Maya Road’s Jump Start


Our next Jump Start is brought to you by Maya Road  

Maya Road Logo 2

Maya Road was born in 2003. My sister and I were spending the weekend together, and we went shopping for all of the latest scrapbooking supplies. As we browsed the aisles, we were frustrated by how difficult it was to find unique scrapbooking products and how expensive products were. We started chatting about products we wanted to see, and we brainstormed how we could combine our business knowledge and design skills to produce the unique products for scrapbooking. Thus, Maya Road was formed.

At first, we made limited quantities of these products available to other scrapbooking enthusiasts on eBay and through our individual websites. After much soul-searching, we decided to launch Maya Road nationally with 38 unique products at HIA 2004. Since then we have added over 600 new products to our line including fun lines such as our chipboard collections, sheers, ribbons, fibers and much more!

Maya Road was founded on a belief in each person’s creative ability and on the commitment to making high quality scrapbooking products available and affordable to everyone. We believe that scrapbooking and memory keeping should be an everyday event available to everyone.

Company Website:
Design Team Blog:

And Maya Road also created a JumpStart Video for you!


Password for the video – please copy and paste – case sensitive – no spaces!!!:


if you cannot see the video in this browser – here is the link:


To jump start your creativity Maya Road gives away to one person this awesome prize

Maya Road PRize

This Maya Road Prize pack includes approximately 5 yards Leaf green & Blossom Pink Gingham tape, Kraft White Decorative Journaling Tags, Font-ly Yours and Japanese Fans Stamp sets, Dk Brown Vintage Pearl Pins, chipboard alphabet, and Fancy Bird Coaster album.

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here and let us know you liked Maya Road on their Facebook Page

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. thanks for the inspiration!!

  2. scrapandstamp says:

    Love Maya Road products and liked them on FB too
    Sharon Ling

  3. Liked Maya Road on FB and friends with Caroline Lau on FB too! Wonderful lady! Taking a class with her next weekend at Cropfest hosted by SCT and cannot wait. wooohooo!

  4. this giveaway looks absolutely d.e.i.c.i.o.u.s…

  5. long time liker….way before Facebook
    love MAYA ROAD
    thanks for the chance

  6. I already like Maya Road on facebook!

  7. Fabulous prize. I went to the Facebook page and clicked on “Like”…..I am not a very experienced Facebook user so hope I did it right!

  8. Gorgeous page, Ronda!

  9. Wow what an amazing give-away. I like Maya Road on Facebook! ~ Blessings Tracey

  10. Shelly Berg says:

    Like and love you on FB – been a roadie for quite some time!

  11. Teri Buczkowski says:

    I liked maya road on facebook.

  12. Lela Meinke says:

    lovely page

  13. Already liked you! 🙂 Like you still! Yes… of FB. 🙂

  14. Lynn Shaffer says:

    love your product! have some here at home! left a comment on facebook but “liked” you long before 🙂 Thank you for this chance

  15. Like. Done. xoxo Lea

  16. Rita Timmons says:

    Love Maya Road Products! Great art journal page!

  17. denisse pagan says:

    I never meet MR and was amazing see this jumpstar! nice to meet you. great!!!

  18. Like Maya road on Facebook

  19. Facebook…done! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  20. Darn – out of the running – no facebook accounts. Good enough that I added a bookmark to view Maya Road blog? Love this stuff!

  21. I need to get my hand on your mists!! Love your products and good fb site!

  22. LaurieJay says:

    I’d already liked Maya Road on FB because I like Maya Road! The products in this giveway are fabulous…..thanks for the chance to win.

  23. ginicagle says:

    Liked Maya Road on FB!

  24. Liked you on fb. What lovely products. Love them. They are awesome.

  25. liked on facebook and like Maya road anywhere!!!

  26. I so enjoyed watching your process in the video. I liked you on FB but I love all your products anyway.

  27. Great to see how this journal page has been built. Liked the Maya Road Facebook already. Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. Yvonne Westover says:

    Love your intense Maya Mist!!! And liked you on FB!!!

  29. thumbs up for mr in fb!!! =)

  30. have always been a fan and follower of MR…

  31. liked all the kraft maya rd products

  32. I’ve been a big fan of Maya Road since you started. Liked you on Facebook 🙂 Awesome techniques on your art journal page. Thanks for sharing

  33. Neija Zeugme says:

    I liked Maya Road

  34. Gayle Richmond says:

    Liked MR and enjoyed seeing which friends also had liked MR. Thank you for this awesome giveaway.

  35. I enjoyed the video and the techniques you demonstrated. I am a fan of Maya Road products.

  36. Beautiful pages 🙂

  37. Melinda Peckham says:

    I have liked Maya Road on FB

  38. I’ve already liked Maya Road on Facebook.
    Thank you for this chance to win. I love your products.

  39. Anita Tillman says:

    love love love MR – have been a liker on fb for ages – gorgeous!!

  40. So many techniques–really love Maya Road products!–So pretty pages!

  41. this video was a real inspiration. All those ways to use the ink sprays. And I just love the embellishments. Thank you!

  42. Beautiful page!! I am loving those sprays, I have used many sprays but never Maya. I will have to get some now. 🙂 I have heard of Maya products but never the sprays.

  43. I like the layout, images and information on the Maya Road FB page. I don’t use FB a lot but I like the access to info from your page.

  44. missmelissaw says:

    I really loved watching what you did with the mist layering. I haven’t ever tried that before!

  45. I liked MAYA ROAD on FB !

  46. Yvonne Williams says:

    What a great video! Love it. Maya Mists are beautiful!

  47. Ronda love your video, love the colors and the composition wow 🙂

  48. Oh yes, I am already a fan of Maya Road on FB and just loved this video & techniques. Thanks for the info on the mists, great ideas.

  49. Of course you are LIKED

  50. I liked Maya Road on your Facebook page. Love your products. It was fun to see how you enjoy using them. Thanks for the giveaway for some lucky winner and thanks for the jumpstart!

  51. My favorite jump start to date! Loved seeing the mists in action.

  52. like!
    ~Nancy (

  53. Done! Thanks

  54. Scrappyjen says:

    Liked Maya Road on FB but love their products on my pages. Thanks for the vid.

  55. Jessica Hiltz says:

    I have liked MR on Facebook!! 🙂

  56. Johanne L. says:

    Very beautiful page. I already liked their Facebook page. Love the colors of the mists. Thanks for sharing,

  57. Liked MR on Fb already long ago 🙂

  58. maya road definitely needs a love button, I long ago liked you there. I am familiar with your great products and this is an awesome giveaway that I am hoping to win. thank you so much for the chance. xox

  59. 17turtles says:

    I most definitely “LIKE” Maya Road on FB! Thanks for a chance to win such a great prize package!!!

  60. I’ve used many of your products on my scrapbook pages. I like Maya Road Facebook page since many months!. Thank you so much for the inspiration video.

  61. thanks for the video and I made a like on fb!

  62. I liked Maya Road on Facebook. Thank you for the video inspiration and I love everything Maya!

  63. Already like Maya Road on fb! Love your art journal pages! Thank you so much 🙂

  64. I am going to try that. Thanks so much!

  65. Gerd Andersson says:

    Thank you so much for your inspiring video lesson!

  66. zarischka says:

    What a fun and inspiring video! Thank you for sharing! 😀

  67. gighaklinky says:

    I just love these mist colours 😉 great video too

  68. I have used several of your products; however I love the mists!!! Will be checking into to them! I liked your FB Page!!!

  69. I liked your video so much and the wide array of inspiring products that you have.
    Unfortunately I don’t like Facebook so I am not on it….. But I do like you!!!!!!!!

  70. I’ve used many of your products already in my art journal and scrapbook pages. thank you for creating such awesome products.

  71. Already one of my favourite “Likes”. Thank you for the video

  72. Maya Road is one of my fave companies and I “loved” them on their facebook page way “back in the day”. Would love to win some goodies. thanks.

  73. Yeah, like Maya Road on FB. Love your products!!

  74. the video was amazing!!!!!
    I liked Maya Road on FB !

  75. Cindi Walsh says:

    I enjoyed watching your journal page come together! I visited the FB page and liked you there. Particularly liked browsing the pictures on FB. Love the CHA photos and the ways you have used the spools.

  76. Sorry don’t do facebook but I love the butterfly mask and the word stamps. Thank you for the great video.

  77. Well, I certainly like Maya Road, but I don’t do Facebook, so sorry!

  78. I have alwaysloved the simplicity of Maya Road products! I have most definitly ‘liked’ them on Facebook! Love the page video!

  79. Jenn Heuston says:

    Liked MR on Facebook! Love those birds!! 🙂

  80. liked you on facebook – and I love how unique these products are……affordable is a bonus!

  81. I LIKED MR on facebook!

  82. Loved the video, thanks for the chance to win.
    I can’t like you on FB, because I don’t have FB so I LIKE you here!!

  83. Yes, I have “liked” Maya Road on FB.

  84. Isabel LopezDel RinconTroussel says:

    I’ve been liking Maya Road on its FB page for a while now :). It’s such a lovely giveaway, I want to thank you for the chance to win!

  85. Liked on Fb, great colors and the butterfly mask is gorgeous. thanks for more inspiration

  86. I really like those butterfly mask, liking Maya Road!

  87. Like the facebook page, Love maya! Thanks for the tips. The journal page is beautiful!

  88. Your products look awesome! I definitely liked MR on Facebook. Had to take an early retirement, and am broke right now, but I’ll be visiting your site to see what to plan on buying. I want the mists! :O)

  89. You are liked on FB!

  90. I liked Maya Road 🙂

  91. Liked and looking forward to posts!

  92. Linda Rapchak says:

    if there was a LOVE button, I would have pushed it! I love love looooooove the mists and can’t wait to get some! where have I been?????? I’ve been making my own with fluid acrylic and water. thanks for sharing!

  93. ♥ watching this journal page come together and lovelove these giveaway goodies, yumm! And I did like Maya Road on FB through my “Little Dot Of Creativity’-account!

  94. LIKED!

  95. Yes liked you on FB.
    Love the journalig page !!!

  96. Judy Morgan says:

    It was great watching all the layers come together. I liked that you let it play out and flow as you went along. Thank you for a great video!

  97. raine1313 says:

    I love Maya Road and this video was amazing!

  98. wowed again

  99. beautiful thankyou

  100. Holy cow! That was beautiful to watch come together. off to ‘like’ Maya road am I!!

  101. yes have liked you for a long time thanks for this chance

  102. Absolutely 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win- now YES! OFF to LIKE Maya rd on FB! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  103. I liked you on Facebook! Already own and love tons of Maya Road products!

  104. bjaneglas says:

    loved the video-always a fan

  105. Heather O'Brien says:

    I liked you on FB

  106. Maria del Carmen says:

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  107. Great prize pack. I love Maya Road products. I am a dedicated Roadie thanks for the tutorial…it wasgreat!!!

  108. brandinav says:

    I’ve never heard of Maya Road before, but now that I have, I can’t wait to try their products. Thanks so much for the chance to win some!

  109. I LOVE Maya Road products…thanks for making them 🙂

  110. merci pour la video et le cadeau !

  111. Liked MR on Facebook!

  112. Wonderful video and a very wanttohavethat giveaway!

  113. I liked ‘Maya Road’. I so like their products!

  114. Tina Walker says:

    always a fan of Maya Road – liked!

  115. Allready liked you on FB!! LOVE your products!! And I love this Give-Away!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  116. I likes Maya Road’s Facebook page.

  117. Amy Malla says:

    Already liked and follow on FB. Love playing with Maya Road.

  118. I liked Maya Road on FB. I particularly like the letters.

  119. Trish Wildsmith says:

    MayaRoad Sprays are Fabians I liked you on FB!

  120. I’ve liked the FB page! Loved the video, thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  121. I already follow you on facebook – that was a fun video – thanks for sharing all your great products with us – I like the story about how the company came about

    Barb Housner

  122. Sigrit liebe says:

    Good idea, you’re liked

  123. Great giveaway! I “Liked” you on FB. Thanks for a chance to win.

  124. Thanks for showing just how versatile the sprays are! I liked Maya Road on FB.

  125. I “liked” Maya Road on Facebook

  126. vickyday13 says:

    Oh, YES! YOU are LIKED!!! 😀
    Thanks for the art journal demonstration! Can’t wait to try the gesso/butterfly technique in my own book!

  127. I “liked” you FB page in July of last year. Thanks for being part of Jump Start.

  128. scrappininak says:

    wonderful video – fabulous giveaway – I’ve liked MR on FB

  129. Louise Dubord says:

    Beautiful colors. I always loved Maya Road products and I have liked your Facebook page. Thanks for the chance!

  130. liked on FB – love the video, great techniques 🙂

  131. Love seeing Ronda’s process! Great video 😀

  132. Liked the FB page…thanks for the awesome video, I love love love watching an artist’s process 🙂 And I can’t wait to get some Maya Road mists now!!

  133. liked on FB! Loved the video, thanks!!

  134. Lisamariemlt says:

    amazing video, I’ve alwas loved your products, keeping my fingers crossed I might win

  135. Christine says:

    great project and can’t wait to look more on your FB page (just liked it). Love the word stamps

  136. Great video and great opportunity!

  137. Liked 🙂 Always fun and interesting to see what others can get out of different things.

  138. What an amazing tutorial!!! Thanks so much for sharing such an inspirational piece! I LOVE maya rd!! I’ve been scrapping with it for almost a decade!! (smiley face)
    this 60’s child doesnt have facebook either…. (sad face) but still felt the need to say how enjoyable the tute was and love the prize!

  139. Great video, I love to watch creative peeps at work!
    Like on Fb with absolute pleasure!

  140. Sharon van Beek says:

    I love the painting with the mists, wouldn’t have thought of that myself! I also like the idea to dilute them with water to get a softer lighter colour. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win!

  141. I really love the products Maya Road. The video is really good and butterflies so cute!! I went on Facebook and I clicked on “Like” (but I’m registered in Facebook under my real identity …. DV.).

  142. Uh oh. This old 70’s flower child doesn’t do Facebook. But I DO do Maya Road!!!

  143. Love the art journal page and the Maya Road products. I liked the page on Facebook!

  144. sarindajones says:

    Saw all the new items coming out at CHA… LOVE them and the small yard stick are great. went to FB and clicked the Like button.

  145. Thanks so much. Love your ideas!

  146. I REALLY love Maya Road, but sorry I am not using facebook.

  147. I am a fan of Maya Road for quite some time now

  148. jeah – that;s the great fb page 🙂

  149. Christine Smith says:

    Wonderful art journal pages ! And love your facebok page too.
    Now I need to shop!

  150. LOVE this tutorial. I so love Maya Road products to. One of my favorite products and those butterfly mask are a must have!! Thanks so much for sharing your techniques with us. AMAZING!!!

  151. Of course I like your FB page! I love Maya Roads awesome
    give away ❤ Just hope Im the lucky one…

  152. Me encantaría que me tocara este premio y ponerme manos a la obra con estos tesoritos. Gracias. A ver si consigo encontrar la página en facebook

  153. Liz Saxen says:

    liked the Maya Road facebook page, great photos of products. I was happy to see MR mists are permanent that they won’t re-wet. good to know. Love the video!

  154. I really enjoyed watching your creative process and your colour palette rocked! Thank you!!!! Oh and I’ve liked you on FB. 🙂

  155. NancyGrace says:

    Maya Road:
    comment. There I left one. LOVED the video. Now I’m going over to Facebook to like you some more!

  156. liked Maya Road on facebook!

  157. Christina says:

    I loved the video and all the products. Well done!!! Love Love your facebook page.

  158. Valerie Bullock says:

    “Liked” you on Facebook. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win some great products. I, too, love Maya Mists!!

  159. Fabulous!!!! – I have also left a comment on the FB page

  160. Of course I like you. I always have! (and I did!)

  161. Love Maya Road Products and Liked the FB page!

  162. Toni Hinchcliffe says:

    I “liked” you on FB, and I LOVED your video! I will have to give Maya mists a try!

  163. caroldeezigns says:

    Very spontaneous and carefree! Enjoyed video!

  164. Love the video.

  165. Love the butterfly stencils with the gesso and sprays. Have always liked Maya Road products. Checking out FB next.

  166. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    Great line of products! Liked you on facebook :)!!

  167. Judi Howard says:

    Journaling words… loved the idea but couldn’t see how you did it.
    I guess they come with instructions.
    Very effective!
    Will check out your facebook now.

  168. 20 thousand 530 plus 1 new “like”, on your FB page….and definitely, I really LIKE it because I can’t believe that this piece of art was born under my eyes! Thank you so much, it has been an unforgettable moment for me – even behind a PC monitor! Thanks also for the opportunity! Paola

  169. Definitely LIKED MR on FB! Totally enjoyed the video of the artful creation of a double journal page spread! Thanks for the lesson!

  170. Love these products and what you can do with them! Like on FB.

  171. helen markee says:

    I liked maya road. Thanks for the video on the journal pages. beautiful

  172. Linda Søberg says:

    Done!! 🙂

  173. Liked on the fb and really enjoyed the art page video

  174. Braiden Lee says:

    Absolutely beautiful!!

  175. FB check! Very good tutorial with gesso and inks. Thanks to MRoad for sponsoring.

  176. I’ve liked Maya Road on FB. I love these products – would work great in my current project!

  177. Already ” liked” on fb great video, love the idea of using the tube inside the bottle to draw with.

  178. Really enjoyed it! Have liked Maya Road FB page!

  179. LOVE this so much!! ❤

  180. WOW I didn’t even know that Maya Road had mists. I had never shopped there. I loved the journal pages…awesome colors. You can bet I’ll be going on their site and follow it to get insight and tutorials on their products.

  181. I liked you on FB. Thanks for the info about the Maya mists. I’ve been looking for something permanent. Love sprays but hate the bleeding at times.

  182. Yay, i already like Maya Road!

  183. Nancy Sapp says:

    I’m not on FB but I LOVED the video! You’re all so talented. Would LOVE the Maya Road products!

  184. Fab prize! I already had “liked” them on FB

  185. celebrate2spirit says:

    Like May Road on FB…loving the jumpstarts here! What a wonderful offering!!!!

  186. conlin664 says:

    I liked you on facebook! The video was very helpful.

  187. Of course I’ve ‘liked’ MR on Facebook! I love MR products and I could always use more!!

  188. Rita Timmons says:

    great video! Love all the techniques this year – I think I need some maya road mists to add to my stash – great colors!

  189. Thanks for the giveaway!

  190. I would create a mixed media canvas.

  191. Liked Maya Road on FB.

  192. Thanks for the great technique of using gesso with your masks. And I love the way the entire 2pg layout came out with all the different colors and textures. I’ve liked your FB page for a while now! Love your stuff, have some but can always use more!

  193. I am so glad to be on the LIKE page on FB now. I loved the idea of the surprise kits. I will definitely look for them next time. Who doesn’t love a surprise! I also loved the CHA peeks! thanks for that. Lovies, Samara

  194. I liked Maya Road on fb, and I love Maya Road products! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  195. awesome video. thank you.. and i “liked” you on facebook!!!

  196. Denise Trottier says:

    Love Maya Road products as well as your facebook page…thank you for sharing this page with us…great layout…
    Denise Trottier

  197. Like Maya Road? Nope, I LOVE them!! But, of course on facebook that isn’t an option, so I “liked” them there LOL Great art journal page. Will be trying some of your techniques for sure, Rhonda!

  198. I loved the video – got lots of good ideas – but I don’t have a Facebook account.

  199. kathcrafter says:

    I love the Maya Road products I’ve used over the years, but especially the little canvas pennant banners!

  200. Melissa H. says:

    I like Maya Road on Facebook!

  201. Melinda Peckham says:

    Love Maya Road & Ronda’s creations!

  202. I love Maya road. I have many die cuts and stamps and rubons of this company. And since I live in Greece I pay a lot of money to transport them from the US. But it is worth it!

  203. I am both a Facebook and a real life liker for a while now. Great video, I have those butterflies masks, they are fantastic.
    This prize is amazing, I would be thrilled to get the chance to work with theses goodies.

  204. Love your colorful and happy spread, Ronda. I “like” Maya Road on FB.

  205. stacy clinton says:

    I love everything Ronda does with the Maya Road products–they make every project look great! Thanks so much for the video & the inspiration. Love you on FB too1

  206. your video shows nothing is a mistake…just a chance to rethink! liked on fb! thanks!

  207. Oh Maya Road – you’ve had my attention for a while and I’m foloowing all your insirations on facebook already 🙂

    Thank you for a great vid and a stunning giveaway.

  208. Loved the video! Masking is my favourite!

  209. Fun price and fantastic FB-page! Liked you!

  210. leann lindeman says:

    Great stuff!! Lovin these videos…. I liked Maya Roads FB page.

  211. done!

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