Cocoa Daisy’s Jump Start

Our next Jump Start is brought to you by Cocoa Daisy

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Your scrapbook home, a “fun little slice of happy,” where kits go on sale to subscribers on the 28th of each month, the 1st to everyone else. 



To jump start your creativity Cocoa Daisy gives away one prize to one person as below:

dec embellish pack full kit Dec embellish pack 500 KP main kit stamps

Packaged in a little muslin bag, you’ll get the following product:
October Afternoon Photo Log Washi Tape, Maya Road Vintage Burlap roses in Sunset, October Afternoon Midway Tidbits, Basic Grey Paper Cottage accordion stickers, and 3 Hello My Name Isname tag stickers. Plus, we’ve included an exclusive set of stamps designed for us by Kelly Purkey. These stamps are limited edition and sold out!

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here and tell us how you found the creative hobby you are doing now.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway..


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. Laurie Guidry says:

    I started scrapbooking after a friend forced me into it 12 years ago. I really didn’t like it at first but then I was hooked. I now have a studio and always working on my 3 grandsons scrapbooks.

  2. Thanks for this delicious give-away! I progressed from watercolor to silk painting to fabric mixed media including stamping, embellishing, collage, transfers and love to play and learn new techniques. Thanks for your wonderful artists’ techniques.

  3. scrapandstamp says:

    My bestfriend scrapbooked her wedding and when I saw how beautiful it was I HAD to try and then from there I have gone to stamping, mixed media, you name I love trying it.
    Sharon Ling

  4. I won a free card class from a vendor at a craft show and my sister and I went. That was about 5 years ago and we’ve been hooked ever since. I picked up a love for mixed media attending a class with Vicki Voutin at Scrapfest and that is my new love allowing me to combine my love for art (that I’ve been doing since I was a child) and my scrapbooking/cardmaking tools and supplies.

  5. helenec6075 says:

    I heard about scrapbooking from reading American mystery novels, that gave me the idea I might love it. Then I met Céline H. and went to her classes and that was it. I’m hooked…

  6. as a photographer, i learned about scrapbooking way back in the early 2000’s and i was hooked from the start, my fotos have already been telling a story in a way, but scrapping my fotos has made then so much more
    thanks for the opportunity for a little cocoa daisy

  7. Jinny Bell says:

    I found my creative hobby – mixed media – through swap groups online. Joining in to ATCs, book making, paper crafts, extending myself in mixed media through the internet, friends and joining in workshops. Love to play with all types of mediums and recycling as much as I can and also love introducing others to the wonder creative world of mixed media with paper.

  8. A friend invited me to a scrapbooking fundraiser, I’ve been hooked ever since.

  9. Thank you for the opportunity to win this generous giveaway. Like many others I was approached by a person I knew to take a few photos to her house and learn about something called “Scrapbooking”, turned out she was a Creative Memories consultant. Well that was the start….. I got infected by the paper crafting bug!

  10. YEARS ago, I went to a Creative Memories party and was hooked.

  11. Shelly Berg says:

    Love me some cocoa daisy! Started stamping then scrapbooking and have made the most amazing friendships as a result!

  12. Teri Buczkowski says:

    I think the internet has played a big roll in my creative journey and all its direction changes.

  13. I once admired the scrapbooks of a friend. The hubby warned me… it was addicting! The shopping more than the crafting! 🙂 Not long after…the addiction began! 🙂

  14. Lynn Shaffer says:

    I hate to say it but my mother and sister started me and turned me off it in the worst way. lol then met a lady that showed me how fun it could be. And now I am hooked but my mom and sister are not! lol

  15. I stumbled into card crafting quite by chance. I was experimenting with embossing powders on textiles and discovered a whole new craft of card making.

  16. I love everything creative… I paint since I was a little girl…but i discovered Scrapbooking many years ago through a magazine….since then it’s been crazy love . xoxo Lea

  17. In 2006, after my first child (of course) I was looking to document each month in photos. While researching I discovered and was amazed at ALL that was out there and so began my addiction… 🙂

  18. The hobby I’m working on now I was connected to via Christy Thomlinson – and I can’t really say that I know for sure where I found her, but if I had to take a guess I’d say it might have been through Bluemoon Scrapbooking. It’s allowed me to move my art of late from scrapbooking to canvas arts – while still incorporating my love of paper.

  19. How I found my creative hobby – hmmmm??? I guess I have to thank my Mother. She taught me how to sew when I was young and we were always making crafts and baking as long as I can remember… but then one day I drove past a stamp store…it was all over…because then I found out about scrapbooking and everything snowballed into altered arts.

  20. denisse pagan says:

    years ago and worked as a saleswoman visited several cities and did not take the express or highways and always passed through a small shop that his name said scrapbook, always wondered what that is. until one day I downloaded from the store I met the landlady me passionately explained what it was and I started taking my basic courses. and yet more than 10 years ago and I love the scrapbook practical.

  21. Lela Meinke says:

    years ago there was an ad in the paper for “rubberama” in the San Francisco Bay Area. I went to that show, and have been hooked on stamping ever since. one thing led to another and now i stamp and do art journals and mini-books and scrapbooks.

  22. ginicagle says:

    I started scrapbooking when my first nephew was born – 12 years ago and that has lead to incorporating more mixed media into my creations.

  23. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. This is a new hobby to me. I got introduced to scrap booking since i won some scrap booking papers last year through art journal lair.

  24. noseycritters says:

    Through photography. I had surplus prints that I made into cards. Then I started to embellish the cards and the next thing I had discovered a whole new world!

    ** Kate **

  25. Thanks for the giveaway. I started with scrapbooking a few years ago but thru youtube I found some videos of mixed media art and since then I’m hooked on it! love the endless possibilities of it and the freedom it has.

  26. Sylvia Whitesides says:

    I have been doing all sorts of crafts all my life. But I have been doing art collage for the past 5 years or so, started as a stress reliever during a family crisis. Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. i’ve been making cards all my life, can’t even remember how i got started… =)

  28. XXL story but in a nutshell, my son was hospitalized (long term almost a year) and the stress was thru the roof and a family member thought that scrapbooking would relieve the stress. Had never heard of it, googled it, went to a LSS & collected supplies for a year, finally attended a class & a crop and the rest is history!

  29. Talk about a creative jumpstart…this prize is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win. Originally I started out as a scrapbooker, but now my passion is mixed-media art journals. As a scrapbooker I got into it by accident. A co-worker was retiring and I decided to make her a memory book/scrapbook. I didn’t know the first thing about how to do it but I was hooked anyway. As time went on I learned more about scrapbooking techniques and products, which led to other paper crafts – cards, ATCs, postcards, altered Rolodex cards, round-robin journal swaps, and so on.

  30. Oh I have so many projects in the works!!! I am the queen of UFOs…I am new to Mixed Media and I feel like a kid in a candy store!!! However, my pocketbook can’t afford it all!!But I try! 🙂

  31. Neija Zeugme says:

    I started mixed media painting from watch other people as Dina Wakley, Roben Marie, Donna Downey on internet.

  32. I stumbled upon scrapbooking in 1994 while at a craft store shopping for craft supplies for my home daycare. I’ve been hooked ever since.

  33. Wow what a great giveaway!
    When I was a stay at home mom (25 years ago), I start with sewing the clothes for my daughters and I would earn some money I began with be a Trichem instructor.
    And when I was a single mom and have a burnout I began to scrapbook.
    Thank you for this change to win. And I love your blog.

  34. Anita Tillman says:

    I was on total bed rest with my first pregnancy and was totally bored… my mum was into it (I didn’t think it was my sort of thing) but gave it a go and was hooked with my first layout!!! I’ve been arty farty ever since that time about 8 years ago!

  35. My sister and I had all my parents’ pictures from the 40’s in a box and we wanted to do something with them–we must have about 10 scrapbooks filled with pictures from before our parents married to the 90s. Great memories!

  36. I don’t think I can say when I started making things- I had a grandmother who was a ceramics artist, knitter & crocheter and who loved to supply me with anything I needed to make something. I have done nearly everything at one time or another- embroidery, sewing, needle point, doll-making, cross-stitch. Each one seemed to lead to the next. I had a friend who was doing rubber stamping and stained glass and I worked really hard at NOT learning those…no new hobbies for me! But when I started reading about scrapbooking and then altered art, it was just irresistable. So here I am, surrounded by ephemera and supplies and items to repurpose. Love it all!!

  37. I was doing art history classes, which made me want to do something creative (again) myself. I can’t draw (I thought) so I turned to writing, creative (written) journaling. Searching the Internet I found artjournaling, which opened a whole new world to me and started me also in painting, mixed media and, yes, drawing.

  38. Used to just do cards but last year went to a mixed media craft weekend and its opened up a whole new world.

  39. I did a class i scrapbooking some years ago and after that, I was hooked.

  40. Wow, what a great prize!!! I found my create art when I was very young and it has really just flourished in the passed year or two now that my kids are older. I have more time now and can really get into my art room more often. I have always loved art of any kind though.

  41. Stéphanie says:

    Is always my sister that she introduced me to new hobby…

  42. A colleague at work asked if I might be interested in stamping. I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about but then went to a class with her. If not for her, I would never have entered the world of stamping, card making and then developed further in my love for mixed media. You meet amazing people through this world of creativity.

  43. Yvonne Westover says:

    I was a very lucky little girl who had 2 grandmothers, one a seamstress the other a folk art painter, and a mom who knit and crochet. So growing up it was always about making something beautiful from all kinds of bits and pieces. Then in my teenage years my brother worked in a paint and wallpaper store and one day he brought home all the discontinued wallpaper sample books and that’s when I started my love of all things paper. I used to love making ribbon roses and figured that I could cut lenghts of thick wallpaper into strips and fold them into roses just like with the ribbon!!!

  44. I replied to an advertisement placed in a shop window inviting me ( and everyone else in my small country town) to a scrap booking demonstration morning. I hesitated about going, but I am so glad I did. It actually took me another 12 months to really get into it, but that is where it started.

  45. I stumbled upon art journalling on the internet when I was really into card making a couple of years ago.

  46. Looks like a great prize pack. A co-worker & friend introduced me to scrapbooking/stamping in 2001 by giving me a tote bag full of Creative Memories product. Such a generous gift, she included an album, cutter, paper, stickers, idea book, glue, tape runner, and I’m sure more that I can’t remember. 12 years later we’re still BFF’s and still creating together every chance we get.

  47. Barb pipkorn says:

    I went to a rubber stamping store which got me inspired to start making cards and do scrapbooking. I love every minute of it and now the Internet is a fabulous resource!

  48. I was introduced to scrapbooking by my aunt – which evolved into art journaling – which evolved into mixed media canvases!
    ~Nancy (

  49. the way I got started doing mixed media and art journaling is that I was injured at my job as an OR tech at two hospitals and fell right after I had a cervical fusion done….I undid it, the bone graft collapsed, the screws were backing out, and I tore my rotator cuff. after numerous surgeries I was left disabled. I went from working 60 hours a week to nothing. I was always interested in art, had done many crafts but not drawing or painting. then I found suzi blu and I love her girls that she made and thought I could do that! I haven’t looked back since I now fill my time with art and working as a volunteer for charity wings a great organization. thank you so much for the opportunity to win such an amazing prize. xox

  50. Jessica Hiltz says:

    My scrapbooking hobby started with my auntie who had started to scrapbook. My mixed media hobby and art journaling I had friends that were doing this and i started to get an interest in it 🙂

  51. In 2009 I was browsing through Internet to find some card making inspiration. Landed on a Finnish scrapbooking challenge site and got really curious to find out more. Did not take me too long to get seriously hooked 😉

  52. I bought a Simple Scrapbook magazine and have been hooked on all things paper and inky and painty since. Your kits are beutiful and I’d love to win!

  53. a colleague spoke about scrapbooking.. I asked “scrap what?” and now it’s a passion 🙂

  54. I started scrapbooking in high school, and I would draw characters on walls for childrens rooms, which then led me to paper crafting and altering objects around the house, and now I have found mixed media and art journaling!

  55. Johanne L. says:

    I love paper crafting, I think it’s very relaxing. Even if I have only a few minutes, I always enjoy it. Thanks for the chance,

  56. Jenn Heuston says:

    Art Journalling is my passion and I discovered it through blogs – specifically Pam Garrison.

  57. I found scrapbooking whilst convalescing from pneumonia. I was in the middle of nurse training when I became ill. After spending a few days short of a month in hospital I came home week as a kitten and started flicking through the tv channels and came across an info-mercial about scrapbooking. I was hooked! And became a hoarder! And a stash stroaker!

  58. Gerd Andersson says:

    Actually, I can’t say when and where. But I think it was on the interent, maybe FB.

  59. i discovered rubber stamping through a friend.

  60. Stephanie says:

    I got interested in scrapbooking many years ago, kept buying supplies but did not have a work room to organize and actually do anything with all the stuff. Last Fall, I started scrapbook classes and i liked it but I wa looking for something more. I heard of mixed media and decided to take a beginner’s class on textures… I now apply mixed media to scrapbooking, art journaling and really anything I happen to be working on 🙂

  61. Awesome grouping of products! I got started in rubber stamping and scrap-booking by having a home party through some other companies. Then it just grew from there and now is more of an obsession, as I have always loved to color!

  62. I have always been interested in art.- since I was about three years old. Watercolour painting, oil painting, acrylics, collage and now mixed media painting.
    Art feeds my soul!!!!

  63. My love for paper arts started when I walked into a bird store – Wild Birds Unlimited – years and years ago. They had some beautiful stamps in the gift section. It was close to Christmas and I thought it would be fun to stamp on my envelopes. From there I looked for stamp stores and by writing to a couple of stamp companies they let me know where there were stores in nearby towns. Classes came next and the rest is history!

  64. I think I have always done crafts, but my sister Sheila is the one who really brought me back to it after years away when she introduced me to rubber stamping. Thank goodness!

  65. I enjoyed watching the Carol Duvall show and on one segment she showed a simple card with heat embossing with stamps. I went looking for those stamps at a local stamp store and saw a whole world I didn’t realize existed and I was hooked.

  66. I love crafts. One day, looking on internet the way to decorate a box made of wood, I discovered scrapbooking. After that and now, scrapbooking are my best hobby.

  67. I went to a CM party in 2001 and was hooked 🙂

  68. I saw a programme om tv about scrapbooking called “How 2 scrap” and fell in love instanteley. I have developed it, and are now doing mixed media and art journaling too…

  69. A good friend brought me to a stamping “party”.

  70. After retiring from the newspaper business I found myself bored with everyday life. I went back to school and ended up teaching 4 year olds the good news for me was they learn best through a physical process – lucky me it was art. During the corse of the six years I taught we put on an art s how every year. This included oils, watercolors, clays, paper, chalks, and assorted other paints, glues, staples, rubber bands and ant foam, cardboard, or piece of bubble wrap we could find. It all lead me to the many crafts I pursue today and the Internet my best resource led me here!

  71. My friend invited me to a class at a local scrapbook store where DOnna downey was teaching. SHe introduced me to the work of art journaling and haven’t stopped. Absolutely love.

  72. A friend invited us over to play with Lumiere paints one Sunday lunchtime… from there I went into stamping, then scrapbooking, then art journalling, then beading, then jewellery, then altered art, and finally I gave up my ‘proper’ job and started retraining to be an artist designer, with plans for my own studio this summer 🙂

  73. I have Scrapbooking all my life…keeping track of my competitive figure skating days, vacations and pets. With the evolution of all the products in the late 1990s/early 2000s, it just seemed like a natural fit. Now, I couldn’t see my life without this creative outlet. I love to learn, create and teach! I love being able to preserve the memories of our lost and current loved ones in beautiful LOs and making people happy by creating a personal handmade card.

  74. I started looking around the internet for inofrmation on altered books. It took me to art journal and here I am!

  75. I wanted to start exploring my creative side but didn’t know where to start. So, I just brainstormed. Collage was on my list because it’s something I dabbled in as a kid. And I’ve made several vision boards. After several days of perusing the list, I found I kept coming back to the idea of creating images with paper – it sounded like it would be more free form and the medium appealed to me on many levels. It’s expanded since then to include paper mosaic and now I’m getting psyched about adding mixed media in many forms.

  76. Linda Rapchak says:

    I was researching “mixed media” books on amazon for an art lesson to teach my middle school art students…..ran across something from Julie Fei Fan Balzer….that led to her blog….that led to Joanne Sharpe and her online classes….that led to a wonderful group of art friends who share their wonderful inspirations…..that led to Kate Crane’s Calendar Challenge……and also to Creative Jump Start. So what started as a simple search for an art lesson a year ago has opened up an amazing creative world for me again. I have since started art journaling, found a new passion for lettering and color, discovered how happy mixed media makes me, not to mention discovered so many talented artists (like the ones in this group)!

  77. The first time I saw Scrapbooking was on an art-exhibition some years ago, and I love to do it.
    And painting is my passion since I was a child ❤

  78. raine1313 says:

    I learned about art journaling from Kelly Kilmer when she came to Ink About It five years ago. Since then I have completed about 40 journals of various shapes and sizes.

  79. Started scrapbooking as a way to display and keep memories of all our family events. Loved the beautiful papers and embellishments. I am hooked!

  80. i started scrapbooking when my oldest grandson was born as I wanted to keep a record of him growing up, since then I have started making some cards

  81. I was scrapping in high school on the year book committee, then college with my sorority documenting for the archives, and finally was invited to one of those parties in my twenties…

  82. I came to scrapbooking through a home party I was invited to in 1999.

  83. Heather O'Brien says:

    My best friend since 6th grade was a demonstrator for Creative Memories and showed me the light about 10 years ago

  84. bjaneglas says:

    I started with scrapbooking then rubber stamping and now do mixed media and all the others too LOL

  85. Kimmy Jaster says:

    I self-discorvered scrapbooking back in junior high, before there were products on the market… I made my own photo albums and cut out magazine letters to use as titles.

  86. My aunt introduced me to scrapbooking since then curiosity has gotten the best of me and I am dabbling in a lot if mixed media!

  87. Wow great prize pack. A friend introduced me to crafting and i have been doing it ever since.

  88. brandinav says:

    To be honest, I don’t have a ‘particular’ project right now. Just learning new techniques and ways of being expressive in a visual way. I get regular assignments from the Life Book 2013 class I’m in as well as all of the technique ideas from CJS, so I’m constantly surrounded by inspiration 🙂

  89. A good friend introduced me to scrapbooking and card making but I started by sewing and making jewelery

  90. I discovered mixed-media on the internet looking for new painting techniques. I came across blogs Donna Downey, Christy Tomlinson and Shirel and I loved it !!!

  91. I found Mixed Media and Art Journaling through a You Tube video from Suzi Blu when I was looking for scrapbooking ideas. Love it!!!

  92. I was hooked when I saw heat embossing!

  93. Tina Walker says:

    My scrapbooking obsession started with an anniversary album I wanted to create for my parents. Since then I’ve been hooked!

  94. I fell in love with paper crafting when I saw the beautiful paper lines that are available.

  95. I|ndeed you make me smile 😉 I’ve tried it all and ended up doing mixed media. Still loving it!

  96. A friend of mine who’s an artist let me play around in her studio with all her yummy paints, mediums and found items she’d bought over the years. I was hooked and started my own collection soon after.

  97. Marianne wildau hansen says:

    A very sweet girlfriend introduced mé to scrapbooking, and I was hooked right a way.

  98. i’ll try anything once….and if I like it – I keep on going….then I end up with four projects on the going – knitting to go…and the others for home.

  99. ruthee001 says:

    I found out about mixed media by doing a class at a craft show.

  100. Katie Hill says:

    My mom scrapbooked for me & I have been scrapbooking all my life.

  101. Started scrapbooking with CM back in 1996 when I suffered a nervous breakdown. This hobby gave me the confidence to get back in the real world. I then explored other scrapbook companies, then stamping and card making, and now combine it all with multi media projects and cards 🙂

  102. Sigrit liebe says:

    I started with cardmaking years ago.

  103. i allways did presents by my own, but like 5 years ago a friend of mine showed me a scrapbooking shop, since then i’m in love!

  104. vickyday13 says:

    Mostly I do digital scrapbooking and I discovered it back in 2005 when I was surfing the net for free clip art to use on my pages that I was working up in Word for Windows!

  105. When I was 21 my aunt invited me to a Creative Memories party she was hosting. I was hooked and the rest, as they say, is history.

  106. cute prize package – a friend decided we needed to take a stamping class at the local stamp store and the rest is history

    Barb Housner

  107. Louise Dubord says:

    I have always been artsy. When I got married on the beach, I wanted a special memento and decided to do a scrapbook. The rest is history, I was hooked!

  108. Ah… A Cocoa Daisy subscription is soooo on my wish list :-).

    I know now that I’ve always been scrapbooking, I just didn’t know it until I read an interview in a Dutch womens magazine where it was mentioned, just briefly. I liked the sound of it and Googled it… And fell in love ;-).

  109. Elena Cid says:

    Que bonito. Me encanta, sobre todo el tape

  110. I’m a scrapper, I found it in the net. I was looking for some ideas about how to decorate a photo album. I found a blog who names the Scrapbook, in that moment Scrapbook doesen’t exist in my country, so i starto to search information and I discovered the paper cfrafts world.

  111. Christine says:

    It all started with a scrapbook from my grandma, newpaper clippings mostly, soon I was drawing and always loved creating projects that bring make memories. BTW great prize love it.

  112. Went to a friends Creative Memories party at her house when my son was 6 weeks old, now 10 years later I’m totally addicted and attend regular crops with lovely fellow crafters. Still love scrapbooking but now love altering things too 🙂

  113. Rebecca White says:

    I was involved in some online message boards and stumbled into there creative community part and fell in love with the pictures of what they were doing and developed friendships and then started doing it myself too.

  114. I grew up in a family that didn’t have much money. When we needed something fixed or wanted something made, we looked around to see what we had or could find and made it work. My dad made our beautiful kitchen cabinets out of shipping pallets! A trip to the scrapyard was a delight, but a trip to the hardware or fabric store was a rare adventure. As a result, I’m now fascinated with assemblage, collage, painting, sewing, any type of crafting and art created with found objects. I upcycle treasures such as cereal boxes, bubble wrap, and tissue rolls, mixing them with purchased products. Thanks for the giveaway…LOVE the Maya Road line!

  115. thanks for the chance! i found scrapbooking when i was looking for a way to make a my first year book for my son! (not a unique way to discover scrapbooking – lol!!!)

  116. I was introduced to Scrapbooking firstly through Creative Memories back in 2000, then I discovered the online world and haven’t looked back!

  117. Judy Morgan says:

    I attended a rubber stamp party hosted by Dee Gruenig in Southern California way back in the 80’s. It was so much fun I was hooked! Took a hiatus from scrapbooking awhile ago, but have recently returned to absorb all the new techniques and supplies and have added card making to my creative interests.

  118. through my sister in law love scrapbooking and I haven’t looked back since

  119. I found out about paper crafting after I started scrap booking earnestly about 10+ years ago hen my daughter was in the Navy. Wow!! Who knew you could do so many things with paper!! Nw I’m addicted to Gesso and paint!!!!

  120. I never thought I was creative, and I was actually dealing with depression at the time and someone invited me to a Creative Memories party. I loved scrapbooking and have my art to a whole new level over the past 12 years!!

  121. I was scrapbooking and frustrated that I couldn’t seem to find the right embellishments, started thinking I might be able to make my own, started google searching, and TA-DA!!! I went totally crazy (or finally sane) into all kinds of arting 🙂

  122. sarindajones says:

    MY Girlfriend had me come to a card class and that was the end of it. I was hooked.

  123. Leanne in CA says:

    A friend of mine invited me to a Close to My Heart Party years ago and I was hooked! I have loved scrapbooking and watching everything evolve ever since. I’m loving the art journals and mixed media look and continue to enjoy new items!

  124. matrispapercrafts says:

    I kind of fell into the whole scrapbooking and cardmaking. I started digitally on my computer, but after watching quite a few youtube videos. I was hooked in the paper world. I also think that my love of photos and history helps to keep me motivated.

  125. After brain surgery, I could no longer work as a bookkeeper. I lost my numbers. I also could no longer weave or knit or crochet. So I set out to find something new that I could learn. No feelings of failure. I started with watercolor painting and loved it. Then I discovered quiltmaking and met my friend Judy. She is the one who talked me into my first altered book class and we have been playing with paper, paint, collage, fabric, and metal since… I use my art to deal with my deficits and find it to be wonderful therapy.

  126. Laurie Hunt says:

    I got ill and unexpectedly had to retire from my job. I had to find something to do with myself. My friend got me started making cards and then it has been one thing after another since then. Thanks Cocoa Daisy for the nice giveaway.

  127. I was decorating pre-made photo albums long before I knew about the craft called “scrapbooking”. When my best friend got married I decided to make her a wedding album and create the complete album on my own. I started researching in the net and stumbled over all those beautiful things that the scrapbookers create and that was the beginning of my hobby.

  128. Oh, that is a question, I love to answer. i started a “Super Secret Wedding Project” for my brothers wedding. It is a mixed media painting with photos, tags, stamps, parts of my household and loads of acrylic colours which I painted onto it. It looks super and I am very proud. And, while I did it and in the beginning I had no idea where I would be going to, I had a second idea for a painting and did the sketch today. Cannot wait to organise all supplies I need for it…

  129. Christine Smith says:

    Wow! What a great gift – good luck to me!!!
    I was never a crafty type person, but one evening I went to a beginner card-making class at a craft store with a friend. The next day my friend offered to lend me some stamps and inkpads to play around with for a few days. I was hooked!
    That was about 15years ago and I haven’t stopped since.

  130. Shirley W says:

    I started making collages when i was just little out of magazines.I guess you can say
    what is old is new again.

  131. Emma Rayburn says:

    Well i’ve always loved crafts – and as it stands i have way too many hobbies! But scrapbooking i tried to fight off forever – but one day while quilt material shopping with a girlfriend she had to stop in at a lss to pay for a card class and i feel in love with the cards and as they say the rest was history!

  132. I found this hobby by stopping in a scrapbook store for words to put on my pictures and from there it just took off. I signed up for classes and I was forever hooked!!

  133. Such lovely goodies! I have been creative ever since I was a kid…after a long period of doing all kinds of stuff, but creating, I got into a design study. But is was pretty busy and all kinds of mandetory stuff, so I decided I needed to create for myself again, to relax and free my creativity more. I started with making cards, followed blogs, went onto YouTube and found some amazing people to inspire me and now I have found my way to mixed media and I love it so much 🙂
    xxDebbie / Little Dot Of Creativity

  134. I’ve always loved putting different things together and I haven’t dived into the world of scrap booking just yet . the commitment is scary so I happened to stumble on the idea of putting it on a piece of canvas that you can display anywhere . Once I discovered a new way of thinking about it a whole new world opened up for me 🙂

  135. NancyGrace says:

    Cocoa Daisy:
    In 1976, I was working during the Bicentennial Summer in Ithaca, New York. As I do wherever I live, I got myself a library card, and then was FLOORED by an Easter time collection of Pysanky eggs displayed in glass cases. I had never seen Ukrainian egg decorating before, never seen such intricacy, didn’t know you could use the wax-on-cloth techniques of Batik to enhance eggs. I just knew I HAD to learn how to make them! Those colors! Those designs! I was hooked!

    Except it took me (pre-internet) 25 years to find a teacher! Of course, I wasn’t actively looking during the ensuing decades because my life complicated and continued. All those years later I was living somewhere else, again with a library card, when a friend happened across a local teacher and thought I might be interested. Yes, I was, but she still had to drag me to the class, because it was at a very inconvenient time. I am so grateful she persisted, because I have been designing and decordecorating and teaching ever since.
    That makes me old AND crafty, but that’s okay, because if I had never learned how to make Pysanky, I would still be old!

  136. Lisa Coram says:

    I have always been a creative person since elementary school and now I am in my 40’s. I stumbled into scrap-booking in a little store that was located in Mesa, called Memory Lane. I remember being so frustrated because there were so much to look at in the store and I didn’t know where to start. Now scrap-booking has become a special part of me, I just have soooooo many pictures and not enough time!!!!

  137. Maria del Carmen says:

    I love scrapbooking! Thanks for the chance to win!

  138. I’ve always been storing memorabilia in binders and such, but once the hobby was coined scrapbooking and became popular – I found a whole big world of creativity that never ends!

  139. In 2007, my son was one year old and I already had over a thousand photographs. A co-worker suggested I start scrapbooking. I didn’t think I had enough talent or creativity to do something like that! She persuaded me and I gave it a go. It was pretty simple back then until I decided to take an introductory class. Here I learned new techniques and a new way to look at layouts. Fast forward to 2012 where I tried my hand at mixed media and now I am scrapbooking in a way that I never thought I could even attempt. Maybe I am a little creative.

  140. morningdove says:

    my grandmother used to make quilts, my mother made little dolls/clothes for me, so i’ve always been a part of creating. my online obsession really took off when i began an online trade of fabric postcards, ning groups, and trade groups then just kept taking more and more great classes.

  141. Ooooh, you should have seen me drooling about this giveaway. That’s so terrific!
    I stumbled into the world of paper, color, stamps and general mixed media art after having discovered art journaling. There used to be a time when I had only fabric and yarn to organize (I am an art quilter), however these days my studio is overflowing with stuff that is decidedly none of these *g*.


  142. Lai Sie Murphy says:

    I got hooked after I watched someone doing embossing at a craft show.

  143. Linda Søberg says:

    I started with stamping after trying it in a creative hour on high school

  144. helen markee says:

    i think i was scrapbooking before it was called that. I love taking pictures but i also wants others to enjoy them so…..

  145. ursulaschneider says:

    I was a dedicated quilter. A friend tried to entice me to come to her Creative Memories classes but I wouldn’t hear of it. I did not need another hobby. Then, I moved and a new friend invited me. For some reason, I caved and I’ve never looked back since. I left CM in the dust but I LOVE this hobby. It not only brought me into scrapbooking, but also into Photography! Currently, I’m working on Project life, finishing my December Daily and regular DT assignments.

  146. Eva Gamble says:

    I’ve always loved doodling, drawing, painting, anything with paper, crayons, and glue since I was a small child (my parent’s treasure chest will attest to this…lol). Now that I’m an adult…nothing has changed except I’ve incorporated more products and refined my skills (a little). I still use crayons every chance I get…hehe I love anything that opens up my eyes, mind and heart to the creative process, and I have found the possibilities endless! My motto is…”when it stops being fun, I stop doing it”, it’s as simple as that! Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway, they are beautiful products that would be put to great use I am sure!

  147. How I found my creative hobby? I don’t know really, to be honest. I’ve just “always” made my own birthday and Christmas cards and my card making hobby just grew from there (and now it’s an obsession! 😀 ).

  148. My mother-in-law gave me some scrapbooking goodies a couple of years before I moved to America from Europe and married her son. I did a little in Europe but once I moved to America it really took off as my new hobby in my new life!

  149. Thanks for the chance to win these wonderfull price.
    I-really love scrapbooking, because I can tell the story of our family with the layouts…


  150. Our church started a woman’s scrapbooking class and I attended and that lead to all kinds of other creative endevors.

  151. Hi,

    It was 2000 and we had a stamp store near me in San Diego, and I was at the Indian restaurant next door and went over to check it out. The store has been out of business since 2003 but I’m still at it!

  152. I have been drawing since I was able to hold a crayon, got hooked when I drew a circle around 3yo. I got interested in art journaling when I was doing a directed study on art therapy and have been working on making it an everyday activity for the last couple of years. Thanks for the giveaway!

  153. Karrie Adams Johansson says:

    I’ve always been gluing magazines & photos to paper with rubber cement, no doubt. In future years, I broke up w/ longtime bf & started scrapping. He’s gone, but the scrapping stayed!

  154. Melissa Groenink says:

    it was in 97 when a creative memories consultant came to my sisters house and i was hooked, now it is out of sanity that i paper craft as i am the only lady of the house and if i didn’t i think i would lose it

  155. I left work due to ill health- started crafting and have never loked back!!!! Anne x

  156. I make art journals using my own paper designs and I am currently working on a vintage journal using vintage fabric, lace and many embellishments.

  157. I am currently making mini albums and 3-D paper projects inspired and created by Laura Denison, Kathy Files & Kathy Krieger. I accidently found Laura and Kathy K a little over a year ago when I heard about their New Year’s Eve Scrapathon and that’s when I started watching. Right after that a friend turned me on to Kathy F with Paper Phenomenon. I’ve been hooked ever since!

  158. Internet sow me the new live. Scrap, scrap, scrap-

  159. I went to our local Goodwill and found a Cricut Expression brand new for $40, bought it and was hooked! *Hugs*

  160. Woow! Great embellishments! I found out that I like card making in 2007 with the help of a very good friend. She was going to some art classes and invited me to go. Since than I don’t miss an art class if I’m in town.

  161. Hi…thank you for sponsoring a giveaway here on JumpStart.
    I had always done some kind of crafting but in 2005 I decided I NEEDED to do a Scrapbook, recording my daughter’s young days so that her girls could see she really was a kid…just like they are. I was SO EXCITED!!! I even dreamt in layouts!!! From there, it’s history. I have branched into cards and now also into life journaling. Love this craft because it is meant to be shared with others….

  162. I fell in love with papers, organizing, telling a story, etc in college when I started dating Mr. Perfect…and 30 years later, I find my love for scrapping has increased and I am now working on scrapping my son and new daughter-in-laws wedding….and Mr. Perfect? Well, honestly, is anybody perfect?! He is Mr. Almost Perfect!

  163. Actually, I kind of do that since I am a tiny little girl. I have always had a thing for paper, paint and stamps.
    Always been a crafty person 😉

  164. I started scrapping just after our wedding because I wanted to make a special album with the pictures and other stuff from the day …. and 6 1/2 years later I’m still working on that album 🙂

  165. Oh, mann, das ist eigentlich eine lange Geschichte… Schon als kleines Kind habe ich gerne gebastelt… Ich habe vieles ausprobiert und bin doch immer wieder zum Papier zurückgekommen…. Vor ca. zwei Jahren habe ich SU kennengelernt, und vom Kartenstempeln bis Scrapbooking mache ich nun vieles… Nartürlich muß und kann ich noch vieles lernen…. und es macht so viel Spass….
    LG Stephanie

  166. OMG…I want this prize!! 😀
    In 2006, I was surfing the net for hearts images when accidentally saw a card made by an italian card maker and…..discovered a world jumping from her blog to the others! It took me 2 years to stop only watching and start crafting….

  167. A local community cottage here was offering card classes with free baby sitting. So a friend and I went along. The rest is history lol…

  168. beaucoup de MM ^-^

  169. I have been in love with all sort of art and craft supplies, paperies, letter writing and all kinds of stationaries, which eventually led me back onto this creative journey. I used to paint, write journal, art-journal, doodle, and create mail art, but had no idea there were actual names for these art forms until I stumbled upon it on youtube. It all started with Andrea Walford’s card-making videos on Youtube, which led me to discover the world of amazing crafters out there.

  170. I loove playing with paper & paints glues & pens … getting messy .. 🙂

  171. I’ve always done crafting of one kind or another for as long as I can remember. My grandmother was a ceramic maker, and DIY crafter, and my mother is a wonderful DIYer and sewer. I love trying new art mediums and expanding my art horizon. But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE paper and all things associated with it. I’ll never be an “e-reader” – that’s just not my style….

  172. Oh boy – finding scrapping was an accidental journey! My SIL introduced me to it via party-plan and I was not impressed!…. ‘how is this art???’ I thought!!
    Until I saw on the big wide web what products were ‘out there’ – I was hooked on its possibilities!

  173. I have always had a crafty side and I think just by discovering certain magazines, etc… I became drawn to the mixed media, art journaling arena. Love it!

  174. I attended some Creative Memory workshop and soon started to scrap with some awesome ladies who became my friends. We scrapped together for a couple years and now I teach scrapbooking to a local store in Ontario, Canada. Scrapbooking and doing mixed media art is for me the best thing in the world after my kids and husband!

  175. I have always known I would love scrapbooking but never got my hands in it until my first son was born. My sister was attending a scrap weekend and invited me so I went right out and bought all the things I needed and dove right in. I’ve been hooked ever since!

  176. I am a newbie who found art journaling when I was looking for a way to use up and combine all the stuff I had collected while trying out other art forms!

  177. I am a sewist, and just a few years ago happened upon Altered Books Yahoo group…I have been hooked since then, and am very into book arts, with mixed media techniques.

  178. my best friend, year ago introduced me to scrapbooking, which opened to door to all sorts of creative endeavors! Right now, I am in the middle of packing and moving, so I am really missing being creative! Can’t wait to get all my stuff unpacked!

  179. I thought scrapbooking meant pasting pictures into a huge blank paper book. I signed up for a class run by REAP, that is Rural education for adult pupils, and i learnt how to scrapbook with the basics.. That was 7 years ago, I am now seriously addicted to preserving memories…

  180. I was about to make a photo album for my father-in-laws 50th birthday and found scrapbooking paper in a craft supplies store and from there it all started!! 😀

  181. I found scrapbooking thru internet when I was looking for something else:) I got all excited and found amazing blogs! After looking at them for a while I decided to try myself:)

  182. I was just a little old Crosstitcher. I hated Art until I made friends with the most artistic person ever. She is such an inspiration, she showed me that Art wasn’t just drawing on a piece of paper (which I HATE). Now I love trying to do new things with her.

  183. Dear friend of mine told me about scrapbooking and now I’m compeitely addicted to it.

  184. Linda Brouwer says:

    I’m doing Life Book 2013 too and I found it after I googled a word. I can’t remember which one!

  185. I just wanted to make some albums with my new born son. Then I started to look for some inspiration and I found more and more websides about scrappbooking with many challenges tec.

  186. Cheryl Sande says:

    I started when a friend tried to convince me I need to try Stamping. Not convinced I still tried it but it lead me to doing alternative art and Scrapbooking which I love. Go figure.

  187. I am working through LifeBook 2013. I found it from blog hopping and saw it on someone’s blog and went to check it out, I decided it was the perfect thing for me!

  188. I discovered scrapbooking when my grandmother bought me a kit as a Christmas present one year.

  189. Hi. I am a hone decor and paper crafter. I joined a creative club that moved in the mixed media direction. Love it all!

  190. in 2009 my uncle was realy sick and I thought I can do someting for him by my own. I searched the internet and found many interesting ideas! I created my first hand made card. 🙂 I’ve always enjoyed being creative

  191. Jessica Fitzhenry says:

    I started card making and scrapbooking after a craft store opened in town. I took a few classes there and have been hooked ever since 🙂

  192. I started with scrapbooking and after a while I discovered stamps and inks. They are my favorites at the moment. But since CJS stencils are a favourite too. There is still so much to discover !

  193. Art Journaling came to me out of frustration…..The fact that there is no wrong way to do anything in an art journal sold me! Very theraputic!

  194. Sharon van Beek says:

    On a crafts show I found a stamping magazine and that led me to find other stampers, and also to Yahoo groups on stamping, and that again led me to mixed media art and fabric art. Internet gave me a whole new world of fellow artists, who inspire me so much!

  195. Lisa Campion says:

    A passion for family history & old family photos led me to scrapbooking; my love for crafting since childhood led me deeper into scrapbooking & photography; re-ignited creativity & blogs led me to art journaling, mixed media on canvas & teaching myself to sew!!!

  196. first time i hear about scrapbooking…I was driving my car and i was listening radio…someone talk about that and when i arrived at home, i looked on the web what it was…A BIG WORLD to discover…and since that time (8-9 years) i did a lot…lot…teach it for a store and discover my present hobby ( MIXED-MEDIA) on the web too…

  197. I wanted to make a photo album for a friend that was special and that’s how I discovered scrapbooking. Then, mixed media grabbed my attention at one of your lessons actually Nathalie, in Athens. Since then, and many more lessons and tries later, I can’t keep my hands clean and I’m loving it 🙂

  198. Christy Sloan says:

    Ive alwasy been a crafter of one kind or another. I saw scrapbooking in a magazine and I was hooked.

  199. I started off as a rubber stamper back in the early 90s from having seen a demo at a home and garden show. Then I got into Scrapbooking and now altered art.

  200. i started off cardmaking and then my love for paper grew and grew – now I love art journalling and scrapbooking as well as making cards

  201. I started making cards in occupational therapy during a lengthy hospital stay. Years later when my dog Hayley passed away, I decided to make a scrapbook of her. I had no intention of taking up scrapbooking LOL. It was just going to be the one album. Umm eight years later and I still haven’t finished Hayley’s album but have started several others!!! 🙂

  202. My daughter gave me a Cricut 3 or 4 christmases ago, and I started dabbling in paper crafting. I haven’t gotten into the various media that are out there, but after CJS I think I’ll have to try some different techniques!

  203. I started art journaling and hand-lettering as an outgrowth of meditating on scripture. Then I discovered Joanne Sharpe and many other fabulous mixed media artists who have encouraged and inspired me greatly.

  204. Ann-Marie Waite says:

    I’ve always been crafty, but I must admit I started more seriously in 2006 when my best friend decided to start scrapbooking and we started to surf the Internet for new inspiration and it initiated us to this wonderful world of art and creativity. We’ve never looked back!

  205. Cool giveaway…I found the hobby of Art Journaling through my passion for journaling…art journaling ramps up the creativity of journaling in a whole new way…I love it!

  206. Such a great gift!!!
    The beginning lies in that moment I first held a crayon as a child 🙂 I just never stopped drawing. Growing up, I learned to use scissors too. I’ve always enjoyed being creative. In therapy I learned to “let my hands do the job” when working with paint, crayons or clay. I needed to stop thinking and just going and see where it would lead me. When I got stuck, I learned to ask my project what it needed. Now, this must sound insane, but it put my “art” to a whole new level. From there, I started to explore.
    Then there was that time the first scrapbooking magazine was sold in Holland. I loved it at once, but wasn’t very active until someone saw a canvas I made and invited me to a message board. From that moment, I was completely taken. Through internet I learned a lot of new techniques. I got so inspired by the art of others. And then there was this thing with all the products I started to collect. Due scrapbooking I got introduced with art journaling and now all crafty, artsy things come together. Techniques I learn from one thing, I use for the other things. And very often I ask my work: “what it is, you need?” The “letting my hands do the job” thing, has to come back though. Again, I think too much (just like I talk too much LOL)

    xx Monica

  207. Rhonda Strickland says:

    I went to a scrapbooking party 10 years ago, and I was hooked!! I was so happy to find something creative that I was good at.

  208. I am sewing a puff quilt! using a scalloped square die cut.
    I love it!

  209. I do many creative activities that are my work/business mixing in pleasure too.
    I especially like printmaking with stamps I carve myself, monoprint, and plate printing. being a creative person, I had found out many creative techniques as a child.

  210. mieke caspers says:

    Rubber stamps, paint, collage with different material. I love this all.

  211. My sister-in-law introduced me to scrapbooking, but I found that took too long & started making cards. Then I went to the Great Northern Papercrafts Exhibition at Harrogate & discovered art journaling, which is what I do now & really love.

  212. Yvonne Williams says:

    My mother had a friend over and they were talking about scrapbooking. She is an avid stamper and got me interested and going down to road… LOL

  213. I´m working nights as a nurs.

  214. Roxane Apple says:

    More than sixteen years ago my friends pressured me to try Scrapbooking. I’m so very thankful they did. I love all sorts of paper crafting and mixed media!

  215. I started doing bookbinding then got introduced to altered books along the way then to art journals… it has been a long development and now I like to do all of them! SOrry I hit post before I was done on the other post — please ignore that one!

    Then I started quilting and doing combination fabric and art books… I think I love both worlds so I just work back and forth in each one.

  216. I started doing bookbinding then got introduced to altered books along the way then to art journals… it has been a long development and now I like to do all of them!

  217. I found scrapbooking when my son asked me to put together some pictures of his growing up years. That was back in the 90’s. the rest is history! Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity! Lovely goodies!

  218. I found art journalling through a spell of ill health when I wanted to take my mind off my treatment and onto something else. I have come to love art journalling and now find time to do something every day (even if it’s just preparing a first layer).

  219. Janelle Rourke says:

    My sister who lived 500 miles away – showed me her Disney scrapbook. DH & I had taken a 9000 mile Amtrak train trip around the US, and had lots of pics, souveneirs, and my journaling of the trip. It was a perfect choice to showcase it all together. That was 2002, and so my first scrapbook is over 6 inches thick! lol I had always loved collages, and had made one on my wall in my bedroom with magazine pictures, and had to leave it behind when my parents moved in my junior year. I think I am still trying to recreate it !

  220. I have painted, drew and was crafty – my mom always made sure I had LOTS of supplies! I am loving all those goodies!

  221. The first time i heard about scrapbooking was in 2005 in a tvshow. There was a segment about about card making and scrapbooking. I was hooked…

  222. I always did some sort of scrapbooking…..markers directly on my magnetic album pages! Since then I have been a product junkie and love all types of mixed media and paper crafts.

  223. A few years ago, an acquaintance invited me to a scrapbooking party. After that, I was hooked.

  224. Oh gosh – I’ve always been enamored of paper crafts! As a kid I loved doing origami (still do), and shortly after my son was born a friend took my mom and I to a meeting of a Houston area stamp club – one look at all the stamps and papers and I was completely hooked! From there it branched into art journaling and mixed media.

  225. angiesuez says:

    I am still in love with rubber stamps and paper!!

  226. Debbie Pettit says:

    I’ve been scrapbooking for several years and I got started when a friend introduced me to it, but my new passion is art journaling. I found it when I started buying Somerset Memories and the other publications by Stampington, especially Art Journaling.

  227. Tonya Love says:

    sewing a rag quilt! using a scalloped square die cut.

  228. I make greeting cards primarily using a number of different techniques. I was making jewelry before the cards. I went to a stamp party and started noticing all the products in the stores.

  229. Ann Bateman says:

    Right now, I’m working on a Valentines Printer Tray. I did a Christmas one and loved how it turned out. I think I may be addicted to these cute trays

  230. I started scrapbooking about 14 years ago when I saw some product on the shelves at one of the chains. It looked like it would be a fun way to capture memories and save photos. Since then, my interests have broadened. Most of my inspiration has come from magazines and other publications, online classes and tutorials, “scrapbook conventions,” and a creative friend. In addition to still being an avid scrapbooker, I love doing art journaling and mixed media work. It has been a wonderful creative journey!

  231. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    I started scrapbooking about 8 yrs ago when I was first introduced to a Creative memories party by a friend. Recently I had another friends introduce me to the world of mixed media canvases looving it 🙂

  232. Wow I have been creating since I could hold a box of crayons….hehe I remember as a teen scrapbooking on black card stock and in notebooks…like the junk journals now that are popular. I am really enjoying mixing scrapbooking and mixed media art….I am really enjoying this Creative Jumpstart 2013. thanks for sharing.
    Peggy Lee

  233. I started scrapbooking a few years ago after a co-worker showed me a stampin up catalogue. She sells the products and had it at work so I looked thru it. I loved the layouts and products! I placed an order from her then purchased my cricut and list goes on. I really enjoy it and I sometimes get special requests to make cards and layouts. If only there were more time in a day, I’d do some every day!!!

  234. Since I was little I was cutting photo’s and adding all kind of paper tickets to the album. Later on I discovered stamping and scrapbook papers, and now I’m using all kind of stuff and rubbish to my journaling

  235. I have been making things since I was little. Then one day I went to a craft show & saw heat embossing for the first time. At the time I didn’t have much money so I started to find what else I could do with what I brought which got me into different techniques, looking at my stamps in a different way to make the most use out of them, playing & experimenting. This all got me into art journalling, scrapbooking, altered books, mini books & of course cards.

  236. nicole knopke says:

    Had heard of these parties you could go to and scrapbook (Creative Memories) but never actually went to one because I knew that if I started with it, I would inevitably be hooked…I moved to a little country town and started card making classes as a way to meet people…from there I casually strolled around the scrapbooking shop and decided to take a class….needless to say I was hooked and haven’t looked back since!!

  237. I am a papercrafter and my first exposure to it was the mere mention of “rubber stamping” by someone in America whose online diary (these are now called blogs but they used to be very individual, programmed by the author) I was reading in 1996. I was intrigued. I saw what she made and I immediately wanted to try and source some rubber stamps in the UK. Back then, supplies were quite limited and I was dabbling along making cards with paper only, and a very stinky glue stick!!! Things have definitely improved since then. I have since expanded to scrapbooking and art journalling and the internet is now full of lovely people like Nathalie, willing to share their talent with us!! I can’t imagine my life without art and craft.

  238. At my cousins 21st birthday, 6 yrs. ago I was asked to do the photographs for the evening. After that evening I felt a bit flat giving them the 21st pictures just like that and wanted to do something more! I was referred to a scrapping class but couldn’t settle with this teacher as she didn’t seem to spark the flame of desire I was looking for… I started to look around for other scrapping teachers and finally found a brilliant teacher who had traveled and trained in Australia. Spent many hours working and growing their.With my family we relocated to NZ and it has opened a whole new world to what scrapping and arts and crafts offers one…. I have grown and the diversity in my mixed crafts and canvas arts and scrapping has grown! The willingness to discover is what makes crafts such an amazing blessing each day!

  239. dzfollies says:

    I searched for a hobby to keep me busy while my boyfriend worked at night, and I discovered scrapbooking!!

  240. I started scrapping back in 1992 when a girlfriend from the US came to visit our newborn son. She brought me a scrapbook, some pens,rulers and stickers. I was hooked after the first page. I can’t believe how much I have learned since then. My love of art journaling started with a class at my local scrapbook store and there was no turning back. I’m new and I love to learn every technique I can get my hands on. It’s like a whole new world opened up to me.

  241. I love taking pictures and I was looking for a way to show them, so I started a scrapbook album. Shortly after I took a cardmaing class, and I met a representative of scrapbooking products, and I was hooked!

  242. Stacy Caddy says:

    I have been a scrapbooker & crafter from way back before it became popular, I used to love to watch Carol Duvall on The Home Show with Gary Collins. My love for mixed media got started last year when I discovered CJS… Thanks Nat for all the fun & inspiration…

  243. Catherine says:

    About 12 years ago, I was unable to find the perfect 60th birthday card for my cousin. So I created one for her…Colleagues at work seemed to love it and were VERY encouraging. Lots has happened since then… cardmaking can be so artful 🙂

  244. I have always been ‘artsy’ and over time and trial and error have realized I am a mixed media artist

  245. I seen it on TV on a show called Better Homes and gardens and got the magazine and ordered the kits from it.. than slowly learnt there was a HUGE community out there! lol

  246. I found myself addicted to stamping and papercrafts after attending day long Saturday Make and Takes at a scrapbook store where you were allowed to play with tools and learn techniques. Seeing and using products really opened my eyes to what was possible, and awakened so much creativity in my life.

  247. i’ve always been art and crafty but never persisted with one craft long term. I resisted my friend’s attempts to get me interested in her Creative Memories scrapbooking, and I insisted that I didn’t have time with 3 preschool aged children. A few years later, I succumbed and attended one of her party plans and I was hooked. I made time to scrapbook when the children went to bed. I quickly outgrew that plan and frequented every scrapbook store and found that scrapbooking encompassed all of my previous arty endeavours! I have been scrapbooking for 10 years now and love embracing the multimedia techniques. Creative Jumpstart has been perfect for me. Thanks again, Nat and all the other artists.

  248. My neighbor at the time was a scrapbooker and I loved the idea. I bought one of every scrapbooking magazine at the time and the rest is history.

  249. took a few classes when i had some time and just loved the range of paper — now there is even more – my style has changed over time but I love cocoa daisy stuff – love the paper and embellishments and what you can create with paper and paint and cardstock!!!

  250. Lynn Aldous says:

    I got into photography in high school on the yearbook staff. Some 35 years later I had to do something with my photos, so scrapbooking seemed the logical choice. Now card making has taken over.

  251. Rubber stamping was introduced to me by a friend. I instantly got hooked and ended up on the Ink Pad website as I was visiting New York City. Saw that Julie FF Balzer was teaching a class and went to her website. From there I was introduced to art journaling and the rest is history.

  252. I think I was born with crayons in one fist and glue in the other. I have always fussed with all sorts of crafts and art. Could not live without it, literally!

  253. As a child I loved books, paper, crayons and paint. As I grew, I dabbled in creative hobbies – crochet, needlepoint, thread count, embroidery, ceramics, decoupage. Then I started creating digital cards, printing them out and sending them to friends & family. I decided they needed dimension and began adding ribbons, buttons, etc. The next step was creating cards from scratch with paper and embellishments. Then I was hooked on anything that involved paper, inks, paints, markers, adhesives, embellies, and ribbons. So I guess you could say I came full circle and re-discovered my childhood infatuation with paper & paint.

  254. I started scrapbooking to create a 25th Anniversary book for my parents (that was 15 years ago). Back then, it was just paper and stickers…we’ve come a long way.

  255. I discover card making just before marrying !

  256. Joanne seguin says:

    Crafting all my life as from a family of 10 children in the 50’s, not much money, therefore, paper, crayons, scissors were my life. At 17 bought my own sewing machine and learned to sew, then took quilting lessons, crochet and macrame lessons and added doll making and tole painting on top of that. Scrapbooking was introduced to me 9 years ago by my sister as I had lost my oldest son to “sudden death” due to a heart problem we didn’t know he had and scrabooking took my body out of depression and I’ve been scrapbooking every since.

  257. a lillian vernon catalog 25 years ago got me started with rubber stamps.

  258. ah, it sneaked up. I began to see cards, layouts, mixed media projects as I started to move from traditional quilting to fibre art.

  259. Like most crafters I have been doing crafty things all my life. One just leads to another as I discover new tricks , materials, and techniques.

  260. janbarlow says:

    Being a crafter of some sort most of my life, I was introduced to the idea of preserving photos on gorgeous papers and using all sorts of embellies when I was watching Lisa Bearnson do a presentation of goodies on QVC. Scrapbooking was the culmination of every craft I’d been doing in the past. So I purchased my first “kit” in 2004, joined an online scrapbooking community (and even served on the design team eventually) – and the rest is history! As far as art journaling, YOU, dear Nat, probably FIRST influenced me with your wonderful mixed media scrapbook pages at SIStv. I was also watching Miss Julie and loving her painterly/artistic style as well. Somewhere I fell in love with the whole idea of art journaling and begin experimenting with it and taking classes. Again – YOU and Julie have been major influences. I’m still trying to find my own voice in art journaling. I love both scrapping and art journaling – and will for the rest of my life!

  261. Barb Adams says:

    Even though I had been stamping little images on envelopes and gift tags before finding “real” rubber stamping, a friend selling Stampin’ Up! introduced me to making cards. Then I got a job in a stamp store, discovered altered books and assemblage and mixed media art and keep discovering new and exciting paper crafts.

  262. oasisatthebeach says:

    I purchased my first rubber stamp about 25 years ago at a home show. I had to emboss over my stove – I didn’t even know what an embossing gun was! Now I have literally hundreds of stamps and my craft has evolved to mixed media!

  263. Sally Clum says:

    I have always been an artist, since my grade school days. When I lost my job I decided to use the time it took to find another job to explore my creativity. Four years later I am employed part-time and still using my talents to earn extra income while expanding my artistic abilities. Thanks!

  264. zarischka says:

    Oh wow… The first one, I guess was cardmaking. I stumbled into that and scrapbooking pretty much the same way.
    I’ve always created, and I was on Tradera (kind of like Ebay, only Swedish and not as fun or cheap), looking for fun papers when I stumbled onto this lady who sold SUCH fun things wthat were for “scrapbooking”. I had no idea what it was, but bought a bunch of fun things – and a little later I got a newsletter from her, telling me she’d opened a shop for scrappers. Now I HAD to check it out and… I was stuck.
    Mixed media came pretty much the same way. I used to draw and paint and even took classes, but the mixed media-bit came from inspiration online. Friends talking about it and me googling it and looking at you tube-videos… The rest? Is history! 😉

    Thanks for the chance to win! 😀

  265. I started scrap booking about 15 years ago and then about 2 years ago just browsing on the internet I saw people showing off their art journals. Well I was hooked and started then and have not done much scrap booking since. I also love trying out new online classes in painting so really the internet is responsible for the crafts I do now.

  266. My sister introduced me to scrapbooking and I thought she was nuts!

  267. Corynn Gammon says:

    Thanks for the chance to win! I am a right-brain artistic person with a degree in Drama. Sadly, I have no talent when it comes to art!! So, papercrafting is for me!!

  268. I’ve always been crafty since I was a child. Made cards and presents for the whole family. I began scrapbooking when my first child was born.

  269. Kathy Roscoe says:

    I started scrapbooking to keep all the memories my hubby and I have made playing golf. We met on the driving range after my first lesson, we married and now play couples tournaments in a 3 state area. Lots of memories to capture!

  270. Lover of all things crafty…Projects I am working on now are a reflection of life’s exposure to great teachers, books, and now JUMPSTART!

  271. Lynne Vowles says:

    I was a card maker and one year for my Birthday by daughter booked for us to go to crop together and I became hooked on scrapbooking. I also dabble in Art Journalling and mixed media which have developed because of my Scrapbooking.
    Thanks for the chance of a fabulous prize.

  272. My best friend introduced me to scrapbooking…… In the beginning I mostly did layouts and mini albums, now I discovered art journaling as well….. I am addicted!! 😉

  273. Well i did start with scrapbooking when my daughter was just born, almost 10 years ago. Later i did find on internet more things about mixed media and i started combine this. Love this give a way and the products.

  274. Inspired by my sister, I started to scrap my family photos. Looking for ideas beyond simple matting and a few buttons or stickers, I bought a few magazines and was blown away by the layouts used in the ads. I went online to see more and discovered a whole new world of design. I got to know some of the ladies who were creating these wonderful pages (many of them in person) and through them, I’ve learned how to experiment with techniques and media.

  275. Samantha Kaminski says:

    Even though I became a nurse Ive always had a creative flair. I took art, photography and fasion design as a subjects in high school and when i finished highschool and went to uni to complete my nursing degree there wasnt this time during the week where I could work on creative projects (or do my art project homework) so I continued photography, and where I could created birthday cards, and calendars for presents etc. I had no idea leaving highschool that there were these scrapbooking shop and it wasnt until I moved state and was walking around that I found one of these shops and instantly fell in love! My photography came in handy as this moved forward to scrapbooking and I just love it!

  276. My mom took me to the opening at a scrapbook store. I found love! loll

  277. yvonnevanhoof says:

    I am creative since the day I was born! I used glue, scissors and pencils before I could read and write.
    Through the years you find new things everywhere; talking to friends, going to a craft shop, reading some magazines, finding things on the internet, etc.
    Greetings, Yvon

  278. I found my scrapbooking hobby in 2011 when I decided to make new birthday card for my mother and now I’m totally addicted from it :)!

  279. from having fallen into creative potion cauldron as I was young …. thank you so much for this giveaway ❤

  280. I have been crafting from a young age… we made scrapbooks before there was any product available… I look at those books now and smile at where I started!!!! I come a long way baby!

  281. My Mum! She is a scrapper & finally convinced me at the age of 47 to give it a go….I’m was a bit slow to start, but sure am making up for lost time!!!!!

  282. I wanted to scrapbook my wedding.I searched scrapbooking on the internet and it it lead me to worlds of creativity I had no idea existed.My latest passion-altered books-was started by Rebecca Peck during her tenure as a lead Fiskateer.

  283. I found scrapbooking many years ago from a course and been scrapbooking since 🙂 You can put your mind at peace when your scrapbooking and I really like that.

  284. Scrappyjen says:

    I was an exchange student in 2001 and came home from the most fantastic year of my life with twenty-one rolls of film that I couldn’t just let sit in photo albums. I needed to do something “special” with theses photos that would do the experience justice and so my passion for scrapbooking was born.

  285. I started scrapbooking after the death of a loved one, and then I progressed to card making and now art journaling. What a wonderful hobby and I have met so many great new friends.

  286. Angela Bolton says:

    I started scrapping when I was looking for a present for my 17 year old daughter. She always loved paper, pencils and glue, so I headed into a scrapbooking store not knowing really what it was all about but figuring there might be something in there she might like.
    I couldn’t believe the creativity of the ladies there and just adored all the products and ideas. I got a great present for my daughter and a lifetime of happy hobbying for myself!

  287. I started drawing and painting in school then made crafts for fairs then scrapbooking when my son was born and it just kept evolving. I still scrapbook my sons life and also art journal, trade ATCs and do some mixed media art.

  288. I started scrapbooking as a lonely military housewife in Germany. I LOVE Germany and wanted to document all the cool things my husband and I where doing over there. And everytime I missed my mother I would do a layout about her or anything else I missed about my family and the states.

  289. I first started rubber stamping after seeing a woman demoing and selling stamps at a sidewalk craft show. That was about 20 years ago. I recently started art journalling after taking classes at my local scrapbook and stamp store. I love having another way to use my scrapbook and stamping supplies.

  290. Started scrapbooking 34 years ago. Then into mixed media and journing. Love it all.

  291. Marge Naperski says:

    I was going thru some hard times relationship-wise and made an altered book that was kind of a “I am woman; hear me roar” thing to learn to appreciation myself again. And because I like things to be functional as well as decorative, it evolved into decoupaging wood boxes with my art and messages. And people liked what I had to say so I did more of it, and then onto canvas and other surfaces. It’s all an evolution and the work is best when it expresses my emotions, though I don’t always feel like baring my soul, so sometimes it can be a struggle.

  292. Got hooked on mixed media after seeing my daughter doing some. She was also into scrapbooking however mixed media was what really got my attention. Love it!

  293. My grandmother inpsired me to make journals. In my teens, my journals have evolved into scrapbooks.

  294. I, like so many others, started with scrapbooking. Then I started buying books and magazines for inspirations and new techniques. Eventually it evolved into mixed media art, and later into art journaling.

  295. I found scrapbooking through a kid starting kit more than 13 years ago. I then started to make cards. I’m now totally in mixed media and recently discovered that I CAN draw faces and more. Such a happy place to be!

  296. Jenny McGee says:

    I started scrapbooking when I went to a Creative Memories demonstration. I slowly became hooked after that. I love it now.

  297. My first hobby was floral arranging using dried flowers but years later I found a rubberstamp store and have been enjoying cardmaking and scrapbooking (along with any mix media technique) for over 20 years.

  298. Silvia Barrera says:

    I am Graphic Designer and I relly love scrapbooking, I design gifts articles son I use scrapbooking techniques!

  299. it all started because i wanted to do up photo albums for my kids of their youth… i procrastinated and then found scrapbooking and have been in love ever since!

  300. My sister started scrapbooking many years ago. It brought her such joy that I knew I wanted to try when I was done with college (went to college as an adult student). I love scrapbooking. My sister and I have enjoyed other interests and this was a natural for us!

  301. Kathy Wood says:

    It’s been an evolution and I’ve loved all the creative techniques I’ve learned. And I keep finding new things so the evolution continues!

  302. It all started with scrap booking my grand kids. Next thing I know, I’m a mixed media artist. Love it. Thanks for the fun opportunity.

  303. Cheryl Sue says:

    I’ve been always crafty and a friend of mine told me about scrapbooking and thought I might like it since I love crafts. At first I said no, because I didn’t need another craft to do. Well after some thought, I decided I would do my wedding album because I wanted a pretty book to look at. That was 7 years ago and well, i’m still working on the wedding album and then some 🙂

  304. Goofing off on the Internet, Pinterest probably, showed me the wide world of sports (well, art journaling) that lay before me.

  305. I have always been crafty and dabbled in crafty trends and in the early 90s my hairdresser introduced me to creative memories and I expanded from there. now I love to do mixed media pieces and make cards.

  306. I was watching a cricut demo on HSN a couple of years ago and was totally fascinated! I ordered one and from that found you tube and Ustream demos of all sorts of wonderful mixed media projects. Now, it is rare that I even use my cricut, but it was a springboard into stamping, paint, and constructing! Love it all! Best therapy for empty nest! Look whos having fun now! LOL

  307. Roberta Helzer says:

    After I had my first child (18 years ago!), I was drawn to magazines and books that showed gorgeous scrapbook pages. I tried demonstrating stamping for a company, but my style was much too eclectic. Mixed media was my siren call. I love to watch shows, YouTube videos, and still read the few mags available and love those books!

  308. Patricia Allard says:

    As long as I remember, I’ve always doing paper arts, without knowing that was named scrapbooking or else. Internet helps me out finding what I need and the rest is history 🙂

  309. I watercolor and do some fabric arts, but my latest is creative effort is making mini albums. I always loved paper but tried traditional scrapbooking and did not like it. I found making mini albums on You Tube when I was looking for something I can’t even remember what now. Making these mini albums lets me do a little of everything with all kinds of materials.

  310. Denise Werkheiser says:

    I found the creative hobby I am doing now when I went away to my first art retreat four years ago! It was a time in my life where our youngest had gone to college, and I was creatively hungry to adventure into new things. I learned lots of new things, met new friends, and am enjoying it!

  311. I just played and played and played and then stumbled onto art journaling one day and discovered that what I’ve been doing has got a name…

  312. Candy Brintnall says:

    I was invited to a Creative Memories party several years ago. I had no interest in scrapbooking at all but it was one of those obligatory things so I went. I left the party with the JUMBO package and have never looked back. One thing led me to another and another and here I am! My hugely creative self (who still has no interest in scrapbooking. lol)

  313. leaveit2jane says:

    I started in the late 50’s with my grandmother. We used old wallpaper samples, bits of wrapping paper, greeting cards and lace. We would stick them down with walpaper paste into hankie or stationery boxes. I can only imagine what she’d think of this amazing abundance of wonderful stuff.

  314. for art journaling it was in magazines and books. how i started scrapbooking, i was on my way home from work, and there was a marque sign that said, “we have scrapbook supplies here.” i thought, i wonder what scrapbook supplies are? i didn’t even know what scrapbooking was. so, i decided to go inside the store, and i found out. i bought my first set of supplies, and a creating keepsakes magazine. then i was off and running. 🙂

  315. My grandma has been sewing dolls for about 35 years and just before Christmas I spent two weeks with her learning how! It was so much fun and hope to carry on a tradition! I also scrapbook and I am just learning how to do art journaling which I picked up from Julie Balzer’s blog.

  316. I have always art’ed in one way or another and happened across DirtyFootprintsStudio online and one thing led to another that became a Happy Mixed Media Home in my heart.


  317. Nicole Ethier says:

    A friend of mine introduced me to scrapbooking many years ago and we used to get together at our Creative Memories consultant’s home.. After that, I was hooked.

  318. I’ve been a decorative painter since the 1980s, and one of my painting buddies turned me on to papercrafting and stamping.

  319. elizabethtregear says:

    As a child I begged and begged my parents for a rubber stamp set. I wanted to publish my own newspaper! They always said no, no matter what I promised. Lest they sound totally cruel I will add that I was one of seven children and I am sure they panicked at the thought of the mess I could make with ink and stamps! Anyway, as an adult I finally bought my own art rubber stamps and have been doing paper arts ever since ~ and I DO make messes! …

  320. What I do, is the result of my interest in his childhood. I always have fun with the paper.

  321. Marsha montgomery says:

    I love the cocoa daisy stamp sets!

  322. In 2002 I opened my own craft shop. Within a year or so scrapbooking made the jump across the ocean. A whole new world of crafting possibilities opened up. Not sure if my customers would go for this new hobby I started making lots of examples, which was a lot of fun. And I have loved scrapbooking ever since.

  323. I saw scrapbooking on a fair. At first didn’t like it because it was pointless i thought…. how foolish of me! 😉 Now… I’m hooked!

  324. By accident… I was living in a very, very little village, my husband was working all day long and my kids were very little. And there were only very few shops. One of them was for crafters… and it was that shop, were I heard about Scrapbooking for the first time, it was in 2007.

  325. Way at the beginning days I wanted to make a scrapbook for my son and daughter who were graduating high school. So I ventured off to Ben Franklin and bought a few supplies and never looked back

  326. Betty Dallas says:

    I had tried all sorts of crafts but eventually got bored. Then about 17 yrs ago an artist friend asked if I’d like to join her at a rubber stamping class. I said yes and haven’t looked back since. I’ve loved being a card maker, but now find I’m enjoying exploring all sorts of other media. What an inspiration this has been for me.

  327. I went to a craft class at my church that had a lot of different crafts on offer. After going through all the crafts that were on display I discovered that scrapbooking and card making was for me. I love playing around with all the different papers and embellishments etc and still have a love for it.

  328. I started crafting when I was young, being taught by my Nana how to knit and sew. I’ve tried all sorts of crafting but really took an interest in card making and scrapbooking when I saw someone demonstrating some rubber stamps on a shopping channel. I thought I can do that and now, several years on I demonstrate and teach workshops myself.

  329. I started “scrapbooking” in 1963 …. although it wasn’t anything like it is now! I recorded events, saved tickets, cut out from magazines, stuck all sorts of memorabilia into them. Have always done that …. then in the 80s, stickers and other embellishments came along … then in the 90s, I couldn’t close my notebooks because I had so much “stuff” stuffed into them, so moved to binders! Started with Stampin’Up! and moved to cardmaking. Discovered Tim Holtz and changed my style completely! Don’t scrapbook any more .. make cards rarely … art journalling has become my choice of creative outlet. 🙂

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