Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L’s Jump Start

Our next Jump Start is brought to you by Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L™

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We are inspired by you to provide the most reliable, easy-to-use adhesives to suit any papercrafting need. Our guarantee leaves you free to focus on your craft!

Check the Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L™ Blog out to see some fun and inspiring projects created with this Adhesives!


To jump start your creativity Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L™ gives 1 pack with


01208 – 3D Foam Hearts – White (NEW at CHA winter 2013!)

01209 – Adhesive Hearts – Clear (NEW at CHA winter 2013!)

01644 – E-Z Runner® Permanent Strips

01607 – E-Z Squares®

01663 – E-Z Dots® Permanent

01650 – MyStik™ Permanent Strips Dispenser

01658 – MyStik™ Repositionable Dots Refill

01657 – MyStik™ Permanent Fine Refill

01636 – Crafty Power Tape

01605 – Mounting Squares – Initially Repositionable

01619 – 3D Foam Tape – Black

01614 – 3D Foam Squares Mix – White

01615 – 3D Foam Squares Mix – Black

Here is what you have to do in order to be able to win this giveaway:

Leave a comment here and tell us what movies inspires you the most to create something.

Good luck! The winner will be chosen randomly with a number generator picking the a number out of the comment entries and will be announced the first week of February.The website address with all giveaway winners will  be sent out with a newsletter. You have to be of the age of 18 to enter. Comments have to be posted till February 1, 2013 midnight Central European Time as this is when the Creative Jumpstart 2013 officially ends. Double entries will be deleted! All comments received after the February 1, 2013 will not be eligible for winning. You must be signed in for the Creative JumpStart 2013 Newsletter to be eligible for the giveaway.


Thank you for participating and making this year’s Creative JumpStart special!

Again this year we’re able to bring your Creative JumpStart Summit 2013 free. A lot of energy and love went into this event, and the work has been nonstop for months.

If you would like to help offset these costs and support me in my effort to keep Creative JumpStart free, you can donate here. It is completely up to you if you donate and how much or how little you give.

If you have technical problems– please check the FAQ Page for possible answers.


  1. It would have to be romantic movies – this always puts me in a happy place and if I’m feeling happy I always produce the best work 🙂

  2. …the first movie that comes to mind is Willy Wonka, creating makes me go to my happy place
    Who wouldnt be happy in Wonka worls….lol
    thank you for supporting Jump Start

  3. I don’t watch alot of movies, I like to work in quiet.

  4. Something like Dr Zhivago……what a wonderful theme to work to from this great movie

  5. Off the top of my head, the only one I can think of is Stepmom. When I saw the awesome quilt she made in the movie, I knew I had to make one myself.

  6. Shelly Berg says:

    Chick flicks about friends because I have so many creative friends that inspire me!

  7. Movies with emotion always move me. That inspires me! SO I’d say drama’s perhaps! 🙂

  8. Lynn Shaffer says:

    the paper, the moment and my kids 🙂

  9. I listen to a lot of audio books and interviews of people that I think are creative (authors, musicians, directors etc). I find when they are willing to share the why behind the what they create it is inspiring. Once I hear a few good ideas my own seem to follow.

  10. Fantasy movies for me are full of inspiration. They excite my imagination and bring out some unusual crafting ideas for my projects.

  11. Deb Haynes says:

    Romantic comedies……chick flicks 😉

  12. Teri Buczkowski says:

    Romantic Movies inspire me to be creative.

  13. Historical movies are so inspiring to create. With the costumes and castles and far away lands, I just want to pick up a brush and paint 🙂

  14. ginicagle says:

    Beautiful movies – like Under the Tuscan Sun really motivate me to create.

  15. Ohhh. I have not been a fan of too many movies but liked watching a few recently and loved eat pay love, in pursuit of happyness, short cut to happiness. They helped me in some way to push myself and reach for my soul.

  16. movies about the nature/animals/plants inspire me but it´s much better to go and look outside

  17. noseycritters says:

    Disney’s Sleeping Beauty with the background art of Eyvind Earle is just amazing and I find new inspiration every time I look at it.

    ** Kate **

  18. ooh… Which movie….? Hard question! I haven’t thought about movies as a creative inspiration before….. But now when I think of it, I guess dark crime-movies inspire me lots to make something steampunk, and cartoons inspire me to happy, colorful art journaling…. 🙂

  19. Pride and Prejudice, any film or tv version

  20. romantic movies always get me going… =)

  21. momzart101 says:

    Adhesives are an under rated art ,material. If things don’t stay put,then why put them there? I’m driven to create, it’s my passion. All these videos get me jump started.

  22. Alison Bateman says:

    Love movies, love crafting even more. If there is a link, I’m sure I don’t kow what it is!

  23. movies aren’t my go to for inspiration either but if I had to pick, it’d be Disney movies (yup, I can watch them by myself with no problems LOL) because of the bright color contrasts mixed with black !

  24. Paper Art Scene says:

    Historical movies with beautiful costumes and jewelry (The Tudors, Jane Austen, Duchess, etc.). Thank you for the opportunity.

  25. Gayle Richmond says:

    I am not a movie person but what really inspires me is music. I can almost see the color in the notes and I love to use music in my art.

  26. Lorraine Melanson says:

    Movies that involve art museums, fashion, and architecture get my creative juices flowing. Thank you for a chance at winning your giveaway.

  27. Movies where people make beautiful things inspire me. Afterwards I want to start right away making something myself.

  28. blog hopping, seeing other peoples work and walking seeing natures beauty

  29. I find inspiration when it is quiet and I am all alone.

  30. Laurie Guidry says:

    I find inspiration when all is quiet except my music!

  31. Stéphanie says:

    August Rush… I have seen this movie in the bus when I did a travel… Beautiful movie… Art can help everyone to touch their dream…

  32. missmelissaw says:

    Learning new things always inspires me to create…. also looking at others works. I love to see techniques used and then either figure out my own take on them or searching out how to do them. 🙂

  33. Yvonne Westover says:

    Surprisingly children’s movies inspire me to create. I have two children and so alot of our movies are the animated kids or family movies. The imagingation that goes into the process of making the story come to life amazes me. Most recently the movie Secret of the Wings and The Rise of the Guardians have inspired me to create glittery, wispy and snowflake filled cards and art!!

  34. Lela Meinke says:

    movies that inspire me? crafting videos, does that count? 🙂

  35. I have lots of Scrapbook friends on facebook and looking at their posts and projects inspire me to get busy and be creative!

  36. Sounds silly, but watch cartoons when create. The fun, colourful world of animation releases the kid in me and I create happily 🙂

  37. hmm – not an easy question to answer really… I love The Sound of Music though – and when Maria makes the children new play clothes out of curtains – I want to be able to sew like that too. I buy patterns and fabric, but don’t yet have the confidence to do anything about it. But yes, The Sound of Music….

  38. Movies with a lot of nature and landscapes inspire me most. Also the ones with great music. I love to listen to soundtracks when I work!

  39. hmmmm… can’t think of any, but now I’ll be watching movies in a totally different light… looking for creative inspiration!
    ~Nancy (

  40. Jessica Hiltz says:

    No movies come to mind. What inspires me is my close and dearest creative friends. They are wonderful and they inspire me 🙂

  41. the first one that came to mind was alice in wonderland, so many great characters and costuming. I love the story, and can think of tons of things to be inspired by this movie. looks like your products would support just about anything I could come up with. thank you so much for the chance to win such a great supply. xox

  42. Movies with lots of great architecture and bold colors amaze me and get me wanting to create. Even some movies with really cool music makes me want to create too. I’m really inspired by music.

  43. I don’t really watch movies, but I do enjoy going to crops where I find the creative energy stimulating!! Thanks for offering the amazing adhesives – some of my favorites here! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  44. movies with amazing cinematography and symphony scores inspire me to create. It’s great fun to then make a Pandora channel to listen to while I create.

  45. I have to say movies don’t inspire me to create. They just make me lazy. However I am an adhesive nut and yours have definetly inspired to create.

  46. Actually, no movies come to mind. I’m much more inspired by looking outside.

  47. A documentary titled Bill Cunningham New York inspired me to carry a camera with me daily. If I see something I photograph it-a color combination, a shadow, a cool pattern, a reflection. These little sparks of inspiration we’re overlooked before.

  48. Stephanie says:

    I do not know of movies inspiring me to create. I would say it is more music or words/quotes that inspire me.

  49. a christmas carol inspires me to make christmas cards year round.

  50. I find any movie that has the ocean or the beach as its setting always inspires me. I love the cool colours of turquoise, blues , greens and purples.After watching a ‘beach’ movie I want to paint sunsets and water.

  51. Hmmm… I would have to say just about any movie! I always seem to find scenes or images that stir my creative juices!

  52. This is tough! I guess I would say fantasy/steampunk because they are so imaginative.

  53. Movies with great music really get me inspired. That way I can download the music to listen to while creating.

  54. Can’t say that I have ever been creatively inspired by a movie. I find more inspiration from projects and ideas found on the internet.

  55. Jean McBride says:

    With out a doubt…’OUT OF AFRICA’ is the movie that I create with.

  56. Gerd Andersson says:

    Movies about Art and Nature are the most inspiring for my creativity!

  57. I’m not really a movie watcher. I’m inspired by photography, architecture, nature, all the things around. Thanks for a wonder giveaway!

  58. Romance, Paris and steam trains in movies inspire me .

  59. Beautiful scenic fantasy type movies like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy inspire me.

  60. for the romantic vintage style… Gone with the wind… unforgettable Scarlett O’Hara …

  61. I’ve been most influenced by Tim Holtz’s how-tos, as well as Journal Artista over on YouTube. Anything that is clearly explained with good examples gets my creative juices flowing 🙂

  62. I do not watch much tv, so movies are not something that inspire me. Usually, my inspiration comes from vacation photos, the actual vacation or various rubber stamps that are produced

  63. Cartoons and movies for kids, like Disney´s animations, inspire me to make colorful, whimiscal things

  64. Heather O'Brien says:

    I find European movies quite inspiring.

  65. Kimmy Jaster says:

    Amalie has lots of beautiful color & imagery in it that I just love. Very inspiring!

  66. bjaneglas says:

    I am most inspired by old time movies

  67. Denise Werkheiser says:

    Movies that have incredible scenery inspire me the most to create something, for example Braveheart.

  68. My inspiration can come from a piece of nature to a man made product…..or combining the two, shape, texture and color play a big part. Superior products to construct with are essential!

  69. I do watch lots of movies but never really thought that they inspire me in crafting necessarily. Like others I get heaps of inspiration from how to’s on you tube, here of course, and on some wonderful inspiring blogs.

  70. I don’t watch a lot of movies and do not find my inspiration through that source. I do love to read books and magazines and get inspired by that.

  71. Interesting question….I have never been inspired by movies to create something. Maybe movie titles.

  72. I’m frequently inspired by YouTube “How To” type videos. I particularly like taking ideas from them and then using them in a different context.

  73. Ryan’s Daughter – a love story and breathtaking scenery.

  74. music gets the juices flowing and easier to lose myself on my own wonderland.

  75. Katie Hill says:

    The Notebook. I love her wardrobe.

  76. Tina Walker says:

    For some odd reason, romantic movies inspire me to create! There is something about all of the emotion and feeling that evokes the creative gene in me.

  77. Creativity, for me, usually starts with a visual of some sort but then thought takes over and both stimulate my mind either at the same time or separately. It is so hard to tell which came first.

  78. Definitely something with beautiful scenery. Under the Tuscon Sun and Letter to Juliet come to mind.

  79. No specific movie. But it can be everything from colors, landscapes, clothing, music, etc. Inspiration IS everywhere!

  80. mostly music videos. i love old classic movies too with Audrey Hepburn, Doris Day, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Dean Martin…
    wonderful product. thanks for the chance to win.

  81. Cindy Bishop says:

    Inspiration is all around and yes I get a lot of ideas from movies.

  82. i love to watch youtube-instruction videos, they give me a lot, i don’t think movies inspiere me, but musik inspire me.

  83. I love a good mystery while I am working on my projects!

  84. vickyday13 says:

    Not a TV watcher and don’t do too many movies, not any that would inspire art anyway! But, I LOVE watching Youtube instructional videos for anything art!

  85. To be completely honest, not much of a movie goer so can’t really think of any movie that I would connect to inspiration for crafting. I do love YouTube videos and Pinterest, though 🙂

  86. I had have to say demonstration movies on youtube or these Jumpstart videos because I’m always looking to try what I just watched.

  87. Thanks fot the chance!. Films… mm. I love Tim Burton’s films, also the films about nature. And the last one is Les Miserables an the soundtrac.

  88. WoW! what awesome prize goodies! Movies that inspire me are the old classics old Hollywood with beautiful costuming( its the little details) with lots of handmade accecories.

  89. thanks for the chance! any tim burton movie inspires me!!

  90. I find music videos much more creatively inspiring than movies generally. The exception is a movie with spectacular scenic cinematic photography of say, the Irish coastline, or the Grand Canyon.
    Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!

  91. Inspiration is always at my fingertips. Honestly the very air I breathe. Sometimes I just see a color or a shape and off I go. Sometimes it’s a memory a song or the weather. Inspiration is everywhere!!!!!

  92. I usually craft with the TV on; most recently the Vampire Diaries is what has been on in the background. But as far as movies go, right now I am really inspired by Skyfall. I love the bright green and red effects during the theme song and would love to be able to replicate those in my art.

  93. I have not really ever thought of a movie inspiring me. I do not watch movies much but I do listen to lots of music. So, I can not answer this question. But, it is something to think about next movie that I watch.

  94. OneofGodsgirls says:

    I can’t really think of any movies that inspire me. My inspiration comes from pinterest and videos on the internet.

  95. Rebecca White says:

    Seeing other peoples projects inspire me to create my own so I always start my day looking at various blogs and websites.

  96. I don’t go to the movies. I like the old Carmen Miranda, Fred & Ginger type movies on tv. They inspired me to create some fabulous clothing back when I made garments As for journaling, I am inspired more by what I see around me….colors, patterns, textures..

  97. I love to find great quotes in movies! I write them on post-it notes while I’m watching and stick them up in my art room for inspiration!

  98. Under The Tuscan Sun was inspiring for me to journal on my art of what I see. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  99. For me, movies have to have a Happy End !!! I am a fan of movies of the 50ies/60ies… (love the clothes – remember Doris Day ???; furniture,…) and also love romantic movies like Notting Hill, Harry & Sally, etc… You got what I mean ??? Very happy greeting from Frankfurt.

  100. brandinav says:

    I can’t really think of a specific movie right now that inspires me, but in a more general sense, any movie that has scenery/clothing/images that are surreal and/or dreamlike. The creativity that is seen in some movies just makes you want to go create something magical yourself.

    Thank you so much for this giveaway!

  101. caroldeezigns says:


  102. Comedy Romance movies are fun to listen to when creating for me.

  103. The color in the movie inspire me, the music too!!

  104. sarindajones says:

    A lot of things move me or inspire me to create. Mostly it will be a technique or color scheme that I see. A word or phrase. I like to experiment and by doing that I see that my work travels across mediums and combines techniques.

  105. Eva Gamble says:

    This is a great question and giveaway! It really made me think! At first I didn’t think I had been inspired by any movies, but then I realized that indeed I had been. I like movies that actually have creativity in them, like Step Mom (the quilt she made), Message in a bottle (his wife’s artwork), New in Town (the scrapbooking friends), etc. These types of movies make me want to create. I also love to watch other’s create and learn new techniques like here on Creative Jump Start…thanks Nat!

  106. Victorian period movies. Elegant clothing and beautiful homes.

  107. Leanne in CA says:

    Funny, love story type movies (like Bridget Jones) are my thing! They bring a smile to my face and make me want to create fun projects.

  108. I can’t think of a particular movie that has inspired me to craft, but I do get artsy inspiration from lots of music videos. And I loveScrapbook Adhesives & use them a lot. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  109. The beautiful colors in the movie Avatar make me want to create art.

  110. There’s a very Steampunk movie with Sean Connery…something Gentlemen. Great inspiration for layering of metals.

  111. gone with the wind is a movie that stir’s up lots of feel and color in my thoughts. Music of powerful voices will also make me feel like an artist and once that mojo kick’s in, its an all nighter.

  112. Paper Moon, is my movie. 😀

  113. helen markee says:

    very visual, colorful movies

  114. I don’t know that a movie has inspired me to create. I do like to take note of costumes and colors and scene decorations, especially in period movies. I would LOVE me some 3L adhesives! I’m running very low!

  115. Sylvia whitesides says:

    I do get inspired by colors, backgrounds, landscapes, costumes, hairdos… from many movies, love pride and prejudice and moulin rouge.

  116. dianna clark says:

    I don’t really get a chance to watch many movies but I like the classics…Gone with the Wind and Sound of music. Would love the chance to win this awesome giveaway.

  117. Marie Antoinette – beautiful beautiful costumes, makeup… just love it!

  118. I’m not sure I’ve ever been inspired to craft by a movie…. I’m more inspired by seeing other people craft, i.e. crafty videos online etc.

  119. Melissa Groenink says:

    l get inspired watching other crafters while I`m crafting, Kristina Warner make cards and others on youtube especially

  120. The Blue Butterfly is one of the movies that inspires me. “The only way to catch a miracle is to believe in it.” It’s a very touching movie.

  121. I saw here Excellent videos.
    I watch a lot of the movies and save there links in my video file. I am going to use anyone in a time.

  122. What an awesome giveaway–so useful! _My Fair Lady_ makes me believe a silk purse CAN be made from a sow’s ear as Eliza transforms from a common flower girl to a lady. It makes me want to paw through my upcyclables and do something with cardboard, flowers, gorgeous textiles…and sing the whole time!

  123. I have never been inspired by a movie, or maybe by a wall paper, furniture or some detail while I watch. Everyday life is my inspiration. A paper, a color, a piece of clothing, anything really can be a kick for creation. Thanks for the giveaway, Scrapbook Adhesives are the best, I almost exclusively buy them.

  124. Judith Noble says:

    New babies inspire me to create a custom welcome to them by creating a jacket that reflects beauty and hopes and dreams.

  125. hmmmmm…movies do not inspire me to create, but music sure puts me in the mood!

  126. Johanne L. says:

    I can’t say that I’ve been inspired by a movie. Sometimes I see a combination of colors during the commercials and I say to myself that I could use those in a project. Now, all I need to do, are the projects. Thanks for the chance,

  127. Well, I cannot think of a particular movie that has inspired me, but I am very visual, so I am inspired by things I see….. I love Pintrest alot, and try to go there every day or every other day. I pin many items including paper crafted cards and Mixed media items. I love to see color combinations used together by others. I also blog hop or use Splitcoast for visual inspiration.

  128. I am most inspired by seeing others work and getting ideas then making them my own. Also, if I haven’t created in a while, I feel like I could explode with creative energy!

  129. Are there really so many adhesives?!? Movies? Well I can’t abide the cinema because I can’t stitch or create whilst watching a film but at home I can. I don’t think there’s a movie that inspires me to create but where I watch one does. 🙂

  130. I have definitely been inspired by Moulin Rouge, The LOTR Trilogy, Secret of Moonacre, The Crow, Alice in Wonderland and The Fountain. I also love vintage so even draw inspiration from the silent movie stars. I created a page here
    about my favourite movies (I said there were 5 but I’ve actually named 6 as I couldn’t leave any out).

  131. Movies about great characters with compelling emotions are always the best for stirring up some creativity.

  132. Sherrie S. says:

    Its hard to say what movies inspire me to create. I have several that you will usually find playing in the background while I am crafting. I love the studio that is in The Time Travelers Wife. I dream of having something like that someday.

  133. Hi I can’t truly say a movie has inspired my creative juices, but your creative jumpstart videos certainly have . they are mind boggling. thank you

  134. The movies that get my creative juices flowing the most are the ones set in outer space. I’ve always wanted to paint the heavens!

  135. Christy Sloan says:

    My family is my inspiration! Especially my 2 beautiful grandaughters.

  136. Joelle Hancox says:

    I am also not sure that I have ever been inspired by a movie but movie posters are a fun way to get inspired… It was a challenge that I played along with once and I love what came out of it.

  137. Ann-Marie Waite says:

    That’s a good question! I can’t say I’ve ever been inspired by a particular movie per say, but rather any decor, colors, furniture, art, clothing that are in the movies themselves. I’ll try and pay attention more next time I watch a movie 🙂

  138. LOL! I think I could be inspired by any movie :-D. My friend Riikka and I have been challenging each other each month for the past 6 months or so and the first two challenges involved movies: Dark Shadows and Snowwhite and the Huntsman. I wasn’t impressed by the stories both movies told, but… They did inspire me to create. And I dare say that every movie I saw after this exersize has had element I that could have prompted me to create something. It’s like a faucet that is turned on that can’t be turned off again :-D.

  139. I’m sorry, but I have never ever been inspired by a movie to create something artsy. I get inspired by a lot of things, but never movies.

  140. Maria del Carmen says:

    Los papeles o las fotos me inspiran en scrapbooking.

  141. mieke caspers says:

    Movies with mountains, sea en flowers are so inspired voor me. I love the nature.

  142. I often use movie or song titles for the inspiration on scrapbook layouts.

  143. I have to join the group that finds they have never been inspired by movies specifically. Ok, now maybe that’s not entirely true. The Zombie genre of movies, books and tv, I have found inspiring.

  144. I always give a look to movies’ posters but one of the movie which I remember for giving me inspiration is Elizabethtown….I fell in love with the scrapbook album that Orlando Bloom got to get home!

  145. Jodie Jarnevic says:

    Anything bright and fun , I find alot of kids shows give me

  146. I’m not a big movie watcher, but art videos sure do inspire me. And lead to my supply collection. Wish you would post something on which adhesives do what best.

  147. Stacy Caddy says:

    Don’t think I have ever been inspired by a movie, maybe music or even pictures but not a movie…. I will have to see the next time I watch a movie….

  148. Any Romantic movie inspires me! I love to watch them while i scrap!

  149. Mamma mia inspired me to scrapbook my pics from my trip to greece.

  150. One of my favorite movies inspiring creating is “P.S. I Love You,” with Hilary Swank & Gerard Butler. There is a couple scenes toward the end where she gets the idea to create something. We see the whole process and it turns into something really big in her life. She also says a quote by William Blake, “My business is to create.” I love those scenes! Here is a clip on YouTube. Don’t watch if you are planning on seeing the film as it is pivotal to the film.

  151. Julie and Julia – Julia Child’s creativity in the kitchen is always inspiring as are the cook books she penned. Then when Julie set out to work her way through Julia’s cook book and write about the experience, it is once again inspiring. Creative women cooking and writing about it – very inspiring!

  152. I’m not inspired to create by any movie but what it became a habbit is that after work I come home, watch an episode from a series and after that I post myself at the scrapbooking table.

  153. dzfollies says:

    I’m inspired by disney’s movies, so many colours, so many song, I love!!!

  154. Thanks for the chance to win! Movies with lots of color, animation and up beat sound provide a lot of creative inspiration!

  155. I’m inspired by movies that show the creative process.

  156. Femke van den Heuvel says:

    Romantic movies! I always get emotional and I get inspired, because I always work from my emotions, it opens me up. Music works the same way for me.

  157. Angela Bolton says:

    The boring ones! (And there are plenty of them.) When I find myself not tuning into a movie I automatically think about what I could be doing in my creative happy place and usually I’m off there toot sweet!

  158. Donna England says:

    One of the most inspiring movies for me was Avatar. The graphics and scenes they created were wonderful and really got me started in making beautiful backgrounds for cards and other art pieces. As far as videos, the Creative Jump Start has really stirred my creative juices to use some of the products I had in new and innovative ways. Thanks Nat.

  159. Movies with the sea or beach inspire me.

  160. Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, Pride & Prejudice – lush romantic settings.

  161. I can’t think of any particular movie that inspires me although films with fabulous settings certainly gat my creative juices flowing?

  162. I love patterned papers! I really do! I think that’s a big part of what inspires me are all the pretty things I get to work with.

  163. Can’t say movies inspire me. A still photograph but not cinema!

  164. Thought provoking question. I guess it would be any movie that is colorful. I think you can find inspiration in anything if you pay attention and let your imagination go.

  165. this series has been a great inspiration. i am really inspired by all the blogs i follow and pinterest

  166. I too have been interested to read the other comments posted here as I can’t really say I’ve been inspired by movies to actually create something, although I did watch Sherlock Holmes a 2nd time when someone suggested the sets had a very steampunk flavour to them! Thanks for offering this giveaway, Crafty Tape is awesome!!

  167. Angela Campbell says:

    any movie with lots of colors and nature scenes

  168. Ha ha I usually chuck on something I seen before for background noise & occasionally pop my head up to watch a scene, but never really get to watch the whole thing. I love title sequence in some movies that inspires me more than the movie itself as they are very creative such as Scott Pilgrim vs. the World – some great use of patterns & colour. Catch Me If You Can – 1950 style, animation that looks like screen prints. Juno with its mix of 2D and 3D animation along with hand-drawn illustrations – stuff like that

  169. There’s great punch of movies that inspire but I’m gonna say the first one that came to my mind: “Dangeous Liaisons” with the great opening scene. Love rococo dresses.

  170. I really don’t seen any Movie who inspired me for my Creative Hobby. I’m inspired by other People. By Colors, Forms and other things…

  171. Great question! I’m not really much of a movie person though. I’m more inspired by beautiful photos or the art work of others. Colors are particularly inspiring.

  172. Barb Leffeler says:

    I never really thought about a movie for inspiration. But, since I was a teen while the Beatles where popular I would say “Yellow Submarine”. All the colors and animation would inspire creativity.

  173. I spend time every night flipping thru Somerset Studio, or another magazine. Watching my 8 year old fearlessly use paints and inks is extremely inspiring too. Any of course these jumpstarts are great!

  174. Cheryl Sande says:

    I don’t know if these movies inspire me, but I always listen to them when Scrapbooking because I have seen them so much I don’t have to watch them.
    Gone With the Wind
    My Fair Lady.

  175. I’m inspired by many things, never thought about movies specifically although I exclusively watch older movies, like the Classic Hollywood ones run by the TCM channel. So, in some of my art I’ve used photos of old Hollywood actors; that’s as far as the inspiration on movies for me. I do love the B/W photos and the fashions of that era and I’m a fan of those actors because of the movies I watch. Thanks for your generosity in offering this giveaway!!

  176. elizabethtregear says:

    Creative question, for sure! I am in agreement with many comments. We are surrounded by so much creativity and I am inspired and awed by it all. I love to watch artists at work and truly my greatest source for creativity is seeing beautiful things. Part of my fun is figuring out how they were made but I also really appreciate seeing all the different ways artists use things. The videos on JumpStart are super for inspiration!

  177. brave 🙂

  178. depends on the mood. Under the Tuscan Sun had me thinking in vintage rustic terms, and Dracula made me want to make some of the headpieces the vampire women wore. Amazing. But mostly I am inspired by what other artists do. Some of it I can only describe as yummy because it feeds my spirit.

  179. Mary Anne Perlmutter says:

    New in Town. Is a funny movie with scrapbooking women from MN.

  180. petrii1998 says:

    Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia gets me thinking crafty.

  181. brenda gordon says:

    MOnsters Inc. Love the color and texture in the movie. Plus all the amazing characters.

  182. Wow, this is a tough questions as I don’t watch a lot of movies!? I guess classic movies like Gone With the Wind that have such elaborate sets would be most inspiring.

  183. I would say the Hollywood classics of the 40’s and 50’s like Casablanca. Love the vintage feeling of those old Black and white movies. However, I like to have some hand sewing to do while watching movies on TV, and I can sit through almost anything if I have something to do with my hands (well, not violence or sci-fi).

  184. Great question – I don’t recall any particular movie inspiring me to create.

  185. Interesting question…I’ve loved reading all the other responses 🙂
    I am most inspired by fantasy and science fiction, simply because they get my brain mulling over stuff, which in turn gets my creative juices flowing as well. The Matrix, Doctor Who (tv, not movie), The Last Airbender.

  186. Movies, huh? I don’t really watch many movies, b/c my kids always interrupt me…or I fall asleep before the end! LOL I’m mostly inspired to create by watching online videos of other people creating!! 🙂

  187. Odette Bragg says:

    Anything by Merchant Ivory. They are visually lush!

  188. ‘Feel good’ movies that have cheery endings put me in my happy place. When I am happy, I create my best projects.

    Also I have to agree with Linda, watching truly gifted creative people (like RachO113, Jane Davenport or Kate Palmer) on YouTube or UStream makes me want to run upstairs to my studio and lose myself in a flurry of creativity.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful assortment of your products!

  189. Linda Brouwer says:

    I often watch craft movies on youtube and the ones that inspired me most were the movies made by rach0113.

  190. Pat Pilkington says:

    I don’t watch many movies, and can’t honestly say that any have inspired me! Much prefer mags or video clips!!

  191. Wow never thought of what films inspire me, but when I think about it it must be a good european film, like one from Russia or France, preferably with some abstract soundtrack :OD Maybe with some artistic/creative people in the lead rolls. Sorry but I can’t think of the names of any film but this type I have seen, gets my head racing :O)
    Thank you to CREATIVE JUMPSTART! what a great idea!
    Nina Macaulay

  192. Movies have not inspired me to do something creative I guess. I am more inspired by magazines or the work of other artists.

  193. I love the cooking movies, they give me lots of creative ideas.
    Thanks Nat fgor wonderful videos.

  194. I want to thank everyone on the Creative Jump Start team! I have just started learning and these videos have inspired me. Thank you.

  195. leann lindeman says:

    Pinterest is my greatest inspiration…. and this Jump Start series.. !

  196. Janet Ang says:

    European movies, especially French! I love the theme and background of vintage chic especially

  197. cooperandmax says:

    Any movie with beautiful visual scenery, I love seeing mountains and flowers and beautiful rivers. All of that nature makes me want to create something! Thanks for the giveaway!

  198. I would have to say Les Miserables, because no matter how tough life gets you just have to have the faith and belief to keep going.

  199. I can’t say that I have ever been inspired to create by a movie. I am more inspired by tangible items…old papers or books, old photos…anything vintage.

  200. I went to a bubba gump restaurant during a trip and brought back some magnets. I used them in a mini album that i made on that trip. So i guess Forest Gump inspired me i lot to do this project.

  201. Virginia Hampson aka Wirg says:

    I love movies that have elaborate costumes, period pieces, wonderful rich colours like those used in for example Moulin Rouge, . You don’t just see the vibrant colours but the textures of the materials they’ve used both in costumes and sets, so inspiring!

  202. Shirley Sendgraff says:

    Disnet animated movies! Their art work inspires me and makes me happy…which makes me want to create!!

  203. First I love your products and thanks for sharing with us in Creative Jump Start 2013, oh I love victorian/olde movies…I am a sucker for vintage lace, buttons and olde ways…but I also find inspiration from romantic drama movies too…like You’ve Got Mail….

  204. Any movie that’s visually striking is inspiring to me. Sherlock Holmes (with Robert Downey, Jr.) really inspired me when I first saw it. Pan’s Labyrinth is another.

  205. This is a tough one! I guess I’d say ones hat make me feel good so cheesy silly movies like 50 First Dates or Tommy Boy. Mostly what i watch that gives me inspiration is youtube videos of scrapbook process videos. My favorite right now is Mercy Tiara. Love watching her scrap!!!

  206. Cinderella is my all time favorite movie. When I watch it, it makes me smile and puts me in a creative mood. When my ‘mojo’ slows down, I just head to my Disney DVD’s!

  207. My latest creative binge was from the Star Wars Movies. My husband, daughter, her boyfriend and all his brothers play Knights of the Old Republic on line. Their Guild is Messin with Sassquatch, hubby designed the logo, I made the shirts. Then our soon to be 5 year old grandbaby wanted star wars in his room. I made a huge print n cut ship and some other characters out of printable vinyl for his room. Gotta love it.

  208. I think movies like The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are a very good source of inspiration, beautiful landscapes, costumes…and movies from Disney, Pixar too!

  209. I don’t watch many movies but music inspires me more. Currently I can’t get the tunes of Les Mis out of my mind. And one of my favorites to craft with is Mama Mia!

  210. Yvonne Williams says:

    I would have to say Walt Disney movies, because that is what I watch the most of.

  211. Romantic comedies always put me in a good and creative mood :). Highly recommended! lol

  212. Corynn Gammon says:

    I am most inspired by the smiles of my family and by beautiful photos! Since I have no talent at drawing, painting, singing, etc., paper crafting is my creative outlet! And a girl can never have enough adhesives!!

  213. I’m inspired by everyday moments, and simple stories that happen to me and my friends. A funny saying, a lovely pet, or something not-so-unique thing from another view.

  214. most people I talk to say “feelings” and yet I am a really feeling person, but it has to be “color” for me and seeing someone use “color” in a way that is SO inspiring to me. When I first say Dyan’s mists I went bolistic because of the colors – they were the first mists I ever saw and I was happy for days and days and days…the color just absorbed into my skin…it has always been like that for me since I was a kid. sometimes i feel like i am a rainbow!!!!!

  215. Love using your adhesives 😉

  216. Barb Adams says:

    Generally, I don’t like to watch video tutorials on my computer, but the ones offered so far through this year’s Creative Jump Start have been exceptional. So, those movies have been inspirational and we intend to try some of the techniques at our next Altered Book group meeting. Re: theatrical movies, I just think it’s fun when mention is made of scrapbooking or crafting within the film. It makes me realize that there are others out there who feel the impact of those arts enough to allude to them in a script!

  217. jacquerose says:

    I am inspired by fantasy movies…like Avatar! I also love Cirque du Soleil…the music, the costumes, etc.

  218. I’m inspired by tv shows rather than movies. especially the cosby show.

  219. I tend to be someone who really studies the scenery in movies – so I can’t say I have ever been inspired by a single picture show but scenery in movies such as Snow White and the Huntsman (the red & white, the black & smokey silver effects) and Lord of the Rings or even Django Unchained (rich browns and velvets) give me inspiration for certain color schemes.

  220. heather williams says:

    Hmmm…..interesting question! I cannot really recall a time when I felt inspired to create after watching a movie. I’m more inspired by nature, children, & animals….oh, & food. ~H♥~

  221. Probably Disney movies inspire me. I love the vibrant colors. Thx.

  222. Honestly? The never do 🙂
    Almost never watch them

  223. The Lord of the Rings movies inspire me due to the lush terrain, myths and symbology.

  224. Movies like Eat Love Pray or The Life of Pi inspire me to create. They stimulate your thinking and feeling and are inspirational which puts me in a frame of mind to ponder, relax and create.

  225. Barbara Eichner says:

    I love the old film noir style movies. Bogie and Bacall !!!

  226. Melissa Wright says:

    Right now my inspriation is Les Miserables! I love the stage production and am hoping to see the movie this week. All the beautiful melodies make me want to create and keep me company while I am creating!!

  227. Hi, Thank you for my chance to win such a great and useful prize. … Movies that inspire me most are ones that are “different” and creative – such as “What Dreams May Come”, and ones that are full of imagination and amazing “new worlds” – such as “Star Wars”, and The Lord of the Rings. …. Even “Step UP – Revolution” had some pretty neat and inspiring scenes in it, that made me want to create something in my art journal.

  228. I love any of the old black and white films or films from the golden age of Hollywood. I love my vintage!

  229. I am not a movie girl but I sometimes get inspired by the characters in the animated movies my kids watch, like Brave and the recent one with Jack frost and the tooth fairy- I think it was called Guardians?

  230. To be honest it’s more the soundtrack to movies that inspires me than the movies themselves. I like love themed, soul searching, earth moving, dramatic type music with lyrics that reach out and pull me in. I’ll often then use the lyrics as inspiration for LOs and perhaps use them in journaling or my title. 🙂

  231. Sharon van Beek says:

    I like the old classic movies in black and white, off course “Sissi” has been one of my favorites from when I was a little girl, and I always watched the old musicals with Fred Astaire etc. What inspires me are also the costume drama’s, with all those beautiful dresses and rich brocate fabrics.

  232. Judy Morgan says:

    Movies? I’m not really a movie watcher. Rather I’m inspired by things in nature, in my garden and on walks with my dogs. I’ll see texture in fall leaves on the ground, the beautiful color pallet from a winter sunset, things like that. Thanks for a wonder give-away!

  233. Merry Braehler says:

    Any of Tim Burton’s movie would inspire me real good. The movie has a little bit of weird style and definitely my style… 🙂 Merry

  234. I think Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory took a lot of creativity to some up with…so it can be inspiring on looking at things in a different way.

  235. scrappininak says:

    I’m probably inspired more by the ads before movies than the movie itself.

  236. Laurie Hunt says:

    I can’t say that movies I have watched have inspired me to create. Now I have watched a lot of you tube/Vimeo videos or sometimes craft shows on TV or on the internet and they always inspire me. In fact, you may have been the one behind the camera a time or two, Natalie!

  237. Recently saw Life of Pi and found it very inspirational. Go create something today for you do not know what tomorrow may bring!

  238. I don’t watch that many movies. The ones that would or may have inspired me would be the animated ones that my grandkids watch. I was just noticing on the Cars movie how the animated characters and background scenery almost looks real! I’m going to watch it again so I can see more ideas to incorporate into my landscapes. Thanks for the chance to win!

  239. Love the old classic movies. Black and whites and well as costume dramas like Gone With the Wind. Also find inspiration in their music. Great stuff to inspire me!

  240. I can’t think of any movies that have inspired me directly although I do sometimes play in my room with a Hallmark movie on. I listen to books on tape too while I work/play, but I don’t think they are inspiring me directly.

  241. What a great question.Lots of thought but I think I would have to say the old classic black and whites.I actually like to use still images from them and of course there are all those iconic quotes.I’m actually working on a project now using “Here’s looking at you kid”.It’s for a friend who has moved on to a new position.

  242. conlin664 says:

    Movies do not inspire my art, but I guess they should. I have been noticing architecture more since I have been into textured looks and stencils. I will have to keep my eye open to that from now on.

  243. I’m inspired by seeing other people’s work – When I see what *can* be accomplished, vs what I *think* can be accomplished, I feel the need to push myself further. 🙂

  244. I think period pieces inspire me the most…all those great costumes and set design are natural igniters for creativity. And, FYI, I love Scrapbook Adhesives!

  245. Gillian Middleton says:

    What an interesting question. Going beyond how to videos, I find that I do most of my creating while watching classic movies from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Turner Classic Movie channel is a perfect backdrop. I hate the violence and swearing that seems to be in every modern movie that isn’t made by Disney (and I am not of an age that wouldhave seen any of these movies first time round). I think I really like the company of voices as I work. Odd, perhaps, but that’s me.

  246. Rita Timmons says:

    I spend a lot of time blog hopping – lots of talented scrappers out there!

  247. I love to watch the Ustream videos by Karen Ellis and also the tutorial videos on the Joggles site. They always inspire me to go up to my studio and try something that I have watched. Actual films? I don’t think that I have recently watched anything that made me want to recreate or create directly.
    Love the E-Z runner with permanent strips! I use it for most of my card making.

  248. Wow this question came out of left field!! Even though they don’t give me ideas or paths of inspiration for creating, I do love movies that involve dancing (any style). I guess you could say I find them more uplifting than creatively inspirational. A movie that I really liked that was based on painting was Pollock. I relate to his paintings in a mixed media way.
    Thanks to 3L for a great giveaway. I love their products especially the foam squares and power tape.

  249. Melanie Finnamore says:

    People like Nathalie, Heidi Swapp and all the crafters on Pinterest inspire and intrigue me immensely! I love to “think” that I am just as creative, however, I have SO much to learn yet. I am 55 years old and I feel that with discovering artists such as the above name, I am just about to BLOOM! In a nutshell…I love to craft and have for most of my life, and would like to expand my horizons with new and different forms. Thanks for the great giveaway…hope I am Lucky too : )

  250. Scrappyjen says:

    Movies with a strong visual identity, regardless of genre, through colour or design – think Moulin Rouge, The Matrix, Atonement, Down With Love that sort of thing. Although I am quite partial to movies set in an earlier time period just because the costuming is so gorgeous.

  251. What an interesting question! Last year my husband and I watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi, about an 85-year-old man who has been a top sushi maker for most of his life. I found his story very inspiring, in the way he practises over and over and over… and reminded me that it’s worth putting in that effort for truly great results. His sushi creations are so lovingly prepared and the end result is stunning. It’s good to have something to aim for in my creative outlets. 🙂

  252. I have never thought about that question. Since I do not watch a lot of movies I think I am not getting any inspiration out of that source. What really gets me going is all the great stuff that we all find in the internet. All the great work of the awesome artists around here.

  253. Denise Trottier says:

    I’m definitely inspired by victorian movies, settings of days gone by, as I love all things vintage, and traditions that are slowly being lost through the use of the electronic age…these movies and vintage stamps and products fuel my creative juices more than anything..
    Denise Trottier.

  254. Christine Ganter-Pomares says:

    The Sound of Music is one of my favorites to watch while I am creating…..but I create very effectivly listening to music also. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  255. black and white old films never fail to inspire me!

  256. Cathy in Canada says:

    I would have to say fun comedies inspire me the most! The theme being bright & fun would inspire me to do fun layouts. Sometimes I see patterns or cloth or colour combinations that inspire me.

  257. Like many of your other contributors I usually listen to music or the radio when crafting. Upbeat music when I am crafting in bulk and doing lots of repetitive tasks and something more romantic when I am being extra creative. I sometimes get good ideas on colour combinations from nature films – otherwise I cannot name one specific film for you. Sorry!

  258. Joyce Carrier says:

    Can’t think of any that actually inspire me to work… hmmm….

  259. Wow interesting question! I think “underdog overcomes” are my favorite inspirational movies such as “Chariots of Fire”., “Play It Forward”, etc. helps me to goat it with my art and not be so intimated to try new things

  260. I like to listen to music on the radio, when I am in the creative mode.
    But if I were to be inspired by a film, it may be something vintage, romantic ❤ since thats the style I prefer.
    Magazines can also be a great source of inspiration, I love interiors magazine 🙂

  261. Romantic movies – they make me happy 🙂

  262. Wow interesting question 🙂
    I like to watch tv shows when I’m creating, it helps me in moments when I’m having a block, rather than focus on the block I can watch a bit of my show. My shows that I watch are Revenge, Criminal Minds, 2 Broke Girls, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries to name a few 🙂

  263. Movies – haven’t thought about it before. I would have to say in general movies with good soundtracks – mellow music or upbeat music, that would move me….BUT now my eyes will be open for visual inspiration while I watch!

  264. toutes les videos m’inspirent!!! elles sont géniales

  265. Marie Antionette with Kirsten Dunst! Or Shakesphere in Love! Or Romeo and Juliet! I love movies with lavish costumes!

  266. I love fantasy movies but also family movies. Never say no to a good laugh. But I am inspired in my art by their music – sometimes epic sometimes sweet or even just a tune, mausic plays the most significant part in my art!

  267. Christine says:

    I am not sure what movie, but it should be one that is not hard to follow so I can stay on task of creating, but typically the TV or radio is on as I like to have backround noise as I work.

  268. TheresaMP says:

    I like fantasy films, like The Hobbit series, or Harry Potter. Magical things just seem to make me happy. But I listen to music without words when I am creating. thanks as always for sharing.

  269. I find that fantasy movies, especially with ornate or vintage costumes, provide a wealth of inspiration. One particular scene in a movie – the Venice masked ball scene in Van Helsing – provided me with the idea and colour scheme for a small stamped booklet which I was fortunate enough to have published.

  270. There is a movie that inspires me… It could be that I have seen it so many times that its just a comfort while i am busy crafting but….the kids street carnival, the bookstore, and the apartment has colors and a feel that make me want to recreate them on paper… and the kitschy music and the small town feel in the big city of new york make me want to sit at my craft table while it plays…It’s called You’ve Got Mail

  271. Debby Podgorski says:

    Music and reading books can inspire me to create. I do love sometimes the sound of nothing in my studio. Or the sound of rain can be very calming too.

  272. I love fantasy movies. You can pick a lot of beautiful sceneries from them and a lot of mystic creatures.

  273. I enjoy comedies, they put you in a good mood to create

  274. Marianela says:

    Movies don’t inspire me 😦 But the movie posters inspire me!
    Normally, just turn on the radio…and CREATE!!!

  275. I aways look forward to the new and creative words on JS love getting this every morning . Thank you Happy crafting everyone

  276. Amy Bunner says:

    Can’t think of ONE particular movie……but I do love using quotes from movies, titles, sometimes even colors,design elements, etc. from a movie poster…..

  277. SusanJane says:

    what movies inspires you the most to create something…
    Does YouTube and Ustream count? Art related documentaries do sometimes because I love to see the creative process. For instance one on graffiti or on Henry Joseph Darger. or the one titled “How to Draw a Bunny”. Also the program “ImageMakers” on our local PBS station which features short independent films and animation.
    …So not movies but other programs outside the theater and the big expensive star-driven productions.

  278. Any of the Tim Burton movies, and some of the newer computer generated movies (such as Kung Fu Panda) where there are lots of brilliant colours and designs in them. Love your product 🙂

  279. I think you meant to ask what moves/inspires us to create?!
    I get inspired as soon I sit at my workdesk, just starting with something….. sometimes it’s a color, most of the times a stamp, and paper, but all the time just the joy of creating…
    A good adhesive is a PLUS, then!

  280. I am inspired by all things visual. A color, light through the window, nature in my neighborhood, the way the snow lays on a branch, rain drops on my windshield…

  281. What an awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win it! Movies that inspire me to create … hmmm … any with funky font action – in the title, credits, etc. And also ones that are bright and happy, leaving me with a good feeling!

  282. Movies don’t really inspire me to create. However, when the family is gone, I usually do play a movie or two while crafting. But that is not the inspiration for it.

  283. Hi and thank you for the give aways…
    Other artists and their work inspires me as well as taking a class and learning new techniques.

  284. typically a Love story of some type – could be old and corny or fast with lots of movement and colors. It’s that one line, that one look that can inspire me.

    super pack of wonderful looking glue’age

  285. Can’t say that movies inspire me but I do love watching movies and tv series while in my craft room.

  286. Documentaries about foreign countries! The different colors make me want to get in my scrapplace and try to capture them.

  287. Any romantic comedy or family movie … It makes me want to go to my scrap room and make sure I am keeping all the good memories alive!

  288. Sandra Sapienza says:

    MOVIES do not really inspire my work. But I would love to win some of your products 🙂

  289. deborahl591 says:

    What a fun question. I like being inspired by movies of great detail…creative movies. Anything from Avatars to 2012. It is the creativity and seeing beyond the possible to making the impossible happen. I also loves shows with a great dialogue.

  290. I like a good comedy, but not sure that they inspire me to create – I do spend a lot of time getting inspiration from the internet and magazines though.

  291. I have not been inspired by a movie itself to create but I have done challenges where the advertisement for a movie or a DVD cover was used as the inspiration for the challenge. Can’t remember the specific movies though as it is a long time since I have done one.

  292. scrapandstamp says:

    I don’t watch movies, well rarely. I would prefer to be in my craftroom than sitting in front of a big screen or watching a movie on Tv…I have been inspired by visiting MovieWorld on the Gold Coast here in Australia, but that was for scrapbooking my daughters absolute delight in meeting all the characters 🙂
    Sharon Ling

  293. I have a ballet school, so we create a pantomime of older movies/stories – Wiz of Oz, Secret Garden, Peter Pan… Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast to name a few… and in turn – there’s plenty of photographs to scrap with these themes – its wonderful fun! I use your adhesives!! They are fabulous!

  294. Inspiration finde ich in Zeitschriften und im Internet.

  295. Sometimes movies inspire me, but I can not predict which it will be. Sometimes it is a bloodbath in Tarantino films, sometimes nostalgic costume melodrama, sometimes animation. Recently I was greatly influenced by Cloud Atlas.

  296. Life inspires me to create. Things are happening around me and I want to get them documented for future generations. I love taking photos and I think it’s important to show them creatively verses sticking them in a drawer or a shoebox.

  297. Movie + Create = Not thanks.
    Music + Create = Yes, that´s nice
    Family + Create = Absolutley, without them I couldn´t create anything. Because their are so lovely “crazy” and my life goes tike an washmachine…round and round, bubbles everywhere and I loved It!

  298. hi! I’m inspired by the music in movies, and also the mood the movies leave me : amazed,nostalgic, happy etc., and then there are colors, the mood makes me associate a color to the movie, just like the music.

  299. I’m not aware that any movie has inspired me to create something. I get inspired by photos or works from talented grafters I see in Internet.

  300. I’m not too inspired by movies. There are more pictures, pubs, pictures that inspire me or event. Great gift, very useful for those like me who do a lot of collages.

  301. Roxane Apple says:

    What an interesting question! I’ve enjoyed reading the responses. I find all different portions of any type of movie to provide inspiration and the desire to create. Sometimes it’s the font in the opening credits. Often it’s the decor of the homes, but most often it’s the clothing and the color combinations. I have found “Downton Abbey” to provide a lot of creative inspiration. P.S. I love your adhesives!!!

  302. My greatest source to inspiration is the internet. I love just browsing, looking at colors, and new ways of putting things together.

  303. I love flowers! Any kind. When I see flowers I want to create, an arrangement, a card, a scrapbook page ~ anything.

  304. Yesterday I saw one finnish movie, it’s colouring and all the theme was very dark and mysterious – I really have to get something done like that!

  305. Patricia VanCurler says:

    most recently Dark Shadows. Did not care much for the movie, but the makeup was a great starting place for inspiration for me. I love the visual imagery of most of Tim Burton’s productions.

  306. I just saw Life of Pi and the water scenes with the jelly fish and whales was most memorable and I would love to make something blue and glowing.
    Thank you for your product giveaway_Scrapbook Adhesives and the Jumpstart, Natalie

  307. Movies like Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz. Because of the odd stories and characters in them. I also love movies like Sherlock Holmes and Wild Wild West because it is steampunk at its best.

  308. Tonya Love says:

    I don’t remember being inspired to create art after watching a movie! I definitely cannot watch tv or movies while crafting, I feel I miss too much of the visual points made! I love to listen to music while creating, sometimes really loud and others soft background music!

  309. Pay It Forward – because I just love all of it so much!

  310. Samantha Kaminski says:

    one movie I can think of that I think is creative and inspiring and would definately give me ideas is the wizard of oz. black and white to colour, the characters, magic, the costumes, the theme, Glenda’s dress (all glittery!!) not to mention the story line. 🙂

  311. Christina says:

    Musicals,Dance, and Fantasy movies are my favorite that inspire me to create. But I’m inspired by everything that i watch.

  312. smithdesigns says:

    I think the artwork in cartoon movies is pretty cool sometimes 🙂

  313. I seldom get the chance to watch a movie of any sort and to be honest I have never thought of a movie as being inspirational- best I open my mind a little wider, I think.

  314. I can’t really say a specific movie, but I’m often inspired by the graphics but mostly from commercials on tv.

  315. Tracy Strahle says:

    I don’t watch many movies but if I do I prefer comedies. The most recent was the Hangout and I honestly can not say it inspired me in any way. I prefer to watch videos like the ones on Creative Jump Start 🙂

  316. Hmm, I didn’t really think I had been inspired by any movies … but as I think more, I bought a stamp set of Alice in Wonderland. I also have a Les Mis stamp, and a Lucille Ball! I’m getting inspired reading through the other comments!

  317. I”m a real fan of old movies, the ones with elegant ladies and art deco sets.

  318. Murder mysteries. Sherlock/Miss Marple…

  319. i don’t go to movie theaters so i only see movies on tv. basically only watch comedies… but prefer music.

  320. says:

    I can’t think of a specific movie off-hand. I just know that I pay attention to art all the time and notice it in movies that I watch. Sometimes I giggle to myself thinking no one else pays attention to those things….but I do.

  321. Mostly it is the music in movies (and elsewhere, for that matter) that inspires me. But I will say that lately I have been watching lots of 1930’s movies and am just awed by the elegance and lines of the clothes of those great movie stars- Barbara Stanwyck, Loretta Young, Norma Shearer, etc.

  322. I am most inspired by color and older movies and musicals. Fred Astaire and Syd Cherise especially. I find the ballet also very aspiring.

  323. Lisa Ciaravino says:

    Baby Boom, 1987. When ever I watch that (which I watch a lot of movies while creating) it always seems to motivate me to be creative with everyday things.

  324. I can’t think of a movie off the top of my head. I have felt creative after watching a specific cartoon, Samurai Jack. Something about the watercolor effects in the toon that make me feel a sense of creative flow.

  325. I watch very few movies. I find magazines and the blogs stimulate my creativity and also my use of products. I love all your products and have used them repeatedly. Thanks.

  326. i don’t really watch movies much and am inspired more by music so I suppose it would be musicals.

  327. Pam Palmarini says:

    “Chocolat” and “Frida”… The previous because it illustrates the premises of purpose and creativity, and the latter because it is saturated with the effects of originality and courage!

  328. raine1313 says:

    I’m inspired by color. That’s usually how I start a journal page…by laying on some color. It doesn’t matter what medium I use, as long as I have a wide range of colors to choose from.

  329. Heather Hudson says:

    Giving someone a surprise craft (card or small gift) when they least expect it, gives me the excitement and joy to create something. Just stopping to look actually look at a flower or trees, we are all so busy rushing do we even see the world around us!! I am guilty but even the brick on houses can inspire enjoy!

  330. have to go with one of my daughter’s all time favourite actress – Audrey Hepburn… any movie that lady did inspires you to create beautiful, timeless classic pieces…

    also… Tim Burton… the craziness and freedom of his movies just makes you want to jump in and create and have fun!! Thanks for being a part of CJS

  331. ‘Julie and Julia’ makes me want to create and write about it on my blog! 🙂

  332. Pilar Márquez says:

    películas familiares, románticas, navideñas,… que no necesiten atención continua, porque si no paro de trabajar y me quedo embobada mirando, jejejeje. Que sean fáciles de seguir.
    Un abrazo. y Gracias

  333. Anne Peters says:

    Nature. Colour.

  334. cropdocmom says:

    les miserable!!!! the music and feelings!!! ooh la la! also moulon rouge for the music and colors! like your adhesive! 3l rocks! would be great to win some! always needed! thanks!

  335. I’m sorry, but I agree with the previous commentor. I love silence and being with my own thoughts. This inspires me most. If I want any “noise” I appreciate listening to music of the 70’s. I would love to win this prize as I seem to be forever running out of adhesives.

  336. It would be the music from the movie that would inspire me the most, I love to have music playing while I create. What an amazing prize, I’d sure make good use of all of these great items if I was the lucky winner. Thanks

  337. Louise Dubord says:

    I am more inspired by videos like these. I often have the tv on when I create, but I barely pay any attention to it because I get too involved in my creative bubble.

  338. Janet Firth says:

    I just watched the Hobbit yesterday and loved it! The patterns in the fabric’s and buildings and etc. inspired me. The scenery was beautiful too! Which always inspires me!

  339. Any movies from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s!

  340. Love stories! I know it’s cliche, but whenever I watch The Boathouse I want to journal more, document more and create memories to leave my family. (Just getting started on Creative Jumpstart…so excited!)

  341. Musicals and classic movies.

  342. Good question! I think it is “chick flicks”. Love to have them on while crafting! Favorites, Sleepless in Seattle, Wedding Date, When Harry met Sally. . .the ones you can watch over and over again!

  343. I love epic movies with beautiful scenery, amazing costumes and inventive characters. My latest favourite is The Hobbit which I just saw on Saturday.

  344. It is the MUSIC of movies, or any other music really, that inspires me. I can take the feelings and visual images that come to mind when I am listening and try to translate them into my project.

  345. Well it might be kinda corny, but it’s actually THESE video’s that are inspiring me to CREATE!

  346. We love movies but I get most of my inspiration from nature…hmmm, I wonder if I watched Earth or some nature show if that would inspire me. Ok, I’m going to try it.

  347. Oh my… im too busy scrapping, cant watch a movie! lollll

  348. I never jumped to my crafts room to make a card after having seen a movie, my inspiration would come from other crafters and their blogs, various tutorials etc. This is an awesome price, thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂
    Brgds fm feezing cold Norway !

  349. mlcain0202 says:

    I do not really look to movies to be inspired. I like going to the movies every now and then but I would rather work in my craft room at home than in front of a tv. Thanks for the chance to win.

  350. Science Fiction is well loved in our home. It’s not unusual to see something make it’s way into a layout.

  351. Valerie Bullock says:

    My current movie fascination is with 3D children’s shows such as Finding Nemo and Brave. While I enjoy the stories themselves, I find the colors and dimension exciting and inspirational.

  352. Last year I created a beautiful serie of ATC inspired on my favourite movies. I love the cinema!!!

  353. The movies that inspire me are the tear jerkers. They make me do soul serching

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