Catherine Scanlon’s Jump Start

Next up is my friend Catherine Scanlon. Cat as I call her, has been on a Designteam of a kit club in 2004 right when I started creating Layouts. I was always amazed by Cat’s way of incorporating sewing and all kinds of paint media into her work and in 2010 we finally were able to meet CHA . I have seen her regularly there ever since  and I so can’t wait to see her this year too 🙂

Me 11 8 12

Hi everyone and welcome to my Creative Jumpstart! Today I am sharing 3 different Art Journaling Prompts or maybe you would call them processes that I use when I want to “do something in my journal” but don’t know what to do. Each process that I share is really trying to get you to “see” with your mind’s eye, meaning if you quickly glance you might not see the flowers in the first “mess” that I see, and in the second you might not see the hidden journaling or the field of flowers that hides it – and the third the balls of life that we juggle on a daily basis. While I fully expect your journal pages will look different from mine I do hope that you’ll give it a go and start training your artistic muscle and learn to see something that a quick glance doesn’t offer!

Before we get down to business, here’s a little bit about me…..I’m a Mixed Media Artist, Scrapbook Designer, Paper Crafter, Card Maker,  Painter, Collage Artist, Art Journaler, Jewelry Maker, Blogger and all around Artist and Crafter living in Maine taking care of my family and working from home as a Full-­Time/Free-Lance Designer and On-Line Instructor. I’ve written 2 craft books: Scrapbooking Techniques: Sewing on Paper and Art from the Heart and currently teach on-line classes at My Creative Classroom

Making art is my passion — I love to share and teach others what I do.


Look at Cat’s beautiful video

Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:


Look at this awesome giveaway that Cat has for you

GiveAway CMS

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Let Cat know here in the comment section how you liked her Creative JumpStart Video and which of the three prompts was your favorite!

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.

Read more about Catherine here:

My blog:

Where I teach:




I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

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  1. Really appreciated your tutorial as it really opened up my mind again as I forget sometimes that I’m doing it for my self, that sometimes simple material can bring you to make wonderful things. Realy enjoyed the first and second tutorial, thank you so much for your time and word !

  2. OMG, I loved it. All of it, especially the first jumpstart. Absolutely beautiful.

  3. Just getting caught up on watching the Jump Start videos that I missed. I love watching you work. I wanted to get my water colors out and paint along with you. I love the concept of hidden journaling because sometimes I write things that I don’t want other people to read. Yet,I need to write them.

  4. Beautiful! Love these ideas! Thank you!!

  5. Amazing prompts, Cat. Liked the circles the best, although the negative painting in found flowers was amazing. I would love to win your class. I often do have white paperitis and need your spontanity prompts!

  6. I love your video, so I just checked the workshops you offer and out of the journal and onto the art is no longer available. I would love to learn what you did in your video today as well:) I have never been able to write in a journal – mind just goes blank, maybe it’s age. lol

  7. one….well there was two Cat that really hit me, of course those flowers, but the hidden journalling is definately one of the first things i will embrace, love that i can write and then make it into art after seeing what you did
    thanks so much for your jumpstart, def a favourite

  8. What a great video! Congratulations. I will be trying the hidden journaling first, but will try all.

  9. All were great, and I saw the flowers the minute the red paint came on in “specific sections”. It was there, ready to be seen. I really liked the 3rd technique and see that coming in my own art soon!

  10. My fave was Minds Eye. Don’t laugh, but I saw a cow/horses head before you started painting the flowers! Love the class and your easy to watch video. Thanks so much. I hope to take a class from you some time 🙂

  11. I liked keeping it private best, sort of a hide and seek technique!

  12. Teri Buczkowski says:

    I loved you videos they were inspiring. I think my favorite was the hidden words, however i plan to try all three.

  13. What a beautiful video and a lovely giveaway. Loved the full video. Art journaling is so new to me that i.get cold feet to begin. I do use your technique one a lot in my canvas. Have been thinking of using technique two of letters on my journals like morning pages as d journal combined. Thanks for sharing. The circles do appear in my paintings. But love intuitive the most.

  14. My favorite was the circles…but I love them all!
    Can´t wait to try these techniques! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Gayle Richmond says:

    Unreal. I had just commented that my creative goals for 2013 is to be a kid and just play so of course relax and play is my favorite. But, I must confess, I loved the hidden writing – picking some of the words to showcase. Great video. Thank you very much.

  16. Hi Catherine! I’m a newby to the multi media techniques and most definetly do not have an ‘eye’ yet. I do love the last of the three, writing words or phrases and decorating around that with different mediums. If I’m right, it started with watercolour, then acrylic paints, then pan pastels and finished off with permanent marker and black acrylic? WOW! Thanks!

  17. Thank you for the wonderful video, Catherine.
    I like intuitive painting and am just learning to play with watercolor, so the first prompt definitely is my favorite.

  18. WOW..I didn’t get Art journalling but I think just did……difficult to pick which one as I was blown away by all three..,I think the first is my favourite but I am going to start with the third…there I said it, not might have a go, I will have a go, just WOW again. Thankyou.

  19. Laurie Guidry says:

    Wow I don’t know what to say except AMAZING! I loved the hidden journaling

  20. This was really inspiring. It was exactly what I needed to see and I thank you very much!

  21. No mess–just beautiful!!

  22. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Hi Cat: I loved your whole video, but the first part really caught my eye. It’s the first time I’ve see artwork done that way…I must definitely try it out!

  23. Cat – omg this is my favorite video thus far. Really love all the prompts and the way you just ease us through. Amazing!!! If I had to pick a favorite prompt it would have to be, hide your words, love that technique and your page turned out awesome.

  24. oh please, please, please pick me. I just LOVED every single one of the three prompts you did. in fact I am so sorry I didn’t know of you before CHA and could have met you there. I would just love to take a class from you. if I have to pick one out of the 3 prompts I guess it would be the first part, the flowers were beautiful and you made it look soooo easy fun and inspiring. I wanted to know what paints you used in the second video….it looked like studio paints in jars, were they acrylics?? and then in your 3rd prompt I would like to know about the inka gold that you used to stencil and also who the stencils were by, especially the larger ones with a tag on one of them. loved the music you picked, loved your haircut. I just loved you and everything you did. I am going to find your blog and I already requested a friend on fb and am going to follow your pinterest I am sure I will love whatever you picked. oh, gosh, I so want to win this class otherwise I will just have to save up some money and take one someday but I for sure want to get to know you better and see more of your art. I LOVE your style Catherine. thanks for the chance to win a class, praying it is mine. xoxo

    • cmscanlon says:

      Hi Lura — thank you so much for your enthusiasm — that makes me happy! The paints are the Studio Paints from Claudine + Ranger. They are amazing for art journaling! Good LUCK — Nat’s picking the winner — but I hope you win. Make sure to check out my blog because I’ll be giving away another seat SOON ;-D Have a great night and thank you again I just love your enthusiasm!

    • I forgot to answer the rest of your questions ;-D The large stencils are some from the crafters workshop and some from AC Moore. I think you can get the The Viva Decor from A Splash of Color. Just google it and it will come up.

  25. Oooh…. I really LOOOVED this jumpstart-video!!! It really got my creative juices flowing!! All I wanna do after seeing this, is to find some paints, stencils and so on!
    My favourite prompt, must be the last one of them – My creativity feeds my soul! LOVED those techniques, and the title!! ♥ ♥ ♥ It made me really want to take part in some of your classes!! True inspiration!!!! ♥

  26. I love al three – but i am drawn to the first technique. You make it look so easy!

  27. such a fantastic video. I loved all three techniques but feel especially drawn in by the hidden journaling technique. I’m in the process of designing a new space for my art at home and can’t wait to carve out a special nook devoted just to my art journaling so my supplies are always at the ready. Thank you for sharing your talent.

    • cmscanlon says:

      how exciting — I have my studio and also a little “travel” kit that I bring into the livingroom so I can watch movies with my family….LOVE that!

  28. Wow, from what looks like a mess you do wonders! I loved it. I cannot yet tell which one I preferred but I sure will try the circle page as this seems somewhat accessible to my current level! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  29. Love your style Cat ! My favorite was the first technique…but I love them all 🙂

  30. Cat, loved seeing your process in action! Great prompts to Jumpstart us here! I think I liked the just play one best, maybe because it takes the other two into it. Thank you for these fabulous ideas!

  31. Cat… Your creativity is amazing! I love all three prompts! And really this fits into my creativity goals for 2013. I am new to art journaling, but want to help others to be honest in their journey and your video really hit home to me! I NEED to work very hard at this and will be using prompts on a regular basis! You are awesome!!!

  32. This one is starred…will have to definately watch again.. You are a very talented artist and I loved this one.. Been wanting to start an art journal….many new techniques for me to get started. TY!

  33. Gerd Andersson says:

    Amazing, how your lesson has inspired me to try out all the three prompts! The first prompt is definately my favourite! Thank you so much!

  34. actually I don’t know which technique I love the more, because there are all amazing!!! huge kisses from Belgium

  35. Wow! It was amazing to see you pull shapes and designs out of the layers of paint and other media. I like the last one the best – with the circles…very cool. Thanks for sharing your creative ways!

  36. Wow, that was so inspiring.
    I too could watch you all day, I think you are an amazing artist, and a Lefty, too cool. My favorite was the first with the water colors, I was enthralled watching you pull out the flowers that you saw first. Your work is enchanting and I am off to stalk your blog now. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

  37. Love the hidden journaling technique and can’t wait to try it!!

  38. OMG Catherine – I was facinated and fixated all the way through the video. I didn’t want it to end, I could have watched you all day…

    My favourite of the three prompts is by far the first one. Just laying down beautiful colours and letting your self just go with the flow without thinking it through too much, then seeing with your creative eye and imagination, the shapes and vision that others may not see. I do have some supplies, but would like to know what kind of paper is best suited to laying all those water-based products on… would it be just watercolour paper or another specialist kind.
    Thank you so so much for inspiring me to want to do this right away with the limited resources I currently have.

    Paula x x x

    • Hi Paula — I like to use 140lb Mixed Media Paper from Strathmore. It takes a beating and still looks great! Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have more questions!

  39. Lynn Shaffer says:

    three times. that is how many times I watched this video in a row. Love the music and love the process!

  40. bjaneglas says:

    I loved all the techniques but the hidden word was very intriguing to me

  41. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Thanks Cat! I loved your video on the three prompts; very useful on a busy schedule. My favorite was the first one . . . letting the watercolors flow, blend, and then looking to see what peeks out at you for images/shapes to work with.

  42. Great techniques!. My favorite is the hidden journaling. I’ll try it. Thank you so much for sharing!

  43. Jean McBride says:

    Catherine Scanlon what an amazing artist…I loved your hidden journal page..that one really intrigued me. Thanks for sharing.

  44. The video was fantastic. I think I was most amazed by the first.

  45. in a word – sweet. Very cool to watch it all come together!

  46. Katie Hill says:

    I cannot even choose a favorite prompt! Catherine– This is my favorite video, I am so inspired to start an art journal. Paintings take so long to finish, I love that art journaling can be a quick thing (especially on fast forward LOL)

  47. Sharyn Moy says:

    I absolutely loved the first prompt because it didn’t rely on a lot of products just your imagination. Thank you for providing me with the inspiration to try this out.

  48. Tina Walker says:

    I am so loving Cat’s style! SO inspiring and makes me want to get out my supplies and start creating art! Love the hidden journaling idea!

  49. Lovely Video. It’s dynamic and shows a lot of techniques and ideas!
    Liked the “teak a break” to see everything from a little distance. Excellent aproach. And starting with a text and then put all sorts off layers over it. Never thought of that. I have seen so much, it’s like I have followed a workshop in only a few minutes!! Thanks! I will be one of your followers from now on!

  50. Love, love, love the keeping it private. By just showing certain words, the artist knows what is hidden but no one else will.

  51. Barbara Ferguson says:

    First, I totally enjoyed ALL your prompts! I have actually done #1 a few months back and what originally was almost introduced to the “round file” turned into one of my most favorite pieces! I will definitely be trying the other two, but my favorite is the last one – Just Play! THANKS!

  52. vickyday13 says:

    I liked the 3rd one! The circles could be anything! Love doing stencils over and under!

  53. Oh I loved this! The best one for me was “Just Relax and Play” because that’s what I need to do to just let my creativity flow! Thank you!

  54. I loved the third technique of filling circles with journaling and painting them etc. loved all the stencils over the top.

  55. Great video! I love the hidden journaling. I’ll try it, I need try it!

  56. i love these viedoe, because that is just the problem i’m having, how to start. THANKS.

  57. I think my favorite prompt was the “What do you see” approach, although I can see myself trying out all 3.

  58. Such a wonderful video. I’ve re-watched it a couple of times now. I love the hidden journaling most. For me personally it seems like a great way to things of my chest without having to reveal all my thoughts and worries to the world.

  59. caroldeezigns says:

    Such a beautiful video! Loved the last one because I can see myself accomplishing it. Loved the first one because I would love to be able to do that. . .maybe I will one day!

  60. I really love the hidden journaling technique. I don’t like my handwriting to it’s going to be great trying that out where the handwriting becomes the background pattern. Looking forward to giving it a go tomorrow.

  61. Oh, my! LOVE all three pages/techniques…plan to try them all! Really love the circles page…was amazed to see the flowers “appear” before my eyes…the idea of “hiding” journaling on a page and at the same time highlighting certain words is so fun! Thanks for the inspiration…heading to your blog!

  62. I almost missed your fabulous video! Nathalie was asking what techniques we’ve tried and many people mentioned liking your video and I am so thankful!! : ) I am a way better future art journaler for having seen this. Truly. It really moved me. I would love to win a place in one of your classes. Oh! My favorite was the first one, I suppose. It reminded me of that poetry technique where one crosses out all the words on a page except the ones that work together to make a poem. OK. Time to stop writing a novel here. Thanks again.

  63. My ATC group is doing round robin color journals this year, and your Jumpstart video is the perfect inspiration. So many ideas, so fast. I’ve had to watch it three times already. The first to watch, the second to take notes, and the third to nail down ideas. Thank you. I may have to go back for a fourth bout.

  64. Kimmy Jaster says:

    I’ve never had an art journal, but man, that was inspiring!! I want to go out & buy some watercolors now…. that, first prompt was my favorite. I loved your flowers, but I saw a dragon! 🙂

  65. sarindajones says:

    I too met you at CHA this year…. I have to say that you are so sweet and have a kind heart. You always asked me to sit next to you knowing that I was traveling alone. Thank you. I love all the techniques… and the one that spoke to me the most was #1. I too just start to paint and see what jumps off the page. However what I really liked was using gesso to make the image pop as well as using the pastels. Really LOVE this. Thank you for sharing your talents. Much Love.

  66. Great inspiration for “just playing” and ‘see’ what develops! I’ll give the first and third techniques a try. Thanks for the chance at one of your online classes!

  67. Love this video and Catherine’s fresh perspective she brings to these journal pages!!

  68. Kelly Belton says:

    Creative jumpstarts indeed!

  69. helen markee says:

    loved your inspiring ideas. will definitely use on those days when i am stuck!! Thanks

  70. Training your mind’s eye to see! Loved the creativeness.

  71. MaryAnn N says:

    wonderful tutorial for art journalling/art media. thank you

  72. I love the 1st and the 3rd ones, they are fantastic. I couldn’t see anything at first and then BAM! It really makes me want to try art journaling as I always found it intimidating. Thanks for the inspiration.

  73. Hi Cat. I’ve really enjoyed all the Jump Start videos. Nat has done an awesome job bringing so many talented gals to one venue! I really liked your first prompt … I saw the flowers evolve quickly and decided I could give it a try too. So, I’m off to gather my supplies!!!

  74. I loved them all! But I think my favorite was the watercolor flowers! I have never seen that done before! I’m inspired!

  75. Johanne L. says:

    Those are great techniques. My favorite is the hidden journaling. Think I’ll try it. I enjoyed very much watching your video.

  76. For some reason I was literally choking up as I saw your art come together. it really inspired me to use paint – something that has seemed intimidating for some reason. I’m also going to start an art journal now. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I think the flowers. It was amazing to see how they came together. Thank you for sharing.

    • HI Kris — that is so SWEET! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I do hope that you will try it out and you never know — you might fall in love with how fun it is!

  77. Lisa Campion says:

    I loved all 3 of your inspiring art journaling ideas. I love the idea of hidden journaling becuz I’ve always had a fear of someone reading my private thoughts so this is a great way to express feelings & then pretty them up or draw out the positive. I love your easy open approach — your Art From The Heart book has been a great source of inspiration for me. I can’t wait to take your Creative Storytelling class!

    • I’m familiar with several of the techniques and love playing with stencils, spray ink and paints. I loved Cat Scanlon’s first prompt of looking for the hidden and have been trying it out. It’s been great fun!

  78. I really enjoyed the video today. I love how the flowers just emerged from your watercolor, and I am a HUGE fan of random circles and loved the page even before you added the stencils but watching you gave me even more ideas of how to use them. Thanks so much!!!

  79. Hi Cat thanks for the great ideas. I loved the flowers appearing from your watercolour. You inspired me to go do some painting and then see what appears and define it. Love the idea. Thanks so much!

  80. Loved watching you create three quite different pages with watercolor media. I am just beginning to Art Journal- and appreciate the visuals! I do not draw too well, so not sure I could pull off the 1st page, but the next two I know I can do something along those lines. Thanks for the Inspiration!

  81. These prompts were all awesome! If I have to pick a favourite it has to be the first one… I loved the technique and the result. Thank you Catherine for sharing this!

  82. mieke caspers says:

    Thank you for your lovely video.

  83. This remembers me of how much fun it is to make a watercolour painting. I quit it when I became disabled, because it was to much work to first get everything ready and afterwards clean the whole mess. Using it as part of art journaling, would make it more practical as I wouldn’t work on a big painting, but just a small journal. Great idea! And as for everything considering art journaling, I won’t have to worry about where to put it when it’s finished 😀
    Thanks a lot!!!!

    xx Monica

  84. Bea Arreola says:

    I love the circle technique the best! I am drawn toward circles! Love the flower technique also! Thanks!

  85. Thanks for the wonderful video. I loved the first prompt, seeing the flowers as they emerged. I’ve been practising a similar technique on looking for patterns, shapes and other amazing things in scribbles after watching a video by Milliande. It’s all so eye-opening!

  86. Hi, I’ve never tried art journal, for I don’t consider my self very…artistic! I don’t think I could draw such beautiful flowers by hand, but I love geometrical shapes and your last process is amazing! I’ll try it for sure! Thanks for sharing your ideas and talent!

  87. HolyCOW! I love watching you work! I will be trying all three-wonderful prompts and awesome techniques to play with!

  88. oh my godness…you impress me so much with your creativity…I adore the 3 videos…and I think my fav is the first…to look for something and create the excavation…I did it with acrylic but never try with watercolor…thanks a lot for that prompt…will start again my art journal with that idea…xxx

  89. The video was super fun! I was amazed by the first one, how she made from all those colors those beautiful flowers. And I also loved how she played with the circles and the stenciles to create that beautiful page in the end.

  90. dzfollies says:

    It is not easy to use paint and find inspiration. Your video is perfect for taking self-confidence and get started

  91. Many thanks for sharing Cat x
    I loved the first prompt, the flowers just sprang off the page 🙂

  92. Maria del Carmen says:

    Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

  93. I enjoyed all three but the second one stood out. Thank you so much for sharing.

  94. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    This was amazing and has inspired me to get back to my art journal. My favorite was the first technique–it caught me totally by surprise the way you brought the flowers to life. Thank you so much–really transformative for me.

  95. whew! That as fast! Thoroughly enjoyed your process. I do like stencil work. I can see things but I’m not sure how to bring them out. Would luv to win a seat! Thanks.

  96. OMG !!!! that’s just incredible ! Thanks for sharing !

  97. Great video with great prompts, thank you so much for sharing! I have never used watercolours in my art journal, I think I need to try that 🙂

  98. This was a fun tutorial! I really loved your first technique. Thank you so much!

  99. Katie Nolan-Denham says:

    Your creativity abounds! Thank you for sharing these 3 prompts. I have to say while I liked(loved) them all, the last appeals to me the most.

  100. Wow! Your talent is so inspiring! I just do not create like this… so to be honest, I LOVED all of the prompts! They all encouraged me to try something different! I can’t wait to give it a go! Thank you!!

  101. Pam Palmarini says:

    ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!… Love the innovation and the step-by-step video, and the encouraging REAL words!!… I watched this video three times, and each time I “see” something new… Thank you for showing us a bit of YOU!

  102. I have never felt more inspired! You are my new artjournaling goodess! I loved the White on your frist project, and the hidden journaling was awesome but I loved loved loved the random use of stencils on project nummer three!

    Thank you!

    • Stencils — be still my heart! LOVE them and you can do the same thing but get different results depending on the shapes and stencils you use! thank YOU for your kind words!

  103. Wow all three of those prompts look so useful! I especially like the circle one at the end. There’s a clear structure to workwithin, and that will definately help me get started with a page. 🙂

  104. You rock, Cat. Cannot decide which one I liked best. Loved them all. Will start trying to carry on in my book this afternoon. I am sure my daughter will join me and we have fun by creating our art journal pages and have a cup of hot chocolate with it (it snowed in Germany today) !!! Thank you soooooo sooooo much for this inspiration. Annette

  105. First of all, I love your name. My mother’s name was Catherine and her nickname was Cat. So we are off to being good friends right away! 🙂 All three of your creative prompts were wonderful. I think my fave would depend on the day and my mood. Thank you for sharing your time and creativity.

  106. I would love to have a seat in your classroom!! Amazing jump start prompts! Can’t wait to try them!

  107. cooperandmax says:

    I liked Relax and Just Play, I always worry about the way something looks and I give up on it if I don’t like it right away. You’ve shown that it doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s just the fun to get to that point.

  108. I’m just in awe at the moment, you are amazing! I loved the found flowers, but all your techniques are a must try! Thank you so very much for sharing them with us and with me.

  109. All three were incredible! My favorite is the found flowers from an artistic perspective although the other two will probably be the first ones I will try. You are so talented!

    • Thank you Verbena. Practice Practice Practice — and you will be to! I paint, draw and create ALL time. Exercise your creative muscle every day. I hope you’ll share your work with me on FB!

  110. Amazing!!! Wow I love your first prompt, training your minds eye, Hope to see more of your work soon.

  111. Stacy Caddy says:

    Love your video, thanks for sharing you process…. I really love the watercolor & found flowers….

  112. That was amazing I don’t know which one I liked best I have to watch it again. You made t look so easy & freeing. Thanks so much for sharing your work. Off to watch again.

  113. My goal this year is to create art every day. A tall order and I’m so pleased to have seen your 3 prompts today which I know will help a lot especially what you did in the first prompt which I really loved. Thank you.

  114. Oh my gosh, what an amazing artist you are!!! I totally loved watching you video and to be honest, I loved all techniques you showd us. I’m not much of a painter so I’ll leave the first prompt for a while ’til I feel confident enough, but I’ll definately will give the hidden journalling and the circle page ago.
    Off now to have a look at your blog!!
    Thank you so much.

  115. I love the way you use watercolour paints. The first prompt, where you “found” the flowers in the painted design was amazing.

  116. All three prompts were inspiring and I absolutely loved the first one on trqining your mind’s eye! Thank you!

  117. NancyGrace says:

    Cat Scanlon:
    I LOVED your video! Hard to choose my favorite of three, so I will start with reverse order: I love words too much to opaque them out, although I really liked your frilly, colorful finished project. Next, I enjoyed watching the sequence as you played with all those circles. Don’t think we didn’t notice when you switched from the template to larger-diameter FOUND OBJECTS to outline your painted circles! I was impressed with the time lapse video technique and kind of wish my art life could fast-forward like that! But I guess my favorite has got to be your mind’s eye training, because I have always wanted to do STUFF LIKE THAT, but had to see it done right before my eyes before I would ever have the courage to try it myself.
    Thank you for opening my mind’s eyes. And yes, I think MIND’S EYES should be plural-left brain/right brain, eh?

    • I never thought of having two Mind’s Eyes but it totally makes sense! My poor husband gets upset with me because I will USE ANYTHING in the house that is the right size as a template — I have paint everywhere…lol. THANK you NancyGrace and have a lovely day!

  118. I really enjoyed your video! I love the flowers the best but the other two were certainly just as good. Thanks for the prompt ideas! I’m getting anxious now to try out some of these products – especially the pan pastels. I’ll have to look into getting some of those for sure. Thanks again!

  119. Christina says:

    I loved all the art journal prompts and can’t wait to try them. I especially liked the training your eye to see.

  120. ulrikamacgregor says:

    I absolutely love the Training your mind’s eye to see part, it blew my mind! This is something to really take in and practice. Thank’s for sharing!

  121. LOVE LOVE LOVE this, especially the first one!!!! I’m even doing the first technique with my almost-8 year old son today for our homeschooling art project of the week! He enjoyed the video as much as I did, and is excited to start “seeing” what is in his painted picture! Thank you so much!!

  122. Yvonne Williams says:

    Cat, thank you , thank you, thank you! I’m a new art journalist and haveing probs on my very first page. My first love is gardening and started a page that was a layout of one of my flower beds. Went in with pencil real well, then I froze. But if is so much like your first project (my favorite) that now I know I can finish it. Gettung rid of the FEAR. Also I loved the music behind your video especially the first song, would you mind telling me the artist? Have a wonderful day!

    • The first artist was Ingrid Michaelson and the song was The way I am….

      Be sure to check my blog — I posted my jump start from LAST year to help with the FEAR! have a great day Yvonne!

  123. Loved the first prompt best. Saw flowers immediately and knew that was what you’d do. Loved the result.

  124. WOW! I am sooo inspired right now! I loved everything but the forst prompt was amazing. I really need to try this for myself. Thanks!

  125. Colleen Melody says:

    Really enjoyed this video, especially liked the first technique and am definitely going to try this on some of my pages where I’ve not been able to get past the background. Thanks for sharing.

  126. Sharon van Beek says:

    All I can say is WOW! I love all 3 of Cat’s prompts, the first was so surprising, great to see her process of outlining what she sees… But the one that I would like to begin with myself is the last one with the circles. I also love working with stencils. So off to my art journal now, thanks so much for all the inspiration and for the chance to win a seat in Cat’s online course, that would be awesome!

  127. scrapandstamp says:

    Thank you for sharing the 3 prompts! A group of us tried the technique of painting then making (seeing something else) in what was painted and it was really an eye opening experience and amazing to see what people made from the background. I loved watching your process, seeing how you arrived at the beautiful flowers. Thank you again.
    Sharon Ling

  128. Cat -omg, the first technique was like watching those magic posters and the flowers came to life before my eyes. My jaw dropped to the floor. That is something anyone can do. I intend to try this very soon. I also love the circles and journaling. It adds so much depth!

  129. brandinav says:

    Cat, your video was SO enlightening! I’m a total newbie to all of this (art journaling for less than a year now) and I find myself stuck so often because I simply don’t know what I want to do, or how. The first prompt really called out to me. Looking at the final piece, I’d never have thought that the process happened the way the video showed it. To just throw come paint on the paper and THEN to create a picture from what you see in it…..just genius! Thank you so much for sharing that with us!

  130. Cat, these are gorgeous! I can’t wait to try all of them but especially the first one with the flowers.

  131. All 3 were great jumpstarts! Absolutely mesmerizing watching you speeded up….wondering how long they took in real time?…. the 1st was my favorite….that one will really push me outside my usual comfort zone. thanks I’ll be checking your blog for more!

  132. Tonya Love says:

    Love the hidden journaling prompt! Love your video, thanks for sharing.

  133. Melanie Finnamore says:

    Hello Cat! Thanks so much for taking the time to make a video to share with us! I particularly loved that you have taught me how to use “new” eyes when looking at our own art…this video has definitely made me want to START an Art Journal, which I have never done before, but I think with a new way to look at it, it is definitely something I want to do as will give me so many hours of inspiration for any other project I choose to do. Thanks again for your “insights” in to Art Journalling and the pleasure one can find within it.
    Melanie F

  134. I really liked the 3rd one with the circles the best! But was thrilled with all of them! Can’t wait to try them all! Thank you!

  135. Wow, I love all three but the first one is the one I loved the most, have to try this out my self! Thanks for sharing!

  136. WOW!! I am at a loss for words – your work is AMAZING and INSPIRING! Thank you! Headed over to your blog and links now.

  137. Oh my,,,,so many decisions! I really liked the circles and wins I was able to see like that!

  138. Thank you so much for this really enjoyable & inspiring video. I liked them all, but my favourite is the middle one with the hidden journaling. The line drawn round the edge was the perfect finishing touch. I must try that.

  139. Cool! Thanks for sharing, looking forward to havind some time to experiment! Ooh, I would love to be in your online class!

  140. It was stunning! I really enjoyed the 3 journal prompts. The first one was my favorite. Is it gouache or watercolor but it was so nice. The thing is when i do a mix of color, i am not able to cover it. But i am gonna try to detail what i see.
    Thank you a lot!

  141. I loved all three the most of all the videos I have watched to date! But the flowers in the first were my fave, it was simply magical!

  142. Cheryl Sande says:

    I loved them all. The first one was great for showing the layering is ok and how to start seeing designs in your work.

  143. I really loved your video! I loved all 3, but I think the first one was my favorite because such beautiful flowers came out of just putting paint on the paper.

  144. OOoooo wow, what a beautiful jumpstart. Got inspired to get my watercolor paint back in business and I really loved the first page with the flowers. But I also very much loved the last page with all the circles. Thank you for your inspiration.

  145. You are an amazing instructor and I LOVED how you taught by example! my favorite had to be the “Hidden Flowers” I cannot wait to try that technique with MY brain…grin

  146. Thank you so much Cat for the inspiring videos! even though I loved all 3, I have to admit that I loved the 1st the best…the way you picked the flowers and made them blossom was just delicious! You are awesome!

  147. I loved all 3 prompts, Cat. Thank you! Artistically I was most drawn to the watercolor, because it reminds me of my mother’s painting. The one that looks most “do-able” and therefore, least likely to “freeze me”-because my left-brain has dominated for so long, is the hidden journal words. Thank you for encouraging me to “just do it” and not giving me the feeling I needed to go spend a bunch of money before I could enjoy making art.

  148. Betty Dallas says:

    I love, love, love circles… and words. Thank you so much for sharing!

  149. Dawn Hetrick says:

    YOu are very talanted thanks for sharing!

  150. All I can say is WOW! I just want to go play!

  151. Wow! You most definitely were born to do this. Enjoyed all three prompts. I love beginning a page in my art journal with no end in mind and just seeing whatever reveals itself on the page.. #1 just totally made my heart flutter and want to pull out my water colors, which I use the least of all my paints. Thank you ever so much for sharing!

  152. I am so inspired by you and your art…….awesome!Thank you

  153. Inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed all three techniques you demonstrated. My favorite was “training your mind’s eye to see.” I really liked the “hide our journaling” technique to share with the kids in my free art journaling class. Thanks so much!

  154. Karen phanco says:

    OH MY GOODNESS! Colorful, creative, and absolutely amazing! I loved all three. I will have to choose the first prompt, since I often dwell on the messes I make. This helps me see beauty in unlikely places. Thank you.

  155. Cathy in Canada says:

    Okay so I thought the flowers were amazing! How you picked them out of what was there was so cool! I also loved the circles and the journaling. I love circles!

  156. Christine Smith says:

    Wow!!! What can I say – I loved all of your wonderful artwork, but especially the first one because – yes – all I could see was a colourful mess, and you made it come alive!
    Very inspiring, and I’m definitely going to try it.

  157. WOW! I’m not watching the videos in order and I’m catching up today…this is by far my favorite yet. I loved all the techniques. I think the second and third are most accessible to where my abilities are right now, but they all will be tried out.

  158. Janelle Rourke says:

    So far I have watched this 4 times! It is just so inspiring,,, I love all three but I think hiding your journaling stuck a cord with me. Alot of thoughts to ponder. Thank you SO much! And thanks for a chance to win.

  159. Your videos are so inspiring that I bought my first water colors today… never used them before, because I cannot paint… now I will learn to use them. THANK YOU!!

    Elvan 🙂

  160. Hi Catherine, Your video has definitely been the most personally challenging so far. I love discovering new products & learning new techniques. This is the easy bit. Letting my creativity flow unencumbered is the difficult bit. I loved your 1st prompt it reminded me of the free drawing technique I learnt in college. Alas, I know I’m just not ready for this yet. The 3rd prompt looked more me = Lots of structure around the journalling, but then playing with colour & pattern.

    • Theresa — we all get stuck in the creativity department — and sometimes my art journal is where I go to get unstuck. I hope you’ll give the prompts a go and loosen up and create some art! Have a great day!

  161. I really liked all three journal pages, but the circles really grabbed me. And when you started stencilng on top of them – just fabulous! I was wondering what kind of pen were you using with the india ink (I’m assuming) in the third page?

    • Thanks Deborah — I was using a dip pen — like a calligraphy pen from I think speedball. Make sure you get the 512 Nib — I have found that is the easiest to journal and write with. They are pretty affordable at dickblick. LMK if you need more info cmscanlon (at) comcast (dot) net

  162. What a wonderful video to watch, Cat!! I really, really, really enjoyed it. The watercolouring is absolutely tempting. Gonna find a nice journal to give a few things a try. Tfs!!

  163. Wow…this was inspiring!!! Your goal was accomplished! I cant wait to try all those ideas! I love the second prompt about hiding your journaling. Havent seen it done quite like that before! Thanks so much for sharing

  164. Wow, love the first one. How great to find your own surprise in the paint and build from that. Makes you really look at your own art at a different way!

  165. I liked the circles. It appealed to my need for structure in the design. I would love to take the in and out class.

  166. I loved the first technique because such a great painting of flowers came out of just putting paint on the paper

  167. I loved the first prompt, seeing scrumptious colors all flow and ebb.

  168. circles! I love circles! can’t wait to play.

  169. Loved your video!!! Really loved the hidden journaling but the first prompt was the one that really amazed me!! Loved how it turned out!

  170. Loves all the videos for different reasons. The first for the ‘reveal’, the second for the hidden and the third because it was beautiful to watch. I’m a leftie as well and need to learn how to write sideways, another ‘task’ for me.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Ann B

  171. Brilliant techniques, the first was my favourite.

  172. I really loved the hidden journalling!

  173. gshillitani says:

    Wow Cat, I loved your video! I think my favorite part was #3 with the circles and stencils and writing and inka gold. Fabulous! I would like to use that in my own art journal 🙂

  174. Thank you for sharing these prompts. I really like the second one with the words. But you make it all look so easy.

  175. Theresa Coker says:

    I enjoyed watching all of the journal prompts..but the last one with the circles really got my creative juices flowing!

  176. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    Wow that was so inspiring!! I loved them all but the first one with the flowers was my favourite. I am so itching to do my own Art journal now. This is definately going to be the year for me do it what better time to start than now 🙂 Thank you for your inspiration!!

  177. so cool watching you work, all of them got me thinking but I think the last one, the speed and mess and ‘instinct’ of your creativity really gave me itchy fingers.
    Thank you!

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