The Crafter’s Workshop’s Jump Start


Our next Jump Start is brought to you by The Crafter’s Workshop

TCW logo large

We are a family-owned, independent manufacturer & distributor of some very cool templates and stencils.  We began as a small paper arts shop in 1997, selling lovely papers, fine art supplies and all sorts of delicious things. One day in 1998, we realized that the only thing missing was a great assortment of unique templates.  And Voilà! The Crafter’s Workshop templates & stencils was born!

Jaime, our designer and founder, creates most of the designs.  Ted, the Head Honcho, is the driving force behind the whole production.  And Suzanne is our no-nonsense (quilt-a-holic, don’t-tell-me-it’s-impossible) task-master who makes sure your orders go out as soon as humanly possible.  And then of course there’s us, the cast of elves who are busily making, packing, picking and shipping all of your orders (yes, we make and package everything right here in the USA!)  Whew! It’s a big job keeping Scrapbookers, Stampers, Cardmakers, Quilters, Fiber Artists, Decorative Artists and everyone-in-between-Artists happy.  But somehow we do it.

You can find the Crafter’s Workshop online here

Crafter’s Workshop Homepage

Crafter’s Workshop Blog





To jump start your creativity The Crafter’s Workshop  gives away this awesome set of 12×12 and 6×6 Stencils pictured below


Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here and tell us what your creative hobby/profession is.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway. 


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Oh wow look at those stencils 🙂 I am very much into card making at the moment but want to start doing scrapbooks and mixed media, just the thought of it all makes we want to go craft 🙂

  2. My oh my, I am salivating over your stencils! I am a mixed media, fabric collage newbie, exploring many fun techniques. I am retired and enjoying my inner child.

  3. sabelljones says:

    I love scrapbooking, card making and home decor. Love all your stencils!

  4. helenec6075 says:

    I just love stencils and these are gorgeous. I discovered them lately through a workshop and then with the Creative Jumpstart. I love to use them on the background of my scrapbooking pages with sprays or pastels, but I want to get more creative and try them with Gesso and paints …

  5. scrapbooker…wanna be mixed media person, Jumpstart is the best
    photographer for my day job
    so need to be lucky and win stencils, one thing i have found that i lack in my stash, have been making my own so far through jusmpstart

  6. I just love stencils!

  7. All things paper crafting! I am addicted. I love and own a few TCW stencils, and use them in my art journals!

  8. Shelly Berg says:

    My creative hobby is scrap booking/card making / journaling…by day I am a VP in market research!

  9. I began as a scrapbooker, but now I dabble in many things! Papercrafts, Mixed Media, Jewelry…

  10. I enjoy textiles and altered art; it is fun to combine art techniques with textiles. I also like to make my own handcrafted cards.

  11. My hobby is scrapbooking 😀

  12. Deb Haynes says:

    I love to scrapbook, but make cards too 🙂

  13. Teri Buczkowski says:

    Well I started as a scrapbooker/card maker but am heading into the mixed media art and art journaling hobby and I would love to win those stencils.

  14. my creative hobby is mixed media art and altering everything / during the day I am a graphic artist/pre-press specialist in the fast-paced printing industry. My newest and favorite products are TCW stencils – you can take them anywhere and they are so fun to create with 🙂

  15. Photography and creating mixed media abstract collages.

  16. ginicagle says:

    It’s a mix – Scrapbooker, cardmaker, beadwork artist, fiber artist.

  17. noseycritters says:

    Catching up on the all the jump starts I’ve missed. I think I’m a bit of a Jack of all trades I like photography and scrapping, card making, mixed media work, the lot!!

    ** Kate **

  18. Falling in love with mixed media as another addition to my obsession with journal making. Love the stencils and masks they are so flexible and easy to use. xxx Michelle

  19. I consider myself a mixed media artist first and foremost, but play with making anything and everything

  20. i’m first a card maker, but i love to do a bit of everything…lately art journaling has become a passion… =)

  21. momzart101 says:

    I usually cut my own stencils, but I love yours and can see they could really be great to use.

  22. I’ve only used stencils once but my passion is scrapbooking!

  23. LaurieJay says:

    It is great to know you are a family-owned business. I love CW stencils/templates. My passion is art journaling and I use your stencils all the time. I can’t get enough. Hint hint. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. Paper Art Scene says:

    Yay! My hobby is mixed media. I started in scrapbooking and then branched out to card making, art journaling. Thank you!

  25. My favorite creative hobby is playing with mixed media supplies! Paint, sprays, inks, STENCILS (yAY!), canvas, paper, fibers– i truly love it all 🙂

  26. Jodi DeGeorge says:

    Congratulations on the success of your business , wow 15 years-that is really awesome especially during these economic times. I like to do mixed media artwork ,assemblage , bead weaving knitting and spinning my own yarn. I love learning new techniques and using new materials, but I really like recycling the old into new agai..

  27. Anita Tillman says:

    a bit of everything!! I started out as a passionate scrapper but now more into art journalling…. I am totally and utterly addicted to CW stencils and absolutley cannot wait for the new release!!!!!

  28. Gayle Richmond says:

    I wanna be a mixed media artist when I grow up – lol. Right now I am working in my art journal but plan to start working on canvas soon.

  29. I am a scrapbooker/card maker/stamper. I LOVE your stencils!!!!!! Thank you for offering this giveaway!

  30. I started with artjournaling, but now I’m also trying to master acrylic and watercolor painting.

  31. I am a scrapbooker, but have those two last years been making lots of cards. Love stamps and coloring.
    Thanks for the giveaway, love your stencils!!

  32. cards and mixed media with the occasional bit of sewing and sugarcraft thrown in.

  33. Stéphanie says:

    I like to sew, to do scrapbook, to do cardmaking and recently, I just want to create for myself… Art journal is perfect for it… Eventually, I would like to integrate it to my work, with teenagers in difficulties…

  34. Lorraine Melanson says:

    That is a nice giveaway. Thank you for the chance of winning it. I like to make cards and scrapbook pages as a hobby. My profession is in the healthcare field.

  35. missmelissaw says:

    I love to scrapbook, but I also love other mixed media arts, as well.

  36. I’m fascinated by stencils and their uses. I’m just beginning to explore this field of personal, portable, sometimes private art production. Better late than never!

  37. Lela Meinke says:

    i love to art journal, and scrapbook, and make cards, and make mini books, and i also love to read and watch videos and blog hop and take classes, and i also love to write and journal

  38. I love to scrap and making projects out of paper–I am learning so much watching Jumpstart! Your stencils look beautiful!

  39. I do a lot of art journaling, fiber arts and am starting mixed media canvases.

  40. Right now, I’m in love with creating mixed media canvases!!
    ~Nancy (

  41. I am a Work in Progress, an Artist in Training 🙂

  42. Jessica Hiltz says:

    I love using stencils on my projects. my hobby is scrapbooking and mixed media 🙂

  43. c bitticks says:

    Love the designs! Would love to get the chance to play with them!

  44. I am in love with mixed media and repurposing items. I really love to find something at the thrift store and totally re- work it or paint and texture it or what ever I can do to make it artsy or different. Mixed media is my new passion and I’ve always loved scrap booking too.

  45. I really LOVE using stencils! And lots of them! They give such a wonderful texture and interest to the project!
    I don’t know quite what I would define as my creative title….
    Scrapbooker/Mixed Media artist maybe. I often seem to combine the two. Many times I make a mixed media background, and scrapbook on top of it. I love combining many techniques and styles. And I LOVE learning, to expand my creative horizon!!
    When I saw this awesome prize, I got lots of creative ideas! ♥ ♥ ♥

  46. I am a beginner mixed media and trying to learn how to do portraits, people, etc. I love art journaling. I used to do lots of scrapbooking but now seem to combine that with paint or anything else I can find. I am quite familiar with you and your products and you have broken my piggy bank many a time, but I don’t have any of these stencils so maybe they are new ones. you have just some of the VERY BEST, MOST AWESOME stencils ever. I am crossing everything in hopes to win this very generous prize. thank you so much for the chance, I will be in heaven if I win. xox

  47. My favorites are scrapbooking, rubberstamping, mixed media and art journaling.

  48. I do mixed media and papercrafting so love to have tools at my disposal.

  49. I love mixed media and art journaling. Your stencils are the best designs on the market. Because of you, I’ve had to make a line item for stencils in my budget 🙂

  50. Stephanie says:

    Mixed media and art journaling. Looking at the different videos, i see that I am now in desperate need of stencils to enhance my crafts. Thanks!

  51. my one and only creative hobby is card making; i especially love colouring with any dye based product.

  52. Hi there – I love paper crafting and paper construction – but I also like to decorate things…
    I want to start journalling and doing mixed media, so this has been a great even for me. I’m learning more about products that I might need, and about how to use some that I already have. My News Years resoution was to be more creative for ME.

  53. I love learning new things and creating all kinds of mini books and more.

  54. Wow! Pure awesomeness in this giveaway! My crafting is eclectic…scrapbooks, stamping, paper crafting, mini books, art journaling, and most recently, basket making!

  55. Well my current passion is coloring with many different mediums; however this is my year for growth. I am working to learn more about art journaling and mixed media art. I love all of my TCW stencils and I see many in the giveaway that I don’t have! This is my first year with Creative Jump Start and I am loving it completely!

  56. Am enjoying your JumpStart series. Thanks for arranging all this.

  57. I am mainly a cardmaker but would love to get into mixed media art and scrapbooking

  58. Jean McBride says:

    I love paper and anything to do with it, it started off with drawings and collecting newspaper clippings, stamps, then trip journals then rubber stamps and card making and THEN Scrapbooking which branches out into altered arts, book binding, wall hangings and so paper tree is still growing. I spend every available cent I can lay my hands on, on my obsession with paper.

  59. I love mixed media but may just have a go at journaling.

  60. Gerd Andersson says:

    I’m a complet novice in scrapbooking but I’ve decided to learn as much as possible this year! It’s so inspiring to follow all the designers in Creative Jump Start! My hobbies until now have been all sorts of textile crafts and beading besides my passion for Salukis.

  61. laurabeanct says:

    I’m a hobbyist into art journaling and mixed media. And I love your stencils!

  62. I started out with digital design, but went into cardmaking to learn the techniques that would make my printed projects pop!

  63. Helmi Switzer says:

    OMG I love all of Crafter’s Workshop stencils.I started with scrapbooking a few years ago and have since added mixed media and art journaling.This year I promised myself to do something creative every day.So far so good.Would love to win,thank you for the chance

  64. My crafting hobby started with Scrapbooking but has since evolved into Card making, art journaling, mixed media and quilting. So we can just say I do it all!

  65. I love scrapbooking and cardmaking, but I also use my sewingmachine now and then.

  66. firstly I was interested in cooking but when I’ve discovered scrapbooking 6 years ago… my husband has been obliged to cook 😉 now I’ve discovered mixed media and I find it funny too. I love also to sew…

  67. My creative hobby is primarily scrapbooking. I use to just use paper and scissors, but not anymore. Now I use paint, ink, gel medium, molding paste and of course stencils! 🙂

  68. I’m training in art and design, and aiming to freelance as a mixed media artist/designer/maker/tutor… I already teach card craft and have dabbled in scrapbooking, tangling, crochet, jewellery, beading and loads of other crafty things 🙂

  69. My creative hobby is scrapbooking, and also card and art journaling.

  70. I am a memory keeper, I mainly scap 12 x 12, mini books and I love texture and mixing things up . I have just started teaching at my LSS and loving it

  71. I mostly make cards, tags and scrapbook albums of our many vacations. I love to incorporate all types of media!

  72. I would say I am a crafter – I try everything – I make cards, do art journaling, altered books and whatever I find interesting! I have recently started using stencils and have become a big fan!

  73. Fantastic offering! I’m mainly into all things paper and love art journaling.

  74. Thanks for the giveaway – I love stencils!! My creative hobby started out making greeting cards, then layouts, acrylic painting, journaling and now mixed media. I had to put all my knowledge together, but I’m still learning!

    Carmen L

  75. Heather O'Brien says:

    My creative hobby is scrapbooking and card making.

  76. bjaneglas says:

    I just retired from nursing and love all kinds of mixed media

  77. Denise Werkheiser says:

    My creative hobby crosses three areas . . . Mixed media, embroidery and painting. I’m a programmer analyst for my day job, then a creative dabbler in my free time. Would enjoy winning the give-away, thanks for the opportunity!

  78. I love art journal, mixed media and scrapbooking. Often I use The Crafter’s Workshop templates & stencils on my creations.

  79. Marty schaeffer says:

    My hobby is dabbling! I dabble in everything mixed media and this would be an awesome addition to my toolbox!

  80. Cathy Johnson says:

    I started with card making and scrapbooking and now I am entering the mixed media world. There is so much art to do and so little time!!!!

  81. I love mixed media and scrapbooking.

  82. I’m a card maker but have been trying my hand at various mixed media techniques.

  83. Retired teacher who fell in love with the process of art and I am trying to expand my technique knowledge by using the products and tips posted here….like a child I sometimes am lost in the process and the whole day has gone by!

  84. I’m a scrapbooker 🙂

  85. My hobby is mixed media. I’ve just bought my first Crafter’s Workshop stencils and am looking forward to using them.

  86. Sharyn Moy says:

    I am primarily a card maker but I have dabbled in scrapbooking. I joined Creative Jump Start because I want to become involved in mixed media. Unfortunately it doesn’t come natural to me and I will need to work at it. If I win this delicious pack of stencils that will inspire me to work harder.

  87. ruthee001 says:

    I have just purchased a gelli plate that can be used for mixed media so I want to start getting creative in mixed media.

  88. I work in travel, but craft, knit and do all sorts of things with my daughter. It’s a great way for us to keep warm on these cold Canadian nights and days….(should have been born somewhere hotter). I’m all about broadening our horizons both in academics and in creatively. As I as always, my brain needs to be fed too.

  89. Katie Hill says:

    Scrapbooking, Digital Scrapbooking, Card making…and lucky me I am a hairstylist so I mix and match dye all day long.

  90. Card-making and scrapbooking and mixed-media. Thanks.

  91. I have been a quilter for a number of years and have just started dabbling in mixed media the last couple of years. Oh my.

  92. Mixed Media is my favorit pasttime! Like to work with stencils, sprays, gesso, structure pastes etc. Love this set!

  93. Wow what an amazing set of stencils! My hobbies – papercrafts, knitting, quilting, and any others that tickle my fancy!

  94. Cindy Bishop says:

    Wow, I love, love, love stencil. This Jump Start is so AWESOME!!!!!

  95. I have a full time day job, but in my spare time I have two blogs ( and One is about me starting my creative business (I have just opened my Etsy store) and the other is sharing my arty projects. Because I work full time, I get up at 4am to work on the blogs as well as learning, doing online courses, emailing people etc. The dream (like so many others) is to be able to quit my day job and be able to focus on them full time. Until then, I’m taking small steps forward.

  96. vickyday13 says:

    I am currently taking a break from digital scrapbook kit designing and am enjoying being on a CT of more Artsy designers than traditional designers for digital scrapbooking and I am also getting into the world of art journaling somewhat. LOVE your stencils and templates!!

  97. Mostly anything related to paper, brushes and paints. Right now, learning to draw but I can also be catch making jewelry, scrapbooking, cards, sewing, etc…

  98. Over the years I have done many crafts starting with knitting, crochet, embroidery and sewing. I discovered card making about 7 years ago and quickly incorporated rubber stamping which has become my absolute favourite. However, there’s nothing I like better than to combine rubber stamping with the use of masks/stencils and I have several Crafters Workshop ones. I also love to dabble in mixed media and altered art and again masks and stencils figure largely in my work. They are great fun and can be used with so many different techniques. Winning this fabulous collection would be amazing! Hugs Lesley Xx

  99. Love the stencils! I started with card making, then fell in love with scrapbooking and also do some art journaling and crochet now and then…

  100. Terrific technique! Thank you.
    I saw the Stencils, Masks and Templates in the blog and will try to use them in my art work!

  101. Jean McBride says:

    It has been a wonderful journey for me through all the changing tides of SCRAPBOOKING from the first paste and stick to pages which we now frame and hang with pride. Crafters Stencils have been a amazing way of keeping up with the pace.

  102. I did scrapbooking for a long time now I am doing art journaling and mixed media, I love your stencils

  103. I do lots of different crafts/arts, paper, fabric, glass, embroidery, … . I can’t just choose one! Thanks for this chance to win so many of your fabulous stencils.

  104. I spend my time doing mixed media painting, collage and repainting and repurposing furniture-expecially old wooden chairs. Thanks for this opportunity. The giveaway looks fabulous!!!

  105. Alison Bateman says:

    I just love being creative – doesn’t matter what I am doing. My default is papercraft and I love trying out new ideas.

  106. I love all sorts of paper crafting. Dabble in a bunch of other things.

  107. thanks for the chance! i love art journaling, in paper as well as in digi!
    love to paint and make creative minibooks as well!!

  108. I do almost everything, sew, paint, cut, stick, coatings, wood working, paper, scrapbooking and much more … Stancil I love, I have quite a lot, but none of them are shown. I would really love to win.

  109. Registered nurse by day, mad scrapper my night.

  110. I do all from scrapbooking to mixed media. I love to watch all tutorials and then re amp them to suit my needs. Love all the mask that you have come out with, I only have a few…but would love to win these to broaden my creativity!!

  111. Rebecca White says:

    I do cards and scrapbook with these kinds of mediums but I love playing with new supplies as well. I scrapbook to end up with a product from my being creative.

  112. OneofGodsgirls says:

    I like painting, art journaling, and am getting interested in mixed media. So many techniques now a days. Love the stencils. Thanks for the giveaway.

  113. My current fav hobbies are art journaling and mixed media/altered art projects. I am currently a stay at home mom but was a mental health therapist in my former life 🙂

  114. I love art journaling and any mixed media project as long as I can add metal to it! I alter books, make wall quilts, and am a letterpress printer. See, more metal! Love those stencils!

  115. The creativity in my profession is making brochures and other related stuff. My creative hobby is card making and getting messy with paper, inks, stamps, glitters, sprayes and all those other goodies.

  116. My creative hobby is anything to do with paper, wood or fabric. And yes, this makes my hobby range from altering boxes to sewing up some fabric coasters to making the boxes I alter!! I love it all! The more hands-on it is, the better!

  117. My creative hobby is paper crafting, primarily scrapbooking. Thanks for offering the generous and amazing stencils. I would love using these on my projects!! Blessings, Tracey

  118. catharine goldbaum says:

    I like to work with several mediums,but my favorite is paper ,cardmaking,scrapbooking,etc..

  119. caroldeezigns says:

    I primarily make jewelry, metal work and enamel beads. Many of my friends are multi media artists and paper designers/artists. We gather together to make big messes. This past weekend it was with Gelli art. . .and lots of stencils! Great fun!

  120. Katie Nolan-Denham says:

    Loving these stencils! I am a paper crafter by design…lots of scrapbooking and cards, but I love to dabble in multi-medium projects!

  121. I love these stencils! I’m primarily a scrapbooker but also a card maker. Once in a while I like to dabble in mixed media. 🙂

  122. Eva Gamble says:

    Great giveaway! My artistic passion is a little of everything to be honest. I love painting, mixed media, paper crafting, ceramics, altered art, scrapbooking, mini albums, sewing, working with clay and molds, and an assortment of other things that I have “dabbled” in over the years.I do whatever strikes my fancy…lol I simply love to create things with my own hands and watch them come to life!

  123. All crafts interest me. I do mini albums, mixed media, clay, anything with paper and ink, paint. Love to try new techniques!

  124. My hobby is paper crafts including collage, mixed media, and paper mosaics. I’m just getting started but exploring all three.

  125. I started with scrapbooking, and evolved to card making, now onto canvas work.

  126. My creative passion is scrapbooking, though I also love cardmaking, art journalling, mixed media and off-the-page projects. I love the Crafter’s Workshop masks – I have an ever-growing collection!

  127. Kimmy Jaster says:

    My creative hobby is scrapbooking, paper crafting, & photography. I LOVE your products, they are some of my favorites!!

  128. Hand made craft. But the “mix media” is my power. Scrap to infinite….and beyond!

  129. Tina Walker says:

    My creative hobby/profession is: paper crafter and mixed media artist – but my day job pays for all the cool tools – like Crafter’s Workshop stencils – Which I LOVE! 🙂

  130. Started a life as a card maker and now consider myself a Mixed Media artist. I love love your templates and use them often! Thank you for a chance at a fabulous give away!

  131. I love all crafting. I learn every day thanks to the YouTube instructions from different crafters, and from this fantastic CJS and I followed some courses in mixed media, cardmaking, LO and journalling.

  132. Sylvia whitesides says:

    I am a mixed media artist, doing all kinds of creative projects and art pieces. Thanks for the creative jumpstart, would love to win the stencils.

  133. Il y a plusieurs années que j’utilise les stencils!! J,adore, ont peut tout faire avec ça,autant en scrapbooking qu’en mixmedia!!!!

  134. helen markee says:

    i started out scrapbooking and then found art journals and mixed media. I love to do it all!!!

  135. Hi,
    I started out making cards while I was living overseas 3 years ago, but have been seriously getting into art journaling over the last year. I use stencils all the time. They make starting a page so much easier.

  136. mixed-media, art journaling, painting, mail-art, journaling, paper art and craftist.

  137. oasisatthebeach says:

    I started out making cards and rubber stamps being my favorite tool. However, now I’m doing more mixed media and combining all kinds of mediums – I love all paints, inks, stencils, modeling paste, and so on!

  138. hi there. I luv scrapping but as time passes, I’m delving more into my ‘arty’ side and experimenting with canvases/mixed media ‘stuff’…..luving it!!! thx for the great give away, one of those templates is the perfect one for a LO I just did!!! 🙂

  139. Sorry if this is a double post, the computer froze on me.
    I started with scrapbooking, added in card making, then altered books and art journals and now all sorts of paper crafting. I’m also an art teacher for senior high students. Thanks for the giveaway.

  140. Mixed media and bookmaking/journals.

  141. My hobby is card making for as long as I can remember. I started recently my own little home made cards company as a second job and really hope to develop it to make my hobby a profession.
    Following Julie Fei Fan Balzer, I discovered your stencils and bought many of them, it’s so much fun.

  142. Real job is Hospice Nurse Practitioner, creatively I am a stamper, scrapper and very new mixed media enthusiast….love these stencils, so much fun to use

  143. Julie Wiseman says:

    I enjoy scrapbooking, art journalist and making cards.

  144. I journal, make cards, mixed media, some loom knitting, clay work and generally anything creative. I find it carthartic after spending my day working in customer services taking complaints to come home to sparkles, paint and creativity.

  145. I am a sewist and a mixed media artist, loving to make books of all kinds!

  146. I started seriously about 6 years ago scrapbooking, but I found I couldn’t do traditional (that I juse use the beautiful papers & embellishments) I ended up “modifying” the pages… which ended up altered art.. now I’m hooked with multi-media art & I now am addicted to stencils! So many ways to “alter” my art! Thank You!

  147. Johanne L. says:

    What I love to do is to alter items. Generally, I alter boxes or frames and give them as gifts to family and friends. I don’t own a lot of stencils, so I would love to win those to play with them. Thanks for the chance,

  148. My creative hobby of course is scrapbooking!!! I love creating everything: LOs, artjournal and ATCs. And love to try something new again and again…

  149. My greatest hobby is scrapbooking. Would loooove to use this stencils to my layout backgrounds!!!

  150. My “real” job is teaching but I love to create! I enjoy collage, mixed media, art journaling, photography… Really, anything that gets my brain thinking creatively. I LOVE Crafter’s Workshop stencils! They are my FAVORITE!

  151. I am a nurse by day part time, and in my spare time I create….I have been a member of the Technique Junkies since 2004 and LOVE to create with new Techniques : ) I am just beginning to dabble in Mixed media- and have created my first Art Journal page recently….! So I have been starting my stencil collection- so many awesome stencils to choose from- and have started a Mixed Media and Art Journaling page on Pintrest, where I collect ideas and watch tons of You Tube videos on how to’s…….. Now I just need to do it…..!

  152. I am a graphic artist by trade and a mixed media artist by nature.

  153. Lisa Campion says:

    Love scrapbooking, art journaling, mixed media on canvas & creating costumes from Goodwill clothing & scraps for my daughter’s school plays.

  154. Most of all i love to do mixed media art and art journaling. My favourite stuff are stencils and i use them on every page i create. I have so many of them and every time there are new ones in the shops i have to get them 🙂

  155. I am a stamper who loves making cards and mixed media projects. I love using templates, thank you for the opportunity to win these. Elaine

  156. I have mixed media as a hobby: therefore i almost love every crafting method…. painting, drawing, stamping, stenciling, bookmaking, spraying…

  157. Diane Schafer says:

    I Love, love, Love your stencils! I am a crafter who enjoys card making, ATC swapping, making art journals and anything else that catches my attention. I also enjoy sewing, crochet, knitting and some beading. But I really enjoy stencils and can’t wait to see what’s coming out next! Thanks for a chance to win some of your Fabulous Stencils!!! (Fingers are crossed!)

  158. Christy Sloan says:

    I having been scrapbooking for years now and I see no end in sight. Would love these awesome stencils.

  159. What a fabulous giveaway! I do art journaling. And I LOVE stencils!

  160. Yvonne Westover says:

    I am a crafty flight attendant. I have been painting since I was 3 with my grandmother who was very well versed in eastern european folk art painting…we have the best easter eggs because of her!!! and that started my creativity….I have dabbled in everything and somehow made art my daily life in university with a degree in it!! Then I became a flight attendant…what else do you do with a degree in fine art!!lol So the best part is I get inspiration from what I see all over the world and sometimes bring home the quirkiest art/craft supplies… it wrong to keep the packaging from a sandwhich I bought because the pattern was really pretty??!!!

  161. Ann-Marie Waite says:

    I’m a stay at home mom, I love to do anything crafty, as long as my fingers get colored I’m happy! My favorite thing is crafters workshop stencils, so this giveaway is right up my alley 😀

  162. I love the new stencils. I am primarily a decorative arts designer but do mixed media to keep my creative juices flowing.

  163. My creative hobbies are making books and doing embroidery.xx

  164. just love all this crafty “stuff” that you are sharing with us. I enjoy art journalling and am sorely in need of some of these wonderful products you are showing us. I will be jumpstarting this very morning as you have INSPIRED me to get creative. Thank you

  165. Hi,

    I love to make mixed-media pieces and cut them up for ATCs, and I also make collages. I adore stencils and would love to win yours!

  166. First, I LOVE the templates by The Crafter’s Workshop! I use them a lot!
    Now, as for my creative hobbies, that’s quite a list. There’s so much I like to do and through many, many years my house has become like a small shop 🙂 I won’t name everything, but just a few of my most favorite:
    *photography *scrapbooking *card making *art journaling *painting *mosaics *crocheting (amigurumi mostly) *carving stamps

    xx Monica

  167. mieke caspers says:

    This templates are great.

  168. Wow – what an awesome prize!! My creative hobby(ies) are photography, scrapbooking, multi-media, art journalling!!!

  169. I have been primarily a digital artist for the past few years. I am finally creating mixed-media art, and am amazed at all of the materials available for mixed-media artists to use. It is so much fun!

  170. I am a cardmaker. Last year, I started art journaling. I have many TCW templates, they are great! My favorite designs are from Julie Balzer.

  171. Joelle Hancox says:

    I do mostly scrapbook pages although lately art journaling is where I am doing the most playing

  172. Lisa M.. Zepponi says:

    My FAVORITE hobby is 12×12 scrapbooking!!!! I am learning to mix in a few 6×12 and 4×6 divider pages! Ha! Funny thing is…my 10 year old son is teaching me to crochet! He learned in art class at school! So anything “crafty” he wants to do with me, I AM GAME!!! What a great package prize! THanks for offering the chance to win!

  173. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    I love anything crafty and have been known to do many things but have a passion for mixed media canvases, sewing and scrapping at the moment 🙂

  174. J’aime le mixed media pour la diversité qu’il offre, peintures, collages … L’utilisation des pochoirs y est infinie !

  175. Hi, I am a scrapbooker and card maker…..and love stiching! 🙂
    I fall in love with those stencils, so thanks for the opportunity, I would definitely use all of them in my projects!

  176. omgosh I love stencils and have several Crafters’ Workshop ones. I also really love their new winter CHA ones! I love to craft and make art, I do mostly mixed media and basically just like to get messy!

  177. I have many passions including scrapbooking, card making, sewing, crochet…

  178. Suzanne van der Knaap says:

    It would be sooooo great to win these beautiful templates. I I already own a few and used them regulary.and the outcome is always different and exciting. Could still use a lot of templates to build up my cards, LO’s and mini booklets. I simply love them. Especially, now I am picking up the mixed media.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  179. Lori Fell says:

    I love to art journal and play with mixed media. I already own several stencils by Crafters Workshop, but not one of the ones pictured for this contest! I would be soooo excited to play if I won these!

  180. I already have a couple of these templates, they are great to work with and really good quality

  181. I already have a couple of these templates, they are great quality x

  182. Love those stencils and only have one 12″ stencil. I do watercolor and visual journaling that includes collage and mixed media both as a hobby as well as professionally in my work with kids.

  183. I love stencils for my new hobby/love of artful lettering. They make wonderful backgrounds and tutorials have inspired me to try more mixed media uses.

  184. I’m a scrapbook/mixed media/altered art crafty chick. ;p Love Crafter’s Workshop stencils! I use them for lots of different things-backgrounds mostly for my art journal pages and also my scrapbook pages.

  185. Sherrie S. says:

    Leave a comment here and tell us what your creative hobby/profession is

    My main two things are scrapbooking and home decor items. And now I am slowing easing my way into mixed media. I am learning so much from this event. I only have a few stencils so far but I use them alot. Can’t wait to get more and winning these would be awesome!

  186. Ever since I discovered Julie Balzers stencils I’ve been a fan. Love them and use them regularly in mixed media painting.

  187. i have many passions.. the scrapbooking, mixed media art, card maker, art journaling, photos, drawing…and my dogs hi hi hi…

  188. My creative hobbies include art journaling, scrapbooking, card making, watercolor painting, canvas collages, knitting, and crocheting. Mixed media art makes me happy!

  189. I have two passions/hobbies: scrapbooking and mixed media. I’m happiest when I can bring them together to create a mixed media page. Thanks for the chance to win and love the Creative Jumpstarts!

  190. Woow..those stenciles are beautiful! I’m keeping my fingers crossed 😉

  191. dzfollies says:

    my creative hobby is scrapbooking, and now mixed media!! I love your stencils ❤

  192. At first – I love working with your stencils. I make my own cards and i love scrapbooking

  193. LUV all your stencils i use then with spray inks

  194. Rebecca Buchanan says:

    Your stencils are delicious! My favorite media is quilt art, but I also love mixed media collage and making my own cards. Thanks for the giveaway.

  195. My creative profession is playing with computers. My creative hobby is playing with stencils. And much more 🙂

  196. Amanda Izzi says:

    I’m a painter, mixed media artist, furniture refurbisher, etc! I love using your stencils in all my work, also art journaling!!! Thanks for this great opportunity & it’s a plus learning your a family owned business!

  197. I am a painter, love interior design (even studied a few semesters) and mixed media. Came to scrapbooking last summer and start to try buidling up a collection of scrapbooking materials and would be happy to have some stencils !!! Thank you for the chance to win these !!! Annette

  198. Kelly Belton says:

    Started scrapbooking in the 1970’s ( yes I’m that old), moved into the awesome world of mixed media in the 90’s, and could not function as an artist without my stencils and templates. I’m a big fan of Crafter’s Workshop really the most awesome selection of designs.

  199. Started Scrapbooking 34 years ago. Now also do mixed media. Love using stencils on my projects.

  200. Maria McGuire says:

    I love all kinds of art, especially Mixed Media. LOVE using your stencils!

  201. I love rubberstamping…and anything else involving inks, paints, chalks, etc.

  202. oh, my…the list is long. i quilt, make floor cloths, card making, scrapbooking, drawing on canvas, charcoal drawing, and poetry and short story writing. when not doing that i am teaching a group of elementary school-age kids. Love, Love, Love the CW Templates.

  203. I love using stencils in many different ways, my favorite in Summer is sun-printing on fabric and gelli printing at other times of the year. Also inspired by many to try other techniques too!

  204. Scrapbooking! I love the memory keeping side of it combined with the art of it!

  205. Scapping is my first enjoyment because it allows me to express my pictures in a story.

  206. I am a quilter who wanted some instant gratification and now I try to keep the wet stuff away from the dry!

  207. I love scrapbooking and mixed media art. love your stencils.

  208. I am a mixed media artist. I love, love all you’re stencils.

  209. Love art of all mediums, and love exploring new ways of creating art, but mainly love scrapbooking for my kids and DIY home art projects.

  210. Oooo! Balzer-licious! My creative hobby is mostly scrapbooking and art journaling, but I am also a lover of crochet and embroidery. I would love to incorporate the stencil designs into some of my embroidered pieces! Fun!

  211. My creative hobby is art journaling but I also design and make jewellery and I have a hankering to get into more mixed media projects in 2013!

  212. Oh my creative hobby is caradmaker/mixed media artist/scrapbooker/rubber stamper.
    My profession is a web content specialist but I would love to be a mixed media artist full time as long as I am making things & being creative I am happy. These templates are amazing hoping to win them.

  213. Oh what a great giveaway, I LOVE The Crafter’s Workshop stencils! I’m your regular crafter, I mostly make cards but do dabble with art journaling as well and love ’em both 🙂

  214. I am mainly a digital scrapper but I just discovered mixed media art and I can’t wait to jump in! I don’t own any stencils what so ever right now and I really need some to get started! Money is tight and it would be amazing to win these! Fingers crossed! Thanks so much!

  215. kylie symons says:

    oh…i love ALL and i also love to scrapbook. OTP i do go and do bits and pieces but might have to be brave and do more creative pieces!

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