Christine Delgadillo’s Jump Start


I met Christine first online through my work as an Golden Ambassador for Tattered Angels and then finally met her last January during my workshops in San Jose. She is amazingly talented – I really love her work and she is a woman with the heart on the right spot!

Christine Bio Pic

I live in the beautiful Bay Area of Northern California. My husband, Jose, and I will be celebrating our 30 year anniversary in January, and I’m a mom to three great kids (all grown up!).

I retired from my 20+ year paralegal job a few years ago, and now enjoy scouring estate sales, antique fairs and yard sales for treasures to recycle and repurpose for my art and for a booth I share with a friend at a local vintage consignment store.  I’m a Certified Educator for Tattered Angels, teach at local scrapbook stores, and am the Design Team Coordinator for my local scrapbook store.   I love discovering and teaching new techniques, creating interactive projects, and sharing ideas with others.  The best part of teaching is meeting so many wonderful people who love to create!

I was recently published in the June 2012 issue of Love My Memories, and was the  “Grande” Prize winner of the AccuCut GrandeMARK Challenge.


Check out Christine’s fun transfer techniques.

if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:

As we found out later – and so for our outside the US and Canada viewers:

Krylon Crystal Clear is an acrylic coating and provides a permanent, protective gloss coating that will not yellow with age. only available in the U.S. and Canada. We are not sure which other supply might be available in other countries to do the same thing, plus it might be very different from country to country. Sorry!

You can find Christine’s work also on her Blog.

I hope you enjoyed todays Jumpstart !


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. am so gunna do this ….thank you

  2. Rita Timmons says:

    Christine – awesome technique! Love the transfers!

  3. Omg this was magical. What a simple technique. Well try with my local supplies soon. Hope it works. Fingers crossed.

  4. momzart101 says:

    I like this technique. I’ve been using inkjet and vodka. This is a good alternative for some older toner based images I’ve wanted to transfer. Thanks for video.

  5. Lorraine Melanson says:

    That looks fantastic. One question: what do you mean by “toner based” image? Will this work with an image printed on an ink jet printer? How about using images in magazines? Thank you.

  6. Thanks for the refresher on this! Hugs!

  7. COOL and easy technique!!!! ♥

  8. This was an awesome video on the Krylon spray. Thanks for sharing with us on how many things we can do with it.

  9. that was fantastic! So quick and easy and the effect looks beautiful. Can’t wait to try it out. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Wow! So easy! When the weather warms up, I am going to try this one out!!

  11. Can’t wait till spring so I can try this.

  12. Wow… awesome! Will need to give this a try. I love the cloth and the clay! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I can’t wait to try this technique!

  14. Gerd Andersson says:

    I wish Krylon Crystal Clear was available here in Sweden as this transfer teknic is so awesome!

  15. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Wow! An easy transfer technique with soooooo many possibilities. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Cool technique!

  17. The jumpstart video was amazing and the transfer worked a treat but the best surprise was seeing the technique transformed into the finished product. Awesome !!!!

  18. kewl

  19. Cindy Bishop says:

    Thanks Christine, that was awesome!!!

  20. WOW I love this technique!! This is a must try for me!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  21. OneofGodsgirls says:

    OMGosh. Who knew you could that with clear paint. Sooo cooool!

  22. Very cool! I’ve been looking for a simple transfer technique!

  23. Great Technique; thanks!

  24. Cool technique!! I’m off to the craft store to find that Krylon spray! I have the air dry clay….I am so going to be trying this…and soon! Thank you!

  25. helen markee says:

    all ican say is WOW

  26. Great – and simple – transfer technique!! Love this, can’t wait to try on fabric 😀

  27. The best technique i have seen. Love it.

  28. Such a cool technique! So sad we don’t have Krylon in France. And I’ve been looking but never found any equivalent 😦

  29. Johanne L. says:

    It’s great to discover a new way to use a product. Love how it looks. We could do a lot of embellishments with the air dry clay.

  30. How cool is this- will have to give it a try! Thanks for the great inspiration!

  31. Very informative video and can’t wait to start experimenting. I’ve tried other transfer methods in the past and this looks much easier and has much better results! Thanks!

  32. Maria del Carmen says:

    Thank you for sharing!

  33. Christine, I make a lot of art with clay. You have given me new ideas & directions to move in now. Thank you! And as always, thanks Nat!

  34. Wow! That’s such a cool technique!

  35. Kelly Belton says:

    Can’t wait to try this out!

  36. WOW ~ who knew. So cool. Thank you for sharing this. Cant wait to try this.

  37. That is the easiest transfer technique that I have ever seen I never knew you could do it with a spray! Wow I have looked up the Krylon spray to see it properties so I need to find something like it here in Oz.

  38. Stacy Caddy says:

    Cool technique, gonna give this one a try for sure… Thanks for sharing…

  39. Cool and easy technique. Must have to look around for a spray product with similar features here in Australia

  40. Thank you for sharing these great techniques. I actually have a can of Krylon Crystal Clear so I can try this immediately. 🙂

  41. Definitely “must try” techniques!

  42. Beautiful work. I am going to try this technique – love the image transfer.

  43. Very cool to know something I already use can be used for something I never thought of before!!! How awesome!!

  44. Wow!!!! Christine this was fantastic. Thank you. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Australian version of the spray to give this a go!!! 🙂

  45. Christina says:

    What an awesome technique!

  46. Great technique! Love that you can do it on clay also.

  47. Laurie Hunt says:

    Thanks so much Christine! This was a fabulous tutorial!

  48. This was amazing.I really love the clay ones-definitely on my list of things I have to try.

  49. conlin664 says:

    That was so cool. I will have to find some of that spray.

  50. It is the best transfert i have ever seen, so neet! I can’t wait to try!

  51. Fun technique. I love the transfer on clay. Thank you!

  52. Cathy in Canada says:

    Very cool! And so pretty!

  53. Miriam Prantner says:

    This was very cool! Thanks so much!

  54. Too cool! Love the clay technique. So many possibilities. Thanks!

  55. Very cool! Can’t wait to try this out. Loved it 🙂

  56. deborahl591 says:

    This is awesome. On my list to try this week. Thank you.

  57. Lesley Walker says:

    Awesome technique, just hope I can get something similar in Australia or hope that the product can be mailed in. Thank you for your inspiration loved the video.

  58. Tonya Love says:

    I am seriously loving all these creative ideas. Using things I would never have thought of! Love it

  59. brandinav says:

    So awesome and easy! I actually already know what I”ll do 🙂 I’m going to make some ornaments for my mother with a picture of her dog (she loves that dog more than anything) so she’ll have them for her tree next year! Then, maybe pictures of kids on a tote bad or something for a new parent or grand parent! The possibilities with this are endless! Thank you!

  60. How ’bout that. I’m running out to get a can of that! Thanks for sharing with us.

  61. Wow, quick and easy transfer technique! And water and coffee proof too! Thanks for the video!

  62. Thanks for the video. I didn’t know I could do that with Krylon.

  63. Judi Howard says:

    Great video! I hope I can find a product here in Australia to achieve the same results.
    Will have to play video again to look at the name of the air dry clay. Maybe any of them would work the same? Going over to your blog now…. byyyeee and thanks again from Australia with love.

  64. Valerie Bullock says:

    Love it! Can’t wait to try this technique. Thanks for sharing.

  65. elizabethtregear says:

    Couldn’t comment yesterday for some reason. Hope to today! Christine, you are AMAZING!! I will say it again and again and again: you are so creative and such an inspiration!!! Thank you so much! Love the video and love, love, love the technique! And I really want to win the giveaway so hope I can leave a comment on your blog today, too! =).

  66. thanks for this! I’m always looking for new ways to do transfers and had read about this in a book but hadn’t tried it. It was so easy and works really well.

  67. Thanks for sharing a great technique. Love your art! It is sooo beautiful. Can’t wait to try.

  68. The technique seems so effortless! Will have to try it. Thank you for sharing this.

  69. Great technique. Certainly the easiest transfer I’ve seen.
    For those not able to get the Krylon spray Christine has already done some additional research & it’s on her blog. I hope she doesn’t mind me quoting her here for the purpose of helping fellow crafters.
    “I got the same image transfer results using these two acrylic sealers made by Deco Art and by Plaid. Both of these companies distribute internationally.”

  70. Isabel LopezDel RinconTroussel says:

    Pretty neat techniques, Christine! Thanks for sharing!!! Now I onsly need to find what could replace the krylon Crystal Clear here in Europe…

  71. Betty Dallas says:

    Loved your video. I’m gonna be SO-O-O-O broke by the time I’m finished Jumpstart 2013! And that’s a good thing!

  72. I’m definitely going to try this with a quilt – thanks for sharing!

  73. very cool idea – can see doing this on other fabric items! thanks for sharing…

  74. AmyMarie Riley says:

    How fun! I bought this product to seal something and now I have lots more uses!

  75. Heather Hudson says:

    That is a brilliant idea and looks easy to do thank you!

  76. Great technique, so inspiring, I’m going to give it a try! Thanks!

  77. I tried it out today and the technik is great. Thanks for sharing!

  78. OMG I am so excited after seeing your video. I can see I might make some fabric ATC cards, and tags, journals and just so many things. Thank you so much. Love it.

  79. Oh my, awesome technique. I have a can of that. Thanks for sharing.

  80. Estella Magnuson says:

    Thank you for sharing such a great idea.

  81. I just bought a can of Krylo Crystal Clear for no use in mind other than sealing. Now I have so many ideas…thank you so much!

  82. WOW! So easy to do! Thank you for sharing!

  83. Going to give that a whirl…it’s a new transfer me! Thanks!

  84. WOW Christine! WOW! So very cool and clever! Well done my friend! I am going to play today!

  85. GREAT transfer technique – one of the most simple I’ve seen! Also visited your blog – I LOVE your color mixing techniques!!! I shall subscribe to your blog. It’s just great. Thanks soooo much.

  86. Candy Brintnall says:

    WOW! So easy to do! Thanks Christine and Nat!

  87. I have tried many different transfer techniques and this by far looks easy and the transfer looks great! Thanks

  88. Janet Firth says:

    thank you for your inspiring demo! you are a very gifted artist!

  89. Calvaresi Joane says:

    So nice! I want to try this tecnique!

  90. That is clever and I’ve got a can of Top Crystal Clear by Keen which I’m sure will work – definately be having a play to find out 🙂

  91. Thank you Christine for sharing this great technique. loved your video.

  92. How cool, love this technique, looks so easy and quick! Thank you!

  93. Such a versatile technique. Thanks!

  94. Wooow, what a great product and great results!

  95. Beautiful technique with lovely soft transfers as a result. And on your blog i saw the finished projects, gorgeous with all the lace and embellisments. Thank you for showing.

  96. Great video and ideas, Christine! I love how clearly you explain things. 🙂

  97. sabelljones says:

    This is the easiest transfer method I have ever seen and I can’t wait to try it! Thanks so much Christine!!

  98. wonderful technique. even loved how you can use the can as a brayer!

  99. I’m in Australia and I’m afraid I cannot see them even from the link as it brings me back to here when i copy and paste

  100. What a fabulous transfer technique! Thanks for sharing xx

  101. That is really cool! I would have never thought to use that product that way, and to think it has been stitting on my shelf for years 🙂

  102. Cheryl Sue says:

    I’ve never seen transferring done this way! I am so inspired by this video. Thanks for sharing!

  103. What a great techinique. I had no idea Krylon Crystal clear would do that. Can’t wait to try it.

  104. Lisa crofts says:

    Very cool. Great transfer product.

  105. That was FRABJOUS!!!!!! *jazz hands* Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  106. Who would have thought of using Crystal Clear Spray to make a transfer … and air clay … oh the possibilities … thanks for sharing.

  107. lisa glowatsk says:

    Such a cool technique Thank you

  108. Wow, another great technique…so clever! Thank you!

  109. Very cool! Loved it when you used the can for the brayer 🙂

  110. Jan Simpson says:

    I couldn’t picture what I could do with that until I clicked on your blog. WOW! Absolutely beautiful. Took my breath away. Thanks for taking the time to share your art.

  111. Vanessa Miles says:

    I like the transfer to fabric. That will add interest to some projects.

  112. ScrappinEweRobyn (Robyn) says:

    How cool………thanks for the different ideas!

  113. I have a question… does it make a difference what the content of the fabric is that you transfer to (100% cotton, cotton/polyester blend, silk, rayon, etc.)? And, can the fabric be laundered after transfering to it? I have some ideas for using this to make custom fabrics for quilting but wouldn’t want to use it if the transfers would not hold up to cleaning.

    This is an awesome technique anyway and I can see myself using it for making custom covers for handmade hardbound books!


  114. I dont know this product for transfers. Probably not exist in my country.

  115. I have never seen it before. Very cool. Thank you for sharing.

  116. Very fun techniques!! Thanks.

  117. This is the best photo transfer technique I have seen..looks so easy! I will have to give it a try!

  118. I know Christine is trying to be helpful but I must warn of the hazardous chemicals found in this product so you can decide if the cool effect is worth it (especially if you have young children, pets or are pregnant. The US government requires that manufacturers declare their products’ ingredients and level of safety in occupational environments. Here is the link on Crystal Clear, if you are interested.

  119. Jenny Palmer says:

    cool technique

  120. I have seen/tried some transfer techniques but this one is new to me. If it’s toner based, then, photocopied images should work too, right?

  121. Great technique, never seen before. Thank you!
    Hugs from Brazil

  122. Great Job Christine! I love the video and tip. I will be buying this for sure

  123. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! I’m inspired 🙂

  124. Wonderful ideas!

  125. That is a totally new technique to me. Can’t wait to try it. Thx.

  126. So freakin’ COOL!!!

  127. okay…now that was cool! I have the spray for sealing some of my pages…this has given me some ideas for kids tshirts!! Thanks!! 🙂

  128. Great technique, never seen before. Thank you!

  129. Really, really different….shame we can’t get that product in Oz:(:(!!!!!!

  130. lacyquilter says:

    Looks like a fun technique.

  131. WOW! Love this video. So many new ideas are going through my head. I use fabric all the time in my Art. I live in Canada and our local art store carries this product. I will visiting this store tomorrow to make a purchase.

  132. S Mellows says:

    Thank you for that great technique. I use that product to seal my ATC cards and drawings when the weather is warm enough! You really gave me a lot of ideas. This means I can go photo copy my drawings, transfer them to canvas (unframed), paint over the transfer with clear gesso and then paint them. Thank you very much Christine for sharing! I sincerely appreciate it.

  133. what an amazing technique!! I have this but only have used it for preserving prints. Oh what fun this is going to be to play with-thank you!

  134. Nurse Ratchet says:

    Fab idea…will be looking for this project…and just bought a laser colour printer!!

  135. Oh my gosh what a great technique!!!! I am going out buy some Krylon Crystal Clear and giving this a try:)

  136. Such a cool technique – I have not seen this product before!

  137. Nancy Thomas says:

    Great teaching video. Thanks for sharing, something new to try out. Heading over to your site now.

  138. Makes me wish I had a toner based printer, instead of an inkjet. This looks like a technique that could be used for lots of interesting projects. Thanks!

  139. Interessante Technik. Gibt es das Spray auch in Deutschland?

  140. Nancy Riggs says:

    This is a completely new technique for me and one I am so going to try. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

  141. WOW! Awesome idea! Thank you so much for sharing!! xox

  142. Marie-Anne Raeman says:

    thank you for this cool technique

  143. Wow, I have never seen this technique before. Thanks for sharing it.

  144. Patricia VanCurler says:

    great technique and I have that spray in my craft area. will have to eventually find access to a toner based printer. thank you. I enjoyed this piece very much

  145. Lynne Vowles says:

    Beautiful, I love the finished projects.
    Thanks for taking the time to let us know what we can use outside the US and Canada.

  146. Melissa Wright says:

    After checking your blog and seeing how gorgeous your finished projects are, I can’t wait to give this a try!!

  147. Laurie Guidry says:

    Wow what an amazing technique ! Thank you for sharing your amazing creativity.

  148. What a fun idea! Definitely have to try it – thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  149. Interesting technique. Will have to wait till spring when it is warm enough to work outside with it! Thanks for sharing!

  150. Holly McMannes says:

    This is a new technique for me. Very cool. Thank you so much.

  151. Dara Lynn says:

    Such a creative take doing the transfers to clay!!!! My brain just came alive this morning! woohoo!

  152. Wonderful…will visit your blog to see more. Thanks!

  153. Debby Podgorski says:

    That is an amazing technique. Might have some of that laying around and will have to try the spray.

  154. Wonderful technique! Can’t wait to get some spray!!

  155. Wow, what a simple technique!

  156. That is fabulous. I particularly love those tags on the clay – what a great idea to add them to a gift as a little keepsake. Lots of possibilities.

  157. barbielove says:

    that is simply AMAZING!

  158. FANTASTIC!!!!!! I will definitely try this!!!! Thanks!!!

  159. A great, easy, transfer method-love it!

  160. Toni Hinchcliffe says:

    Very cool, but not too useful for those of us without toner-based printers. Oh well….

  161. Love the techniques! Thanks for sharing. Now, trying to find this product online! 😀

  162. Judy Meeker says:

    Who knew you could do this? Thanks for the eye opener

  163. Thanks for the info. on transfers – very interesting – will have to try!

  164. great techniques thanks for the tutorial. I have seen that spray once upon a time at spotlight before ours gotrid of such things. I do know you can get clear gloss and matt sealing type sprays so perhaps they would work?

  165. Sharyn Illman says:

    wonderful! must try this so hope I can source the spray. Wish I didn’t have to sleep first though lol!

  166. Maureen Young says:

    Thank you for teaching me something new and exciting! I can’t wait to try it out!

  167. Thank you for sharing, – I have never seen it before. Cool ideas!

  168. Drats I don’t have a toner printer, just an ink jet. Might have to take some prints to the printer just to get some done with a toner printer to try this LOL

  169. Loved this video, such cool ideas! Thank you for sharing Christine!
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  170. sandy sims says:

    Neat-neat-neat—have a 40% off coupon to Hobby Lobby–gonna go see if they carry this. Really want to try the fabric technique. Thanks a bunch.

  171. Really fun video. I’m from the Netherlands and I have some Winsor and Newton fixative. It says the resin is Acrylic. I will give it a try this weekend. The result(s) can be found on my blog.

  172. Gerrie Johnnic says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your creativity! I’ve been to your blog, WOW!, and to your kit’s……it may take me days to un-attach myself!

  173. Nope can’t wait! The video started and I looked to my left – there it is a can just waiting for me LOL I know I have a length of shoe canvas fabric that I wasn’t sure what to do with..until now. What a fab technique!

  174. Thank you so much for sharing a great idea and new uses for a good product.

  175. Bea Arreola says:

    i have never seen this before! Wonderful idea!

  176. Sue Clarke says:

    Nice results. I’ve never seen that product used before…thanks.

  177. Elisabeth says:

    That’s unbelievable!! Thank you for sharing!! Elisabeth

  178. Superb ideas TFS x

  179. Hope to find it here in the Netherlands, it’s so fast and beautifull.Even on the clay.
    Or is there anybody who now something else that you vcan use?

  180. Robbi Parker says:

    Oh the possibilities! I’m going to head over to your website to see more!

  181. Lovely idea! Ive always wanted to transfer images, and this is by far the simplest way I have seen.

  182. Dee in NH says:

    Another amazing technique! I am just loving all of this!

  183. thank you love this idea

  184. Diane Oster says:

    Who knew that Krylon Crystal Clear would let you do that????!!?!?!? That is just totally awesome… can’t wait to try this myself.

  185. Wow I am not good in transfering. Maybe this will do the tric for me
    Thanks I can’t wait to try it.

  186. What an interesting technique, thanks for sharing. Looks really coooooool. 😉

  187. Love it…gotta go shopping for that spray! Thanks so much for sharing your techniqeus. 🙂

  188. Angela Campbell says:

    Who knew…… Thanks!

  189. scrappinvt says:

    Great technique! I especially like the ones done on the clay.

  190. I never knew paper clay could be stamped on. Fun stuff just keeps getting “funner.” Thanks.

  191. Georgia Metaxas says:

    What an awesome idea!

  192. Great transfer technique, I’ll have to have a go with the clay!!! Now to find that Krylon stuff here in Australia : )

  193. Heather P. says:

    Very cool! So fun and easy. Another technique to add to my To Do list!

  194. thanks so much for this share. learnt alot today with this video…
    ava g

  195. Love this idea! I need to get some of this spray!

  196. zarischka says:

    What a fun technique! Gonna have to lookout for a product like this in Sweden. TFS! 😀

  197. Thanks for the new ideas for an old product. Will definitely try to air-dry clay project with my grandsons!

  198. I had fun just WATCHING that! TFS!

  199. Evelyn Johnson says:

    Thanks, I have a laser printer so I’m going to try some of this….I think I even have a can of the spray on the shelf because I use it to set my ink jet prints that I use for 3D decoupage.

  200. I didn’ know you could use Krylon in this way. Thanks!

  201. nicole knopke says:

    hmmm…to find our equivalent here in Australia and to play….very interesting techniques…thank you

  202. Have not seen Krylon in NZ, will have to go searching! This technique looks fabulous – on both fabric and clay!! Exciting!

  203. Wow, what an amazing product… fabulous techniques – thanks so much for sharing them! Looks so cool on the clay…
    Alison x

  204. I know you can buy the same product here in Australia but I have never tried this brand. Some interesting ideas to try.

  205. This was really cool I have never seen it before. I can’t wait to try it

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