me…just glad to have it!

  217. Wow! I mean WOW!!! Looooove this technique, these crackle effects look gorgeous. Certainly going to give it a try, thanks for sharing Louise!

  218. Cathy in Canada says:

    Beautiful work. I will have to try a crackle background!

  219. Vanessa Miles says:

    Upside down because shown from the land down under? Really enjoyed watching and listening.

  220. lisa glowatski says:

    Wonderful technique Thank you so much for sharing!

  221. really great – thanks for sharing

  222. absolutely beautiful pages!!! The crackle techniques along with the sprays give such a wonderful effect.Thank you!!

  223. This is an interesting technique. I’ve gotta pick up some sort of texture medium!

  224. LOVE LOVE LOVE this technique!!! Can’t wait to try it.

  225. This technique looked like so much fun! I’ve never done anything with crackle before. Do you suppose that one could use an embossing folder as the “stamp”?

  226. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    thank you for this cool technique

  227. conlin664 says:

    I enjoyed the technique. What was the texture paste that was used? I had never heard of Gesso Spray. Off to the craft store to check it out!

  228. Your work is stunning, Louise. I loved the technique of stamping into textured medium. What a beautiful outcome.

  229. Nurse Ratchet says:

    This is an amazing technique…thank you so much….gonna have to find my crackle stamp…know I have one….that is as soon as I finish the strike down of my elaborate Christmas decorating!! Almost done but it does take 4 days or more of set up! My elves have their duties and are pitching in!!,

  230. Frankie Doodle Dandee says:

    You are such a gift to us all! How inspiring! *Bet you knew that it is easier to study something technically when viewed ‘upside-down’ – it allows the brain an opportunity to connect our already creatively active left hemisphere with the analytical boost of the left hemisphere!* BRAVO!

    • Frankie Doodle Dandee says:

      (my right brain is trying to take over completely!) Correction…. it is easier to study something technically when viewed ‘upside-down’ – it allows the brain an opportunity to connect our already creatively active RIGHT hemisphere with the analytical boost of the left hemisphere!* BRAVO!

  231. I’m stunned!! I honestly wanted to stop the video and run up to my room to do the same thing! This is awesome!! Thanks so much!

  232. I am unable to see the tutorial, it starts fine and then goes back to the original photo. Same thing happens if I go to the link. 😦

  233. Beautiful effects, thanks for sharing!

  234. A beautiful effects!!!! Thanks for the technique!!

  235. anzeelmaekers says:

    what a great technique; thank you for sharring

  236. great stuff. thank you so very much for contributing.

  237. What product was she spreading on with the palette knife? Love the look–will have to try this. Thanks

  238. Lisa Nielsen says:

    That was beautiful, you have that technique down, it came out fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

  239. Wow! Thanks so much for all the great techniques and products for crackle! I really enjoyed your art!

  240. I enjoyed seeing the effects created by the different products and the look of the stamped texture-very cool! Love crackle effects on pages and will play with this technique soon!

  241. WOW! that is awesome… I really need that stamp!!!! Fantastic results with your technique!

  242. Awesome ! Love it, thank you.

  243. Great techniques! I love that Louise showed us several ways to obtain the crackle look, including just using the modeling paste and stamp! Who knew? Great job Louise!!

  244. Oh, this was a wonderful technique. I never knew that there was Gesso spray. See, learn something new every day. Thanks to Louise for sharing her art technique. I can’t wait to try this.

  245. Soo cool! Thanks for charing!

  246. delightful! thank you!

  247. An amazing technique – but really a little bit hard to follow.

  248. I love texture! And I used crackle often, but making crackle with a stamp is awesome! I’ve never done that. Thank you for the inspiration!

  249. Beverly Anger says:

    I loved this technique…I want to try this on leather!

  250. donna joy says:

    Love your techniques and look of your art!

  251. Patricia VanCurler says:

    simply beautiful

  252. thanks for showing! looove Louise´s work!! I´ve tried that technique out once and I it was great to see, how it is made “the right way” :)!! enjoyed the video very much. gorgeous layouts, too!

  253. Absolutely Awesome! Love, love this technique! Thank you for CJS 2013!

  254. This is absolutely fabulous! Thank you so much for sharing! It has given me lots of ideas to try. 🙂

  255. Thank you for sharing this technique. I just loved your work.

  256. Holly McMannes says:

    Love the crackle technique and different effects. Thank you.

  257. paulinerose says:

    Beautiful. Can’t wait to try this.

  258. The crackle techniques look great. It’s so helpful to have someone show us the results from various products. I love the croco crackling effect the best, it really does look like crazed porcelain. Thank you Louise!

  259. Love this technique!! Just amazing and so many possiabilities with this. Thanks so much for sharing Louise!!! Love this CJS!!!

  260. Louise, your designs are beautiful! I would love to try this technique. Thanks for sharing! And now off to look at your blog and grab my Adele cd:-)

  261. LeeAnda Miller says:

    Thank you I am heading to my studio right now to try it. I am loving this creative jump start series!

  262. I just loved this 🙂

  263. S Mellows says:

    What a fantastic technique. Thank you for showing that. Your art work has such great style Ms. Nelson. Hope to see more int he future!

  264. I too have always loved the crackle finishes. What was most interesting for me was the idea of using these techniques on layouts…hmm..don’t we get stuck in our own ruts! Yes I have used on embellishments, mixed media pieces and art journaling but not on LOs…love Louise’s art and will be checking her out! Thanks for another great js!

  265. I’m new to this, so very much appreciated the comments on all the different types of crackle products. Loved the technique you demonstrated! And last of all, LOVE your work! Thank you so much.

  266. Love that finished last project so much, and think I got the gist of it. Can you do this on cardstock, or must it be on a heavier base? And what is the purpose of the gesso spray? I have never sprayed my gesso before. Wish there was a complete list of product (ie, type of gesso used) for those of us newbies who are really VERY new to this process! But I am going to experiment with the crackle paint I have! Thanks for sharing!

  267. Love this technique!! I love seeing stamps used on layouts SO MUCH!! and Louise Nelson’s work is BEAUTIFUL!
    That stamp can be found @ Viva Las VegaStamps! : http://www.vlvstamps.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=crackle&x=0&y=0
    and there’s currently a coupon code to enter into your cart for FREE SHIPPING! (ends tonight the 6th at midnight) use coupon code “NEWYEAR” (enter it in the coupon code section of your cart before you start the checkout process)

  268. I love all the different levels of crackle the artist has achieved by using different techniques and product. Fascinating!!!

  269. petrii1998 says:

    Dearest Louise,
    Just simply amazing!! This video was so beautifully done and this technique, gorgeous. I do not have a texture stamp, but I have an idea to use this technique with another stamp I have. I’m gonna give this a go and see what happens.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration.

    Blessings and love to you from Missouri, dawn

  270. Thanks for the wonderful texture crackle variations Louise. These are fabulous and so dimensional and glasslike when using the clear crackle. I particularly enjoyed the demo utilizing rubber stamps to embed texture into dimensional paste. I think this will be my new FAVORITE technique this year…Off to get the crackle stamp from Vival Las Vegastamps!!! 🙂

  271. Dani Rogall says:

    I love the technique too. I works with a crackle medium from golden. Your artwork is to beautiful. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  272. Francesca says:

    Louise i love your art. Thank you for the techniques.

  273. hmm–the password I received today doesn’t work! Now what?

    • you are apparently on the page as you do the comment- so I assume you are not using the password above the video for the video! Please do so and I am sure it will be all wonderful and fine!

  274. Simply amazing!!! I loved all this! Thank you, Louise!! I’ve never tried a crackle – I sooo will be doing so in the future!

  275. That was really wonderful I loved the technique thank you for sharing

  276. Absolutely lovely effects! This is a technique I will definitely try. Thank you.

  277. Thanks for sharing from now on Im a follower of your blog!

  278. Love, LoVe, LOVE texture! This is a technique I will definitely use, and Louise is a new inspiration. Thank you so much!

  279. Lynn Morton says:

    I have not been able to view any jumpstart challenge. I have copied & paste. Can u help me?

  280. Beautifull I have used the Croco, but never the Martha Stewart crackle medium. Now, to find that stamp!
    Thank you.

  281. beauty!

  282. very interesting techniques louise, love your art
    xoxo BA

  283. Kristina Perez says:

    Lovely effects. Thank you for sharing!

  284. I’m most intrigued with your finished photo collages. They are beautiful. Off to your blog to see more. Thank you for sharing your work.

  285. Just wonderful – thank you very much

  286. wow I just loved these. They spark my imagination.

  287. Love how simple that technique is. Thank you!

  288. Judy Meeker says:

    Nothing else to say except-SIMPLY AWESOME! Thanks

  289. Thanks, I really enjoyed that segment and learned a great deal. Thanks.

  290. Have to agree that showing products and layouts upside down was a bit disorienting. But the techniques ad effects are stunning!

  291. So pleased you contributed to CJS. I often go and watch your projects on your blog and I was so glad to see you working. AND you made me discover the exitence of Spray Gesso , which I must absolutely put my hands on. Your post also made me want to use my Chalkboard mists more. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  292. Great technique! Thank you!

  293. great techniques, love! I love cracles too – and your work is always breathtaking! Hmm…I’m in the mood for some splashes and drops now, I think! 😀

  294. thanks for a great video – makes me smile to see the texture and the layering of colors

  295. Thank you for sharing this technique and to see how you can use it on the layouts.

  296. Dee in NH says:

    That was AWESOME! What a beautiful result!! I have that stamp and Gesso and can’t wait to go play!!

  297. I am definitely going to try this technique. I Love It! I Love It!!!

  298. beautiful! thank you!

  299. piekielnaowca says:

    OMG!!! Amazing techniqe !! And amazing works. I have to admit i didnt know your works before now im running trough your blog!!! Thx for sharing I will try of using crackle mediums for sure !!

  300. I really love your style and I loved the video!!! Thank you!!!

  301. Wonderful technique, Louise! Thank you so much…

  302. Great technique. I love it

  303. Really beautiful technique – thanks so much for sharing Louise!

  304. beautiful song, beautiful work, love it

  305. nicole knopke says:

    Thanks Louise….loved your ideas and your layouts….off to try them out in my newly purchased art journals!!!

  306. Love the variety of crackle effects and love your style, Louise!

  307. Dale Rose says:

    Love this technique. Will try it right away. The music was lovely, too. I like the drips mixed with the crackle.

  308. Isabel LopezDel RinconTroussel says:

    Absolutely brilliant! I’ve some ranger clear distress crackle paint and some friends coming over next Wednesday to play with mixed media techniques and media… and this is definetely something we’ll experiment with! I’m not sure I can get the other crackle media around here (Spain) but I’ll sure try!
    Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us!

  309. I’m speechless. Amazing, simply amazing! And your blog.. It’s official – I’m in love with your work!!

  310. Lynne Vowles says:

    Fabulous, I love all the texture.

    Thank you. x

  311. I am going shopping today. Can’t wait to try this. Thank you for sharing this wonderful technique.

  312. Nice to meet you Louise, and wow your amazing….so inspired!!!!

  313. What a wonderful effekt, – but it was a little bit difficult to folow the video, because the transmission stocked constantly.

    • In dem Fall liegt es an Deiner Verbindung. Am besten das Video einmal anklicken – auf Play und dann gleich wieder stoppen. Dann lädt sich der graue Balken und wenn Du siehst das das Video vollständig geladen ist, ist es einfach es in einem Stück anzuschauen. Hoffe das hilft Dir in der Zukunft. Lg, nat

  314. Crackle effect! i was waiting for this tech. since i bought from Tim, but still has not tried. This one came on time. Thanks for your demo….love it!

  315. wow, amazing! Can’t wait to try this, love the video and song!

  316. Loved this, thanks so much Louise!!! Bless ya for giving us Aussies the info on availability here of same types of products available overseas!!! Such a beautiful background!

  317. Brilliant pages. Love this effect, thank you for the video, off to give it a go

  318. Just great, Thank you!

  319. I just loved your work with the technique of craquelat. We try. I hope to get a page as beautiful as yours.

  320. Thank you for the inspiration! Never thought about using crackle paint or medium on my backgrounds before. Must try it out right away!

  321. scrappinvt says:

    Love seeing the different crackle effects. I loved the stamp & texture one the best!! Thanks for sharing.

  322. very interesting techniques, thank you for sharing!

    but isn’t the video upside down?

  323. It looks very interesting, but it is a bit hard to follow, since the view is upside down.

    • Judy Morgan says:

      I only see one other person who commented on the upside down view, but I agree that at least for me, it is difficult to fully appreciate what I am seeing – I thought I was perhaps the only one who had that orientation, so glad I’m not going bonkers!

      • I’ve been at demos where you have to look from the front at what the demonstrator is doing. Its just the same as that. It doesn’t matter what orientation it is, it was great!!

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